Article CONTENTS. Page 1 of 1 Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. Page 1 of 2 Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. Page 1 of 2 Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. Page 1 of 2 →
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REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS : — CraftMasonry j ;' il rival Arch •*¦••¦ ' " i „ bilcc Festival of St . David's Lodge , Bangor i « Kcration of the Stuart Lodge ™ 3 rnUccration ofthe Mizpah Lodge I 2 - < Mrsonic and General Tidings I 2 > n ^ Royal Grand Master's Visit to Malta ' «
, o " \ Voiship fiil Masters .... . ;; »« The "Monde Maconnique" and "The Freemason 126 The New Grand Secretary for Scotland I 2 * l CKford aml Cambridge Boat Race "J Kenning ' s Masonic Encyclopedia « 7 CoBR * s 6 | , ON'DEN ' CE *— „ The Hebrew Question i 2 * ** * Interesting and Novel Information l-S Grand Masters of thc Ancient Masons 12 S
Koval Masonic Institution for Girls 12 b Masonic Queries 12 S T | le Dundee MS 12 S Masonic Notes and Queries 129 Provincial Grand Mark Lodge of Middlesex and Surrey 129 Provincial Grand Chapter for Hertfordshire 129 Lodee Meetings for Next Week 129 Advertisements 130 , 1 . ii . iii . iv . v . vi .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Craft Itosmtt'jj , KENT LODGE ( No . 15 ) . —This lodge held its March meeting at Freemasons' Hall , on Wednesday , 14 th inst . Present : Bros . Pindar , W . M . ; Wharman , S . W . -, Cambridge , J . W . ; Gin-man , S . D . ; Rail , J . D . ; Levy , I . G . ; Dukes , P . M . and Hon . Sec ; Sleeman , P . M ., Treas . * , and a strong muster of the brethren . The lodge was opened in due form . The minutes of the previous
meeting were read and confirmed . Bros . Rogers , Winkley , and fiurford were passed to the degree of Fellow Craft by Bro . Sleeman , P . M ., in the absence of thc W . M . On Ilic arrival of Bro . Pindar , W . M ., the installation of Bro . Wharman , W . M . elect , who is the first Hebrew Master of ihe Kent Lodge , was proceeded with , and worked in a very able manner . Bro . Wharman then invested the
following officers : Bros . Pindar , I . P . M . ; Cambridge , S . W . ; Ginman , J . W . ; Sleeman , P . M ., Treas . ; Ball , S . D . ; Levy , J . D . j Lipscomb , I . G . ; Barton , P . M ., W . S . ; Wells , D . C . ; Dukes , P . M ., Sec . TI c lodge was resumed to the First Degree . Mr . Walter Lipscombe and Mr . Thomas Holloway were then initiated into Freemasonry . The lodge was then closed in due form , and the brethren
adjourned to the banquet room , where a sumptuous repast was partaken of . The usual Masonic toasts were given and responded to , interspersed with harmony . The toast of " Thc Visitors , " who were many , was responded to by Bros . GctlhicI , Posener , Hollands , How , and J . Levy . Amongst thc visitors were Bros . Holt , 1 ) 28 ; Back , 1217 ; 1 'igo , 1228 ; Taylor , 172 ; Bailey , 1445 ; Hooper , 12 ( 10 ;
Southwood , 1260 , W . M . elect ; Williams , ( 1 5 . The meeting broke up at a late hour , after a very gratifying and harmonious evening . PHCENIX LODGE ( No . 173 ) . —An exceedingly strong meeting of this lodge was held on the 10 th inst ., at the Freemasons' Tavern . There were present Bros . Massey , W . M . ; Phillips , S . W . ; Finch , J . W . ; Wiles ,
I . P . M . ; Matthews , Sec . ; Burford , Treas . ; Allen , S . D . ; Blyth , J . D . ; Vine , Steward ; Andrews , I . G .-Speight , P . M ., Tyler ; and Past Masters Wilson , Vine , Watson , Green , Salmon . Amongst the visitors we noticed Bros . Crouch . W . M , 8 57 ; T . C . Walls , J . W . 1381 , & c . ; Farqhuarson , 09 ; Foot , 1 2 fio ; Holcombc , i 2 ijS ; Treemer , 1309 ; Currey , 1425 ; and Jones , 1425 . The minutes of
tlie previous meeting having been read and confirmed , the W . M . passed Bro . Fillmcr most ably to the Second Degree . There being no other business before the lodge il was duly closed , and thc brethren adjourned to thc banquet . The customary loyal and Craft toasts having been duly honoured , the W . M . ' s health was proposed by thc I . P . M ., who congratulated him upon thc able manner in
which he had performed his duties throughout his year of office , and which term was now drawing to a close . However , he would not bc idle , as he had succeeded in establishing a chapter in connection with the lodge , and of which he would be the First Principal , and , in conclusion , thc speaker hoped that the consecration of the chapter on the 7 U 1 proximo would be a great success . Thc W . M .
