Article THE MASONIC MIRROR. Page 1 of 1 Article GRAND LODGE. Page 1 of 1
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The Masonic Mirror.
» y MASONIC MEM . AV ? regret Hint Bio . Crew , the respected Secretary of the Girls ' School , is now lying dangerously ill .
Grand Lodge.
The following is the agenda of business to be transacted in Grand Lodge on AVednesday , Gth March , 1 SG 1 . 1 . The Regulations for the Government of Grand Lodge during the time of Public Business to be read . 2 . The Minutes of the Quarterly Communication , 5 th December , 1860 , for confirmation . 3 . The motion for the erasure of the Lodge of Concord , No . 49 ,
carried at tho Quarterl y Communication of the 7 th September , 1859 , for confirmation . 4 . The Election of M . AA . Grand Master . 5 . The Election of Grand Treasurer . G . The Koport of the Board of Benevolence for the last Quarter , iu which arc recommendations for the following grants , viz .: — Brother Silvano Francis L . Pereira , of the Caledonian Lodge , No . 15 GLondon £ 30
, , . The AAldow of tho late Brother Stephen Child , of the Domatic Lodge , No . 206 , London , £ 30 . 7 The Report of the Annual Audit of Grand Lodge Accounts . 8 . The Deport of the Board of General Purposes : —• To the United Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted
Masons of IE // gland . The Board of General Purposes hog to report that they have received and adjudicated upon tho following complaints , viz .: — 1 . By the Board of Benevolence against the Lodge of Charity , No . 439 , Kersley , for certifying that a petitioner for relief had been a contributing member ibr the space of 43 years , whereas Grand Lodge dues had been paid for only 311 . years . The board being
satisfied that the error had arisen from want of sufficient care in examining the books of the lodge , and that no monies the property of the Grand Lodge had been withheld , admonished the W . Master and officers of the Lodge to be more careful for the future . 2 . By Bro . Alfred Lay , P . M . and Treasurer of the Lodge of Prosperity , No . 78 , London , against the AA' . M . of that Lodge , for allowing a motion for a grant of money to be brought forward ,
which motion , it was alleged , had been already disposed of , such proceeding being in contravention of the by-laws of the Lodge . The whole question turned upon the point whether a minute of a previous meeting , upon being put for confirmation , was rejected or deferred . The evidence was contradictory ; but as it appeared that the original resolution had been proposed and carried at a Lodge of Emergency , and that no notice thereof had been inserted in the summonsthe Board declared the whole proceeding illegaland at
, , the same time expressed its hope that tho brethren would endeavour to promote a more harmonious feeling amongst themselves , and avoid bringing their lodge before the Craft upon such trivial matters as that which had just formed the subject of a formal investigation .
3 . Against the AA ' . M . of the St . John and St . Paul Lodge , No . 898 , at Erith , for having admitted as joining members two Spanish gentlemen who had been initiated in an irregular lodge . The Board , having very carefully investigated the whole matter , and having heard the statement of the gentlemen in question and of the AA . M ., ordered that the brethren referred to should be reobligated in tlie different degrees , and admonished the AV . M . to be more careful for the future . At the same time the Board expressed
its high sense of the frank , honourable , and Masonic spirit which had been exhibited throughout the whole affair by tho Spanish brethren in question . The Board desire to caution the AV . M . s . of all Lodges to be especially careful in mailing the necessary inquiries previous to admitting brethren professing to hail from Foreign Grand Lodges . 4 . _ Against the lloyal Sussex Lodge , No . 61 , Bath , for having certified in
the petition of a child for admission into the Girls ' School that the father of such child had been a regular contributing member ibr the space of 4 . V years , whereas no dues had been paid to Grand Lod ge . It appears , upon examination of the books , that the brother in question had been initiated in tho ' lortgo in the year 181-2 , and had served various offices therein , including those of Sec , AV . M ., and Ireas ., that no dues had been paid either for him or for many other brethren , who had been initiated or admitted as joining members ;
