Article TO CORRESPONDENTS. Page 1 of 1
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To Correspondents.
Our correspondents are earnestly requested to address their future communications to the editor , to No . 2 , Red Lion-court , Fleet-street . Br . Barton will continue to receive advertisements at his office , 2 , Upper Wellington-street , Strand , as usual . The pressure of Masonic intelligence from the provinces has compelled us to postpone the continuation of Masonic Reminiscenses and many valuable communications until our next , notwithstanding we have again increased our promised 48 pages to 60—without additional charge to our subscribers .
567 is thanked . —All letters should be addressed to the Editor at the Office . We do not enjoy the confidence of the Grand Secretary , and therefore decline to ask the question , being well assured that we should not even receive a courteous reply . P . M . GLASGOW . — We hope to be amongst you next month , and shall not fail to note how your business is transacted . We consider uniformity of working most essent . al . AN INQUIRER . —A memoir of the late M . W . G . M ., H . R . H . the Duke of Sussex , is in course of preparation , and will shortly appear , most probably in the last number of our
present volume . We are convinced , from the question , that the gentleman signing himself "an inquisitive brother , " is not a Freemason at all , and therefore decline to give him an answer . A FOREIGN MASON . —The "Mark" jewel is not al / owel to he warn in the G . Lodge of England , nor ought it to be displayed in the private Lodges acting under the English constitution . We presume it is allowed to be worn in Lodges in Ireland , it being regularly acknowledged in that country . 3 . S . S . —No . —Study your obligation .
A COUNT nr BROTHER WHO WANTS INSTRUCTION . —Br . Goring would doubtless be glad to give yon the instruction you require . We believe Ids terms are £ 5 a week , and all expenses consequent upon beiti x awny from his home . Br . Crawley , Br . Beckett , Br . Longslaff , and others we believe are equally ready to afford instruction . A letter for either of the brothers named , under cover , and directed to the Editor of die "Masonic Mirror" will be sure to meet with attention . X . Y . Z . —Your having been initiated , twelve years ago will be MO liar to your passing the subsequent degrees and advancement in the order if yon can give a satisfactory
explanation why yon did not proceed at the time , and can get proposed by some well-known brother who can vouch for your respectability , and moral character . THE FOYAL Ancn . —It is certainly matter of regret that all attempts to keep together a Chapter of Instruction for any length of time have hitherto failed . Another attempt wilt be made in about six weeks , under auspices which , we trust , toill insure success . Regular Chapters generally meet too seldom to enable a companion properly to learn the duties of any given office . EtMe is thanked far his continued kindness and well wishes .
AV . P . POOLE . — With regard to the P . M . jewel . Yes ! As regards the cross pens , such a course is not usual , it would be a different thing if the jewel was a present from the Lodge . The regulation allowing Masons in the colonies to he passed and raised at less intervals than one mouth , will he found in the last edition of the Book of Constitutions . The dispute between the Freemasons and the Roman Catholic Church in the Mauritius is still in statu quo . At a meeting of the Mariners' Lod No . 310 held inthe earlpart of the monthBr
ge , , , y , . Berry , P . M ., was presented with a testimonial and a purse of £ 20 , in acknowledgment of his valuable services to the Lodge . The testimonial was beautifully written ou vellum , ard presented by P . M . Edwards . The notice reached us too late to be inserted in ils regular place . We regret that pressure of matter compels us to hold over the excellent letter of our esteemed Br . Samuel Aldridge on the Masonic charities , with other letters on the same subject , until our next .
lhe notice of the Lodge of Industry , Gateshead , arrived too late for our present number . It shall appear in our next . A . B . BEI FAST . —It is no fault of ours that we do not pay greater attention to the proceedings of Irish . Lodges . How can we know what takes place , if none of the brethren will take the trouble to keep us informed with regard to the business 1 Why does not our correspondent set the example by giving in the proceedings of his own Lodge . Br . Farnfield is the secretary of the Annuity Fund . A letter addressed to lim at the Grand Secretary Office , Great Qxieen-streei , will be sure to find him .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
To Correspondents.
