Article METROPOLITAN. ← Page 2 of 2
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the members of the Lodge , and more particularly for the graceful Avay the presentation had been made , and the occasion selected—the ladies' festival . He found it difficult to convey an adequate response to the honour done him , but as he was a man more of deeds than Avoids , he hoped , by a continuance of his endeavours to promote the interests ' of the Lodge and the Order , to merit a continuance of their good opinion . Before concluding , he Avould say a word to the ladies . He was proud of these happy gatherings , as it tended to show their fair guests that the Brethren thought of them in Lodge , and from the response thev
had heard that clay to the Masonic institutions , they AA'nuld see the needy and distressed of the Order-were not forgotten . There was another happy instance of the effect ( continued Bro . Oman ) of these assemblies . There Avere present tAvo young Brethren who had each selected a Avife at a previous meeting , and Avere now enjoying the happiness of the married state . In conclusion , he would again thank them , particularly the ladies who had graced the festive board that day ,
hoping that the G . A . O . T . U . Avould permit them many opportunities of further reciprocating the good feeling manifested upon these occasions . An adjournment to the garden then took place , where an excellent band was stationed , under the direction of Bro . Terry . Dancing commenced , and continued till nearly eleven , when the company returned to town , highly delighted with the day ' s festivities . The P . Ms , present were Bros . Rawley , Oman , Brewer , Terry , Mortleman , Hicks , Morris , and Potts , Secretary .
Beadon Lodge ( No . 902 ) . —The election meeting of this Lodge took ^ pktee ^ onr— - Wednesday , July 21 st , at the Star and Garter , Kew Bridge , Bro . Potter , jim ., W . M ., presiding , supported by Bros . Denyer , S . W ., and R . M . Smith , J . W . Lodge being opened , and the minutes of the last meeting read and confirmed , Bro . Pook , of No . 128 , was introduced , and raised to the third degree . Messrs . W . and B . Hudson were then initiated into the Order ; after which , Bros . Speering and Becket received the Fellow Craft degree . These ceremonies ended , the election
of W . M . for the next twelve months took place , and was declared to be unanimously in favour of the present S . W ., Bro . Denyer , and the office of Treasurer was again unanimously conferred on Bro . Potter , sen . Lodge business ended , the Brethren adjourned to an excellent dinner . After the usual loyal and Masonic toasts had been drunk , Bro . W . Watson proposed the health of the W . M ., and paid him a justly deserved compliment for the urbanity and kindness he had shown the Brethren during his year of office . The toast was most cordially
received , and was feelingly . acknowledged by Bro . Potter , jun ., who congratulated the Brethren upon the excellent position of the Lodge , which was mainly attributable to Bro . Watson , whose valuable services , both Masonic and otherwise , Avere too well known to need comment . Bro . Watson having replied to the compliment , " The Visitors" was drunk , Ithey being Bros . Hutchings , P . GLS . B ., John Archer , P . M . N ~ o . 7 T 8 ; Evans , J . W . No . 29 ; and Wyatts , No . 166 , who returned thanks . Several other toasts folloAved , and the Brethren separated , highly delighted with their meeting .
Royal Jubilee Lodge ( No . 85 . )—This excellent working Lodge met at Bro . Ireland ' s , Masonic Hall , Fetter-lane , on Sunday , the 25 th ult ., to work the fifteen sections in lectures . Bro . Moss took the chair , and in a most able manner put the questions , which were answered in an efficient manner by the following Brethren —First Lecture : first section , Bro . Cohen ; second , Bro . Anslow ; third , Bro .
