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History Of The Lodge Of Em Ulation, No . 21.
allow'd for a hrame to y" s d picture , which was seconded and unanimously agreed to . " At this meeting "A motion was made and seconded that Twenty Pounds be paid at the next Quarterl y Communication towards the Building a Hall . "
Tin : ClIKVALlKIt ItUSI'IXI , GRAND SWOItl ) IlKAKK . ti , 17 H 1-1 S 13 . The cash book of the lodge and the Grand Lodge report show that this sum was duly paid ; the former also contains a record of the payment "to Bro ' Samuels of £ 12 12 s . for drawing Bro Richford ' s picture , and of £ 5 5 s . to Bro ' Oakes for a Frame . "
As the portrait of the Treasurer is referred to as a drawing , we may assume tlv . it it was really drawn—not painted . But what has become of it ? It is not now amongst the lodge property . Bro Thomas Richford was the Treasurer thus honoured . He had been re-elected every six months since 1765 , and
continued in office until his death in 1775 , and , it need hardly be said , was held in the highest esteem by the brethren . 1775 , December 1 ith . — " A motion was made that a Bye Law might be pass'd that the present and succeeding Stewards shall have the power invested in them of
Nominating their successors , and that such proposed Brother should be a member of this Lodge twelve preceding months , and that no Bro ' shall upon any pretence whatever , accept of the Apron without first giving his word as a Mason to comply with this regulation . "
The above motion was put to the lodge on the 12 II 1 of February , 177 6 , and " carried unanimously in the affirmative , " but was withdrawn by the proposer on the 1 ith of March following . 377 6 , October 14 th . — "A motion was made by Bro
Johnson and seconded by Bro ' Troutbeck , that the set of Jewells that lay useless be disposed of . " On being put to the lodge at the next meeting this motion was negatived . November 11 th . — " Bro . Renxon made the Lodge a present of a sett of Bowls which he had made in China for the use of this Lodge ; his health with thanks was accordingly drank on the occasion . "
1777 , February 24 th . — " Amotion was made and seconded , that Bro . Reason ' s health be drank annually for the very genteel present he made the Lodge , and also that he be admitted an Honorary Member . " This motion was confirmed at the next meeting of the lodge . 177 8 , March 9 U 1 . — " Bro . Wilson proposed that a Public Yisit be return'd in form to the Tuscan Lodge , which was agreed to unanimously . "
Hospital for Consumption & Diseases of the Chest ,
SANATORIUM AND CONVALESCENT HOME , on the Chobham Bidges , near Frimley , Surrey . Under the immediate Patronage of H . M . THE KING . ; H . M . QUEEN ALEXANDRA ; H . R . H . THE PRINCE OF WALES ; H . R . H . THE PRINCESS OF WALES President—THE RIGHT HON . THE EARL CF DERBY , K . G ., G C . B .
-pvKKv i ) . „ ,..,- of rj 210 s . at one time , or :, t different period , wiu , in three years , JL . j , becomes ; i Vinvtrnui- for \/ ric , ;\ YH \ vn ;\ y vcowrnvnU \ rnvj lvi-VMvavV : \\ v \ vvj < V \ V c > .. i-P :. ii « ,. s m « . ei . y « . r 1 .. ihe n . ^ itai . j , ; vt . subs-Tiber of £ 5 5 s . per annum becomes a Governor , and may reconnnend one Inpatient ami cie . ht Out-Patients to the Hospital during H « year . Annual Subscribers of less than £ , 5 s . are entitled to recommend four Out- I > Mic " < ' > ""• • " " P il : i 1 r "' 'l ' <" £ '>* - subscribed . Every person making ; i bequest ol , £ 100 or upwards to the Hospital may nominee aYife Governor ; and in U , e event of ^ no sud , ,,, M ,, i „ alion beinrf macle . one u ) thv Executors nv . nl lonetl in the \\ ill is entitled to the privileges of a Life Governor
The Committee of Management earnestly appeal for Donations , J ' ' ' LegadeS ) and especially new Annua , Subscriptions . . FREDK , W ) OD . SttVV / lHT J
Beds , 418 . ' * r * * : n = Patients , 1004 , 1 , 771 . " ' » y" 4 i ' ' //• ' Ollt = PatientS , I 00 I 2 , 39 l . 1 x -r > i ** r Annual Expenditure , over £ 35 , 000 Onlyfixed Income , Under £ 3 , 000 .
. . . . ' * " ,
_ I . M _ ^¦¦ - ¦^ ^ ^ King ' s College Hospital PORTUGAL STREET , Patron : ins MAJKSTY TUB KING . LINCOLN'S INN FIELDS , W . C . IPl'Csitcnt : MIS ROYAI . lllOllXKSS TUK DUKE OV COXN'AL'GIIT , KG . 4 . AN ERNEST APPEAL is made for T / HE average Annual Expenditure of the Additional Funds to meet the deficiency , Hospital is £ 21 , 000 , and the Ordinary New Annual Subscriptions being especially Income £ 15 , 000 * leaving a sum of about welcome . Any contributions will be thankfully £ " , 000 to be provided from other sources j received by the Treasurer , CI-IAS . AWDRY , Esq . each year . —^ or by H . S . TUNNARD , Secretary .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
History Of The Lodge Of Em Ulation, No . 21.
