Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Multum In Parbo, Or Masonic Notes And Queries.
Multum in Parbo , or Masonic Notes and Queries .
T IIE GRAND MASTERS or THE "ATHOL M ASONS" " ANCIENTS . " In answer to Bro . A . T . I must refer him to a complete list of the Grand Masters of the Athol Masons , to be found in my "Memorials of the Masonic Union of 1813 . " Should he not have access to that work , and as it is out of print , I have consented for the introduction to be
reprinted in the Rosicrucian for January , 1877 , fee , the first number of which volume contains the list in question , and I hope its publication in that form will induce many brethren to subscribe for that most readable publication , edited by my learned friend and brother , Robert Wentworth Little , D . Prov . G . M . Middlesex . I may state that , the list of all the Grand Masters
connected with the different Grand Lodges in England has also been reprinted in Bro . Mackenzie ' s excellent Royal Masonic Cyclopaedia , and a revised list is printed in the portion so far ready of Bro . the Rev . A . F . A . Woodford ' s Cuclopordia , which I hope will soon be issued , for judging from the proof-sheets already submitted to mc I think its
publication will be hailed with delight . liro . Preston and other writers were misled as to the Ancients having no Grand Master until 1772 , but he in his "Illustrations , " and other brethren , never made the mistake , many have of late years , in thinking these Athol ¦ Masons '* were in reality thc York Masons . WILLIAM JAMES HUGHAN .
IVY L ODGE , No . 1441 , AND CORRECTION BY W . BRO R . CASE . I am very pleased to note the correction by our indefatigable Bro . Robert Case , Prov . G . Sec . of Dorset . How sad it is that so many members will not read the laws , and that Worshipful Masters so often pledge themselves to obey and enforce the " Constitutions , " which , apparently ,
they never take the trouble to read . I met with an instance the oilier day of a brother who desired to refer to our regulations , and from his drawer produced a copy of the Constitutions of 1784 to settle the question under consideration , and as he had nothing later the matter was deferred . I am glad to see the lodges now more generally
adopting the plan , so frequently advocated by others as well as myself , to present to each initiate a copy of the Book of Constitutions , and the bye-laws of the lodge and Prov . Grand Lodge . In time this plan will cut down many irregularities of
the kind pointed out by Bro . Case , and the younger members will be able to instruct the " chair . " With respect to the office of "W . S . " as a "total abstainer for life , " I think I can help Bro . Case to unravel the difficulty . It is not "Wine Steward . WILLIAM JAMES HUGHAN .
Provincial Grand Chapter Of Hertfordshire.
A meeting of this Provincial Grand Chapter was held at the Shire Hall , Hertford , on thc 21 st March . The officers present were E . Comps . H . C . Finch , P . Z . 404 , Grand H . ; J . R . Cocks , P . Z . 403 , Grand J . ; F . H . Wilson lies , P . Z . 404 , Grand S . E . ; T . S . Carter , P . Z .
138 s , H . 403 , Grand N . j A . J . Copeland , P . Z . 404 , Grand Treas . ; R . T . Andrews , Z . 403 , Grand Std . Br . ; . ) . Terry , P . Z . 403 , Grand D . C . ; T . Thomas , 404 , T . Wri ght , 403 , Gran . d Janitors . A letter was read from thc Grand Supt ., thc M . E . T . F . Halsey , M . P ., regretting his inability to bc present on account of his being on a Parliamentary committee , on an opposed bill which may sit
until the end of April , and deputing the Grand H . E ., Comp . Finch , to preside in his slead . The report of the committee upon the bye-laws was read and adopted . E . Comp . Copeland , on the proposition of Grand N ., was re-elected Grand Treasurer . The following companions were appointed and invested officers of Prov . Grand Chapter , viz .: E . Comps . T . S . Carter , Z . 403 , P . Z . 138 . 1 ; , Grand
H . j the Rev . G . Finch , P . Z . 404 , Grand J . j F . H . Wilson lies , P . Z . 404 , Grand S . E . ; H . G . Martin , Z . 404 , Grand N . ; G . Ward Terry , Z . 1 385 , Grand P . Soj . -, J . E . Dawson , 404 , Grand 1 st A . S . ; E . A . Simson , H . 403 , Grand 2 nd A . S . ; the Rev . II . F . H . Burchell Herne , J . 404 , Grand Reg . j David Roberts , J . 403 , Grand Std . Br . ; J . Livingston , J . 138 5 , Grand Swd . Br . ; | . Terry , P . Z . 403 , Grand D . C . ; Thomas and Wright , Grand
Janitors . The companions expressed their deep regret at 'he unavoidable absence of the Grand Supt . Among the other companions present were Comps . Keyser , 404 ; the Rev . L . Deedes , 403 ; J . Purrott , 138 5 ; "W . "Warrener , 403 ; C . C . Dick , P . Z . 403 ; II . L . Thomas , P . Z . 403 ; . 1 . B . Scriven , P . Z . ; J . Linzell , 174 ; Craven Cobham , ' . ¦¦ so ,. The companions afterwards partook of a capital dinner , served by Mr . E . M . Davis , of thc Salisbury Arms Hotel . A very agreeable evening was spent .
