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Anglo-Saxon History Illustrated By Topog...
that they were , at the Anglo-Saxon invasion , cwmps or military stations , but nob necessarily Roman camps , although found in Roman situations . J . P . attributes a military use , as beacon or alarm posts . Mr . Benjamin Wilson denominates them kitchens , places where Roman funereal repasts were cooked .
H . J . considers them to have been folds for cattle . Mr . Monkhouse , as just stated , attributes an occupation of the like class , and distinctly hints that the Cold Harbours may have been cattle folds or hovels ( p . 10 . ) Mr . Wedgewood affirms that these places were only coal stores .
Masonry In France.
We , this Aveek , present our readers Avith the most interesting items oi Masonic news lately received from the Brethren in France . In the month of February last a decree Avas issued by the . Grand Master , referring to the desire of the Brethren for a revision of certain parts of the rituals ; and giving directions with a view to carrying out that request . This has beei ? followed up by the folio wing important decree : —
" We , Prince Lucien Murat , Grand Master of the Masonic Order in France ; ^ " Considering that the new rituals of the symbolic grades have introduced into Masonic ceremonies ( particularly in the initiation into the three first degrees ) important modifications " , which have been fruitful in the happiest results for the exercise of the rite ; and that an opportunity has thence arisen of extending a similar work ( of revision ) to the entire ritual of all the grades ; " Considering that the Grand Orient has , at different periods , expressed an earnest desire to revise the rituals of various grades ; te And whereas this same request has been , and still is , daily put forth by the philosophical and capitulary Lodges , and is constantly being made in due form ( formule ) by the most enlightened Masons in the Order ;
1 Wishing to supply a want so generally felt and expressed ; " And having regard to our decree of 1 st February , 1858 , promulgating the new rituals of the symbolic degrees ; '' Have decreed , and do decree : " Art . 1 . —The Illustrious Brothers whose names follow : —Janin , Grand Dignitary , Member of the Dogmatic Institute ; Razy , Grand Officer ; BoubeCj Member of our Council ; Boutigny d'Evreux , do . ; Jobert , sen ., do ; Mouton , do . ; De St . Jean , do . ; De Saulcy , do ., Member of the Inst . Dogm . ; and Rebold , 33 ° , and of the Lodge La C 16 mente Amitie—are charged with the duty of reducing into harmony with the rituals of the symbolic degrees , and with the actual necessities indicated by
practice and experience , the rituals of the capitulary grades up to the degree of Rose Croix inclusive . " These Illustrious Brothers will meet at the hall of the Grand Orient of France , and will proceed with the utmost expedition to the accomplishment of the mission which we have entrusted to them . " Art . 2 . — " Our Honourable Grand Officer , the Superintendent of Correspondence , is charged with the execution of the present decree . " Done at the Orient of Paris , the 1 st of March , 1858 . " L . Murat , Grand Master of the Masonic Order in Prance . * ' By the Grand Master : — " Rexes , 33 ^ ; Eon . Grand Officer , Sicperintendent of Correspondence' *
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Anglo-Saxon History Illustrated By Topog...
that they were , at the Anglo-Saxon invasion , cwmps or military stations , but nob necessarily Roman camps , although found in Roman situations . J . P . attributes a military use , as beacon or alarm posts . Mr . Benjamin Wilson denominates them kitchens , places where Roman funereal repasts were cooked .
H . J . considers them to have been folds for cattle . Mr . Monkhouse , as just stated , attributes an occupation of the like class , and distinctly hints that the Cold Harbours may have been cattle folds or hovels ( p . 10 . ) Mr . Wedgewood affirms that these places were only coal stores .
Masonry In France.
We , this Aveek , present our readers Avith the most interesting items oi Masonic news lately received from the Brethren in France . In the month of February last a decree Avas issued by the . Grand Master , referring to the desire of the Brethren for a revision of certain parts of the rituals ; and giving directions with a view to carrying out that request . This has beei ? followed up by the folio wing important decree : —
" We , Prince Lucien Murat , Grand Master of the Masonic Order in France ; ^ " Considering that the new rituals of the symbolic grades have introduced into Masonic ceremonies ( particularly in the initiation into the three first degrees ) important modifications " , which have been fruitful in the happiest results for the exercise of the rite ; and that an opportunity has thence arisen of extending a similar work ( of revision ) to the entire ritual of all the grades ; " Considering that the Grand Orient has , at different periods , expressed an earnest desire to revise the rituals of various grades ; te And whereas this same request has been , and still is , daily put forth by the philosophical and capitulary Lodges , and is constantly being made in due form ( formule ) by the most enlightened Masons in the Order ;
1 Wishing to supply a want so generally felt and expressed ; " And having regard to our decree of 1 st February , 1858 , promulgating the new rituals of the symbolic degrees ; '' Have decreed , and do decree : " Art . 1 . —The Illustrious Brothers whose names follow : —Janin , Grand Dignitary , Member of the Dogmatic Institute ; Razy , Grand Officer ; BoubeCj Member of our Council ; Boutigny d'Evreux , do . ; Jobert , sen ., do ; Mouton , do . ; De St . Jean , do . ; De Saulcy , do ., Member of the Inst . Dogm . ; and Rebold , 33 ° , and of the Lodge La C 16 mente Amitie—are charged with the duty of reducing into harmony with the rituals of the symbolic degrees , and with the actual necessities indicated by
practice and experience , the rituals of the capitulary grades up to the degree of Rose Croix inclusive . " These Illustrious Brothers will meet at the hall of the Grand Orient of France , and will proceed with the utmost expedition to the accomplishment of the mission which we have entrusted to them . " Art . 2 . — " Our Honourable Grand Officer , the Superintendent of Correspondence , is charged with the execution of the present decree . " Done at the Orient of Paris , the 1 st of March , 1858 . " L . Murat , Grand Master of the Masonic Order in Prance . * ' By the Grand Master : — " Rexes , 33 ^ ; Eon . Grand Officer , Sicperintendent of Correspondence' *