Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. ← Page 2 of 2 Article Royal Arch. Page 1 of 1 Article Royal Arch. Page 1 of 1 Article MARK MASONRY IN NEW ZEALAND. Page 1 of 1 Article JUBILEE FESTIVAL OF ST. DAVID'S LODGE, No. 384, BANGOR . Page 1 of 2 →
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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
elected Master of the Hemming Lodge . He was also pleased at the kind manner in which the W . M . had proposed the toast , and with the warmth it had been responded to by the brethren . He then went on to say that throughout his life he had always endeavoured to be a man of acts and not of words , and hoped that at the expiration of his year of office thc members of the lodge would be in a position to pronounce a verdict upon his capabilities in the
chair , which fiat he trusted would not be an adverse one . The remaining toasts were but briefly given and responded to . They were " The Treasurer and Secretary , " " The Past Masters , " " The Officers , " and "The Masonic Charities . " The latter was coupled with the name of Bro . T . W . Ockenden , I . G ., Secretary 16 5 6 , who will represent the lodge at the forthcoming festival in May next , in connection with that excellent institution , the R . M . I , for
Girls . Numerous conttibutions of harmony were given during the proceedings by Bros . Hurst , W . Hammond , "Walls , Knowles , and ethers . The next regular meeting of this lodge will be held on the third Thursday in October next , when Bro . John Hammond , S . W ., W . M . elect , will be duly installed into the chair of K . S . SWANSEA .-Caradoc Lodge ( No . 1573 ) . —
The members of this young but prosperous lodge met at the Masonic Hall , Swansea , on Monday , March -jth , when Bro . James Livingston , S . W ., was duly installed into the chair of King Solomon by the retiring "Worshipful Master , Bro . John Rogers , P . P . G . S . B ., who performed the ceremony in such a manner as to elicit great praise from the brethren present , of whom , both visitors and
members , there was a goodly number . The ceremony concluded , the "W . M . appointed and invested his officers for the ensuing year , offering a few words of encouragement to each . At the conclusion of the ceremony thc W . M . rose and stated that bis first duty was a most pleasant one , namely to present Bro . Rogers , I . P . M ., on behalf of the lodge , with a massive Past Master ' s jewel , in token
of the high esteem in which he ( Bro . Rogers ) was held , and as some slight recognition of the eminent services he had rendered the lodge during thc first year of its formation . He ( the W . M . ) felt some anxiety in following such an able and expert Mas-on , who had ruled over the lodge with such tact and ability , but with thc assistance of his officers and the members , he trusted to keep up
the prestige of the lodge which it had attained during its first year . The jewel had been fairly earned , and he ( the "W . M . ) trusted Bro . Rogers would be spared very many years to wear it . Bro . Rogers returned his grateful thanks to the W . M . and brcthten for the handsome gift presented to him , and he assured the brethren that he should wear it with pride and satisfaction , as a memento of the
kindess and good feeling which had been shown towards him during a very pleasant year . The W . M . afterwards proposed a vote of condolence to Bro . James Goodall , P . M ., who was suffering from a very severe illness , and whose absence was much regretted on account of the very high regard in which Bro . Goodall is held . The I . P . M . secondcd the resolution , which was unanimously
carried . The lodge was then closed in ancient form , and the brethren adjourned to the Cameron Arms Hotel , where a sumptuous banquet was served by Bro . Geo . Clare . The W . M . presided and was supported by several Past Prov . Grand Officers , W . M . ' s , and Past Masters , and a goodly number of brethren . Thc several loyal and Masonic toasts were given and received with acclamation . There
were some capital specches , and a most enjoyable evening , enhanced by some good singing , was spent by all present , the Tyler ' s toast being given at its close . THAMES DITTON . — Brownrigg Lodge ( No . 1638 ) . —At an emergency meeting of this lodge , held at the Swan Hotel , Thames Dillon , on Monday evening , the 19 th inst ., Bro . P . M . W . D . May , W . M ., in the chair ;
Bros . F . Buckland , S . W . ; G . Porter , J . W . ; Lintors , S . D . ; A . Stone , J . D . ; and C . Phillips , I . G ., the minutes of last meeting were read and confirmed . Thc ballot was then taken for Messrs . John Home , A . Bowers , and W . A . Rock . The lodge was then opened in thc Second Degree , when Bros . Oldridge , Wadbrook , and Brewster were questioned , and afterwards raised to thc Sublime Degree of
Master Mason . The lodge was then closed down , when Bros . Moore , Neavc , and Roche wcrepicscnted and passed nto the Degree of Fellow Craft . The lodge then resumed to the First Degree , when Messrs . Bowers and Home were duly initiated into the mysteries of thc Craft . The brethren then adjourned to refreshment , which was most
admirably served by the host , Bro . Harris . Among the visitors were Bros . P . M . 's Littlewood , Lockwood , Styles , and Macaulcy , and several other brethren . Thc usual toasts having been duly responded to , the evening was enlivened by Bros . Llewellcn , Winter , and several other brethren .
