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History Of The Lodge Of Em Ulation, No . 21.
April 27 th . —On this night the lodge was visited by the Master , Wardens , and Officers of the Tuscan Lodge . The interchange of " visits in form " seems to have been a general custom amongst the old lodges at this period , and for many years afterwards , for at the next meeting it is recorded that " The Castle Lodge of Harmony , agreeable to their notice ,
paid a public visit in due form , and were received with the utmost friendship and cordiality . " This practice was enjoined by the old Constitutions ( 1723 ) in the following words : — " All particular Lodges are to observe the same Usages as much as possible ; in order to which , and
for cultivating a good Understanding among Freemasons , some members out of every Lodge shall be deputed to visit the oilier Lodges as often as shall be thought convenient . " Although Rule 149 of the present Constitutions is to the same purpose as the above , I think it is now very seldom observed .
The records of many old lodges indicate periods of prosperity and of decline , and this is particularly noticeable in the career of the Mourning Bush Lodge , as clown to the year 1778 , the lodge appears to have been remarkably successful , both in regard to membership as well as in its financial affairs ; but during the year last mentioned the
minutes show a decided falling off in the attendance of members . At the July meeting there were not sufficient members to open the lodge , and during the remainder of the year the attendances were small , and the minutes of proceedings unusually brief and indifferently recorded . On
January 25 th , 1779 , Bro . Wilson made a Motion , and was seconded by Bro . Frith , that One Guinea should be in future carried to the Committee of Charity instead of the former usual donation of Two Guineas , ; No meetings appear to have been held the months of February and March , and
on April 12 th it was resolved that the lodge should meet monthly instead of fortnightly as heretofore . No minutes of the June meeting are recorded in the book , the page on which they should have been entered being left blank . This is the more strange as it was election night , and it is
clear that a meeting was held , for at the July meeting the new officers are mentioned . No , further omissions appear in the minutes , but the business done was very little , and the attendance of members small in comparison with what it had been in previous years .
On the 13 th March , 1780 , the lodge was visited by Bros . White and Cousins , of the Stewards Lodge , and this visit in all probability was the first step towards the amalgamation of the two lodges—Mourning Bush and Emulation—which took place a few months later , Bro . William White being then a prominent member of the lodge last named , and also of the
Stewards Lodge . At a meeting of the lodge on August 14 th , 1780 , six members and one visitor being present , the subject of uniting with the Lodge of Emulation , No . 255 , was brought forward by the Master , and it was resolved to appoint a
committee of six to meet the same number of members of the Lodge of Emulation , and to report the conditions on which that lodge would agree to unite with the Mourning
Bush Lodge . Accordingly , on September 4 th following , the two Committees , consisting of four members of the Mourning Bush Lodge and seven of the Lodge of Emulation , held a meeting , and having taken the matter into consideration , it was " Resolved unanimously , That it be recommended by the Committee of each Lodge to their respective lodges at their
next meeting , that the two Lodges unite at the Paul ' s Head Tavern . . . . Also that it be recommended to the Officers of each Lodge to resign their respective offices , and , in order to avoid any distinction or preference in the election of Officers of the Lodge , when united , that the Deputy Grand
Master to take the Chair for the purpose of presiding at the Election of Officers for the remainder of the present year , or in his absence one of the other present Grand Officers . " The report of the Committee was read and approved at the next meeting of the lodge , and "A motion was then
made by our R . W . M ., Seconded by B Smerdon , that our Lodge of the Mourning Bush , and the Lodge of Emulation , do unite with and take place next Lodge Night , the second Monday in October , which was agreed to Nem . Con . and that our R . W . M . and others of the Committee do now go to the Lodge of Emulation held at the London Tavern and acquaint them with the same .
