Article The New Grand Officers. ← Page 5 of 6 →
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The New Grand Officers.
In the Royal Arch Bro . Guyon was exalted in the Derwent Chapter in 1873 , afterwards joining St . Andrews in the East , No . 68 , Poona , and the Richmond Chapter , No . 20 ^ 2 , of which two latter he is a Past First Principal . He is a Life Subscriber to each of the Charities .
DKITTY GRAXD SWORD BKARKR . Lt .-Col . Henry G . Thompson , M . D ., was initiated so long ago as 1868 in the Emulation Lodge , No . 299 , Dartford , and was elected to the Master ' s chair in 1873 . He joined the Addiscombe Lodge , No . 1336 , Croydon , in 1877 of which Lodge
he also became Master in 1880 . He is a Past Senior Grand Warden of Surrey . Bro . Thompson was exalted in the Royal Arch in 1872 , in the High Cross Chapter , No . 829 , and was installed as First Principal in 1880—becoming afterwards a founder of the Addiscombi Chapter and filling the office of Z . in the year 1880 and again in 18 94 ; he is also a Past
Provincial Grand J . of Kent . In the Masonic Charities Bro . Thompson has qualified as a Vice-President of all three Institutions and has served several Stewardships .
GRAND STANDARD BKARKR . ' Bro . Thomas Cohu was initiated in the Lion and Lamb Lodge , No . 192 in the year 1869 , and remained for a quarter of a century an active member before dividing his allegiance by becoming a joining member of another lodge . In 18 94 ,
however , he was elected a joining membi . r of Dovles Lodge of Friendship , No . 8 4 , Guernsey . He has filled the chair of Worshipful Master in his mother lodge on two occasionsin 1876 and in 1889—and has been the Treasurer of the lodge for many years . The Provincial Grand Master of Guernsey has honoured him with the appointment of Provincial Junior Grand Warden of that province . Bro . Cohu is also a member of the Board of General Purposes .
IIIIO . THOMAS COHU . In Royal Arch Masonry he was exalted in the Lion and Lamb Chapter in 18 76 and has filled the First Principal ' s chair twice , viz ., in 1883 and 1900 . Bro . Cohu is a Vice-President of the Boys' School and the Benevolent Institution
and a Life Governor of the Chris' School , and has served several Stewardships for each . GRAND STANDARD BKARKR . Bro . T . Harrison Roberts was initiated iu St . Martin '
s-le-Grand Lodge , No . 1338 , in 1883 , and subsequently joined the Royal Albert Lodge , No . 1362 , the Gat wick Lodge , No . 2302 , and the East Surrey Lodge , No . 2769 , in each of which he
afterwards filled the Chair of Worshipful Master . In the Province of Surrey he was appointed Junior Grand Deacon in 18 93 , and in 18 99 was elected Provincial Grand Treasurer . He is also a member of the Board of General Purposes . Bro . Roberts became a Royal Arch Mason in 1891 , having been exalted in the Gallery Chapter , No . 1928 , afterwards
joining the Sludholme Brownrigg Chapter , of which latter he is a Past Z . He is also a Past Provincial Grand Treasurer of Surrey and Buckinghamshire . Bro . Roberts has served five Stewardships , and is a Vice-Patron of the Boys' School , and a Vice-President of both the Girls' School and the Benevolent Institution .
Warrinitcri . IlliO . T . IIAItlilSO . N IIOlil . liTS . GRAND ORGANIST . Bro . H . j . Edwards , Mus . Doc , Oxon , was initiated in
the Loyal Lodge , No . 237 Barnstaple , in 18 79 , and filled the Master ' s chair in 1 SS 6 . He was appointed Provincial Senior
yV -trn ' niftoq . nun . 11 . . 1 . KIIWAIIIIS . Grand Deacon of Devon in 1891 . Me is also a Royal Arch Mason , having been exalted in the Loyalty and Virtue Chapter , No . 231 , in 1887 .