in reply said that he had endeavoured to do his duty , and if he had succeeded in pleasing the members of the lodge he was amply satisfied , and as long as he was blessed with health he should always endeavour to be an active member of No . 173 . " The Health of the Visitors " followed , and was responded to by those present . In giving " Thc Past Masters , " the W . M . said that the
" Phoenix " was to be congratulated upon possessing so " > 'ery strong and talented an array of those officers . In his feniarks he called attention to the appeal by one of their "umber , Bro . W . Watson , for the benefits ol the R . M . B . I ., "mil which solicitation he hoped would meet with their hearty support . In conclusion he called upon thc brethren to receive this toast most cordially , and coupled it with
wc name of Bro . Watson . The veteran Past Master thus honoured in his reply stated that he was almost over-Powered by thc kind expressions that had fallen from the "Ps of the W . M . in lodge that day , and also at the ban-( l uc ' table . He had been connected with thc Pluenix - ° ' lge for 23 vears . but his Masonic career extended over
•1 ° years , and he had lived some years over the allotted S fJ > ace . ° f man > but , thanks to the blessings of the Great architect of the Unirerse , he was still hale and hearty . ! conclusion , upon behalf of thc Past Masters of the ., S » he thanked tlsem sincerely for the manner in which ™ j * * " health had been received . Tlie toast of "The "leers " came next , and drew from the W . M . a very •gii commendation upon their individual merits . This
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
toast having been responded to at length by those brethren , the Tyler ' s toast was called and the proceedings terminated . Thc brethren were entertained during thc evening by the instrumental , dramatic , and vocal contributions of Bros . Farqhuarson , Walls , Treemer , and others . RANELAGH LODGE ( No . 834 ) . —This promising lodge held an emergency meeting on Tuesday , the
13 th inst ., at the Bell and Anchor Hotel , West Kensington Gardens . The W . M ., Bro . T . Knowles , who was well supported by his officers , raised three brethren , and afterwards initiated Mr . Richard Josey . The ceremonies were rendered in a faultless and most impressive manner . After the closing of the lodge the brethren adjourned to an excellent supper , which seemed to give great
satisfaction to all present . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts having been given , the I . P . M ., Bro . Butt , gave that of " The W . M ., " whom he stated had given a great deal of his valuable time in so admirably carrying out his duties . The W . M . suitably replied , adding that the lodge would always find in him one whom it could rely on to support its character . Thc toast of " The Visitors " was
responded to by Bro . Gumming , 534 , and another , who both expressed themselves highly gratified at thc kind manner in which they had been received by the brethren . The musical arrangements were carried out by Bro . Oliver , thc Organist of the lodge . ST . MARK'S LODGE ( No . 85 7 ) . —The installation meeting of the above was held at the Surrey Masonic
Hall , Camberwell , on Tuesday , the 20 th inst , There were present Bros . Crouch , W . M . ; S . J . Adams , S . W ., W . M . elect ; Harrison , P . M ., Treas . ; Frances , P . P . G . S . D ., Sec . ; Wynn Williams . M . D ., S . D . ; Green , J . D . ; W . Newton , I . G . ; Schuck , P . M . ; Seaton , M . D ., P . M . ; King , P . M . ; also Bros . Atkins , D . C . ; Hamilton , Armstrong , Laving , ton , Bilton , Satchell , Lloyd , Beardmore , Russell , Harris ,
Cocks , and Edwards , M . D . Visitors were Bros . H . dc Vines , 540 ; Mothershcad , 398 ; S . Turquand , P . M . 15 5 6 ; Drought , 163 ; Keeble , P . M . 1559 ; Carltam , 913 ; 'Pipping , 318 ; Thompson , 1549 ; Hesklct , 1383 ; Birchell , 1503 ; Winslow , 857 . The business of the evening was to pass Bro . Armstrong , anil to install the W . M . for Ihe ensuing year . Bto . Crouch having ably performed the
ceremony of passing , very kindly waived his privilege of installing Bro . Adams in favour of Bro . Harrison , as that brother had introduced thc incoming Master into Freemasonry . Bro . Harrison having taken the chair , Bro . Adams was duly installed by him into the chair of K . S , the ceremony being most creditably performed . Bro . Adams having made some remarks expressive ot thc regret he
felt that Bro . Goden , the late J . W ., had resigned the lodge , proceeded to appoint and invest his officers as follows : Bro . Wynn Williams , M . D ., S . W . ; Wm . Newton , J . W . ; II . G . Green , S . D . ; Atkins , J . D . ; Edwards , M . D ., I . G . ; Frances , P . P . G . D . Surrey , Sec . ; and re-investcd Bro . Harrison , Treas . Bro . Adams , in presenting the I . P . M ., Bro . Crouch , with a Past Master ' s jeVrel , took occasion to
refer to the admirable manner in which that brother had discharged thc duties of his office . He was sure Bro . Crouch had merited and possessed the esteem of every brother in the lodge , and he felt his own position difficult in following the steps of so worthy a predecessor . Bro . Crouch having thanked thc lodge for the valuable gift ,
and the routine business being disposed of , the lodge was closed , and the brethren adjourned to an excellent banquet , where the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were duly honoured , the toasts of the W . M ., I . P . M ., Treasurer , and Secretary meeting with most cordial responses , thc evening ' s enjoyment being enhanced by thc excellent musical abilities if Bros . Atkins , Harris , Lavington , and Crouch .