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Royal Arch .
LIVERPOOL . — St . John of Jerusalem Chapter ( No . 203 ) . —At the last convocation of this excellent chapter , held at the Masonic Hall , Liverpool , there was a good attendance cf companions . The Principals present were Ccmps . T . Evans , Z . ; P . J . F . Ncill , H . ; J . Winsor , J . ; and the other officers were Comps . T . Sergeant , P . Z . ; Henry James , P . Z . ; B , W . Rowson ,
P . Z ., P . P . G . P . S . ; K . Johnstone , S . E . ; John T . Alston , P . S . ; Chas . Bromley , Treas . ; and P . Ball , Tyler . The •members present were Comps . Kyneston , Lecomber , Birch , F . Fairclough , J . Keet , W . Whittaker , Thos . Atherton , James Tyler , J . Plag , J . Jones , A . Woolrich , R . Webster , J . Kenwright , J . Hilton , T . Malton , J . Frank , F . Mauslcy ,
A . Benton , W . Wilson , and J . R . Japha , The on ) ; visitois were Comps . Joseph Wood , Treas . 249 ( Freemason ); H . S . AlpaFS , P . G . S . E . ; and A . Morrison , 249 Thc candidates on the circular for exaltation were Bros , M . Hart , W . M . 1502 ; S . Schonstadt , J . W . 1502 ; and Wm . Donnelly , 203 . The work was exceedingly well
Royal Arch.
performed , the manner in which the lectures were given eliciting universal admiration . LIVERPOOL . —Mariners' Chapter ( No . 249 ) . —The members of this chapter were summoned to the performance of their duties recently at the Masonic Hall , Liverpool , where there was a good attendance . The chapter was opened at 5 o ' clock by M . E . Comp . Henry
Pearson , Z ., assisted by M . E . Comps . P . B . Gee , H . ; J . E . Jackson , J . ; Comps . Wm . Doyle , P . Z . ; Joseph Healing , P . Z . ; J . Ellis , E . ; Thos . Ockleshaw , N . ' ; Philip Haines , P . S . ; and W . H . Ball , Janitor . The other companions present were Peter Robbie , James Bailey , W . R . Bernson , James Norminton , Wm . C . Webb , C . J . Jones , W . Jennings , Robert Carter , James Savage , Henry Firth , Joseph
Hughes , Wm . Creak , Charles Fothergill , G . W . Webster , D . Lloyd , John S . Dixon , Edwd . Carter , A . Morrison , W . Fish , J . Archdeacon , Alexander Colter , F . II . Davidson , Thos . H . Hall . Visitor : Comp . Hugh Williams , P . Z . 580 , 1094 , P . Prov . G . Swd . Bearer West Lancashire . The minutes having been read and confirmed , the ballot was taken for Bros . T . Mason , 667 ; R . Black , 126 4 ;
and T . Walton , 1264 , for exaltation ; and for Comp . J . Cramer , Chapter -203 , for joining , each of whom was unanimously elected . Bros . Black and Mason being present were duly exalted , the various lectures being given by the three Principals—Comps . Pearson , Z . ; Gee , H . ; and Jackson , J . The election of chiefs and other officers resulted as follows -. —Comps . P . B . Gee , Z . ; J . E . Jackson ,
H . ; T . Ockleshaw , J . ; J . Wood , Treas . ( re-elected ); J . Ellis , S . E . ; H . Firth , S . N . ; and A . Cotter , P . S . The bye-laws were read and approved , and Comps . Ellis , Jennings , and E . Carter were elected Auditors . The chapter was closed after a proposition lor exaltation , and thc companions afterwards adjourned to supper . BARNSTAPLE . —Chapter of Loyalty and
Virtue ( No . 251 ) . —A quarterly meeting of this old chapter was held on Wednesday , 21 st inst ., at the Masonic Hall , Barnstaple : Principals , M . E . Comps . Hancock , P . Z ., Pr . Z . ; J . T . Shapland , H . ; and W . C . Oliver , J . The meeting was well attended . The minutes of the previous meeting having been read by Comp . J . Brewer , Scribe E ., and confirmed , the Treasurer , Comp . J . List , P . Z .,- pro .
duccd and read his account for the past year , which was of a most satisfactory nature . Bro . Wadham , of Lodge 251 , was then balloted for , unanimously elected , and duly exalted in the Sublime Degree of ll . R . A . Masonry . HERTFORD . —Hertford Chapter ( No . 403 ) . — Thc installation meeting of this chapter was held on the 2 ist inst . The companions present were Ex . Comps .