HGUOWAY ' S OINTMKNT AND PILLS . —Rheumatic and Nervous lains are often more provoking than serious complaints . ' —The chill y mornings and evenings will provoke these tenures in consti-•'"¦ lions susceptible of these maladies . Nothing all ' ords so much 'e'licfas llollowav ' s Ointment well rubbed upon the skin after " - 'Peatcd fomentations . Thousands of testimonials bear witness
'" ilie wonderful comfort obtained from thissafe and simple trcat'" . ¦ '"i , which all sufferers can instantly and successfully adopt without any further advice than is afforded in the accompanying "" eciions . HoIIoway's Ointment , assisted by the judicious use ? ' "is Pills , is especially serviceable in assuaging the sufl ' erings ram cramps , other muscular pains , and tbe great inconvenience 01 varicose veins . —ADVT .
Provincial Grand Mark Lodge Of Middlesex And Surrey.
An important meeting was held at thc Masonic Hall , Air-street , Regent-street , on Wednesday , the 21 st March , and the attendance and thc proceedings were of the most gratifying nature . Prior to the opening of the Provincial Grand Lodge the
Grosvenor Mark Lodge , 144 , was opened at four o'clock by the W . M ., Bro . W . G . Brighten , the Grand Secretary of the province , and as soon as the ordinary business of the lodge was disposed of four brethren were in regular order duly advanced , viz ., Bros . Chas . Coupland , 706 ; F . W . Goddard , 19 j A . D . Everingham , 569 ; and J . H . Evans , 1017 ; Bro . F . H . Cozens officiating as Organist ,
and with Bros . Theodore Distin and H . D . Martin conducting the musical and choral part of the ceremony , which was thereby rendered the more impressive . By the time the advancements were completed the lodgeroom was full in every part , on account of the Provincial
Grand Officers and many visitors arriving to witness the working of the Grosvenor Mark Lodge . The W . M . then called upon the brethren to salute the Provincial Grand Master . The same was done , and the Provincial Grand Master , Col . F . Burdett , replied in most suitable terms .
The ceremony of installation was then proceeded with , and Bro . W . Wigginton presented Bro . G . A . Rooks , the W . M . elect , to Bro . Brighten , to receive at his hands the benefit of installation . The usual questions were put and answered satisfactoril y by Bro . Rooks , and Bro . Bri ghten then formed and declared a duly constituted Board of
Installed Masters , probably one of the largest in the Mark Degree . After thc installation of Bro . Rooks in due form the brethren were re-admitted , and listened to the various addresses , delivered by the Provincial Grand Secretary in an able manner , as testified by the applause he frequently received .
The new W . M ., Bro . Rooks , then presented the retiring Master with an elegant and valuable Past Master ' s jewel , voted to him by the brethren ot the Grosvenor Mark Lodge , and that lodge was closed soon after six . A procession of the officers of Provincial Grand Lodge was then formed and entered thc lodge-room , and was received by the brethren present in Masonic form .
The officers of Provincial Grand Lodge present were the R . W . Prov . G . M ., Bro . Col . Burdett ; the V . W . Dep . Prov . G . M ., Bro . F . Davison ; Col . Stallard , G . S . W . ; J Baxter Langley , LL . D ., G . J . W . ; Rev . D . Shaboe , P . G . Chap . ; E . S . Baikie , G . M . O . ; Wm . Wigginton , G . S . O . ; Chas . Pulman , G . J . O . ; C . Hammcrton , G . Treas . ; J . M . Klenck , G . Reg . ; W . G . Brighten , G . Sec ; G . A .