that about the year 1 S 16 the lodge fell into difficulties , and that no meetings took place until the year 1834 , when it was resuscitated , and certain dues were paid . It further appeared that none of the present members were members of tho lodge at the time the irregularities occurred . The Board ve » v . ivked that the brother in question was himself responsible for such part of the neglect as had occurred during the time he held office . The Board exonerated the present members of
the lodge from any participation in those irregularities , but reminding the AV . M . and the present members that they toolc the lodge with its responsibilities , and that it had been ascertained that certain monies hail been received by the lodge , which were the property of the fraternity generally , the Board felt that they had no power to remit the payment of such dues , and , therefore , ordered the lodge to pay over such amount as may , upon examination by the Grand Secretaryaided by the Secretary of No . 01 be found to
, , have been received for , and to be the property of , Grand Lodge . The Board beg further to report that they have , upon the application of Sir Lucius Curtis , Bart ., Prov . " G . M . for Hampshire , examined into the circumstances relating to the grant of a warrant to the Lodge of Economy ( No . 90 ) , at Winchester , and , upon the evidence adduced by Bro . J . Rankine Stebbing , Prov . G . Sec , and that afforded by tho books of Grand Lodge , they are satisfied that which
the Lodge of Economy , at AVinchester , is the same lodge was established in the year 1761 . The attention of the Board having been called to the- frequent ahsenco of Grand Officers and Grand Stewards from Grand Lodge , it was resolved that it is incumbent on the Board to enforce the fines provided by the Hoolc of Constitutions for non-attendance , and that on and after the next annual period of appointment such fines be enforced accordingly . ( Signed ) Jonx HAVERS , President . Freemasons' Hall , February 20111 , 1 SG 1 .
The Board subjoin a Statement of the Cash Account , showing that at the last meeting of the Finance Committee , held on the loth inst ., there was a balance in the hands of the Grand Treasurer of £ 1806 12 s . Gd . ; and in the hands of the Grand Secretary , for petty cash , £ 50 . Of those sums there belongs to the Fund of Benevolence , £ 864 Ss . Gd . ; to the Fund of General Purposes , £ 479 15 s . 3 d . ; and there is the unappropriated account , £ 512 Ss . 9 tf ., of which a portion belongs to the Grand Chapter .
9 . The Report of Bro . It . P . Harding , the Auditor of the Grand Lodge Accounts . 10 . Appeal of Bro . T . J . du Jardiu , of the Samares Lodge ( No . 818 ) , Jersey , against two decisions of the R . AA . the Prov . G . M . of Jersey—one inflicting a fine of £ 4 on him ; the other for suspending him for refusing to pay such fine . 11 . Motion of Bro . Joseph Smith , Past Grand Pursuivant , postponed from the Grand Lodge of the 5 th September , 18 G 0 , and deferred from the last Grand Lodge : —•
" Out of the amount of stock in the Three per Cent . Consols , now standing in the names of the Trustees of the Fund of Benevolence of Grand Lodge , the Grand Treasurer he directed to transfer the sum ol £ 1 , 000 , Three per Cent . Consols , in equal proportions , into the names of the Trustees of tho following Masonic Charities : — " lloyal Freemasons' School for Female Children £ 1 , 000 " Royal Masonic Institution for Boys 1 , 000 " Royal Benevolent Institution for granting Annuities to Aged Freemasons 1 , 000 " Royal Benevolent Institution for granting Annuities to the Widows of Freemasons 1 , 000
£ 4 , 000 NOTICES or MOTIOX . By AA . Bro . Henry Faudel , P . G . D .: — "To object to the wording of Bro . J . Smith ' s , Past G . Pursuivant , motion to transfer money to four Charities . " By AV . Bro . George Barrett , P . M . No . 212 : — " That the sum of £ 50 be given from the Fund of General Purposes , to supply coals ,
& c , to the inmates of the Masonic Asylum , at Croydon . " By Bro . John Savage , P . G . D .: — "That the sum of £ 200 be contributed from the Fund of General Purposes towards purchasing an annuity of £ 20 for Bro . AVilliam AVatson , of the Grand Stewards ' Lodge , P . M . of the Robert Burns' Lodge ( No . 25 ) , & c , in recognition of the valuable services he has rendered in disseminating the principles and tenets of the Craft , and of his untiring zeal in having devoted so largo a portion of his timo in promulgating the ceremonies and lectures of the Order during a Masonic career of more than twenty years . "
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Masonic Mirror.
