Article BROTHERLY LOVE. ← Page 9 of 9 Article FORGET-ME-NOT. Page 1 of 1
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Brotherly Love.
take of breakfast at Mrs . St . Claire ' s , and in a short time they were borne away from the scene of former associations . But every year , at a certain anniversary , the same parties visited the town , with some additional faces in the shape of rosy cherub-like children , and spent some time in the little cemetery . Nor were they the only visitors there , for it was a favourite haunt for the youths and maidens of the district who would assemble at a tomb
around which the flowers of the year , planted and attended by some friendly hand , grew in profusion . And eyes grew moistened with tears as the history of its tenant was related . It was a simple inornate tomb , surmounted by an urn , on which was inscribed , "Alfred Beaufrere , aged 23 years , " and underneath "BROTHERLY LOVE . "
( A PASTORAL . '—ORIGINAL . ) When "Winter rages , And . the wkids are pitiless and cola , Ancl past years seems as ages , To the infirm and old . When round the hearth ,
The inmates of the humble cot , Far happier than the great ones of the earth . Though lowly be their humble lot , With plaintive tale , and sportive song , — Pass the night long—Forget me not ! And when sweet Spring ,
Comes like the morning ' s break , And all of nature is awake Lo beauty , and her handmaids bring , The first-born offering of the vale , The simple daisy , aud the primrose pale , And the lark upon the wing , Soars to the sky , Wafting his song of praise to the most High-Forget me not !
And when comes Summer gay , With robes of green , And garland of fresh flowers , Sporting the live long day I' th' forest shade , or by the screen , Of honey-suckle bowers , Shedding her precious dews upon those
Children of her pride— the lilly and the rose—Forget me not 1 And when comes Autumn mild And pale , with " sear and yellow leaf , " Sighing in all the winds her grief , As o ' er the wild ,
The rude and reckless breeze , Scatters the dying foliage of the trees—Forget mo not ! ROBERT MCMURRAY ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Brotherly Love.
take of breakfast at Mrs . St . Claire ' s , and in a short time they were borne away from the scene of former associations . But every year , at a certain anniversary , the same parties visited the town , with some additional faces in the shape of rosy cherub-like children , and spent some time in the little cemetery . Nor were they the only visitors there , for it was a favourite haunt for the youths and maidens of the district who would assemble at a tomb
around which the flowers of the year , planted and attended by some friendly hand , grew in profusion . And eyes grew moistened with tears as the history of its tenant was related . It was a simple inornate tomb , surmounted by an urn , on which was inscribed , "Alfred Beaufrere , aged 23 years , " and underneath "BROTHERLY LOVE . "
( A PASTORAL . '—ORIGINAL . ) When "Winter rages , And . the wkids are pitiless and cola , Ancl past years seems as ages , To the infirm and old . When round the hearth ,
The inmates of the humble cot , Far happier than the great ones of the earth . Though lowly be their humble lot , With plaintive tale , and sportive song , — Pass the night long—Forget me not ! And when sweet Spring ,
Comes like the morning ' s break , And all of nature is awake Lo beauty , and her handmaids bring , The first-born offering of the vale , The simple daisy , aud the primrose pale , And the lark upon the wing , Soars to the sky , Wafting his song of praise to the most High-Forget me not !
And when comes Summer gay , With robes of green , And garland of fresh flowers , Sporting the live long day I' th' forest shade , or by the screen , Of honey-suckle bowers , Shedding her precious dews upon those
Children of her pride— the lilly and the rose—Forget me not 1 And when comes Autumn mild And pale , with " sear and yellow leaf , " Sighing in all the winds her grief , As o ' er the wild ,
The rude and reckless breeze , Scatters the dying foliage of the trees—Forget mo not ! ROBERT MCMURRAY ,