Rooks , S . D . ; J . T . Ritchie , J . D . ; E . B . Bright , Supt . Works ; J . B . Shackleton , D . C . ; J . K . Pitt , Assist . D . C . ; H . Court , Swd . B . ; W . Taylor , Std . B . ; F . H . Cozens , G . Org . ; and C . H . Rogers Harrison and R . P . Spier , Stewards ; and amongst the numerous brethren present were Bros . R . G . Glover , P . G . S . W . ; Thomas Parker , P . S . D . ; R . I . Moore , P . M ., O . ; H . C . Levander , G . R . ;
Geo . Yaxley , 19 8 ; A . Wolton , 104 ; John Close ; H . Court , 181 ; E . Hopwood , 181 ; A . W . Hall , Chaplain 7 ; H . A . Pocock , 108 ; E . Passover , e ; A . W . Hunne , t ; H . B . Cooper Smith , 7 ; Thos . Distin , 104 ; A . D'Almanie , 1 ; Geo . Huddock ; Major Harding , 7 ; Bernard Meyer , 17 6 ; Chas . Legg , 198 ; W . J . Nicholls , 19 8 ; S . Griffiths , 1118 ; R . W . Brown , 198 ; Dr . Ramosey ; Louis Beck ,
E . H . Thiellay , 1 ; and several other brethren of the Grosvenor Lodge , in all upwards of seventy at Provincial Grand Lodge . The Provincial Grand Lodge having been opened in due form , and thc minutes of thc previous meeting , held at Richmond in July last , having been read and confirmed , the roll of lodges was called over by thc Provincial Grand
Secretary , whose report thereon was received with much satisfaction , thc great increase in the number of members during the past year being observable , and a new lodge , the " Croydon , " having been consecrated . The Provincial Grand Master then said that the special business of the meeting was the nomination of a Provincial Grand Master for the ensuing three years . He had been
already re-elected for a second period of three years , which latter period had passed by so pleasantly and quickly , that it seemed scarcely a year ago since that time . As he thought it his duty to leave the brethren free and unfettered in the full discussion of the matter , he would leave thc lodge while that business was being settled , and thc Rev . Bro . Shaboe at once stated that such a course
was not required or wished for by the brethren present ( universal applause ) , and in a few suitable remarks he proposed the re-election of Bro . Col . F . Burdett . Bro . Col . Wiggington seconded the nomination . The motion being put by Bro . Col . Stallard , it was carried unanimously and with acclamation . Col . Burdett then thanked the brethren , and
congratulated them upon thc great and increasing prosperity of the Order in general , and this province in particular . The list of Provincial Grand Stewards not having been filled up last July , owing to the apathy of some of the lodges , who had failed to recommend any brother for such honours , the Provincial Grand Secretary stated how those vacancies arise , and read over certain
recommendations now to hand , when thc Provincial Grand Master appointed Bro . Sanderson , of the Mallet and Chisel Lodge ; Bros . Legg and Pocock , of the Croydon Lodge , and a brother to be named by the Macdonald Lodge , as Prov . Grand Stewards . The Provincial Grand Master then adverted to the great
family bereavement lately sustained by the head of thc Order , the Grand Mark Master of England and Wales , & c ., & c , thc Earl of Limerick , and proposed that a letter of condolence on the death of Lady Limerick be written by the Provincial Grand Secretary , ad sent from this province to our Grand Master .
Provincial Grand Mark Lodge Of Middlesex And Surrey.