Our correspondents are earnestly requested to address their future communications to the editor , to No . 2 , Red Lion-court , Fleet-street . Br . Barton will continue to receive advertisements at his office , 2 , Upper Wellington-street , Strand , as usual . The pressure of Masonic intelligence from the provinces has compelled us to postpone the continuation of Masonic Reminiscenses and many valuable communications until our next , notwithstanding we have again increased our promised 48 pages to 60—without additional charge to our subscribers .
567 is thanked . —All letters should be addressed to the Editor at the Office . We do not enjoy the confidence of the Grand Secretary , and therefore decline to ask the question , being well assured that we should not even receive a courteous reply . P . M . GLASGOW . — We hope to be amongst you next month , and shall not fail to note how your business is transacted . We consider uniformity of working most essent . al . AN INQUIRER . —A memoir of the late M . W . G . M ., H . R . H . the Duke of Sussex , is in course of preparation , and will shortly appear , most probably in the last number of our
present volume . We are convinced , from the question , that the gentleman signing himself "an inquisitive brother , " is not a Freemason at all , and therefore decline to give him an answer . A FOREIGN MASON . —The "Mark" jewel is not al / owel to he warn in the G . Lodge of England , nor ought it to be displayed in the private Lodges acting under the English constitution . We presume it is allowed to be worn in Lodges in Ireland , it being regularly acknowledged in that country . 3 . S . S . —No . —Study your obligation .
A COUNT nr BROTHER WHO WANTS INSTRUCTION . —Br . Goring would doubtless be glad to give yon the instruction you require . We believe Ids terms are £ 5 a week , and all expenses consequent upon beiti x awny from his home . Br . Crawley , Br . Beckett , Br . Longslaff , and others we believe are equally ready to afford instruction . A letter for either of the brothers named , under cover , and directed to the Editor of die "Masonic Mirror" will be sure to meet with attention . X . Y . Z . —Your having been initiated , twelve years ago will be MO liar to your passing the subsequent degrees and advancement in the order if yon can give a satisfactory
explanation why yon did not proceed at the time , and can get proposed by some well-known brother who can vouch for your respectability , and moral character . THE FOYAL Ancn . —It is certainly matter of regret that all attempts to keep together a Chapter of Instruction for any length of time have hitherto failed . Another attempt wilt be made in about six weeks , under auspices which , we trust , toill insure success . Regular Chapters generally meet too seldom to enable a companion properly to learn the duties of any given office . EtMe is thanked far his continued kindness and well wishes .
AV . P . POOLE . — With regard to the P . M . jewel . Yes ! As regards the cross pens , such a course is not usual , it would be a different thing if the jewel was a present from the Lodge . The regulation allowing Masons in the colonies to he passed and raised at less intervals than one mouth , will he found in the last edition of the Book of Constitutions . The dispute between the Freemasons and the Roman Catholic Church in the Mauritius is still in statu quo . At a meeting of the Mariners' Lod No . 310 held inthe earlpart of the monthBr
ge , , , y , . Berry , P . M ., was presented with a testimonial and a purse of £ 20 , in acknowledgment of his valuable services to the Lodge . The testimonial was beautifully written ou vellum , ard presented by P . M . Edwards . The notice reached us too late to be inserted in ils regular place . We regret that pressure of matter compels us to hold over the excellent letter of our esteemed Br . Samuel Aldridge on the Masonic charities , with other letters on the same subject , until our next .
lhe notice of the Lodge of Industry , Gateshead , arrived too late for our present number . It shall appear in our next . A . B . BEI FAST . —It is no fault of ours that we do not pay greater attention to the proceedings of Irish . Lodges . How can we know what takes place , if none of the brethren will take the trouble to keep us informed with regard to the business 1 Why does not our correspondent set the example by giving in the proceedings of his own Lodge . Br . Farnfield is the secretary of the Annuity Fund . A letter addressed to lim at the Grand Secretary Office , Great Qxieen-streei , will be sure to find him .