Article FERRERS AND IVANHOE LODGE (No. 1081). ← Page 2 of 2 Article MASONIC BALLS. Page 1 of 1
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Ferrers And Ivanhoe Lodge (No. 1081).
desirable in a young lodge , and trying to avoid all " private piques and quarrels , " is endeavouring to deny the present W . M . the privileges and rank of a P . M . under the following circumstances . At the close of tho lodge year , viz ., March , 1860 , the election of the now "W . M . took place ; but , owing to some irregularity and misunderstanding ( which arose thus —•
the S . AV . who was elected , being already a P . M ., courteously withdrew in favour of the J . AV . in order , that he might obtain the rank of P . M ., instead of waiting twelve months longer ) , a fresh election took place on the regular lodge night in May ; the J . AV ., being elected , was installed on the regular lodge night in June , 1860 . Is it not , therefore , desirable that tho present AV . M . should retain the chair
until the regular lodge meeting in May next , and the now Master be elected on that night ? or else the present "W . M . will not be entitled to the rank and privilege of a P . M . if the election takes place in March , which a P . M . in the lodge is trying to effect . I cannot see what material cliftbrcneoit can make except denying tho W . M . the rank of P . M . four opinion will greatly oblige , yours fraternally ,
HESIVT T . Boii . uw , S . AV . 1089 ., J . W . 1089 . . 1 . 11 . 907 ., P . G-. Steward . AsUij-de-la-Zoucli , Feb . 26 , 1861 . L rhe brother will not in our opinion lose any rank by tho election taking place at the regular time . The only parties it can affect will be tho Wardens , who must serve twelve months before they are eligible for the chair . ]
Masonic Balls.
We have been requested to publish the following correspondence : — 53 , Goodge-street , Tottenham-court-road , February lGtli , 1861 . Sin AXD BROTHER , —I apologise for troubling you in such a matter as I am about to mention . But , as AV . M . of 1006 , 1 feel it necessary to got definite information on the subject . '
Wo are aboutto hold a ball—called a Masonic Ball . In the circulars and cards it states that the brethren will appear in Masonic costume . I am aware of the article in the TBooh of Constitutions , about the brethren not being allowed in public processions clothed with the Badges of the Order ; but , as this seems somewhat indefinite to mo , and does not seem to apply to a ballI wish to ask Sirif a
, you , , Masonic Ball can bo called a , public procession , and whether there is any pos ' dice interdict against the practice of wearing our Masonic clothing at a ball—the proceeds of which , after expenses , arc to be . devoted to the Charities of the Order . I am fully aware that it is , and has boon done in many instances , and no notice taken of it ; but I wish to save myself from possible censure in any I
shallthereway . , fore , feci personally obliged by a note from you , with your opinion upon the subject . The brethren of 1006 are anxious to wear tho clothing , and I think it a pity thoy should be disappointed if it can bo allowed . Tours fraternally , P . W . BEST , W . M . 1 , 006 . Gray Clarke , Esq ., Grand Secretary .
1 'Yhruary 19 th , 1 SC 1 . SIR AXD BROTHER , —I have laid your letter , having reference to a ball that is about to bo ' hold by the members of your lodge , before the Board of General Purposes , and I have to inform you that , in the opinion of the "Board , there is no law to jircvcnt brethren wearing their Masonic clothing iu any private room . Yours fraternally , AV . GRAY CLARKE . G . S .
Bro . P . W . Best , AV . M . No . 1006 , 53 , Goodge-street , AA . PROVINCIAL GRAND MASTER OP AVEST YORKSHIRE TO THE EMTOli OF THE rilEEMASOXS MAGAZINE AJTD MASOXIC HllnlOll . BEAU SIR AXD BROTHER , —On behalf of the General Committee meeting bore this day , as summonedby a preliminary meeting , I beg to enclose for your next issue a copy of resolutions passed at the General Mooting of lodges in and about Huddersfield , in reference to the matter of taking action herein . Allow me also to enclose you a copy of \ i letter
from the Leeds Mercury , February 26 th , upon which I am desired most respectfully to solicit your notice and comment , if yon approve and deem proper to advance . I am , dear Brother , yours faithfully and fraternally , Join , - ' SYKES , P . M . 763 , and P . P . J . G . D .