The motion having been seconded by Bro . Dr . Ramosey , it was duly put from the chair and carried unanimousl y . No further business being before the lodge , the same was closed , and the brethren adjourned to an elegant banquet , at which the Ri ght Worshipful Provincial Grand Master presided , assisted by the Provincial Grand Wardens . On his right was the Very Worshipful the Deputy
Provincial Grand Master , and on his left was the Worshipful Master of the Grosvenor Lodge , the banquet for which was provided at the same table , and , accordingly , Bro . Brightlen was assisted by the Wardens of the Grosvenor Lodge in such duties as were required of him and that lodge . The toasts of "The Queen , " "The Prince of Wales "
, Prince Leopold , and the members of the Royal Family " were duly honoured , as was also that of " The Grand Master , the Earl of Limerick ; " each of thc above toasts , as well as the subsequent ones , were followed according to programme by suitable music , wherein the services of Bro . F . H . Coaens , the Provincial Grand Organist , and Bros . Theo . Distin and Th . D . Martin were rendered in a
most agreeable and pleasant manner . Bro . Levander responded for the Grand Mark Officers . Then the toast of Colonel Burdett , as proposed by the Deputy Grand Master , was received with much enthusiasm , and the Grand Master replied in terms of unmixed satisfaction , not only with the progress of the province and Mark Masonry , but with thc gathering round that
table , and expressed his pleasure at being again nominated , for although he felt they might have nominated a better ( no , no ) , he would not conceal the fact that he was pleased to be further associated with the province as Presiding Master now they had reached to their present height of prosperity , which promised yet to increase . Bro . Brighten then proposed " The Health of the Deputy
Grand Master , Bro . F . Davison . and the rest ofthe Provincial Grand Officers , " and bore testimony to the manner in which they performed their duties , and all took their part in the work , and to Bro . Davison and the officers was due much of the success they then met to celebrate . Bro . Davison at the close of his reply said he should turn the tables upon Bro . Bri g hten , for he was sure that
all the brethren would agree with him ( Bro . Davison ) that Bro . Brighten had been proposing his own health in reality , for the province now owed much to him , and the brethren had this evening been able to sec his work as Master of a lodge , and through the ceremony of advancement , and again as Installing Master , and the gathering this evening bore testimony to his ability as Provincial
Grand Mark Secretary . After Bro . Brighten's reply , in which he referred with regret to Bro . Rooks having been compelled to leave , he then proposed " The Past Masters of the Grosvenor Lodge , Bro . C . Hammcrton , the first Master of that lodge , the first Grand Secretary of that province , and the present Grand Treasurer , also Bro . Parker , Past Grand Deacon . "
I hose brethren having replied , the next toast was that cf " The Newly Advanced Brethren , " to each of whom Bro . Brighten briefly referred , viz .: Bros . Coupland , Goddard , Everingham , and Evans , and , in reply , Bro . Goddard returned thanks in the most able and entertaining manner , surprising from one new to the Order , for
it seemed that during the ceremony he had gnsped th e whole object thereof . The toast of " The Visitors , " Bro . Dr . Ramosey and Major Harding , was replied to by thc former , and soon after concluded an evening which was frequentl y spoken of as one of the most pleasant and successful ever remembered .
Metropolitan Masonic Meetings.
Forthe Week ending Friday , April 0 , 1877 . The Editor will bc glad to receive notice from Secretaries of Craft Lodges , Royal Arch Chapters , Mark Lodges , Preceptories , Conclaves , & c , of any change in place or time of meeting .
SATURDAY , MARCH 31 . LODGES OF INSTRUCTION . Lily , Greyhound , Richmond . Manchester , 77 , London-st ., Fitzroy-sq . Star , Marquis of Granby , New Cross-rd . Eccleston , Grosvenor Club , Ebury-square , S . W .
MONDAY , APRIL 2 . Lodge 12 , Fortitude & Old Cumberland , Ship & Turtle . ,, 6 9 , Unity , Inns of Court Hot ., Lincoln ' s-inn . ,. 72 , Royal Jubilee , Anderton's Hot ., Fleet-st . „ 83 , United Lodge of Prudence , Albion Tav .
„ 144 , St . Luke's , M . H ., Basinghall-st . ,, 188 , Joppa , Albion Tav ., Aldersgate-st . „ 256 , Unions , F . M . H . „ 1319 , Asaph , F . M . H . ., 1621 ; , Tredegar , Royal Hot ., Mile End-rd . Chap . 28 , Old King ' s Arms , F . M . H .
LODGES or INSTRUCTION . Prince Leopold , Lord Stanley Tav ., Kingsland . Strong Man , Jerusalem Tav ., St . John's Gate . Sincerity , Railway Tav ., Fenchurch-st . Station . Camden , Stanhope Arms , Up . James-st ., Camden Town . Sastern , Royal Hot ., Mile-end-road . St . James ' s Union , Union Tav ., Air-st ., Regent-st .
Wellington , White Swan , Deptford . Perfect Ashlar , Victoria Tav ., Lower-rd ., Rotherhithe . Upper Norwood , White Hart Hot ., Church-rd . Marquis of Ripon , Pcmbury Tav ., Amhcrst-rd ., Hackney . Loughborough , Warrior Hot ., Brixton . London Masonic Club , 101 , Queen Victoria-st . West Smithfield , New Market Hot ., West Smithfield . Leopold , Woolpack Tavern , Bermondsey-st .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Multum In Parbo, Or Masonic Notes And Queries.