WANDSWORTH LODGE ( No . 1044 ) . —An excellent gathering of this lodge , including many visitors , was held at the Spread Eagle Hotel on thc 2 ist inst . Bro . Landon was very ably raised to the Third Degree by Bro . Bodv , P . M . Mr . A . A . Denham was then most impressively initiated into Freemasonry by Bro . J . G . Carter , P . M ., in thc unavoidable temporary absence of Bro . P .
Cooke , W . M . The lodge was then closed in due form , and a banquet followed . "Thc Queen and Craft " and other Masonic toasts were ably given by tlie W . M ., followed by "Thc Health of the Initiate . " This having been acknowledged , Bro . A . A . Denham responded , and thanked his brethren heartily for the honour they had conferred on him . The Tyler ' s toast concluded a very happy
evening . ST . DUNSTAN'S LODGE ( No . 1589 ) . —This lodge held its last regular meeting of the season at Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street , on the 16 th inst ., when there were present Bros . Wellsman , P . M ., W . M . ; Dalwood , P . M ., S . W . ; Dodson , J . W .-, Turner , S . D . ; Woodbridge , J . D . ; Manners , I . G . ; Dwarber , P . M ., I . P . M . ;
Tisley , Sec . ; Low , D . C . ; aud Bull , S . 1 he visitors were Bros . Williams , P . A . G . P . ; Guest , W . M . 1531 ; T . C . Walls , J . W . 1381 , & c ; the Rev . W . H . W . Casely , 625 ; Osmond , 890 ; and Egan , 890 . The minutes of the previous meeting having been read and confirmed , thc W . M ., with the assistance of his officers , raised Bros . R . II . Clemow , Beningfield , Bamber , and Giscard , passed
Bro . Tilby , and initiated Mr . Robert Skelton . Thc three difficult ceremonies were exceedingly well carried out , and in the rendering of the numerous addresses appertaining to the degrees thc W . M . displayed great ability . Three guineas having been voted to the testimonial of Bro . Smith , and several propositions having been handed in , the lodge was formally closed , and thc brethren adjournal to the banquet . Upon the cloth being withdrawn the W . M .
gave the customary loyal and Craft toasts , briefly but pertinently . The I . P . M ., in proposing " The Health of the W . M ., " dwelt at length upon his services to St . Dtinstan's , which parish he described as having been from time immemorial a distinguished one . He had known Bro . Wellsman from childhood , and he was gratified at seeing him not only holding the hig hest position in the lodge but also in the parish . He firmly believed that
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
there were many advantages to be derived by establishing local lodges , and he hoped that their example would be copied by neighbouring parishes . In conclusion he called attention to the fact that Bro . Wellsman served the office of Steward recentl y to the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution , had passed the chair in another lodge , and had in every way deported himself as a good man and true .
The W . M ., in the course of an excellent speech , which space prevents us giving in cxtenso , said he felt highly - gratified at the remarks which had fallen from the I . P . M ., who had known him from his youth : He then , after apologising for wandering from the subject matter , went into some very interesting details upon the increase of the Craft in thc metropolis . He said that since the St .