R . T . Andrews , P . G . Standard Bearer , M . E . Z ; T . S . Carter , P . G . N ., H . j E . A . Simon , J . ; H . C . Finch , P . G . H . ; J . R . Cocks , P . G . J ., S . E . ; Comps . David Roberts , S . N . ; Willson , 1 st A . S .-, Hargreaves , 2 nd A . S . Ex . Comps . J . Terry , P . G . D . C . ; H . L . Thomas , C . C . Dick , P . Z . j Comps . Rev . L . Deedes , Warrener , and Francis . Ex ,
Comp . T . S . Carter was installed M . E . Z . j Simson , H . ; and David Roberts , J . Comp . Cocks was appointed S . E . ; J . Shilcock , S . N . ; Willson , P . Soj . ; the Rev . L . Deedes , ist A . S . ; E . R . P . Francis , and A . S . ; and Wright , Janitor , for thc ensuing year . Visitors : Comps . Craven , Cobham , 1329 , and J . Linzell , 174 .
The sixtieth anniversary of the Stability Lodge of Instruction ( No . 217 ) will be held at thc Cannon-street Hotel , on Friday , thc 27 th proximo , at 5 . 30 p . m ., precisely . Selections from the Three Degrees will be worked by the following brethren : First Degree . 1 st Section , Bro . E H . Hewett , S . W . 235 ; 2 nd Section , Bro . J . W . Clever ,
J .. W . 171 ; 3 rd Section , E . F . Storr , W . M . 22 ; 7 th Section , A . H . Diaper , P . M . 5 . Second Degree . Bro . H . Muggeridge will lecture on the Six Grand Periods , and the Moral Advantages of Geometry . Third Degree . Bro . J . B . Scriven , P . G . Stewatd , will lecture on the Lodge Board cf this degree . The banquet will * take place at 8 o ' clock .
EASTER AT RYE HOUSE . — Easter Monday will be the opening day of the season at this most attractive place for London and country holiday-makers . There is a change in one respect—the kindly and genial presence of the late highly esteemed proprietor , Bro . Tcale , will be seen there no more ; but we are glad to say that the management of the Rye House will remain in thc family
as hitherto , and the old familiar faces will bc seen there still . All the attractions of the house , hall , gardens , and grounds will be at the service of the visitors . Thc country walks in the vicinity are diversified and pleasant . A display of fireworks will be given in the evening . The Great Eastern Railway Company offer facilities fur visiting the Rye by issuing return tickets along the route from
from London , also on the . Hertford and Buiitiiigford branches , at a single fare . In the action for compensation brought by the Rev . Bro . Gardner , Vicar of Box , near Bath , against thc Great Western Railway Company , for injuiies sustained while travelling to Bath in November , 1875 , the Jury awarded the plantiff jC . vSoo damages . Our reverend
brother was returning from Chippenham , where he had been installed Provincial Grand Chaplain for Wiltshire . There have been several art sales lately . In the pottery and porcelain belonging to Bro . the Right lion , the Eail of Limeiick , R . W . P . G . M . Bristol , sold at Messrs . Christie ' s , on Friday , the ifith , there were some interesting specimens of old English pottery , and some tolerably good specimens of Worcester and Chelsea china ;
and on the same day some valuable specimens of old Dresden and Oriental china were sold . The Book of Constitutions of the Grand Lodge of England may be obtained at the Office cf this Paper , 198 , Fleet-st ., London , price is . Cd . ; with the Three Charges and E . A . Song , 2 s . ; or will be scut post free to any part of the United Kingdom on receipt of stamps lalue is . 7 d . or 2 S . id . —ADVT .
Mark Masonry In New Zealand.
Prior to the formation of the Union Lodge of Mark Masters ( No . 154 ) at Auckland , the members of the Craft lodges under different constitutions did not visit other lodges very frequently , and a considerable amount of shyness existed among the brethren . This disinclination to visit docs not now exist to nearly the same extent ,
and there is much cordiality between these constitutions . At the meeting held on the 13 th February , the following officers were installed into their respective chairs : — Bros . J . H . Burns , W . M . ; Robinson , S . W . ; Brock , J . W . ; Rev . C . M . Nelson , Chap . ; Wade , P . M ., Treas . ; Pooley , M . O . ; Levy , S . D . ,- J . S . Hendry , J . D . ;
Lombaid , I . G . ; Porter , Tyler . In making the appointments the W . M . distributed the seats amongst the members of the different Craft lodges in Auckland , Lodge Manukar , Onehunga , providing one of the junior officers . The abstract of accounts for the past ye ar was read
and considered satisfactory . After thanks had been returned by Bro . Niccol , the I . P . M ., and Burns , the W . M ., Bro . Wade , P . M ., made a short , humorous speech , anent thc payment of dues by the members . Some routine business was gone through , and the lodge then closed with the usual ceremonies .