Multum in Parbo , or Masonic Notes and Queries .
T IIE GRAND MASTERS or THE "ATHOL M ASONS" " ANCIENTS . " In answer to Bro . A . T . I must refer him to a complete list of the Grand Masters of the Athol Masons , to be found in my "Memorials of the Masonic Union of 1813 . " Should he not have access to that work , and as it is out of print , I have consented for the introduction to be
reprinted in the Rosicrucian for January , 1877 , fee , the first number of which volume contains the list in question , and I hope its publication in that form will induce many brethren to subscribe for that most readable publication , edited by my learned friend and brother , Robert Wentworth Little , D . Prov . G . M . Middlesex . I may state that , the list of all the Grand Masters
connected with the different Grand Lodges in England has also been reprinted in Bro . Mackenzie ' s excellent Royal Masonic Cyclopaedia , and a revised list is printed in the portion so far ready of Bro . the Rev . A . F . A . Woodford ' s Cuclopordia , which I hope will soon be issued , for judging from the proof-sheets already submitted to mc I think its
publication will be hailed with delight . liro . Preston and other writers were misled as to the Ancients having no Grand Master until 1772 , but he in his "Illustrations , " and other brethren , never made the mistake , many have of late years , in thinking these Athol ¦ Masons '* were in reality thc York Masons . WILLIAM JAMES HUGHAN .
IVY L ODGE , No . 1441 , AND CORRECTION BY W . BRO R . CASE . I am very pleased to note the correction by our indefatigable Bro . Robert Case , Prov . G . Sec . of Dorset . How sad it is that so many members will not read the laws , and that Worshipful Masters so often pledge themselves to obey and enforce the " Constitutions , " which , apparently ,
they never take the trouble to read . I met with an instance the oilier day of a brother who desired to refer to our regulations , and from his drawer produced a copy of the Constitutions of 1784 to settle the question under consideration , and as he had nothing later the matter was deferred . I am glad to see the lodges now more generally
adopting the plan , so frequently advocated by others as well as myself , to present to each initiate a copy of the Book of Constitutions , and the bye-laws of the lodge and Prov . Grand Lodge . In time this plan will cut down many irregularities of
the kind pointed out by Bro . Case , and the younger members will be able to instruct the " chair . " With respect to the office of "W . S . " as a "total abstainer for life , " I think I can help Bro . Case to unravel the difficulty . It is not "Wine Steward . WILLIAM JAMES HUGHAN .
Provincial Grand Chapter Of Hertfordshire.
A meeting of this Provincial Grand Chapter was held at the Shire Hall , Hertford , on thc 21 st March . The officers present were E . Comps . H . C . Finch , P . Z . 404 , Grand H . ; J . R . Cocks , P . Z . 403 , Grand J . ; F . H . Wilson lies , P . Z . 404 , Grand S . E . ; T . S . Carter , P . Z .
138 s , H . 403 , Grand N . j A . J . Copeland , P . Z . 404 , Grand Treas . ; R . T . Andrews , Z . 403 , Grand Std . Br . ; . ) . Terry , P . Z . 403 , Grand D . C . ; T . Thomas , 404 , T . Wri ght , 403 , Gran . d Janitors . A letter was read from thc Grand Supt ., thc M . E . T . F . Halsey , M . P ., regretting his inability to bc present on account of his being on a Parliamentary committee , on an opposed bill which may sit
until the end of April , and deputing the Grand H . E ., Comp . Finch , to preside in his slead . The report of the committee upon the bye-laws was read and adopted . E . Comp . Copeland , on the proposition of Grand N ., was re-elected Grand Treasurer . The following companions were appointed and invested officers of Prov . Grand Chapter , viz .: E . Comps . T . S . Carter , Z . 403 , P . Z . 138 . 1 ; , Grand
H . j the Rev . G . Finch , P . Z . 404 , Grand J . j F . H . Wilson lies , P . Z . 404 , Grand S . E . ; H . G . Martin , Z . 404 , Grand N . ; G . Ward Terry , Z . 1 385 , Grand P . Soj . -, J . E . Dawson , 404 , Grand 1 st A . S . ; E . A . Simson , H . 403 , Grand 2 nd A . S . ; the Rev . II . F . H . Burchell Herne , J . 404 , Grand Reg . j David Roberts , J . 403 , Grand Std . Br . ; J . Livingston , J . 138 5 , Grand Swd . Br . ; | . Terry , P . Z . 403 , Grand D . C . ; Thomas and Wright , Grand
Janitors . The companions expressed their deep regret at 'he unavoidable absence of the Grand Supt . Among the other companions present were Comps . Keyser , 404 ; the Rev . L . Deedes , 403 ; J . Purrott , 138 5 ; "W . "Warrener , 403 ; C . C . Dick , P . Z . 403 ; II . L . Thomas , P . Z . 403 ; . 1 . B . Scriven , P . Z . ; J . Linzell , 174 ; Craven Cobham , ' . ¦¦ so ,. The companions afterwards partook of a capital dinner , served by Mr . E . M . Davis , of thc Salisbury Arms Hotel . A very agreeable evening was spent .
