Article PROVINCIAL LODGES. ← Page 11 of 21 →
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Provincial Lodges.
a warm interest m Masonry m general , but in each Lodge m particular —( Cheers ) Masonry must progress . How could Masonry fail , seeing that it was having continually infused into it , young warm blood ? He knew not how much our countrymen might require the blessings of Masonry in foreign lands , to save them from death , if but by " a cup of cold water . " This was a time when all true hearts must hope for an increase in the ranks . At this momentous period when nation waged war against nation , how inestimable were the blessings of Masonry ! The
shipwrecked on a foreign strand , and the wounded on the battle field alike found its blessings , for their benevolent Order had saved many , many lives . He ( the P . G . M . ) might add before concluding , tdat nothing had occurred in the province during the year to call forth any strong marks of disapprobation . On all occasions he found some brother at hand ready '' to pour oil on troubled waters , " and none more so than ' their worthy D . P . G . M . Br . Medcalf —( Hear and cheers ) . He ( the P . G . M . ) again begged they would accept his sincere thanks—( Cheers ) . Song by Br . J . G .
Pullock"The fine Old English Gentleman . " The P . G . M . again rising , said they had such an opportunity now as might perhaps never occur again in drinking the toast he was about to propose . England and Fracne forgetting their old rivalries , were now joined hand in hand for the good of humanity , the freedom of the world , the salvation of the oppressed —( Cheers ) . He ( the P . G . M , ) begged to give— " the Grand Lodge of France , " ancl they would also drink the health of the Emperor of the French —( Britishcheers ) . Tune— "Partant pourla Syria . " Then followed " the health of the P . G . M . of Durham , Br . Fenwick , " replied to by Br . Hopper . The P . G . Treasurer , rising , said he had had given him pel-mission to propose a toast
whicli they would all warmly welcome , the health of a brother who used his best endeavours for the promotion of Masonry , he meant Br . Mayson , the newly appointed P . G . S . W . —( Cheers ) . Br . Mayson was "Mayson" by name , and " Mason" by Masonry —( Hear and laughter ) . ( Br . Challoner here remarked that Br . Mayson enjoyed the extraordinary privilege of making his wife a Mafy ) son , upon which Br . Dalziel with equal wit , remarked "No , the parson did it . " )—( Much laughter ) . The P . G . Treasurer then gave " the health of Br . Mayson , P . G . S . W . —Drunk
with enthusiasm . Song— " The Englishman , " by Br . Spark . Br . Mayson , on rising to return thanks , was most warmly received , he had the same kindly feeling towards Masonry that he had ever had , and hoped they would accept his sincere thanks for the great honor done him in proposing his health , and drinking it in the very hearty and brotherly manner they had done . The P . G . M . then rose , and said he thought they would really be ungrateful did they not return their grateful acknowledgments to the Grand Officers who had so
zealously ancl faithfully performed their duties during the past year . He ( the P . G . M ) would give " the Provincial Grand Officers of the past year , and couple with the toast the health of Br . Wm . Berkley , P . P . G . S . W . —( Cheers ) . Br . | Berkley , on rising to reply , was received with that cordial and hearty reception , given to him on all occasions , he said he rose to convey to them the grateful thanks of the P . P . G . Officers , and could assure the brethren , that whatever little services he could render to Masonry were always at their command .
Br . J . S . Challoner , P . P . G . J . W . then rose , he said , with peculiar pleasure to propose the health " of Br . Medcalf , the D . P . G . M ., who was universally beloved , who was one of the kindest hearted of men , and the most brotherly of Masons . Drunk with en-thusiasm ancl Masonic honors .
The P . G . M . then gave the several Lodges in the province : — " Newcastle-on-Tyne ° Lodge , 24 , with the health of Br . W . Johnson , W . M . " In the absence of Br . Johnson , Br . Hopper , S . W . 24 , replied . "St . David ' s Lodge , 554 , with the health of Br . R . Atkinson , W . W . " Br . Atkinson , made a neat reply , and said he hacl been desired by the brethren of St . David ' s Lodge to invite the P . G . M ., the D . P . G . M ,, the Grand Officers and other brethren to a " pic-nic" on the Banks of the Tweed on an early day . This announcement was received with a round of applause . " Northern Counties Lodge , 586 , with the health of Bv . W . Dalziel , W . M . " Br . Dalziel , in reply , said he returned his most grateful thanks , and could a ssure the R . W . P . G . M . that the brethren of Northern Counties Lodge had as warm
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Provincial Lodges.