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The New Grand Officers.
In the Royal Arch Bro . Guyon was exalted in the Derwent Chapter in 1873 , afterwards joining St . Andrews in the East , No . 68 , Poona , and the Richmond Chapter , No . 20 ^ 2 , of which two latter he is a Past First Principal . He is a Life Subscriber to each of the Charities .
DKITTY GRAXD SWORD BKARKR . Lt .-Col . Henry G . Thompson , M . D ., was initiated so long ago as 1868 in the Emulation Lodge , No . 299 , Dartford , and was elected to the Master ' s chair in 1873 . He joined the Addiscombe Lodge , No . 1336 , Croydon , in 1877 of which Lodge
he also became Master in 1880 . He is a Past Senior Grand Warden of Surrey . Bro . Thompson was exalted in the Royal Arch in 1872 , in the High Cross Chapter , No . 829 , and was installed as First Principal in 1880—becoming afterwards a founder of the Addiscombi Chapter and filling the office of Z . in the year 1880 and again in 18 94 ; he is also a Past
Provincial Grand J . of Kent . In the Masonic Charities Bro . Thompson has qualified as a Vice-President of all three Institutions and has served several Stewardships .
GRAND STANDARD BKARKR . ' Bro . Thomas Cohu was initiated in the Lion and Lamb Lodge , No . 192 in the year 1869 , and remained for a quarter of a century an active member before dividing his allegiance by becoming a joining member of another lodge . In 18 94 ,
however , he was elected a joining membi . r of Dovles Lodge of Friendship , No . 8 4 , Guernsey . He has filled the chair of Worshipful Master in his mother lodge on two occasionsin 1876 and in 1889—and has been the Treasurer of the lodge for many years . The Provincial Grand Master of Guernsey has honoured him with the appointment of Provincial Junior Grand Warden of that province . Bro . Cohu is also a member of the Board of General Purposes .
IIIIO . THOMAS COHU . In Royal Arch Masonry he was exalted in the Lion and Lamb Chapter in 18 76 and has filled the First Principal ' s chair twice , viz ., in 1883 and 1900 . Bro . Cohu is a Vice-President of the Boys' School and the Benevolent Institution
and a Life Governor of the Chris' School , and has served several Stewardships for each . GRAND STANDARD BKARKR . Bro . T . Harrison Roberts was initiated iu St . Martin '
s-le-Grand Lodge , No . 1338 , in 1883 , and subsequently joined the Royal Albert Lodge , No . 1362 , the Gat wick Lodge , No . 2302 , and the East Surrey Lodge , No . 2769 , in each of which he
afterwards filled the Chair of Worshipful Master . In the Province of Surrey he was appointed Junior Grand Deacon in 18 93 , and in 18 99 was elected Provincial Grand Treasurer . He is also a member of the Board of General Purposes . Bro . Roberts became a Royal Arch Mason in 1891 , having been exalted in the Gallery Chapter , No . 1928 , afterwards
joining the Sludholme Brownrigg Chapter , of which latter he is a Past Z . He is also a Past Provincial Grand Treasurer of Surrey and Buckinghamshire . Bro . Roberts has served five Stewardships , and is a Vice-Patron of the Boys' School , and a Vice-President of both the Girls' School and the Benevolent Institution .
Warrinitcri . IlliO . T . IIAItlilSO . N IIOlil . liTS . GRAND ORGANIST . Bro . H . j . Edwards , Mus . Doc , Oxon , was initiated in
the Loyal Lodge , No . 237 Barnstaple , in 18 79 , and filled the Master ' s chair in 1 SS 6 . He was appointed Provincial Senior
yV -trn ' niftoq . nun . 11 . . 1 . KIIWAIIIIS . Grand Deacon of Devon in 1891 . Me is also a Royal Arch Mason , having been exalted in the Loyalty and Virtue Chapter , No . 231 , in 1887 .