Dunston's was established two other parishes had' taken the initiative , and he believed that Masonic lodges would in time supersede the old City clubs , which , in consequence of the non-residence of those engaged in trade , and who were the principal supporters of those ancient institutions , were fast dying out . Masonry was Catholic—this was evinced by the number of men of all creeds who not only
eagerly joined it , but remained its steadfast supporters ; and he directed their attention to the interest taken by some of the most distinguished members of the Established Church in its prosperity . In conclusion he thanked them all , pnd hoped that No . 158 9 would continue to prosper . The W . M . then gave " The Initiate , " which having been duly honoured , was acknowledged by Bro . Skelton , who
briefly said that he had many times felt a desire to enter the Craft , but had lacked thc opportunity -, but he now felt pleased at havingreceived that privilege from the hands of a very old friend of his in the person of their W . M ., and he hoped always to be worthy the commendation of thc members of his mother lodge . " The Health of the Visitors " followed , and was acknowledged by Bros . Guest
and Casely . In giving " The I . P . M ., " the W . M . dwelt at length upon the services of Bro . Dwarber , who , in thc character of first Master of the lodge , had won golden encomiums from every one . This toast having been most warmly received , elicited from the I . P . M . a very characteristic reply . " The Health of the Officers " followed in due course . The W . M ., in proposing this , stated that
he felt honoured at being supported by so many worthy brethren who in other Masonic fields had done good service . The Senior and Junior Wardens were most efficient officers . The Treasurer , Bro . Praed , occupied a very high social and Masonic position . The Secretary , Bro . Tisley , was a most indefatigable worker , and worthy of all praise for his general management , and the junior officers would
do credit to any lodge . In conclusion he said that thus officered the lod ge must flourish . The officers present haiing severally replied , the Tyler was called upon to discharge his duty , and the proceedings , which were throughout eminently successful , terminated . The brethren were entertained b y Bros . Dodson , Tisley , Esson , Walls , Williams , Clemow , Egan , Osmond , anil others .
VALPARAISO . —Lodge of Harmony '* ( No . 1411 ) . — -The brethren of this lodge met for thciv annual celebration and installation of officers for the present year . The whole affair went off in a most successful manner . Thc officers installed are as follows : —Bros . W . R . Betteley , W . M . ; James G . Rowe , S . W . ; G . R . Gepp , T . W . ; C .
D . Rowe , Treas . ; F . M . Mole , Sec . ; Jas . H . Thomson , S . D . ; E . W . Cowell , J . D . ; S . S . Oxley , S . S . ; J . T . Christie , J . S . ; W . F . Bradshaw , I . G . ; W . Darley , Tyler ; and W . D . Vaughan , M . C . ; all of whom were duly installed in the presence of a numerous attendance of brethren from thc various lodges in this city on the 1 2 th nit .
HAMPTON . —Hemming Lodge ( No . 1512 ) . — The members of this lod ge met in good numbers at the Lion Hotel on thc 15 th instant . There were present Bros . J . Hurst . W . M . ; J . Hammond , S . W . ; B . Sharp , acting * J . W . ; W . Hammond , P . P . G . D . of Middlesex , Secretary ; E . Hopwood , I . P . M ., Treas . ; Fox , S . D . ; Jessett , J . D . ; T . Ockenden , I . G . ; T . C . Walls , D . C . ; Guttcridge ,
W . S .-, Kent , A . W . S . The minutes of thc previous meeting having been read and confirmed , Bro . Kraeutler , J . W . ' 30 . 11 was elected a joining member . This being election night , Bro . John Hammond , P . M . 201 , S . W ., was unanimously elected W . M ., and Bro . E . Hopwood , P . M . 141 , I . P . M ., unanimously re-elected Treasurer . Thc widow and family of a deceased member of the lodge was voted
the sum of £ _ from the funds , which amount , later in the evening , was supplemented by the private contributions of the brethren . Thc lodge having been closed , the brethren . adjourned to a banquet , well served by the host , Bro . Murphy . The toasts of "The Queen and Craft , " " The M . W . G . M ., » " The P . G . M ., the D . G . M ., and the rest of the G . O . ' s , Past and Present , " "The R . W . P . G . M . of
Middlesex , " " The D . P . G . M . and the rest of the P . G . O . ' s of Middlesex , Past and Present , " were given with most commendable brevity by the W . M . The latter toast having been duly acknowledged by Bro . W . Hammond , P . P . G . D . of the province , the I . P . M . proposed " flic Health of the W . M ., " who , he said , had endeavoured to discharge the duties of thc chair , in and out of lodge ,