At a meeting convened by circular , and heid on Wednesday , the 27 th inst ., at the Ereemasons' Hall , Fitzwillianistreet , Huddorsfiold , when a number of the Worshipful Masters , Wardens , and Past Masters of the neighbouring ; lodges in the province were present , Bro . William Kilner , P . M ., in the chair , the following resolutions were passed unanimously : —
Moved by Bro . S . Hardy , W . M . of the Lodge of Truth , seconded by Bro . Boscovitz , P . M . of the Harmony , aud supported by the W . M . s of tho Huddersficld and Holme Valley Lodges , and a P . M . of the Lodge of Peace , at 31 olfcham' ¦ 'That this Meeting is of opinion that the necessary stops should bo taken for securing to Huddersficld the honour of Installing tho Earlde Grey and Eipon as Prov . G . M . of West
Yorkshire , it being tho place of holding the Provincial Annual Meeting , from its central position in the province : and further , that his Lordship was initiated , passed , and raised , having occupied the chairs of S . AV . and W . M ., and still being a contributing member to his mother lodge in the town . "
Proposed by Bro . T . Eobinson , P . M ., Prov . G . E ., and seconded by Bro . J " . Sykes , P . M ., P . Prov . G . J . D . — " That this Meeting be adjourned to AVednesday , the 6 th March next , at four o ' clock , p . m ., and that a cop 3 of the foregoing resolution be forwarded to the W . M . s of all the lodges in the province , inviting their co-operation in carrying out the above object , and requesting them to appoint two or more
brethren of their respective lodges to join in forming an Executive Committee to attend at such adjourned meeting . " Moved by Bro . AV . Cooking , P . M ., P . G . Snpt . of W ., and seconded by Bro . W . G . Dyson , P . M ., " That the Secretaries of the three lodges in this town be the Hon . Secretaries for the Executive Committee . " MARK BE . YOMOXT , Hon . Sec , Lodge of Truth , 763 .
TO TnE EDITOIES OF THE LEEDS MEJiCUlIY . Fitzwilliam-street , Huddersfield , Fob . 23 , 1 S 61 . GENTLEMEN , —A paragraph appears in your valuable journal of this day in reference to the very important event of installing tho Earl Do Grey and Eipon in the above high and dignified position . The paragraph truly expresses the
cordial feeling of the province as regards his lordship , but conveys an intimation whicli is calculated to mislead or wrongly imjiress the brethren with the noble lord's initiative position , by announcing simply that his lordship is a member of tho AVakcfield Lodge . It also intimates that it is undecided where the installation will take place . I bog , as an experienced past officer , that you will allow mo to express
a few foots in reference to those statements , without attempting to deny the " complimentary " fact of his lordshi p having "joined" tho Wakefield Lodge . The Earl De Grey and Eipon ( when Lord Goderich ) was initiated , passed , and raised in Iluddersfielcl : he has filled the respective chairs of S . W . and W . M ., and still continues a contributing member and liberal supporter of tho Masonic charities through his lodge
in tho town of Huddersficld . I blush to think it possible that there may bo another " Esau " who would attempt to deprive that town of its birthright . Such an attempt will , however , doubtless prove futile . ' As to the place of installation , it must bo apparent to all that Huddersfield has priority of claim . It has every necessary accommodation for such a gathering ; it possesses
noble buildings and largo rooms , mid is tho centre of the province in railway privileges—a iiicfc conclusively decided by the removal of the provincial lodge to that town owing to these advantages . Most respectfully submitting , these facts , and hoping you will do so valuable a body of men the justice to insert them in your next journal , I beg to subscribe myself , Yours very faithfully , Ax OLD PAST MASTER AXD PAST PROV . GRAKD OEHCEK .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Ferrers And Ivanhoe Lodge (No. 1081).