a warm interest m Masonry m general , but in each Lodge m particular —( Cheers ) Masonry must progress . How could Masonry fail , seeing that it was having continually infused into it , young warm blood ? He knew not how much our countrymen might require the blessings of Masonry in foreign lands , to save them from death , if but by " a cup of cold water . " This was a time when all true hearts must hope for an increase in the ranks . At this momentous period when nation waged war against nation , how inestimable were the blessings of Masonry ! The
shipwrecked on a foreign strand , and the wounded on the battle field alike found its blessings , for their benevolent Order had saved many , many lives . He ( the P . G . M . ) might add before concluding , tdat nothing had occurred in the province during the year to call forth any strong marks of disapprobation . On all occasions he found some brother at hand ready '' to pour oil on troubled waters , " and none more so than ' their worthy D . P . G . M . Br . Medcalf —( Hear and cheers ) . He ( the P . G . M . ) again begged they would accept his sincere thanks—( Cheers ) . Song by Br . J . G .
Pullock"The fine Old English Gentleman . " The P . G . M . again rising , said they had such an opportunity now as might perhaps never occur again in drinking the toast he was about to propose . England and Fracne forgetting their old rivalries , were now joined hand in hand for the good of humanity , the freedom of the world , the salvation of the oppressed —( Cheers ) . He ( the P . G . M , ) begged to give— " the Grand Lodge of France , " ancl they would also drink the health of the Emperor of the French —( Britishcheers ) . Tune— "Partant pourla Syria . " Then followed " the health of the P . G . M . of Durham , Br . Fenwick , " replied to by Br . Hopper . The P . G . Treasurer , rising , said he had had given him pel-mission to propose a toast
whicli they would all warmly welcome , the health of a brother who used his best endeavours for the promotion of Masonry , he meant Br . Mayson , the newly appointed P . G . S . W . —( Cheers ) . Br . Mayson was "Mayson" by name , and " Mason" by Masonry —( Hear and laughter ) . ( Br . Challoner here remarked that Br . Mayson enjoyed the extraordinary privilege of making his wife a Mafy ) son , upon which Br . Dalziel with equal wit , remarked "No , the parson did it . " )—( Much laughter ) . The P . G . Treasurer then gave " the health of Br . Mayson , P . G . S . W . —Drunk
with enthusiasm . Song— " The Englishman , " by Br . Spark . Br . Mayson , on rising to return thanks , was most warmly received , he had the same kindly feeling towards Masonry that he had ever had , and hoped they would accept his sincere thanks for the great honor done him in proposing his health , and drinking it in the very hearty and brotherly manner they had done . The P . G . M . then rose , and said he thought they would really be ungrateful did they not return their grateful acknowledgments to the Grand Officers who had so
zealously ancl faithfully performed their duties during the past year . He ( the P . G . M ) would give " the Provincial Grand Officers of the past year , and couple with the toast the health of Br . Wm . Berkley , P . P . G . S . W . —( Cheers ) . Br . | Berkley , on rising to reply , was received with that cordial and hearty reception , given to him on all occasions , he said he rose to convey to them the grateful thanks of the P . P . G . Officers , and could assure the brethren , that whatever little services he could render to Masonry were always at their command .
Br . J . S . Challoner , P . P . G . J . W . then rose , he said , with peculiar pleasure to propose the health " of Br . Medcalf , the D . P . G . M ., who was universally beloved , who was one of the kindest hearted of men , and the most brotherly of Masons . Drunk with en-thusiasm ancl Masonic honors .
The P . G . M . then gave the several Lodges in the province : — " Newcastle-on-Tyne ° Lodge , 24 , with the health of Br . W . Johnson , W . M . " In the absence of Br . Johnson , Br . Hopper , S . W . 24 , replied . "St . David ' s Lodge , 554 , with the health of Br . R . Atkinson , W . W . " Br . Atkinson , made a neat reply , and said he hacl been desired by the brethren of St . David ' s Lodge to invite the P . G . M ., the D . P . G . M ,, the Grand Officers and other brethren to a " pic-nic" on the Banks of the Tweed on an early day . This announcement was received with a round of applause . " Northern Counties Lodge , 586 , with the health of Bv . W . Dalziel , W . M . " Br . Dalziel , in reply , said he returned his most grateful thanks , and could a ssure the R . W . P . G . M . that the brethren of Northern Counties Lodge had as warm