Article THE "SUSSEX WING" OF THE ROYAL FREE HOSPITAL. ← Page 3 of 3 Article THE MARK DEGREE. Page 1 of 1
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The "Sussex Wing" Of The Royal Free Hospital.
and G . Registrar of England , and we are glad to find that his valuable services have been properly appreciated and suitably acknowledged by the Committee of the Hospital , as is evinced by the following extract from the minutes of their proceedings , with which we have been favoured . " At a meeting of the Committee of Management of the Royal Free Hospital , held
on the 2 nd August , It > viis resolved unanimously : — "That the warm and sincere thanks of this Committee are pre-eminently due , ancl are hereby given to Alexander Dobie , Esq ., Provincial Grand Master for Surrey , and Grand Registrar of the Fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons , for the able manner in whicli he ( acting for the Right Honourable the Earl of Zetland , the Most Worshipful the Grand Master ) conducted the ceremony of laying the Foundation Stone of the "Sussex "Wing" of this Hospitalto lie erected in memory of his late Royal
Hih-, g ness the Duke of Sussex , Grand Master . Also for the lively interest he manifested for this Institution , when presiding at the dinner held on that occasion in Freemasons ' Hall . " That this resolution be fairly transcribed , framed and glazed , ancl presented to Mr . Dobie . "
We have reason to believe that this acknowledgment has ere this been ¦ presented to Br . Dobie , and from a knowledge of the character of our worthy brother , we are sure that no compliment could have been paid to him which he would more highly value . The trowel with which the stone was laid lias been forwarded to the G . M ., Br . Dobie , only acting as his locum tenems at the ceremony . It bears the following inscription -.
—" With this Trowel the first stone of the "Sussex Wing" of the Royal Free Hospital , to be erected in memory ol Ms late Royal Highness the Duke of Sussex , was laid by Alexander Dobie , Esq ., Provincial Grand Master for Surrey , and Grand Registrar of the Fraternity of Free and accepted Masons of England ( acting for the Right Honourable the Earl of Zetland , the Most Worshipful Grand Master ) , on the 30 th day of July , 1855 . "
The Mark Degree.
WJL have to direct the attention of our readers , to a communication which appears in another page , from Comp . Gaylor , the G . Scibe , N . of Scotland , relative to the spurious Mark Lodge meeting in London . We certainly regret , after the evidence recently publishedof the illegality of that body , that so highly esteemed a brother as Lord Leigh , who holds the distinguished position of P . G . M . for Warwickshire , should have allowed himself to be
installed as its master—and it now behoves him , after the statements made hy Comp . Gaylor , to ascertain whether those Comps . with whom he is associated , have ever been legally initiated into the Order in Scotland , as asserted—Comp . Gaylor , distinctly averring , that Dr . Jones , the founder of the London Mark Lodge , has never been registered in the books of the G . Chapter of Scotland . It is clear that the matter cannot be allowed to
stop as it at present stands , but that the Bon Accord Chapter of Aberdeen , must he called strictly to account for its proceedings—and with regard to the London Lodge , if it continues to meet in spite of legal prohibition , the G . Chapter of Scotland must call upon tlte G . Lodge of England to use its power to put a stop to the practice of illegal Masonry hy members of its ^ body . I . 2
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The "Sussex Wing" Of The Royal Free Hospital.
and G . Registrar of England , and we are glad to find that his valuable services have been properly appreciated and suitably acknowledged by the Committee of the Hospital , as is evinced by the following extract from the minutes of their proceedings , with which we have been favoured . " At a meeting of the Committee of Management of the Royal Free Hospital , held
on the 2 nd August , It > viis resolved unanimously : — "That the warm and sincere thanks of this Committee are pre-eminently due , ancl are hereby given to Alexander Dobie , Esq ., Provincial Grand Master for Surrey , and Grand Registrar of the Fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons , for the able manner in whicli he ( acting for the Right Honourable the Earl of Zetland , the Most Worshipful the Grand Master ) conducted the ceremony of laying the Foundation Stone of the "Sussex "Wing" of this Hospitalto lie erected in memory of his late Royal
Hih-, g ness the Duke of Sussex , Grand Master . Also for the lively interest he manifested for this Institution , when presiding at the dinner held on that occasion in Freemasons ' Hall . " That this resolution be fairly transcribed , framed and glazed , ancl presented to Mr . Dobie . "
We have reason to believe that this acknowledgment has ere this been ¦ presented to Br . Dobie , and from a knowledge of the character of our worthy brother , we are sure that no compliment could have been paid to him which he would more highly value . The trowel with which the stone was laid lias been forwarded to the G . M ., Br . Dobie , only acting as his locum tenems at the ceremony . It bears the following inscription -.
—" With this Trowel the first stone of the "Sussex Wing" of the Royal Free Hospital , to be erected in memory ol Ms late Royal Highness the Duke of Sussex , was laid by Alexander Dobie , Esq ., Provincial Grand Master for Surrey , and Grand Registrar of the Fraternity of Free and accepted Masons of England ( acting for the Right Honourable the Earl of Zetland , the Most Worshipful Grand Master ) , on the 30 th day of July , 1855 . "
The Mark Degree.
WJL have to direct the attention of our readers , to a communication which appears in another page , from Comp . Gaylor , the G . Scibe , N . of Scotland , relative to the spurious Mark Lodge meeting in London . We certainly regret , after the evidence recently publishedof the illegality of that body , that so highly esteemed a brother as Lord Leigh , who holds the distinguished position of P . G . M . for Warwickshire , should have allowed himself to be
installed as its master—and it now behoves him , after the statements made hy Comp . Gaylor , to ascertain whether those Comps . with whom he is associated , have ever been legally initiated into the Order in Scotland , as asserted—Comp . Gaylor , distinctly averring , that Dr . Jones , the founder of the London Mark Lodge , has never been registered in the books of the G . Chapter of Scotland . It is clear that the matter cannot be allowed to
stop as it at present stands , but that the Bon Accord Chapter of Aberdeen , must he called strictly to account for its proceedings—and with regard to the London Lodge , if it continues to meet in spite of legal prohibition , the G . Chapter of Scotland must call upon tlte G . Lodge of England to use its power to put a stop to the practice of illegal Masonry hy members of its ^ body . I . 2