desirable in a young lodge , and trying to avoid all " private piques and quarrels , " is endeavouring to deny the present W . M . the privileges and rank of a P . M . under the following circumstances . At the close of tho lodge year , viz ., March , 1860 , the election of the now "W . M . took place ; but , owing to some irregularity and misunderstanding ( which arose thus —•
the S . AV . who was elected , being already a P . M ., courteously withdrew in favour of the J . AV . in order , that he might obtain the rank of P . M ., instead of waiting twelve months longer ) , a fresh election took place on the regular lodge night in May ; the J . AV ., being elected , was installed on the regular lodge night in June , 1860 . Is it not , therefore , desirable that tho present AV . M . should retain the chair
until the regular lodge meeting in May next , and the now Master be elected on that night ? or else the present "W . M . will not be entitled to the rank and privilege of a P . M . if the election takes place in March , which a P . M . in the lodge is trying to effect . I cannot see what material cliftbrcneoit can make except denying tho W . M . the rank of P . M . four opinion will greatly oblige , yours fraternally ,
HESIVT T . Boii . uw , S . AV . 1089 ., J . W . 1089 . . 1 . 11 . 907 ., P . G-. Steward . AsUij-de-la-Zoucli , Feb . 26 , 1861 . L rhe brother will not in our opinion lose any rank by tho election taking place at the regular time . The only parties it can affect will be tho Wardens , who must serve twelve months before they are eligible for the chair . ]
Masonic Balls.
We have been requested to publish the following correspondence : — 53 , Goodge-street , Tottenham-court-road , February lGtli , 1861 . Sin AXD BROTHER , —I apologise for troubling you in such a matter as I am about to mention . But , as AV . M . of 1006 , 1 feel it necessary to got definite information on the subject . '
Wo are aboutto hold a ball—called a Masonic Ball . In the circulars and cards it states that the brethren will appear in Masonic costume . I am aware of the article in the TBooh of Constitutions , about the brethren not being allowed in public processions clothed with the Badges of the Order ; but , as this seems somewhat indefinite to mo , and does not seem to apply to a ballI wish to ask Sirif a
, you , , Masonic Ball can bo called a , public procession , and whether there is any pos ' dice interdict against the practice of wearing our Masonic clothing at a ball—the proceeds of which , after expenses , arc to be . devoted to the Charities of the Order . I am fully aware that it is , and has boon done in many instances , and no notice taken of it ; but I wish to save myself from possible censure in any I
shallthereway . , fore , feci personally obliged by a note from you , with your opinion upon the subject . The brethren of 1006 are anxious to wear tho clothing , and I think it a pity thoy should be disappointed if it can bo allowed . Tours fraternally , P . W . BEST , W . M . 1 , 006 . Gray Clarke , Esq ., Grand Secretary .
1 'Yhruary 19 th , 1 SC 1 . SIR AXD BROTHER , —I have laid your letter , having reference to a ball that is about to bo ' hold by the members of your lodge , before the Board of General Purposes , and I have to inform you that , in the opinion of the "Board , there is no law to jircvcnt brethren wearing their Masonic clothing iu any private room . Yours fraternally , AV . GRAY CLARKE . G . S .
Bro . P . W . Best , AV . M . No . 1006 , 53 , Goodge-street , AA . PROVINCIAL GRAND MASTER OP AVEST YORKSHIRE TO THE EMTOli OF THE rilEEMASOXS MAGAZINE AJTD MASOXIC HllnlOll . BEAU SIR AXD BROTHER , —On behalf of the General Committee meeting bore this day , as summonedby a preliminary meeting , I beg to enclose for your next issue a copy of resolutions passed at the General Mooting of lodges in and about Huddersfield , in reference to the matter of taking action herein . Allow me also to enclose you a copy of \ i letter
from the Leeds Mercury , February 26 th , upon which I am desired most respectfully to solicit your notice and comment , if yon approve and deem proper to advance . I am , dear Brother , yours faithfully and fraternally , Join , - ' SYKES , P . M . 763 , and P . P . J . G . D .