Brett ; fourtli , Bro . Anslow ; fifth , Bro . Ireland ; sixth , Bro . Tyrell ; seventh , Bro , Brett . Second Lecture : first section , Bro . Hales ; second , Bro . R . J . Warren ; third , Bro . Brewer ; fourth , Bro . Anslow ; fifth , Bro . Brett . Third Lecture ; first section , Bro . Tyrell ; second , Bro . Ireland ; third , Bro . Moss . It was proposed by Bro . Ireland , and seconded by Bro . Haydon , " That-a vote of thanks be given to the W . M . for tho excellent manner in which he had conducted the business of the evening . " Bro . Moss very ably returned thanks , and at the same time begged to propose a vote of thanks to those who had assisted him in working the sectionn . a 2
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the members of the Lodge , and more particularly for the graceful Avay the presentation had been made , and the occasion selected—the ladies' festival . He found it difficult to convey an adequate response to the honour done him , but as he was a man more of deeds than Avoids , he hoped , by a continuance of his endeavours to promote the interests ' of the Lodge and the Order , to merit a continuance of their good opinion . Before concluding , he Avould say a word to the ladies . He was proud of these happy gatherings , as it tended to show their fair guests that the Brethren thought of them in Lodge , and from the response thev
had heard that clay to the Masonic institutions , they AA'nuld see the needy and distressed of the Order-were not forgotten . There was another happy instance of the effect ( continued Bro . Oman ) of these assemblies . There Avere present tAvo young Brethren who had each selected a Avife at a previous meeting , and Avere now enjoying the happiness of the married state . In conclusion , he would again thank them , particularly the ladies who had graced the festive board that day ,
hoping that the G . A . O . T . U . Avould permit them many opportunities of further reciprocating the good feeling manifested upon these occasions . An adjournment to the garden then took place , where an excellent band was stationed , under the direction of Bro . Terry . Dancing commenced , and continued till nearly eleven , when the company returned to town , highly delighted with the day ' s festivities . The P . Ms , present were Bros . Rawley , Oman , Brewer , Terry , Mortleman , Hicks , Morris , and Potts , Secretary .
Beadon Lodge ( No . 902 ) . —The election meeting of this Lodge took ^ pktee ^ onr— - Wednesday , July 21 st , at the Star and Garter , Kew Bridge , Bro . Potter , jim ., W . M ., presiding , supported by Bros . Denyer , S . W ., and R . M . Smith , J . W . Lodge being opened , and the minutes of the last meeting read and confirmed , Bro . Pook , of No . 128 , was introduced , and raised to the third degree . Messrs . W . and B . Hudson were then initiated into the Order ; after which , Bros . Speering and Becket received the Fellow Craft degree . These ceremonies ended , the election
of W . M . for the next twelve months took place , and was declared to be unanimously in favour of the present S . W ., Bro . Denyer , and the office of Treasurer was again unanimously conferred on Bro . Potter , sen . Lodge business ended , the Brethren adjourned to an excellent dinner . After the usual loyal and Masonic toasts had been drunk , Bro . W . Watson proposed the health of the W . M ., and paid him a justly deserved compliment for the urbanity and kindness he had shown the Brethren during his year of office . The toast was most cordially
received , and was feelingly . acknowledged by Bro . Potter , jun ., who congratulated the Brethren upon the excellent position of the Lodge , which was mainly attributable to Bro . Watson , whose valuable services , both Masonic and otherwise , Avere too well known to need comment . Bro . Watson having replied to the compliment , " The Visitors" was drunk , Ithey being Bros . Hutchings , P . GLS . B ., John Archer , P . M . N ~ o . 7 T 8 ; Evans , J . W . No . 29 ; and Wyatts , No . 166 , who returned thanks . Several other toasts folloAved , and the Brethren separated , highly delighted with their meeting .
Royal Jubilee Lodge ( No . 85 . )—This excellent working Lodge met at Bro . Ireland ' s , Masonic Hall , Fetter-lane , on Sunday , the 25 th ult ., to work the fifteen sections in lectures . Bro . Moss took the chair , and in a most able manner put the questions , which were answered in an efficient manner by the following Brethren —First Lecture : first section , Bro . Cohen ; second , Bro . Anslow ; third , Bro .
Brett ; fourtli , Bro . Anslow ; fifth , Bro . Ireland ; sixth , Bro . Tyrell ; seventh , Bro , Brett . Second Lecture : first section , Bro . Hales ; second , Bro . R . J . Warren ; third , Bro . Brewer ; fourth , Bro . Anslow ; fifth , Bro . Brett . Third Lecture ; first section , Bro . Tyrell ; second , Bro . Ireland ; third , Bro . Moss . It was proposed by Bro . Ireland , and seconded by Bro . Haydon , " That-a vote of thanks be given to the W . M . for tho excellent manner in which he had conducted the business of the evening . " Bro . Moss very ably returned thanks , and at the same time begged to propose a vote of thanks to those who had assisted him in working the sectionn . a 2