Jubilee Festival Of St. David's Lodge, No. 384, Bangor .
This lodge held its 50 th anniversary on thc 20 th inst . The brethren present : Archibald McMillan , W . M . ; Josiah Hughes , I . P . M . ; Wm . Jarvis , S . W . ; D . Wynn Williams , J . W .-, Robert Owen , P . M ., Treas .-, D . Cameron , S . D . ; Ellis Roberts , J . D . and Sec . ; Wm . Jones , I . G . ; J . T .
Purvis , D . C . ; J . B . Brown , S . S . j W . E . Thomas , J . S . ; T . Hathawaye , P . M ., P . P . G . S . B . ; R . Roberts , P . M . ; Watson Robinson , P . M . ; Henry Owen , Thos . Williams , Mrshach Roberts , M . H . Roberts , Robert Edwards , Rd . Williams , W . J . Parry , E . J . Lloyd , ( M . D . ) , John William , John Jones , Rt . Jones , J . E . Evans , R . O . Morris , J . Hughe !? , Jno . Pritchard . Visitors : Bros . W . L . Banks
P . M . 93 6 , R . A . C . 404 , P . P . G . S . B . N . W . and Salop , P . P . S . G . D . " Eastern Div . S . W . ; James Salmon , P . M . 721 , 1477 , P . G . J . W . N . W . and Salop ; J . W . Poole , P . M . 606 ; G . L . Woodley , P . M . 75 s , P . P . G . S . D . N . W . and Salop ; C . 11 . Rees , P . M . 606 ; R . J . Davids , I . P . M . 606 ; J . Sidney Boucher , W . M . 606 ; C . A . Jones , J . W . 606 ; R . F . Halahan , Oofi ; W . Elliott , S . W . 597 ; E . Elliott , 597 ; R .
Edwards , S . W . 597 . The lodge being opened ir . due form , according to ancicnt custom , proceeded to business according to circular . Letters of apology for non-attendance were read from the W . D . P . G . M ., Bro . Wm . Bulkeley Hughes , M . P . ; Bros . T . C . Rodcn , P . M . y . **; , *; , and P . P . S . G . W . ; the R . W . P . G . Master East Aberdeenshire , and from several brethren ,
Bro . Wm . Bulkeley Hughes , M . P ., D . P . G . M ., was unanimously elected an honorary member , and Mr . John Hughes , thc son of Bro . Hughes , I . P . M ., was initiated into the Craft . The I . P . M . presented thc lodge with a set of Tracing Boards , for which he received thc hearty thanks of the lodge , and also Bto . R . Lloyd , P . M ., for three kneeling
stools . Bro . R . Owen proposed that the sum of £ id , in addition to the £ 5 voted in the December meeting , be voted out of the lodge funds to thc North Wales and Shropshire Masonic Charitable Association , to constitute the lodge a patron of the association , with 20 votes during existence , in commemoration of the Jubilee .
Bro . R . Roberts , P . M ., seconded the motion , which was carried unanimously . Bro . P . M . Salman returned thanks on behalf of the Committee of the Association . The next business was to consider the proposition of thc W . M ., that P . M . ' s jewels be presented to Bros . R . Roberts , P . M ., and Robert Owen , P . M ., for their valuable services
rendered to the lodge ; when thc two were politely asked to retire for a short time . On their re-admission thc W . M . addressed them -. Bros . Roberts and Owen , I am happy to inform you that thc lodge passed unanimously that each of you bc presented with a P . M . ' s jewel , to show their appreciation of thc valuable services rendered by you to thc lodge . In
the name of the lodge 1 have great pleasure in investing you both with P . M . ' s jewels , trusting that you will have health and bc long spared to wear them . P . M . Roberts returned thanks to thc W . M ., officers , and brethren fcr their very kind consideration in presenting him with a Past Master ' s jewel , for which he thought he was only doing his duty as a brother and a Mason ; but
was glad to find those humble services appreciated by the brethren ; and when I consider that it is not a practice in St . David's to present Past Masters' jewels , I lake it as a great honour done to me , especially when I know of only two instances that Past Masters' jewels have been presented hy this lodge . W . M . and brethren , allow me once more to thank you for thc manner in which it has been presented .
Bro . Owen addressed the W . M ., officers , and brethren in a few words , and said he remembered well the evening he was initiated ; it created in him such feeling for knowledge in thc mystic art , that he resolved to lose no opportunity afforded to him for improvement , and having
endorsed Bro . Robert ' s fentiments , concluded by thanking the brethren one and all for their present . The visiting brethren congratulated St . David ' s on > jubilee , and conveyed thc hearty good wishes of their respective provinces and lodges . The lodge was closed in perfect harmony .
