Article Our Lady of Light. Page 1 of 1 Article York Lodge, No. 236. Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1
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Our Lady Of Light.
Our Lady of Light .
INVOCATION BY THIi GRAND BAKD . O COME , beloved shade , inspire the bard to sing Of the Eternal One , the Church , the Craft and King , And of that Temple glorious from whence our Lady came
To bless the brotherhood of man and charity enflame . She came adown the ages , in chariot of love , And drawn by faithful steeds in harness from above , Her lamps like diamonds glowing to make the pathway clear , Diffusing rays around , to fortify and cheer .
The beauty of our Lady is veiled from sceptic eye : Hatred , envy , malice , before her presence ( l y ; Some bigot tongues assail , but futile their design , For gallant knights defend and guard her mystic shrine . She welcomes all—who will—into her temple fair ,
And says , " The pure in heart alone may enter there . " The Prince and Peasant pass beneath the Royal Arch , While Minster bells ring out in cadence with the March . Her songs of light are heard in the acacia bowers , Where rose and trefoil grow and tender passion ( lowers ,
The amaranth and heath ; she culls the fairest bloom To cheer the weary ward , and deck our Master ' s room . Behold that priceless chart that bears Saint Andrew ' s seal , A mother ' s gift to aid and guide in woe or weal , Be it on the ocean or far-divided shore , On rolling veldt of Africa , or wilds of Labrador .
1 here yon will meet her daughters , there clasp a brothers hand , A home in exile lind , and courage to withstand , When fortune frowns and leaves you lonely and forlorn , Her sweet repose will come as dawn of Easter morn . O subtle is the way of life , the under-currents roll
Beyond the sunny line , around the frozen Pole , Amid life's raging tumult our Lady aye defend ! And know-within our circle you'll always find a friend . She hath her solemn moments when tranquil wisdom reigns , A time for social glee and merry lifting strains ,
A time for ( lowing cups around the festive board , When songs of auld lang syne sound one harmonious chord . O , fair Dunedin , hail ! loved city of the East , Within thy hoary walls we hold Saint Andrew's feast , All hail these other symbols , the tree and bird and crest , That mark Saint Mungo ' s bride , the city of the West .
I he banquets set , let gales of joy blow through the lighted hall , Where portraits of our Masters fond memories recall , We hope to see their faces ; ay , in our God we trust To touch the vanished hand in the Kingdom of the just .
Awake ! Arise and praise our Architect Divine Whose work reveals the God in every glorious line . Rejoice ! the good and true our Lady will revere , And Albion ' s sons accord to sound the thrilling cheer , For Craft and King and Unity be manful duty clone , And crown with freshest laurel Dalhousie ' s Worthy Son . HUHKUT GRAY MACLAREN .
York Lodge, No. 236.
York Lodge , No . 236 .
The usual meeting of the above Lodge was held on Monday evening , the 20 th November , in the Masonic Hall , York . The W . Bro . G . Potter-Kirby , P . M ., P . P . S . G . W . , W . M ., presided over a large company of Past Masters , officers , and brethren , amongst whom were W . Bros-Sir J . Sykes Rymer , P . P . S . G . W . ; S . Border , P . P . G . R . ;
E . W . Purnell , P . P . G . S . D . ; A . Jones , P . P . G . Treas . ; and a number of visitors from neighbouring lodges . After the usual routine business had been transacted , Bros . George Arthur Potter-Kirby and John William Potter-Kirby were raised by the W . M ., their father , who performed the
ceremony in a very clear and feeling manner . The W . M . has now the satisfaction of seeing his two only sons become Master Masons of this lodge , of winch he has been a member during so man ) ' years , and , in addition , also the satisfaction of their being initiated , passed , and raised by him during
his second term of office as W . M ., and this after the long interval of twenty-one years . W . Bro . Laughton , the recently - appointed Charity representative , gave a resume of the proceedings of the Charity Committee meeting lie had attended a few days before . Four gentlemn were proposed as candidates for initiation At
the close of the lodge the brethren adjourned to the banqueting room , where dinner was served to about fifty brethren , and several toasts were duly honoured , amongst which were those of the W . M ., and the two newly-raised brethren , Bros . George Arthur Potter-Kirby and John William Potter-Kirby . Several brethren , in the course of the
evening , referred to the very happy event which had taken place in the raising of the W . M . ' s two only sons . They also spoke of the great interest which the W . M . had ever taken in the lodge , and the very great care he always evinces lest anything should happen to detract from its long and
honourable history . The W . M ,, in responding , assured the brethren of his continued interest in Freemasonry , and also in the York Lodge and its working , and that he should always look back with pleasure upon his second term of office as W . M . Bros . George Arthur Potter-Kirby and John William
Potter-Kirby responded to the toast of their health , and stated that their one aim and object would be to be closely associated with the York Lodge , No . 236 , and assist in supporting it and upholding its ancient dignity . The harmony of the evening was increased by songs , & c , contributed by several of those present .