HGUOWAY ' S OINTMKNT AND PILLS . —Rheumatic and Nervous lains are often more provoking than serious complaints . ' —The chill y mornings and evenings will provoke these tenures in consti-•'"¦ lions susceptible of these maladies . Nothing all ' ords so much 'e'licfas llollowav ' s Ointment well rubbed upon the skin after " - 'Peatcd fomentations . Thousands of testimonials bear witness
'" ilie wonderful comfort obtained from thissafe and simple trcat'" . ¦ '"i , which all sufferers can instantly and successfully adopt without any further advice than is afforded in the accompanying "" eciions . HoIIoway's Ointment , assisted by the judicious use ? ' "is Pills , is especially serviceable in assuaging the sufl ' erings ram cramps , other muscular pains , and tbe great inconvenience 01 varicose veins . —ADVT .
Provincial Grand Mark Lodge Of Middlesex And Surrey.
An important meeting was held at thc Masonic Hall , Air-street , Regent-street , on Wednesday , the 21 st March , and the attendance and thc proceedings were of the most gratifying nature . Prior to the opening of the Provincial Grand Lodge the
Grosvenor Mark Lodge , 144 , was opened at four o'clock by the W . M ., Bro . W . G . Brighten , the Grand Secretary of the province , and as soon as the ordinary business of the lodge was disposed of four brethren were in regular order duly advanced , viz ., Bros . Chas . Coupland , 706 ; F . W . Goddard , 19 j A . D . Everingham , 569 ; and J . H . Evans , 1017 ; Bro . F . H . Cozens officiating as Organist ,
and with Bros . Theodore Distin and H . D . Martin conducting the musical and choral part of the ceremony , which was thereby rendered the more impressive . By the time the advancements were completed the lodgeroom was full in every part , on account of the Provincial
Grand Officers and many visitors arriving to witness the working of the Grosvenor Mark Lodge . The W . M . then called upon the brethren to salute the Provincial Grand Master . The same was done , and the Provincial Grand Master , Col . F . Burdett , replied in most suitable terms .
The ceremony of installation was then proceeded with , and Bro . W . Wigginton presented Bro . G . A . Rooks , the W . M . elect , to Bro . Brighten , to receive at his hands the benefit of installation . The usual questions were put and answered satisfactoril y by Bro . Rooks , and Bro . Bri ghten then formed and declared a duly constituted Board of
Installed Masters , probably one of the largest in the Mark Degree . After thc installation of Bro . Rooks in due form the brethren were re-admitted , and listened to the various addresses , delivered by the Provincial Grand Secretary in an able manner , as testified by the applause he frequently received .
The new W . M ., Bro . Rooks , then presented the retiring Master with an elegant and valuable Past Master ' s jewel , voted to him by the brethren ot the Grosvenor Mark Lodge , and that lodge was closed soon after six . A procession of the officers of Provincial Grand Lodge was then formed and entered thc lodge-room , and was received by the brethren present in Masonic form .
The officers of Provincial Grand Lodge present were the R . W . Prov . G . M ., Bro . Col . Burdett ; the V . W . Dep . Prov . G . M ., Bro . F . Davison ; Col . Stallard , G . S . W . ; J Baxter Langley , LL . D ., G . J . W . ; Rev . D . Shaboe , P . G . Chap . ; E . S . Baikie , G . M . O . ; Wm . Wigginton , G . S . O . ; Chas . Pulman , G . J . O . ; C . Hammcrton , G . Treas . ; J . M . Klenck , G . Reg . ; W . G . Brighten , G . Sec ; G . A .
