Article OUR ARCHITECTURAL CHAPTER. ← Page 2 of 4 →
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Our Architectural Chapter.
vented the boys tfrom mounting the mounds of building materials in the vicinity . u The mayor , committee of arrangements of the boards of aldermen , supervisors , & c , builders and architects , and the Masonic fraternity , occupied the platform . u The Masons formed around the stone , Avhen , after a prayer by the Chaplain , the R . W . Dep . Grand Master , John W . Simons , acting as Grand Master , delivered an address .
u The Grand Chaplain , R . W . Bro . Sickels , offered a prayer . u The stone , a brown one , about tAvo feet square , containing the contents ofthe old stone , the records of the city , the names ofall the city and county officers , newspapers of the day , coins , bible , & c , was then lowered to its place . a The Grand Master then said , addressing the R . W . Dep . Grand Master 1 Apply the implement of your office to the stone and make report . ' " Deputy Grand Master— ' Most Worshipful , -the stone is square The workmen have done their duty . ' " Grand Master— ' R . W . Bro . Senior Grand Warden , apply the implement of your office to the stone and make report . " "' 'Senior Grand Warden— Most Worshipful , the stone is level . The workmen have done their duty . '
" Grand Master—* R . W . Bro . Junior Grand Warden , apply the hnplement of your office to the stone and make report . V . " Junior Grand Warden— Most Worshipful , the stone is plumb . The workmen have done their duty . V u Grand Master— This corner-stone having been tested by the proper implements of Masonry , I find it Aveil-formed , true , and trusty , and correctly laid according to the rules of our ancient Craft . Let the elements of consecration be presented .
" Deputy Grand Master ( sprinkling the corn from a golden vessel )—• ' I sprinkle this corn as an emblem of plenty ; may the blessings of bounteous heaven be shoAvered doAvn upon us , and may our hearts be filled Avith gratitude . ' " Response— So mote it be . ' ' u Senior Grand Warden —( sprinkling Avine from a silver vessel)— 1 pour this wine as an emblem of joy and gladness ; may our hearts be made glad
by the influence of Divine truth , and may virtue flourish as the vine . ' " Response— So mote it be . ' a Junior Grand Warden—( pouring oil from a silver vessel)— 1 pour this oil as an emblem of peace ; may peace and harmony , good will and brotherly love abound among us .
" Response— ' So mote it he . ' a The Grand Master then directed the honours to be given by three times three claps of the hands , and stamp of the right foot at the same time ; and striking the stone Avith his mallet said : " Brethren , having uoav , by command of our Most Worshipful Grand
Master , and with the assistance of the Grand Lodge and the Fraternity , dul y laid , according to the rules of our ancient Craft , this corner-stone of the Brooklyn City Armoury , it uoav remains to supplicate the blessing ofthe G . A . O . T . U . upon this undertaking , ancl to implore that He will be pleased to bless this building , and to grant that it may tend to his glory and to the advancement of the interests of this great city .
u Prayer by the Rev . E . M . Johnson . u plans of the building having been inspected by the Grand Master , he returns them to the architect , saying :
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Our Architectural Chapter.
vented the boys tfrom mounting the mounds of building materials in the vicinity . u The mayor , committee of arrangements of the boards of aldermen , supervisors , & c , builders and architects , and the Masonic fraternity , occupied the platform . u The Masons formed around the stone , Avhen , after a prayer by the Chaplain , the R . W . Dep . Grand Master , John W . Simons , acting as Grand Master , delivered an address .
u The Grand Chaplain , R . W . Bro . Sickels , offered a prayer . u The stone , a brown one , about tAvo feet square , containing the contents ofthe old stone , the records of the city , the names ofall the city and county officers , newspapers of the day , coins , bible , & c , was then lowered to its place . a The Grand Master then said , addressing the R . W . Dep . Grand Master 1 Apply the implement of your office to the stone and make report . ' " Deputy Grand Master— ' Most Worshipful , -the stone is square The workmen have done their duty . ' " Grand Master— ' R . W . Bro . Senior Grand Warden , apply the implement of your office to the stone and make report . " "' 'Senior Grand Warden— Most Worshipful , the stone is level . The workmen have done their duty . '
" Grand Master—* R . W . Bro . Junior Grand Warden , apply the hnplement of your office to the stone and make report . V . " Junior Grand Warden— Most Worshipful , the stone is plumb . The workmen have done their duty . V u Grand Master— This corner-stone having been tested by the proper implements of Masonry , I find it Aveil-formed , true , and trusty , and correctly laid according to the rules of our ancient Craft . Let the elements of consecration be presented .
" Deputy Grand Master ( sprinkling the corn from a golden vessel )—• ' I sprinkle this corn as an emblem of plenty ; may the blessings of bounteous heaven be shoAvered doAvn upon us , and may our hearts be filled Avith gratitude . ' " Response— So mote it be . ' ' u Senior Grand Warden —( sprinkling Avine from a silver vessel)— 1 pour this wine as an emblem of joy and gladness ; may our hearts be made glad
by the influence of Divine truth , and may virtue flourish as the vine . ' " Response— So mote it be . ' a Junior Grand Warden—( pouring oil from a silver vessel)— 1 pour this oil as an emblem of peace ; may peace and harmony , good will and brotherly love abound among us .
" Response— ' So mote it he . ' a The Grand Master then directed the honours to be given by three times three claps of the hands , and stamp of the right foot at the same time ; and striking the stone Avith his mallet said : " Brethren , having uoav , by command of our Most Worshipful Grand
Master , and with the assistance of the Grand Lodge and the Fraternity , dul y laid , according to the rules of our ancient Craft , this corner-stone of the Brooklyn City Armoury , it uoav remains to supplicate the blessing ofthe G . A . O . T . U . upon this undertaking , ancl to implore that He will be pleased to bless this building , and to grant that it may tend to his glory and to the advancement of the interests of this great city .
u Prayer by the Rev . E . M . Johnson . u plans of the building having been inspected by the Grand Master , he returns them to the architect , saying :