Arc recognised questions of individirtl as well as National importance . They are being solved in a practical way under the
either with or without the benefits of Life Assurance , introduced by the
British Romes Assurance Corporation , £ td .
6 , Paul Street , Finsbury , London , E . C . Over 1 , 600 Policy and Endowment Certificate Holders have been enabled to purchase their own Homes or Shop Premises . The authorised capital « if llu' Corporation is £ 100 , 000 , subscribed . £ 00 , 000 , paid up £ 50 , 000 . Animal income excels £ 120 , 000 . Funds exceed a Quarter of a Million . Chairman - - - N . W . HUBBARD , J . P ., L . C . C . Consulting Actuary - F . G . P . NEISON , F . I . A ., F . S . S . Prospectuses anil Press Opinions post free .
, Apply for linns to II . IJOKXK , Agency ( Manager , M . GREGORY , Managing Director
, , . w . \' n . A .. ' . " .. "'' ' ¦ -- ¦ ¦ I r'Mrj . Hjiii iin" i . < Uwi . i » pgcirawfpuwiiua ^——^ M ^ I ^ B ^ M ^ ^ M ^
„ BJ . MT OF APPO . NT OF APPOINT * , ^ . 4 L . *«• CONNOISSEURS SMOKE ^ * A ** ^ «§§ TEOFANIS fAt ' ^^ lllllllflP ^ TEOFANI & . CO . 'S Cigarettes receive the Highest awards at all jP ^^^^^ S ^^ T * , ^^ l | vPtf >^ International Exhibitions , and are sold by all Leading Purveyors through- * , , % !^^^^^^ rj / v * % * , « ^^ + * * ' out the WORLD . % , ,, * <^ § ^ S * " THE „„ Eo . vE of 0 'T «« K , „« orf- * *
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Our Lady Of Light.
Our Lady of Light .
INVOCATION BY THIi GRAND BAKD . O COME , beloved shade , inspire the bard to sing Of the Eternal One , the Church , the Craft and King , And of that Temple glorious from whence our Lady came
To bless the brotherhood of man and charity enflame . She came adown the ages , in chariot of love , And drawn by faithful steeds in harness from above , Her lamps like diamonds glowing to make the pathway clear , Diffusing rays around , to fortify and cheer .
The beauty of our Lady is veiled from sceptic eye : Hatred , envy , malice , before her presence ( l y ; Some bigot tongues assail , but futile their design , For gallant knights defend and guard her mystic shrine . She welcomes all—who will—into her temple fair ,
And says , " The pure in heart alone may enter there . " The Prince and Peasant pass beneath the Royal Arch , While Minster bells ring out in cadence with the March . Her songs of light are heard in the acacia bowers , Where rose and trefoil grow and tender passion ( lowers ,
The amaranth and heath ; she culls the fairest bloom To cheer the weary ward , and deck our Master ' s room . Behold that priceless chart that bears Saint Andrew ' s seal , A mother ' s gift to aid and guide in woe or weal , Be it on the ocean or far-divided shore , On rolling veldt of Africa , or wilds of Labrador .
1 here yon will meet her daughters , there clasp a brothers hand , A home in exile lind , and courage to withstand , When fortune frowns and leaves you lonely and forlorn , Her sweet repose will come as dawn of Easter morn . O subtle is the way of life , the under-currents roll
Beyond the sunny line , around the frozen Pole , Amid life's raging tumult our Lady aye defend ! And know-within our circle you'll always find a friend . She hath her solemn moments when tranquil wisdom reigns , A time for social glee and merry lifting strains ,
A time for ( lowing cups around the festive board , When songs of auld lang syne sound one harmonious chord . O , fair Dunedin , hail ! loved city of the East , Within thy hoary walls we hold Saint Andrew's feast , All hail these other symbols , the tree and bird and crest , That mark Saint Mungo ' s bride , the city of the West .