allow'd for a hrame to y" s d picture , which was seconded and unanimously agreed to . " At this meeting "A motion was made and seconded that Twenty Pounds be paid at the next Quarterl y Communication towards the Building a Hall . "
Tin : ClIKVALlKIt ItUSI'IXI , GRAND SWOItl ) IlKAKK . ti , 17 H 1-1 S 13 . The cash book of the lodge and the Grand Lodge report show that this sum was duly paid ; the former also contains a record of the payment "to Bro ' Samuels of £ 12 12 s . for drawing Bro Richford ' s picture , and of £ 5 5 s . to Bro ' Oakes for a Frame . "
As the portrait of the Treasurer is referred to as a drawing , we may assume tlv . it it was really drawn—not painted . But what has become of it ? It is not now amongst the lodge property . Bro Thomas Richford was the Treasurer thus honoured . He had been re-elected every six months since 1765 , and
continued in office until his death in 1775 , and , it need hardly be said , was held in the highest esteem by the brethren . 1775 , December 1 ith . — " A motion was made that a Bye Law might be pass'd that the present and succeeding Stewards shall have the power invested in them of
Nominating their successors , and that such proposed Brother should be a member of this Lodge twelve preceding months , and that no Bro ' shall upon any pretence whatever , accept of the Apron without first giving his word as a Mason to comply with this regulation . "
The above motion was put to the lodge on the 12 II 1 of February , 177 6 , and " carried unanimously in the affirmative , " but was withdrawn by the proposer on the 1 ith of March following . 377 6 , October 14 th . — "A motion was made by Bro
Johnson and seconded by Bro ' Troutbeck , that the set of Jewells that lay useless be disposed of . " On being put to the lodge at the next meeting this motion was negatived . November 11 th . — " Bro . Renxon made the Lodge a present of a sett of Bowls which he had made in China for the use of this Lodge ; his health with thanks was accordingly drank on the occasion . "
1777 , February 24 th . — " Amotion was made and seconded , that Bro . Reason ' s health be drank annually for the very genteel present he made the Lodge , and also that he be admitted an Honorary Member . " This motion was confirmed at the next meeting of the lodge . 177 8 , March 9 U 1 . — " Bro . Wilson proposed that a Public Yisit be return'd in form to the Tuscan Lodge , which was agreed to unanimously . "
Hospital for Consumption & Diseases of the Chest ,
SANATORIUM AND CONVALESCENT HOME , on the Chobham Bidges , near Frimley , Surrey . Under the immediate Patronage of H . M . THE KING . ; H . M . QUEEN ALEXANDRA ; H . R . H . THE PRINCE OF WALES ; H . R . H . THE PRINCESS OF WALES President—THE RIGHT HON . THE EARL CF DERBY , K . G ., G C . B .
-pvKKv i ) . „ ,..,- of rj 210 s . at one time , or :, t different period , wiu , in three years , JL . j , becomes ; i Vinvtrnui- for \/ ric , ;\ YH \ vn ;\ y vcowrnvnU \ rnvj lvi-VMvavV : \\ v \ vvj < V \ V c > .. i-P :. ii « ,. s m « . ei . y « . r 1 .. ihe n . ^ itai . j , ; vt . subs-Tiber of £ 5 5 s . per annum becomes a Governor , and may reconnnend one Inpatient ami cie . ht Out-Patients to the Hospital during H « year . Annual Subscribers of less than £ , 5 s . are entitled to recommend four Out- I > Mic " < ' > ""• • " " P il : i 1 r "' 'l ' <" £ '>* - subscribed . Every person making ; i bequest ol , £ 100 or upwards to the Hospital may nominee aYife Governor ; and in U , e event of ^ no sud , ,,, M ,, i „ alion beinrf macle . one u ) thv Executors nv . nl lonetl in the \\ ill is entitled to the privileges of a Life Governor
The Committee of Management earnestly appeal for Donations , J ' ' ' LegadeS ) and especially new Annua , Subscriptions . . FREDK , W ) OD . SttVV / lHT J
Beds , 418 . ' * r * * : n = Patients , 1004 , 1 , 771 . " ' » y" 4 i ' ' //• ' Ollt = PatientS , I 00 I 2 , 39 l . 1 x -r > i ** r Annual Expenditure , over £ 35 , 000 Onlyfixed Income , Under £ 3 , 000 .
. . . . ' * " ,
_ I . M _ ^¦¦ - ¦^ ^ ^ King ' s College Hospital PORTUGAL STREET , Patron : ins MAJKSTY TUB KING . LINCOLN'S INN FIELDS , W . C . IPl'Csitcnt : MIS ROYAI . lllOllXKSS TUK DUKE OV COXN'AL'GIIT , KG . 4 . AN ERNEST APPEAL is made for T / HE average Annual Expenditure of the Additional Funds to meet the deficiency , Hospital is £ 21 , 000 , and the Ordinary New Annual Subscriptions being especially Income £ 15 , 000 * leaving a sum of about welcome . Any contributions will be thankfully £ " , 000 to be provided from other sources j received by the Treasurer , CI-IAS . AWDRY , Esq . each year . —^ or by H . S . TUNNARD , Secretary .