At a meeting convened by circular , and heid on Wednesday , the 27 th inst ., at the Ereemasons' Hall , Fitzwillianistreet , Huddorsfiold , when a number of the Worshipful Masters , Wardens , and Past Masters of the neighbouring ; lodges in the province were present , Bro . William Kilner , P . M ., in the chair , the following resolutions were passed unanimously : —
Moved by Bro . S . Hardy , W . M . of the Lodge of Truth , seconded by Bro . Boscovitz , P . M . of the Harmony , aud supported by the W . M . s of tho Huddersficld and Holme Valley Lodges , and a P . M . of the Lodge of Peace , at 31 olfcham' ¦ 'That this Meeting is of opinion that the necessary stops should bo taken for securing to Huddersficld the honour of Installing tho Earlde Grey and Eipon as Prov . G . M . of West
Yorkshire , it being tho place of holding the Provincial Annual Meeting , from its central position in the province : and further , that his Lordship was initiated , passed , and raised , having occupied the chairs of S . AV . and W . M ., and still being a contributing member to his mother lodge in the town . "
Proposed by Bro . T . Eobinson , P . M ., Prov . G . E ., and seconded by Bro . J " . Sykes , P . M ., P . Prov . G . J . D . — " That this Meeting be adjourned to AVednesday , the 6 th March next , at four o ' clock , p . m ., and that a cop 3 of the foregoing resolution be forwarded to the W . M . s of all the lodges in the province , inviting their co-operation in carrying out the above object , and requesting them to appoint two or more
brethren of their respective lodges to join in forming an Executive Committee to attend at such adjourned meeting . " Moved by Bro . AV . Cooking , P . M ., P . G . Snpt . of W ., and seconded by Bro . W . G . Dyson , P . M ., " That the Secretaries of the three lodges in this town be the Hon . Secretaries for the Executive Committee . " MARK BE . YOMOXT , Hon . Sec , Lodge of Truth , 763 .
TO TnE EDITOIES OF THE LEEDS MEJiCUlIY . Fitzwilliam-street , Huddersfield , Fob . 23 , 1 S 61 . GENTLEMEN , —A paragraph appears in your valuable journal of this day in reference to the very important event of installing tho Earl Do Grey and Eipon in the above high and dignified position . The paragraph truly expresses the
cordial feeling of the province as regards his lordship , but conveys an intimation whicli is calculated to mislead or wrongly imjiress the brethren with the noble lord's initiative position , by announcing simply that his lordship is a member of tho AVakcfield Lodge . It also intimates that it is undecided where the installation will take place . I bog , as an experienced past officer , that you will allow mo to express
a few foots in reference to those statements , without attempting to deny the " complimentary " fact of his lordshi p having "joined" tho Wakefield Lodge . The Earl De Grey and Eipon ( when Lord Goderich ) was initiated , passed , and raised in Iluddersfielcl : he has filled the respective chairs of S . W . and W . M ., and still continues a contributing member and liberal supporter of tho Masonic charities through his lodge
in tho town of Huddersficld . I blush to think it possible that there may bo another " Esau " who would attempt to deprive that town of its birthright . Such an attempt will , however , doubtless prove futile . ' As to the place of installation , it must bo apparent to all that Huddersfield has priority of claim . It has every necessary accommodation for such a gathering ; it possesses
noble buildings and largo rooms , mid is tho centre of the province in railway privileges—a iiicfc conclusively decided by the removal of the provincial lodge to that town owing to these advantages . Most respectfully submitting , these facts , and hoping you will do so valuable a body of men the justice to insert them in your next journal , I beg to subscribe myself , Yours very faithfully , Ax OLD PAST MASTER AXD PAST PROV . GRAKD OEHCEK .