I he banquets set , let gales of joy blow through the lighted hall , Where portraits of our Masters fond memories recall , We hope to see their faces ; ay , in our God we trust To touch the vanished hand in the Kingdom of the just .
Awake ! Arise and praise our Architect Divine Whose work reveals the God in every glorious line . Rejoice ! the good and true our Lady will revere , And Albion ' s sons accord to sound the thrilling cheer , For Craft and King and Unity be manful duty clone , And crown with freshest laurel Dalhousie ' s Worthy Son . HUHKUT GRAY MACLAREN .
York Lodge, No. 236.
York Lodge , No . 236 .
The usual meeting of the above Lodge was held on Monday evening , the 20 th November , in the Masonic Hall , York . The W . Bro . G . Potter-Kirby , P . M ., P . P . S . G . W . , W . M ., presided over a large company of Past Masters , officers , and brethren , amongst whom were W . Bros-Sir J . Sykes Rymer , P . P . S . G . W . ; S . Border , P . P . G . R . ;
E . W . Purnell , P . P . G . S . D . ; A . Jones , P . P . G . Treas . ; and a number of visitors from neighbouring lodges . After the usual routine business had been transacted , Bros . George Arthur Potter-Kirby and John William Potter-Kirby were raised by the W . M ., their father , who performed the
ceremony in a very clear and feeling manner . The W . M . has now the satisfaction of seeing his two only sons become Master Masons of this lodge , of winch he has been a member during so man ) ' years , and , in addition , also the satisfaction of their being initiated , passed , and raised by him during
his second term of office as W . M ., and this after the long interval of twenty-one years . W . Bro . Laughton , the recently - appointed Charity representative , gave a resume of the proceedings of the Charity Committee meeting lie had attended a few days before . Four gentlemn were proposed as candidates for initiation At
the close of the lodge the brethren adjourned to the banqueting room , where dinner was served to about fifty brethren , and several toasts were duly honoured , amongst which were those of the W . M ., and the two newly-raised brethren , Bros . George Arthur Potter-Kirby and John William Potter-Kirby . Several brethren , in the course of the
evening , referred to the very happy event which had taken place in the raising of the W . M . ' s two only sons . They also spoke of the great interest which the W . M . had ever taken in the lodge , and the very great care he always evinces lest anything should happen to detract from its long and
honourable history . The W . M ,, in responding , assured the brethren of his continued interest in Freemasonry , and also in the York Lodge and its working , and that he should always look back with pleasure upon his second term of office as W . M . Bros . George Arthur Potter-Kirby and John William
Potter-Kirby responded to the toast of their health , and stated that their one aim and object would be to be closely associated with the York Lodge , No . 236 , and assist in supporting it and upholding its ancient dignity . The harmony of the evening was increased by songs , & c , contributed by several of those present .
Arc recognised questions of individirtl as well as National importance . They are being solved in a practical way under the
either with or without the benefits of Life Assurance , introduced by the
British Romes Assurance Corporation , £ td .
6 , Paul Street , Finsbury , London , E . C . Over 1 , 600 Policy and Endowment Certificate Holders have been enabled to purchase their own Homes or Shop Premises . The authorised capital « if llu' Corporation is £ 100 , 000 , subscribed . £ 00 , 000 , paid up £ 50 , 000 . Animal income excels £ 120 , 000 . Funds exceed a Quarter of a Million . Chairman - - - N . W . HUBBARD , J . P ., L . C . C . Consulting Actuary - F . G . P . NEISON , F . I . A ., F . S . S . Prospectuses anil Press Opinions post free .
, Apply for linns to II . IJOKXK , Agency ( Manager , M . GREGORY , Managing Director
, , . w . \' n . A .. ' . " .. "'' ' ¦ -- ¦ ¦ I r'Mrj . Hjiii iin" i . < Uwi . i » pgcirawfpuwiiua ^——^ M ^ I ^ B ^ M ^ ^ M ^
„ BJ . MT OF APPO . NT OF APPOINT * , ^ . 4 L . *«• CONNOISSEURS SMOKE ^ * A ** ^ «§§ TEOFANIS fAt ' ^^ lllllllflP ^ TEOFANI & . CO . 'S Cigarettes receive the Highest awards at all jP ^^^^^ S ^^ T * , ^^ l | vPtf >^ International Exhibitions , and are sold by all Leading Purveyors through- * , , % !^^^^^^ rj / v * % * , « ^^ + * * ' out the WORLD . % , ,, * <^ § ^ S * " THE „„ Eo . vE of 0 'T «« K , „« orf- * *