most zealously . Thc W . M . in reply said that he had tried thc best he could , compatible with his business rertuire , mcnts , to carry out his responsibilities creditably , and he hoped that his shortcomings would on that account be kindly overlooked . In concluding his remarks he said that as that pcihaps was the last time he should have the opportunity of addressing them at the banquet table in the character of a Master , he wished thc lodge " God
speed , " and hoped that Bro . John Hammond would have a most prosperous year of office . " The Health of the Visitor" followed , and was duly acknowledged by Bro . Scott , 16 5 6 . The W . M . then gave in very kindly terms " The Health of the W . M . elect . " The toast having been received wilh most excellent " fire , " Bro . J . Hammond replied . In the progress of his reply he said that he was honoured and gratified at having * been unanimously
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS : — CraftMasonry j ;' il rival Arch •*¦••¦ ' " i „ bilcc Festival of St . David's Lodge , Bangor i « Kcration of the Stuart Lodge ™ 3 rnUccration ofthe Mizpah Lodge I 2 - < Mrsonic and General Tidings I 2 > n ^ Royal Grand Master's Visit to Malta ' «
, o " \ Voiship fiil Masters .... . ;; »« The "Monde Maconnique" and "The Freemason 126 The New Grand Secretary for Scotland I 2 * l CKford aml Cambridge Boat Race "J Kenning ' s Masonic Encyclopedia « 7 CoBR * s 6 | , ON'DEN ' CE *— „ The Hebrew Question i 2 * ** * Interesting and Novel Information l-S Grand Masters of thc Ancient Masons 12 S
Koval Masonic Institution for Girls 12 b Masonic Queries 12 S T | le Dundee MS 12 S Masonic Notes and Queries 129 Provincial Grand Mark Lodge of Middlesex and Surrey 129 Provincial Grand Chapter for Hertfordshire 129 Lodee Meetings for Next Week 129 Advertisements 130 , 1 . ii . iii . iv . v . vi .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Craft Itosmtt'jj , KENT LODGE ( No . 15 ) . —This lodge held its March meeting at Freemasons' Hall , on Wednesday , 14 th inst . Present : Bros . Pindar , W . M . ; Wharman , S . W . -, Cambridge , J . W . ; Gin-man , S . D . ; Rail , J . D . ; Levy , I . G . ; Dukes , P . M . and Hon . Sec ; Sleeman , P . M ., Treas . * , and a strong muster of the brethren . The lodge was opened in due form . The minutes of the previous
meeting were read and confirmed . Bros . Rogers , Winkley , and fiurford were passed to the degree of Fellow Craft by Bro . Sleeman , P . M ., in the absence of thc W . M . On Ilic arrival of Bro . Pindar , W . M ., the installation of Bro . Wharman , W . M . elect , who is the first Hebrew Master of ihe Kent Lodge , was proceeded with , and worked in a very able manner . Bro . Wharman then invested the
following officers : Bros . Pindar , I . P . M . ; Cambridge , S . W . ; Ginman , J . W . ; Sleeman , P . M ., Treas . ; Ball , S . D . ; Levy , J . D . j Lipscomb , I . G . ; Barton , P . M ., W . S . ; Wells , D . C . ; Dukes , P . M ., Sec . TI c lodge was resumed to the First Degree . Mr . Walter Lipscombe and Mr . Thomas Holloway were then initiated into Freemasonry . The lodge was then closed in due form , and the brethren
adjourned to the banquet room , where a sumptuous repast was partaken of . The usual Masonic toasts were given and responded to , interspersed with harmony . The toast of " Thc Visitors , " who were many , was responded to by Bros . GctlhicI , Posener , Hollands , How , and J . Levy . Amongst thc visitors were Bros . Holt , 1 ) 28 ; Back , 1217 ; 1 'igo , 1228 ; Taylor , 172 ; Bailey , 1445 ; Hooper , 12 ( 10 ;
Southwood , 1260 , W . M . elect ; Williams , ( 1 5 . The meeting broke up at a late hour , after a very gratifying and harmonious evening . PHCENIX LODGE ( No . 173 ) . —An exceedingly strong meeting of this lodge was held on the 10 th inst ., at the Freemasons' Tavern . There were present Bros . Massey , W . M . ; Phillips , S . W . ; Finch , J . W . ; Wiles ,
I . P . M . ; Matthews , Sec . ; Burford , Treas . ; Allen , S . D . ; Blyth , J . D . ; Vine , Steward ; Andrews , I . G .-Speight , P . M ., Tyler ; and Past Masters Wilson , Vine , Watson , Green , Salmon . Amongst the visitors we noticed Bros . Crouch . W . M , 8 57 ; T . C . Walls , J . W . 1381 , & c . ; Farqhuarson , 09 ; Foot , 1 2 fio ; Holcombc , i 2 ijS ; Treemer , 1309 ; Currey , 1425 ; and Jones , 1425 . The minutes of
tlie previous meeting having been read and confirmed , the W . M . passed Bro . Fillmcr most ably to the Second Degree . There being no other business before the lodge il was duly closed , and thc brethren adjourned to thc banquet . The customary loyal and Craft toasts having been duly honoured , the W . M . ' s health was proposed by thc I . P . M ., who congratulated him upon thc able manner in
which he had performed his duties throughout his year of office , and which term was now drawing to a close . However , he would not bc idle , as he had succeeded in establishing a chapter in connection with the lodge , and of which he would be the First Principal , and , in conclusion , thc speaker hoped that the consecration of the chapter on the 7 U 1 proximo would be a great success . Thc W . M .