Rooks , S . D . ; J . T . Ritchie , J . D . ; E . B . Bright , Supt . Works ; J . B . Shackleton , D . C . ; J . K . Pitt , Assist . D . C . ; H . Court , Swd . B . ; W . Taylor , Std . B . ; F . H . Cozens , G . Org . ; and C . H . Rogers Harrison and R . P . Spier , Stewards ; and amongst the numerous brethren present were Bros . R . G . Glover , P . G . S . W . ; Thomas Parker , P . S . D . ; R . I . Moore , P . M ., O . ; H . C . Levander , G . R . ;
Geo . Yaxley , 19 8 ; A . Wolton , 104 ; John Close ; H . Court , 181 ; E . Hopwood , 181 ; A . W . Hall , Chaplain 7 ; H . A . Pocock , 108 ; E . Passover , e ; A . W . Hunne , t ; H . B . Cooper Smith , 7 ; Thos . Distin , 104 ; A . D'Almanie , 1 ; Geo . Huddock ; Major Harding , 7 ; Bernard Meyer , 17 6 ; Chas . Legg , 198 ; W . J . Nicholls , 19 8 ; S . Griffiths , 1118 ; R . W . Brown , 198 ; Dr . Ramosey ; Louis Beck ,
E . H . Thiellay , 1 ; and several other brethren of the Grosvenor Lodge , in all upwards of seventy at Provincial Grand Lodge . The Provincial Grand Lodge having been opened in due form , and thc minutes of thc previous meeting , held at Richmond in July last , having been read and confirmed , the roll of lodges was called over by thc Provincial Grand
Secretary , whose report thereon was received with much satisfaction , thc great increase in the number of members during the past year being observable , and a new lodge , the " Croydon , " having been consecrated . The Provincial Grand Master then said that the special business of the meeting was the nomination of a Provincial Grand Master for the ensuing three years . He had been
already re-elected for a second period of three years , which latter period had passed by so pleasantly and quickly , that it seemed scarcely a year ago since that time . As he thought it his duty to leave the brethren free and unfettered in the full discussion of the matter , he would leave thc lodge while that business was being settled , and thc Rev . Bro . Shaboe at once stated that such a course
was not required or wished for by the brethren present ( universal applause ) , and in a few suitable remarks he proposed the re-election of Bro . Col . F . Burdett . Bro . Col . Wiggington seconded the nomination . The motion being put by Bro . Col . Stallard , it was carried unanimously and with acclamation . Col . Burdett then thanked the brethren , and
congratulated them upon thc great and increasing prosperity of the Order in general , and this province in particular . The list of Provincial Grand Stewards not having been filled up last July , owing to the apathy of some of the lodges , who had failed to recommend any brother for such honours , the Provincial Grand Secretary stated how those vacancies arise , and read over certain
recommendations now to hand , when thc Provincial Grand Master appointed Bro . Sanderson , of the Mallet and Chisel Lodge ; Bros . Legg and Pocock , of the Croydon Lodge , and a brother to be named by the Macdonald Lodge , as Prov . Grand Stewards . The Provincial Grand Master then adverted to the great
family bereavement lately sustained by the head of thc Order , the Grand Mark Master of England and Wales , & c ., & c , thc Earl of Limerick , and proposed that a letter of condolence on the death of Lady Limerick be written by the Provincial Grand Secretary , ad sent from this province to our Grand Master .
Provincial Grand Mark Lodge Of Middlesex And Surrey.