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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
elected Master of the Hemming Lodge . He was also pleased at the kind manner in which the W . M . had proposed the toast , and with the warmth it had been responded to by the brethren . He then went on to say that throughout his life he had always endeavoured to be a man of acts and not of words , and hoped that at the expiration of his year of office thc members of the lodge would be in a position to pronounce a verdict upon his capabilities in the
chair , which fiat he trusted would not be an adverse one . The remaining toasts were but briefly given and responded to . They were " The Treasurer and Secretary , " " The Past Masters , " " The Officers , " and "The Masonic Charities . " The latter was coupled with the name of Bro . T . W . Ockenden , I . G ., Secretary 16 5 6 , who will represent the lodge at the forthcoming festival in May next , in connection with that excellent institution , the R . M . I , for
Girls . Numerous conttibutions of harmony were given during the proceedings by Bros . Hurst , W . Hammond , "Walls , Knowles , and ethers . The next regular meeting of this lodge will be held on the third Thursday in October next , when Bro . John Hammond , S . W ., W . M . elect , will be duly installed into the chair of K . S . SWANSEA .-Caradoc Lodge ( No . 1573 ) . —
The members of this young but prosperous lodge met at the Masonic Hall , Swansea , on Monday , March -jth , when Bro . James Livingston , S . W ., was duly installed into the chair of King Solomon by the retiring "Worshipful Master , Bro . John Rogers , P . P . G . S . B ., who performed the ceremony in such a manner as to elicit great praise from the brethren present , of whom , both visitors and
members , there was a goodly number . The ceremony concluded , the "W . M . appointed and invested his officers for the ensuing year , offering a few words of encouragement to each . At the conclusion of the ceremony thc W . M . rose and stated that bis first duty was a most pleasant one , namely to present Bro . Rogers , I . P . M ., on behalf of the lodge , with a massive Past Master ' s jewel , in token
of the high esteem in which he ( Bro . Rogers ) was held , and as some slight recognition of the eminent services he had rendered the lodge during thc first year of its formation . He ( the W . M . ) felt some anxiety in following such an able and expert Mas-on , who had ruled over the lodge with such tact and ability , but with thc assistance of his officers and the members , he trusted to keep up
the prestige of the lodge which it had attained during its first year . The jewel had been fairly earned , and he ( the "W . M . ) trusted Bro . Rogers would be spared very many years to wear it . Bro . Rogers returned his grateful thanks to the W . M . and brcthten for the handsome gift presented to him , and he assured the brethren that he should wear it with pride and satisfaction , as a memento of the
kindess and good feeling which had been shown towards him during a very pleasant year . The W . M . afterwards proposed a vote of condolence to Bro . James Goodall , P . M ., who was suffering from a very severe illness , and whose absence was much regretted on account of the very high regard in which Bro . Goodall is held . The I . P . M . secondcd the resolution , which was unanimously
carried . The lodge was then closed in ancient form , and the brethren adjourned to the Cameron Arms Hotel , where a sumptuous banquet was served by Bro . Geo . Clare . The W . M . presided and was supported by several Past Prov . Grand Officers , W . M . ' s , and Past Masters , and a goodly number of brethren . Thc several loyal and Masonic toasts were given and received with acclamation . There
were some capital specches , and a most enjoyable evening , enhanced by some good singing , was spent by all present , the Tyler ' s toast being given at its close . THAMES DITTON . — Brownrigg Lodge ( No . 1638 ) . —At an emergency meeting of this lodge , held at the Swan Hotel , Thames Dillon , on Monday evening , the 19 th inst ., Bro . P . M . W . D . May , W . M ., in the chair ;
Bros . F . Buckland , S . W . ; G . Porter , J . W . ; Lintors , S . D . ; A . Stone , J . D . ; and C . Phillips , I . G ., the minutes of last meeting were read and confirmed . Thc ballot was then taken for Messrs . John Home , A . Bowers , and W . A . Rock . The lodge was then opened in thc Second Degree , when Bros . Oldridge , Wadbrook , and Brewster were questioned , and afterwards raised to thc Sublime Degree of
Master Mason . The lodge was then closed down , when Bros . Moore , Neavc , and Roche wcrepicscnted and passed nto the Degree of Fellow Craft . The lodge then resumed to the First Degree , when Messrs . Bowers and Home were duly initiated into the mysteries of thc Craft . The brethren then adjourned to refreshment , which was most
admirably served by the host , Bro . Harris . Among the visitors were Bros . P . M . 's Littlewood , Lockwood , Styles , and Macaulcy , and several other brethren . Thc usual toasts having been duly responded to , the evening was enlivened by Bros . Llewellcn , Winter , and several other brethren .