in reply said that he had endeavoured to do his duty , and if he had succeeded in pleasing the members of the lodge he was amply satisfied , and as long as he was blessed with health he should always endeavour to be an active member of No . 173 . " The Health of the Visitors " followed , and was responded to by those present . In giving " Thc Past Masters , " the W . M . said that the
" Phoenix " was to be congratulated upon possessing so " > 'ery strong and talented an array of those officers . In his feniarks he called attention to the appeal by one of their "umber , Bro . W . Watson , for the benefits ol the R . M . B . I ., "mil which solicitation he hoped would meet with their hearty support . In conclusion he called upon thc brethren to receive this toast most cordially , and coupled it with
wc name of Bro . Watson . The veteran Past Master thus honoured in his reply stated that he was almost over-Powered by thc kind expressions that had fallen from the "Ps of the W . M . in lodge that day , and also at the ban-( l uc ' table . He had been connected with thc Pluenix - ° ' lge for 23 vears . but his Masonic career extended over
•1 ° years , and he had lived some years over the allotted S fJ > ace . ° f man > but , thanks to the blessings of the Great architect of the Unirerse , he was still hale and hearty . ! conclusion , upon behalf of thc Past Masters of the ., S » he thanked tlsem sincerely for the manner in which ™ j * * " health had been received . Tlie toast of "The "leers " came next , and drew from the W . M . a very •gii commendation upon their individual merits . This
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
toast having been responded to at length by those brethren , the Tyler ' s toast was called and the proceedings terminated . Thc brethren were entertained during thc evening by the instrumental , dramatic , and vocal contributions of Bros . Farqhuarson , Walls , Treemer , and others . RANELAGH LODGE ( No . 834 ) . —This promising lodge held an emergency meeting on Tuesday , the
13 th inst ., at the Bell and Anchor Hotel , West Kensington Gardens . The W . M ., Bro . T . Knowles , who was well supported by his officers , raised three brethren , and afterwards initiated Mr . Richard Josey . The ceremonies were rendered in a faultless and most impressive manner . After the closing of the lodge the brethren adjourned to an excellent supper , which seemed to give great
satisfaction to all present . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts having been given , the I . P . M ., Bro . Butt , gave that of " The W . M ., " whom he stated had given a great deal of his valuable time in so admirably carrying out his duties . The W . M . suitably replied , adding that the lodge would always find in him one whom it could rely on to support its character . Thc toast of " The Visitors " was
responded to by Bro . Gumming , 534 , and another , who both expressed themselves highly gratified at thc kind manner in which they had been received by the brethren . The musical arrangements were carried out by Bro . Oliver , thc Organist of the lodge . ST . MARK'S LODGE ( No . 85 7 ) . —The installation meeting of the above was held at the Surrey Masonic
Hall , Camberwell , on Tuesday , the 20 th inst , There were present Bros . Crouch , W . M . ; S . J . Adams , S . W ., W . M . elect ; Harrison , P . M ., Treas . ; Frances , P . P . G . S . D ., Sec . ; Wynn Williams . M . D ., S . D . ; Green , J . D . ; W . Newton , I . G . ; Schuck , P . M . ; Seaton , M . D ., P . M . ; King , P . M . ; also Bros . Atkins , D . C . ; Hamilton , Armstrong , Laving , ton , Bilton , Satchell , Lloyd , Beardmore , Russell , Harris ,
Cocks , and Edwards , M . D . Visitors were Bros . H . dc Vines , 540 ; Mothershcad , 398 ; S . Turquand , P . M . 15 5 6 ; Drought , 163 ; Keeble , P . M . 1559 ; Carltam , 913 ; 'Pipping , 318 ; Thompson , 1549 ; Hesklct , 1383 ; Birchell , 1503 ; Winslow , 857 . The business of the evening was to pass Bro . Armstrong , anil to install the W . M . for Ihe ensuing year . Bto . Crouch having ably performed the
ceremony of passing , very kindly waived his privilege of installing Bro . Adams in favour of Bro . Harrison , as that brother had introduced thc incoming Master into Freemasonry . Bro . Harrison having taken the chair , Bro . Adams was duly installed by him into the chair of K . S , the ceremony being most creditably performed . Bro . Adams having made some remarks expressive ot thc regret he
felt that Bro . Goden , the late J . W ., had resigned the lodge , proceeded to appoint and invest his officers as follows : Bro . Wynn Williams , M . D ., S . W . ; Wm . Newton , J . W . ; II . G . Green , S . D . ; Atkins , J . D . ; Edwards , M . D ., I . G . ; Frances , P . P . G . D . Surrey , Sec . ; and re-investcd Bro . Harrison , Treas . Bro . Adams , in presenting the I . P . M ., Bro . Crouch , with a Past Master ' s jeVrel , took occasion to
refer to the admirable manner in which that brother had discharged thc duties of his office . He was sure Bro . Crouch had merited and possessed the esteem of every brother in the lodge , and he felt his own position difficult in following the steps of so worthy a predecessor . Bro . Crouch having thanked thc lodge for the valuable gift ,
and the routine business being disposed of , the lodge was closed , and the brethren adjourned to an excellent banquet , where the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were duly honoured , the toasts of the W . M ., I . P . M ., Treasurer , and Secretary meeting with most cordial responses , thc evening ' s enjoyment being enhanced by thc excellent musical abilities if Bros . Atkins , Harris , Lavington , and Crouch .