The motion having been seconded by Bro . Dr . Ramosey , it was duly put from the chair and carried unanimousl y . No further business being before the lodge , the same was closed , and the brethren adjourned to an elegant banquet , at which the Ri ght Worshipful Provincial Grand Master presided , assisted by the Provincial Grand Wardens . On his right was the Very Worshipful the Deputy
Provincial Grand Master , and on his left was the Worshipful Master of the Grosvenor Lodge , the banquet for which was provided at the same table , and , accordingly , Bro . Brightlen was assisted by the Wardens of the Grosvenor Lodge in such duties as were required of him and that lodge . The toasts of "The Queen , " "The Prince of Wales "
, Prince Leopold , and the members of the Royal Family " were duly honoured , as was also that of " The Grand Master , the Earl of Limerick ; " each of thc above toasts , as well as the subsequent ones , were followed according to programme by suitable music , wherein the services of Bro . F . H . Coaens , the Provincial Grand Organist , and Bros . Theo . Distin and Th . D . Martin were rendered in a
most agreeable and pleasant manner . Bro . Levander responded for the Grand Mark Officers . Then the toast of Colonel Burdett , as proposed by the Deputy Grand Master , was received with much enthusiasm , and the Grand Master replied in terms of unmixed satisfaction , not only with the progress of the province and Mark Masonry , but with thc gathering round that
table , and expressed his pleasure at being again nominated , for although he felt they might have nominated a better ( no , no ) , he would not conceal the fact that he was pleased to be further associated with the province as Presiding Master now they had reached to their present height of prosperity , which promised yet to increase . Bro . Brighten then proposed " The Health of the Deputy
Grand Master , Bro . F . Davison . and the rest ofthe Provincial Grand Officers , " and bore testimony to the manner in which they performed their duties , and all took their part in the work , and to Bro . Davison and the officers was due much of the success they then met to celebrate . Bro . Davison at the close of his reply said he should turn the tables upon Bro . Bri g hten , for he was sure that
all the brethren would agree with him ( Bro . Davison ) that Bro . Brighten had been proposing his own health in reality , for the province now owed much to him , and the brethren had this evening been able to sec his work as Master of a lodge , and through the ceremony of advancement , and again as Installing Master , and the gathering this evening bore testimony to his ability as Provincial
Grand Mark Secretary . After Bro . Brighten's reply , in which he referred with regret to Bro . Rooks having been compelled to leave , he then proposed " The Past Masters of the Grosvenor Lodge , Bro . C . Hammcrton , the first Master of that lodge , the first Grand Secretary of that province , and the present Grand Treasurer , also Bro . Parker , Past Grand Deacon . "
I hose brethren having replied , the next toast was that cf " The Newly Advanced Brethren , " to each of whom Bro . Brighten briefly referred , viz .: Bros . Coupland , Goddard , Everingham , and Evans , and , in reply , Bro . Goddard returned thanks in the most able and entertaining manner , surprising from one new to the Order , for
it seemed that during the ceremony he had gnsped th e whole object thereof . The toast of " The Visitors , " Bro . Dr . Ramosey and Major Harding , was replied to by thc former , and soon after concluded an evening which was frequentl y spoken of as one of the most pleasant and successful ever remembered .
Metropolitan Masonic Meetings.
Forthe Week ending Friday , April 0 , 1877 . The Editor will bc glad to receive notice from Secretaries of Craft Lodges , Royal Arch Chapters , Mark Lodges , Preceptories , Conclaves , & c , of any change in place or time of meeting .
SATURDAY , MARCH 31 . LODGES OF INSTRUCTION . Lily , Greyhound , Richmond . Manchester , 77 , London-st ., Fitzroy-sq . Star , Marquis of Granby , New Cross-rd . Eccleston , Grosvenor Club , Ebury-square , S . W .
MONDAY , APRIL 2 . Lodge 12 , Fortitude & Old Cumberland , Ship & Turtle . ,, 6 9 , Unity , Inns of Court Hot ., Lincoln ' s-inn . ,. 72 , Royal Jubilee , Anderton's Hot ., Fleet-st . „ 83 , United Lodge of Prudence , Albion Tav .
„ 144 , St . Luke's , M . H ., Basinghall-st . ,, 188 , Joppa , Albion Tav ., Aldersgate-st . „ 256 , Unions , F . M . H . „ 1319 , Asaph , F . M . H . ., 1621 ; , Tredegar , Royal Hot ., Mile End-rd . Chap . 28 , Old King ' s Arms , F . M . H .
LODGES or INSTRUCTION . Prince Leopold , Lord Stanley Tav ., Kingsland . Strong Man , Jerusalem Tav ., St . John's Gate . Sincerity , Railway Tav ., Fenchurch-st . Station . Camden , Stanhope Arms , Up . James-st ., Camden Town . Sastern , Royal Hot ., Mile-end-road . St . James ' s Union , Union Tav ., Air-st ., Regent-st .
Wellington , White Swan , Deptford . Perfect Ashlar , Victoria Tav ., Lower-rd ., Rotherhithe . Upper Norwood , White Hart Hot ., Church-rd . Marquis of Ripon , Pcmbury Tav ., Amhcrst-rd ., Hackney . Loughborough , Warrior Hot ., Brixton . London Masonic Club , 101 , Queen Victoria-st . West Smithfield , New Market Hot ., West Smithfield . Leopold , Woolpack Tavern , Bermondsey-st .