Royal Arch.
Royal Arch .
LIVERPOOL . — St . John of Jerusalem Chapter ( No . 203 ) . —At the last convocation of this excellent chapter , held at the Masonic Hall , Liverpool , there was a good attendance cf companions . The Principals present were Ccmps . T . Evans , Z . ; P . J . F . Ncill , H . ; J . Winsor , J . ; and the other officers were Comps . T . Sergeant , P . Z . ; Henry James , P . Z . ; B , W . Rowson ,
P . Z ., P . P . G . P . S . ; K . Johnstone , S . E . ; John T . Alston , P . S . ; Chas . Bromley , Treas . ; and P . Ball , Tyler . The •members present were Comps . Kyneston , Lecomber , Birch , F . Fairclough , J . Keet , W . Whittaker , Thos . Atherton , James Tyler , J . Plag , J . Jones , A . Woolrich , R . Webster , J . Kenwright , J . Hilton , T . Malton , J . Frank , F . Mauslcy ,
A . Benton , W . Wilson , and J . R . Japha , The on ) ; visitois were Comps . Joseph Wood , Treas . 249 ( Freemason ); H . S . AlpaFS , P . G . S . E . ; and A . Morrison , 249 Thc candidates on the circular for exaltation were Bros , M . Hart , W . M . 1502 ; S . Schonstadt , J . W . 1502 ; and Wm . Donnelly , 203 . The work was exceedingly well
Royal Arch.
performed , the manner in which the lectures were given eliciting universal admiration . LIVERPOOL . —Mariners' Chapter ( No . 249 ) . —The members of this chapter were summoned to the performance of their duties recently at the Masonic Hall , Liverpool , where there was a good attendance . The chapter was opened at 5 o ' clock by M . E . Comp . Henry
Pearson , Z ., assisted by M . E . Comps . P . B . Gee , H . ; J . E . Jackson , J . ; Comps . Wm . Doyle , P . Z . ; Joseph Healing , P . Z . ; J . Ellis , E . ; Thos . Ockleshaw , N . ' ; Philip Haines , P . S . ; and W . H . Ball , Janitor . The other companions present were Peter Robbie , James Bailey , W . R . Bernson , James Norminton , Wm . C . Webb , C . J . Jones , W . Jennings , Robert Carter , James Savage , Henry Firth , Joseph
Hughes , Wm . Creak , Charles Fothergill , G . W . Webster , D . Lloyd , John S . Dixon , Edwd . Carter , A . Morrison , W . Fish , J . Archdeacon , Alexander Colter , F . II . Davidson , Thos . H . Hall . Visitor : Comp . Hugh Williams , P . Z . 580 , 1094 , P . Prov . G . Swd . Bearer West Lancashire . The minutes having been read and confirmed , the ballot was taken for Bros . T . Mason , 667 ; R . Black , 126 4 ;
and T . Walton , 1264 , for exaltation ; and for Comp . J . Cramer , Chapter -203 , for joining , each of whom was unanimously elected . Bros . Black and Mason being present were duly exalted , the various lectures being given by the three Principals—Comps . Pearson , Z . ; Gee , H . ; and Jackson , J . The election of chiefs and other officers resulted as follows -. —Comps . P . B . Gee , Z . ; J . E . Jackson ,
H . ; T . Ockleshaw , J . ; J . Wood , Treas . ( re-elected ); J . Ellis , S . E . ; H . Firth , S . N . ; and A . Cotter , P . S . The bye-laws were read and approved , and Comps . Ellis , Jennings , and E . Carter were elected Auditors . The chapter was closed after a proposition lor exaltation , and thc companions afterwards adjourned to supper . BARNSTAPLE . —Chapter of Loyalty and
Virtue ( No . 251 ) . —A quarterly meeting of this old chapter was held on Wednesday , 21 st inst ., at the Masonic Hall , Barnstaple : Principals , M . E . Comps . Hancock , P . Z ., Pr . Z . ; J . T . Shapland , H . ; and W . C . Oliver , J . The meeting was well attended . The minutes of the previous meeting having been read by Comp . J . Brewer , Scribe E ., and confirmed , the Treasurer , Comp . J . List , P . Z .,- pro .
duccd and read his account for the past year , which was of a most satisfactory nature . Bro . Wadham , of Lodge 251 , was then balloted for , unanimously elected , and duly exalted in the Sublime Degree of ll . R . A . Masonry . HERTFORD . —Hertford Chapter ( No . 403 ) . — Thc installation meeting of this chapter was held on the 2 ist inst . The companions present were Ex . Comps .