WANDSWORTH LODGE ( No . 1044 ) . —An excellent gathering of this lodge , including many visitors , was held at the Spread Eagle Hotel on thc 2 ist inst . Bro . Landon was very ably raised to the Third Degree by Bro . Bodv , P . M . Mr . A . A . Denham was then most impressively initiated into Freemasonry by Bro . J . G . Carter , P . M ., in thc unavoidable temporary absence of Bro . P .
Cooke , W . M . The lodge was then closed in due form , and a banquet followed . "Thc Queen and Craft " and other Masonic toasts were ably given by tlie W . M ., followed by "Thc Health of the Initiate . " This having been acknowledged , Bro . A . A . Denham responded , and thanked his brethren heartily for the honour they had conferred on him . The Tyler ' s toast concluded a very happy
evening . ST . DUNSTAN'S LODGE ( No . 1589 ) . —This lodge held its last regular meeting of the season at Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street , on the 16 th inst ., when there were present Bros . Wellsman , P . M ., W . M . ; Dalwood , P . M ., S . W . ; Dodson , J . W .-, Turner , S . D . ; Woodbridge , J . D . ; Manners , I . G . ; Dwarber , P . M ., I . P . M . ;
Tisley , Sec . ; Low , D . C . ; aud Bull , S . 1 he visitors were Bros . Williams , P . A . G . P . ; Guest , W . M . 1531 ; T . C . Walls , J . W . 1381 , & c ; the Rev . W . H . W . Casely , 625 ; Osmond , 890 ; and Egan , 890 . The minutes of the previous meeting having been read and confirmed , thc W . M ., with the assistance of his officers , raised Bros . R . II . Clemow , Beningfield , Bamber , and Giscard , passed
Bro . Tilby , and initiated Mr . Robert Skelton . Thc three difficult ceremonies were exceedingly well carried out , and in the rendering of the numerous addresses appertaining to the degrees thc W . M . displayed great ability . Three guineas having been voted to the testimonial of Bro . Smith , and several propositions having been handed in , the lodge was formally closed , and thc brethren adjournal to the banquet . Upon the cloth being withdrawn the W . M .
gave the customary loyal and Craft toasts , briefly but pertinently . The I . P . M ., in proposing " The Health of the W . M ., " dwelt at length upon his services to St . Dtinstan's , which parish he described as having been from time immemorial a distinguished one . He had known Bro . Wellsman from childhood , and he was gratified at seeing him not only holding the hig hest position in the lodge but also in the parish . He firmly believed that
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
there were many advantages to be derived by establishing local lodges , and he hoped that their example would be copied by neighbouring parishes . In conclusion he called attention to the fact that Bro . Wellsman served the office of Steward recentl y to the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution , had passed the chair in another lodge , and had in every way deported himself as a good man and true .
The W . M ., in the course of an excellent speech , which space prevents us giving in cxtenso , said he felt highly - gratified at the remarks which had fallen from the I . P . M ., who had known him from his youth : He then , after apologising for wandering from the subject matter , went into some very interesting details upon the increase of the Craft in thc metropolis . He said that since the St .