On the 9 th of October , 1780 , after two brethren had been raised and one initiated , " B White took the Chair as R . W . M . of the Stewards Lodge , no other Grand Officer present . The Brethren of the Lodge of Emulation was introduced and Union took place , the Secretarys of both Lodges read their minutes . " A ballot was then taken for the
Mastership of the united lodges , when B ' Frith was elected by a large majority , and subsequently appointed B White Senior Warden for the remainder of the quarter . At this meeting there appears from the minute book to have been nine members of the " Mourning Bush " present ,
and fifteen members of the " Emulation . " Having finished my examination of the existing records of the older lodge , I will now proceed to an investigation of those appertaining to its junior partner . —( To be continued . )
The Surgical Aid T ELEPHONE Society N O . 12282 C ENTRAL , CHIEF OFFICES : Salisbury Square , Fleet Street , London , E . C . Patron : HIS MAJESTY THE KINO . President : THE RIGHT HON . THE EARL OF ABERDEEN , G . C . M . G . mHIS Society was established in lSfis to supply SPINAL SUPPORTS , LEG INSTRUMENTS , TRUSSES , ELASTIC STOCKINGS , ARTIFICIAL LlMBS , ETC ., and every other description of mechanical support , to the poor , without limit as to locality or disease . Since the commencement of the Society it has supplied 498 , 759 APPLIANCES TO THE POOR . Annual Subscription of 10 s . 6 o ., or Life Subscription of £ 5 5 s ., entitles to Two Recommendations per annum , the number of letters increasing in proportion to the amount of Contributions . Subscriptions and Donations are earnestly solicited . and will be thankfully received by the Bankers , Messrs . BARCLAY & Co ., Ltd ., Lombard Street , or at the Chief Office of the Society by RICHARD C . TRESSIDER , Secretary .
The Cancer Hospital ( Free
A special refuge for poor persons afflicted with this terrible disease who are admitted free without the trouble of procuring a Subscriber's Letter A number of beds are provided for Patients who may remain for Life . All Applicants are seen each week-day at Two o ' clock . The Diet provided has to be most generous , and the Treatment of the most expensive kind .
New Annual Subscriptions and Donations are Urgently Solicited for General Purposes and for the Research Department
.Secretary—FRED . W . HOWELL . FORM OF BEQUEST OF A LEGACY . —To those benevolent persons who kindly desire to become benefactors by Will to this Institution , the following Form of Legacy is respectfully recommended : — " / give nml bequeath unto the Treasurer for the time being of THE CANCER HOSPITAL ( FREE ) , situate in the Fiilliain Road , Brontptoii , London , Middlesex , the sum of ( free of Legacy Duty ) , to be applied towards carrying on the charitable designs of the xaid Institution . "
. . ¦ ^^^^^^¦^¦^^¦^^^¦^¦¦^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^¦¦¦^^^^^^^¦¦¦¦¦¦^^^^^^^^^¦^^^¦¦^^^^^^¦^^^^^^¦^^^^^¦¦¦ MH MB ^^^^^^ H ^^^ HMM ^^^^^^^^ MHi ^^^^ HHi ^^^^^ H ^^^^ HiM ^^^^^^ H
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
History Of The Lodge Of Em Ulation, No . 21.
April 27 th . —On this night the lodge was visited by the Master , Wardens , and Officers of the Tuscan Lodge . The interchange of " visits in form " seems to have been a general custom amongst the old lodges at this period , and for many years afterwards , for at the next meeting it is recorded that " The Castle Lodge of Harmony , agreeable to their notice ,
paid a public visit in due form , and were received with the utmost friendship and cordiality . " This practice was enjoined by the old Constitutions ( 1723 ) in the following words : — " All particular Lodges are to observe the same Usages as much as possible ; in order to which , and
for cultivating a good Understanding among Freemasons , some members out of every Lodge shall be deputed to visit the oilier Lodges as often as shall be thought convenient . " Although Rule 149 of the present Constitutions is to the same purpose as the above , I think it is now very seldom observed .
The records of many old lodges indicate periods of prosperity and of decline , and this is particularly noticeable in the career of the Mourning Bush Lodge , as clown to the year 1778 , the lodge appears to have been remarkably successful , both in regard to membership as well as in its financial affairs ; but during the year last mentioned the
minutes show a decided falling off in the attendance of members . At the July meeting there were not sufficient members to open the lodge , and during the remainder of the year the attendances were small , and the minutes of proceedings unusually brief and indifferently recorded . On
January 25 th , 1779 , Bro . Wilson made a Motion , and was seconded by Bro . Frith , that One Guinea should be in future carried to the Committee of Charity instead of the former usual donation of Two Guineas , ; No meetings appear to have been held the months of February and March , and
on April 12 th it was resolved that the lodge should meet monthly instead of fortnightly as heretofore . No minutes of the June meeting are recorded in the book , the page on which they should have been entered being left blank . This is the more strange as it was election night , and it is
clear that a meeting was held , for at the July meeting the new officers are mentioned . No , further omissions appear in the minutes , but the business done was very little , and the attendance of members small in comparison with what it had been in previous years .