R . T . Andrews , P . G . Standard Bearer , M . E . Z ; T . S . Carter , P . G . N ., H . j E . A . Simon , J . ; H . C . Finch , P . G . H . ; J . R . Cocks , P . G . J ., S . E . ; Comps . David Roberts , S . N . ; Willson , 1 st A . S .-, Hargreaves , 2 nd A . S . Ex . Comps . J . Terry , P . G . D . C . ; H . L . Thomas , C . C . Dick , P . Z . j Comps . Rev . L . Deedes , Warrener , and Francis . Ex ,
Comp . T . S . Carter was installed M . E . Z . j Simson , H . ; and David Roberts , J . Comp . Cocks was appointed S . E . ; J . Shilcock , S . N . ; Willson , P . Soj . ; the Rev . L . Deedes , ist A . S . ; E . R . P . Francis , and A . S . ; and Wright , Janitor , for thc ensuing year . Visitors : Comps . Craven , Cobham , 1329 , and J . Linzell , 174 .
The sixtieth anniversary of the Stability Lodge of Instruction ( No . 217 ) will be held at thc Cannon-street Hotel , on Friday , thc 27 th proximo , at 5 . 30 p . m ., precisely . Selections from the Three Degrees will be worked by the following brethren : First Degree . 1 st Section , Bro . E H . Hewett , S . W . 235 ; 2 nd Section , Bro . J . W . Clever ,
J .. W . 171 ; 3 rd Section , E . F . Storr , W . M . 22 ; 7 th Section , A . H . Diaper , P . M . 5 . Second Degree . Bro . H . Muggeridge will lecture on the Six Grand Periods , and the Moral Advantages of Geometry . Third Degree . Bro . J . B . Scriven , P . G . Stewatd , will lecture on the Lodge Board cf this degree . The banquet will * take place at 8 o ' clock .
EASTER AT RYE HOUSE . — Easter Monday will be the opening day of the season at this most attractive place for London and country holiday-makers . There is a change in one respect—the kindly and genial presence of the late highly esteemed proprietor , Bro . Tcale , will be seen there no more ; but we are glad to say that the management of the Rye House will remain in thc family
as hitherto , and the old familiar faces will bc seen there still . All the attractions of the house , hall , gardens , and grounds will be at the service of the visitors . Thc country walks in the vicinity are diversified and pleasant . A display of fireworks will be given in the evening . The Great Eastern Railway Company offer facilities fur visiting the Rye by issuing return tickets along the route from
from London , also on the . Hertford and Buiitiiigford branches , at a single fare . In the action for compensation brought by the Rev . Bro . Gardner , Vicar of Box , near Bath , against thc Great Western Railway Company , for injuiies sustained while travelling to Bath in November , 1875 , the Jury awarded the plantiff jC . vSoo damages . Our reverend
brother was returning from Chippenham , where he had been installed Provincial Grand Chaplain for Wiltshire . There have been several art sales lately . In the pottery and porcelain belonging to Bro . the Right lion , the Eail of Limeiick , R . W . P . G . M . Bristol , sold at Messrs . Christie ' s , on Friday , the ifith , there were some interesting specimens of old English pottery , and some tolerably good specimens of Worcester and Chelsea china ;
and on the same day some valuable specimens of old Dresden and Oriental china were sold . The Book of Constitutions of the Grand Lodge of England may be obtained at the Office cf this Paper , 198 , Fleet-st ., London , price is . Cd . ; with the Three Charges and E . A . Song , 2 s . ; or will be scut post free to any part of the United Kingdom on receipt of stamps lalue is . 7 d . or 2 S . id . —ADVT .
Mark Masonry In New Zealand.
Prior to the formation of the Union Lodge of Mark Masters ( No . 154 ) at Auckland , the members of the Craft lodges under different constitutions did not visit other lodges very frequently , and a considerable amount of shyness existed among the brethren . This disinclination to visit docs not now exist to nearly the same extent ,
and there is much cordiality between these constitutions . At the meeting held on the 13 th February , the following officers were installed into their respective chairs : — Bros . J . H . Burns , W . M . ; Robinson , S . W . ; Brock , J . W . ; Rev . C . M . Nelson , Chap . ; Wade , P . M ., Treas . ; Pooley , M . O . ; Levy , S . D . ,- J . S . Hendry , J . D . ;
Lombaid , I . G . ; Porter , Tyler . In making the appointments the W . M . distributed the seats amongst the members of the different Craft lodges in Auckland , Lodge Manukar , Onehunga , providing one of the junior officers . The abstract of accounts for the past ye ar was read
and considered satisfactory . After thanks had been returned by Bro . Niccol , the I . P . M ., and Burns , the W . M ., Bro . Wade , P . M ., made a short , humorous speech , anent thc payment of dues by the members . Some routine business was gone through , and the lodge then closed with the usual ceremonies .