Dunston's was established two other parishes had' taken the initiative , and he believed that Masonic lodges would in time supersede the old City clubs , which , in consequence of the non-residence of those engaged in trade , and who were the principal supporters of those ancient institutions , were fast dying out . Masonry was Catholic—this was evinced by the number of men of all creeds who not only
eagerly joined it , but remained its steadfast supporters ; and he directed their attention to the interest taken by some of the most distinguished members of the Established Church in its prosperity . In conclusion he thanked them all , pnd hoped that No . 158 9 would continue to prosper . The W . M . then gave " The Initiate , " which having been duly honoured , was acknowledged by Bro . Skelton , who
briefly said that he had many times felt a desire to enter the Craft , but had lacked thc opportunity -, but he now felt pleased at havingreceived that privilege from the hands of a very old friend of his in the person of their W . M ., and he hoped always to be worthy the commendation of thc members of his mother lodge . " The Health of the Visitors " followed , and was acknowledged by Bros . Guest
and Casely . In giving " The I . P . M ., " the W . M . dwelt at length upon the services of Bro . Dwarber , who , in thc character of first Master of the lodge , had won golden encomiums from every one . This toast having been most warmly received , elicited from the I . P . M . a very characteristic reply . " The Health of the Officers " followed in due course . The W . M ., in proposing this , stated that
he felt honoured at being supported by so many worthy brethren who in other Masonic fields had done good service . The Senior and Junior Wardens were most efficient officers . The Treasurer , Bro . Praed , occupied a very high social and Masonic position . The Secretary , Bro . Tisley , was a most indefatigable worker , and worthy of all praise for his general management , and the junior officers would
do credit to any lodge . In conclusion he said that thus officered the lod ge must flourish . The officers present haiing severally replied , the Tyler was called upon to discharge his duty , and the proceedings , which were throughout eminently successful , terminated . The brethren were entertained b y Bros . Dodson , Tisley , Esson , Walls , Williams , Clemow , Egan , Osmond , anil others .
VALPARAISO . —Lodge of Harmony '* ( No . 1411 ) . — -The brethren of this lodge met for thciv annual celebration and installation of officers for the present year . The whole affair went off in a most successful manner . Thc officers installed are as follows : —Bros . W . R . Betteley , W . M . ; James G . Rowe , S . W . ; G . R . Gepp , T . W . ; C .
D . Rowe , Treas . ; F . M . Mole , Sec . ; Jas . H . Thomson , S . D . ; E . W . Cowell , J . D . ; S . S . Oxley , S . S . ; J . T . Christie , J . S . ; W . F . Bradshaw , I . G . ; W . Darley , Tyler ; and W . D . Vaughan , M . C . ; all of whom were duly installed in the presence of a numerous attendance of brethren from thc various lodges in this city on the 1 2 th nit .
HAMPTON . —Hemming Lodge ( No . 1512 ) . — The members of this lod ge met in good numbers at the Lion Hotel on thc 15 th instant . There were present Bros . J . Hurst . W . M . ; J . Hammond , S . W . ; B . Sharp , acting * J . W . ; W . Hammond , P . P . G . D . of Middlesex , Secretary ; E . Hopwood , I . P . M ., Treas . ; Fox , S . D . ; Jessett , J . D . ; T . Ockenden , I . G . ; T . C . Walls , D . C . ; Guttcridge ,
W . S .-, Kent , A . W . S . The minutes of thc previous meeting having been read and confirmed , Bro . Kraeutler , J . W . ' 30 . 11 was elected a joining member . This being election night , Bro . John Hammond , P . M . 201 , S . W ., was unanimously elected W . M ., and Bro . E . Hopwood , P . M . 141 , I . P . M ., unanimously re-elected Treasurer . Thc widow and family of a deceased member of the lodge was voted
the sum of £ _ from the funds , which amount , later in the evening , was supplemented by the private contributions of the brethren . Thc lodge having been closed , the brethren . adjourned to a banquet , well served by the host , Bro . Murphy . The toasts of "The Queen and Craft , " " The M . W . G . M ., » " The P . G . M ., the D . G . M ., and the rest of the G . O . ' s , Past and Present , " "The R . W . P . G . M . of
Middlesex , " " The D . P . G . M . and the rest of the P . G . O . ' s of Middlesex , Past and Present , " were given with most commendable brevity by the W . M . The latter toast having been duly acknowledged by Bro . W . Hammond , P . P . G . D . of the province , the I . P . M . proposed " flic Health of the W . M ., " who , he said , had endeavoured to discharge the duties of thc chair , in and out of lodge ,
most zealously . Thc W . M . in reply said that he had tried thc best he could , compatible with his business rertuire , mcnts , to carry out his responsibilities creditably , and he hoped that his shortcomings would on that account be kindly overlooked . In concluding his remarks he said that as that pcihaps was the last time he should have the opportunity of addressing them at the banquet table in the character of a Master , he wished thc lodge " God
speed , " and hoped that Bro . John Hammond would have a most prosperous year of office . " The Health of the Visitor" followed , and was duly acknowledged by Bro . Scott , 16 5 6 . The W . M . then gave in very kindly terms " The Health of the W . M . elect . " The toast having been received wilh most excellent " fire , " Bro . J . Hammond replied . In the progress of his reply he said that he was honoured and gratified at having * been unanimously