On the 13 th March , 1780 , the lodge was visited by Bros . White and Cousins , of the Stewards Lodge , and this visit in all probability was the first step towards the amalgamation of the two lodges—Mourning Bush and Emulation—which took place a few months later , Bro . William White being then a prominent member of the lodge last named , and also of the
Stewards Lodge . At a meeting of the lodge on August 14 th , 1780 , six members and one visitor being present , the subject of uniting with the Lodge of Emulation , No . 255 , was brought forward by the Master , and it was resolved to appoint a
committee of six to meet the same number of members of the Lodge of Emulation , and to report the conditions on which that lodge would agree to unite with the Mourning
Bush Lodge . Accordingly , on September 4 th following , the two Committees , consisting of four members of the Mourning Bush Lodge and seven of the Lodge of Emulation , held a meeting , and having taken the matter into consideration , it was " Resolved unanimously , That it be recommended by the Committee of each Lodge to their respective lodges at their
next meeting , that the two Lodges unite at the Paul ' s Head Tavern . . . . Also that it be recommended to the Officers of each Lodge to resign their respective offices , and , in order to avoid any distinction or preference in the election of Officers of the Lodge , when united , that the Deputy Grand
Master to take the Chair for the purpose of presiding at the Election of Officers for the remainder of the present year , or in his absence one of the other present Grand Officers . " The report of the Committee was read and approved at the next meeting of the lodge , and "A motion was then
made by our R . W . M ., Seconded by B Smerdon , that our Lodge of the Mourning Bush , and the Lodge of Emulation , do unite with and take place next Lodge Night , the second Monday in October , which was agreed to Nem . Con . and that our R . W . M . and others of the Committee do now go to the Lodge of Emulation held at the London Tavern and acquaint them with the same .
On the 9 th of October , 1780 , after two brethren had been raised and one initiated , " B White took the Chair as R . W . M . of the Stewards Lodge , no other Grand Officer present . The Brethren of the Lodge of Emulation was introduced and Union took place , the Secretarys of both Lodges read their minutes . " A ballot was then taken for the
Mastership of the united lodges , when B ' Frith was elected by a large majority , and subsequently appointed B White Senior Warden for the remainder of the quarter . At this meeting there appears from the minute book to have been nine members of the " Mourning Bush " present ,
and fifteen members of the " Emulation . " Having finished my examination of the existing records of the older lodge , I will now proceed to an investigation of those appertaining to its junior partner . —( To be continued . )
The Surgical Aid T ELEPHONE Society N O . 12282 C ENTRAL , CHIEF OFFICES : Salisbury Square , Fleet Street , London , E . C . Patron : HIS MAJESTY THE KINO . President : THE RIGHT HON . THE EARL OF ABERDEEN , G . C . M . G . mHIS Society was established in lSfis to supply SPINAL SUPPORTS , LEG INSTRUMENTS , TRUSSES , ELASTIC STOCKINGS , ARTIFICIAL LlMBS , ETC ., and every other description of mechanical support , to the poor , without limit as to locality or disease . Since the commencement of the Society it has supplied 498 , 759 APPLIANCES TO THE POOR . Annual Subscription of 10 s . 6 o ., or Life Subscription of £ 5 5 s ., entitles to Two Recommendations per annum , the number of letters increasing in proportion to the amount of Contributions . Subscriptions and Donations are earnestly solicited . and will be thankfully received by the Bankers , Messrs . BARCLAY & Co ., Ltd ., Lombard Street , or at the Chief Office of the Society by RICHARD C . TRESSIDER , Secretary .
The Cancer Hospital ( Free
A special refuge for poor persons afflicted with this terrible disease who are admitted free without the trouble of procuring a Subscriber's Letter A number of beds are provided for Patients who may remain for Life . All Applicants are seen each week-day at Two o ' clock . The Diet provided has to be most generous , and the Treatment of the most expensive kind .
New Annual Subscriptions and Donations are Urgently Solicited for General Purposes and for the Research Department
.Secretary—FRED . W . HOWELL . FORM OF BEQUEST OF A LEGACY . —To those benevolent persons who kindly desire to become benefactors by Will to this Institution , the following Form of Legacy is respectfully recommended : — " / give nml bequeath unto the Treasurer for the time being of THE CANCER HOSPITAL ( FREE ) , situate in the Fiilliain Road , Brontptoii , London , Middlesex , the sum of ( free of Legacy Duty ) , to be applied towards carrying on the charitable designs of the xaid Institution . "
. . ¦ ^^^^^^¦^¦^^¦^^^¦^¦¦^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^¦¦¦^^^^^^^¦¦¦¦¦¦^^^^^^^^^¦^^^¦¦^^^^^^¦^^^^^^¦^^^^^¦¦¦ MH MB ^^^^^^ H ^^^ HMM ^^^^^^^^ MHi ^^^^ HHi ^^^^^ H ^^^^ HiM ^^^^^^ H