Jubilee Festival Of St. David's Lodge, No. 384, Bangor .
This lodge held its 50 th anniversary on thc 20 th inst . The brethren present : Archibald McMillan , W . M . ; Josiah Hughes , I . P . M . ; Wm . Jarvis , S . W . ; D . Wynn Williams , J . W .-, Robert Owen , P . M ., Treas .-, D . Cameron , S . D . ; Ellis Roberts , J . D . and Sec . ; Wm . Jones , I . G . ; J . T .
Purvis , D . C . ; J . B . Brown , S . S . j W . E . Thomas , J . S . ; T . Hathawaye , P . M ., P . P . G . S . B . ; R . Roberts , P . M . ; Watson Robinson , P . M . ; Henry Owen , Thos . Williams , Mrshach Roberts , M . H . Roberts , Robert Edwards , Rd . Williams , W . J . Parry , E . J . Lloyd , ( M . D . ) , John William , John Jones , Rt . Jones , J . E . Evans , R . O . Morris , J . Hughe !? , Jno . Pritchard . Visitors : Bros . W . L . Banks
P . M . 93 6 , R . A . C . 404 , P . P . G . S . B . N . W . and Salop , P . P . S . G . D . " Eastern Div . S . W . ; James Salmon , P . M . 721 , 1477 , P . G . J . W . N . W . and Salop ; J . W . Poole , P . M . 606 ; G . L . Woodley , P . M . 75 s , P . P . G . S . D . N . W . and Salop ; C . 11 . Rees , P . M . 606 ; R . J . Davids , I . P . M . 606 ; J . Sidney Boucher , W . M . 606 ; C . A . Jones , J . W . 606 ; R . F . Halahan , Oofi ; W . Elliott , S . W . 597 ; E . Elliott , 597 ; R .
Edwards , S . W . 597 . The lodge being opened ir . due form , according to ancicnt custom , proceeded to business according to circular . Letters of apology for non-attendance were read from the W . D . P . G . M ., Bro . Wm . Bulkeley Hughes , M . P . ; Bros . T . C . Rodcn , P . M . y . **; , *; , and P . P . S . G . W . ; the R . W . P . G . Master East Aberdeenshire , and from several brethren ,
Bro . Wm . Bulkeley Hughes , M . P ., D . P . G . M ., was unanimously elected an honorary member , and Mr . John Hughes , thc son of Bro . Hughes , I . P . M ., was initiated into the Craft . The I . P . M . presented thc lodge with a set of Tracing Boards , for which he received thc hearty thanks of the lodge , and also Bto . R . Lloyd , P . M ., for three kneeling
stools . Bro . R . Owen proposed that the sum of £ id , in addition to the £ 5 voted in the December meeting , be voted out of the lodge funds to thc North Wales and Shropshire Masonic Charitable Association , to constitute the lodge a patron of the association , with 20 votes during existence , in commemoration of the Jubilee .
Bro . R . Roberts , P . M ., seconded the motion , which was carried unanimously . Bro . P . M . Salman returned thanks on behalf of the Committee of the Association . The next business was to consider the proposition of thc W . M ., that P . M . ' s jewels be presented to Bros . R . Roberts , P . M ., and Robert Owen , P . M ., for their valuable services
rendered to the lodge ; when thc two were politely asked to retire for a short time . On their re-admission thc W . M . addressed them -. Bros . Roberts and Owen , I am happy to inform you that thc lodge passed unanimously that each of you bc presented with a P . M . ' s jewel , to show their appreciation of thc valuable services rendered by you to thc lodge . In
the name of the lodge 1 have great pleasure in investing you both with P . M . ' s jewels , trusting that you will have health and bc long spared to wear them . P . M . Roberts returned thanks to thc W . M ., officers , and brethren fcr their very kind consideration in presenting him with a Past Master ' s jewel , for which he thought he was only doing his duty as a brother and a Mason ; but
was glad to find those humble services appreciated by the brethren ; and when I consider that it is not a practice in St . David's to present Past Masters' jewels , I lake it as a great honour done to me , especially when I know of only two instances that Past Masters' jewels have been presented hy this lodge . W . M . and brethren , allow me once more to thank you for thc manner in which it has been presented .
Bro . Owen addressed the W . M ., officers , and brethren in a few words , and said he remembered well the evening he was initiated ; it created in him such feeling for knowledge in thc mystic art , that he resolved to lose no opportunity afforded to him for improvement , and having
endorsed Bro . Robert ' s fentiments , concluded by thanking the brethren one and all for their present . The visiting brethren congratulated St . David ' s on > jubilee , and conveyed thc hearty good wishes of their respective provinces and lodges . The lodge was closed in perfect harmony .