» y MASONIC MEM . AV ? regret Hint Bio . Crew , the respected Secretary of the Girls ' School , is now lying dangerously ill .
Grand Lodge.
The following is the agenda of business to be transacted in Grand Lodge on AVednesday , Gth March , 1 SG 1 . 1 . The Regulations for the Government of Grand Lodge during the time of Public Business to be read . 2 . The Minutes of the Quarterly Communication , 5 th December , 1860 , for confirmation . 3 . The motion for the erasure of the Lodge of Concord , No . 49 ,
carried at tho Quarterl y Communication of the 7 th September , 1859 , for confirmation . 4 . The Election of M . AA . Grand Master . 5 . The Election of Grand Treasurer . G . The Koport of the Board of Benevolence for the last Quarter , iu which arc recommendations for the following grants , viz .: — Brother Silvano Francis L . Pereira , of the Caledonian Lodge , No . 15 GLondon £ 30
, , . The AAldow of tho late Brother Stephen Child , of the Domatic Lodge , No . 206 , London , £ 30 . 7 The Report of the Annual Audit of Grand Lodge Accounts . 8 . The Deport of the Board of General Purposes : —• To the United Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted
Masons of IE // gland . The Board of General Purposes hog to report that they have received and adjudicated upon tho following complaints , viz .: — 1 . By the Board of Benevolence against the Lodge of Charity , No . 439 , Kersley , for certifying that a petitioner for relief had been a contributing member ibr the space of 43 years , whereas Grand Lodge dues had been paid for only 311 . years . The board being
satisfied that the error had arisen from want of sufficient care in examining the books of the lodge , and that no monies the property of the Grand Lodge had been withheld , admonished the W . Master and officers of the Lodge to be more careful for the future . 2 . By Bro . Alfred Lay , P . M . and Treasurer of the Lodge of Prosperity , No . 78 , London , against the AA' . M . of that Lodge , for allowing a motion for a grant of money to be brought forward ,
which motion , it was alleged , had been already disposed of , such proceeding being in contravention of the by-laws of the Lodge . The whole question turned upon the point whether a minute of a previous meeting , upon being put for confirmation , was rejected or deferred . The evidence was contradictory ; but as it appeared that the original resolution had been proposed and carried at a Lodge of Emergency , and that no notice thereof had been inserted in the summonsthe Board declared the whole proceeding illegaland at
, , the same time expressed its hope that tho brethren would endeavour to promote a more harmonious feeling amongst themselves , and avoid bringing their lodge before the Craft upon such trivial matters as that which had just formed the subject of a formal investigation .
3 . Against the AA ' . M . of the St . John and St . Paul Lodge , No . 898 , at Erith , for having admitted as joining members two Spanish gentlemen who had been initiated in an irregular lodge . The Board , having very carefully investigated the whole matter , and having heard the statement of the gentlemen in question and of the AA . M ., ordered that the brethren referred to should be reobligated in tlie different degrees , and admonished the AV . M . to be more careful for the future . At the same time the Board expressed
its high sense of the frank , honourable , and Masonic spirit which had been exhibited throughout the whole affair by tho Spanish brethren in question . The Board desire to caution the AV . M . s . of all Lodges to be especially careful in mailing the necessary inquiries previous to admitting brethren professing to hail from Foreign Grand Lodges . 4 . _ Against the lloyal Sussex Lodge , No . 61 , Bath , for having certified in
the petition of a child for admission into the Girls ' School that the father of such child had been a regular contributing member ibr the space of 4 . V years , whereas no dues had been paid to Grand Lod ge . It appears , upon examination of the books , that the brother in question had been initiated in tho ' lortgo in the year 181-2 , and had served various offices therein , including those of Sec , AV . M ., and Ireas ., that no dues had been paid either for him or for many other brethren , who had been initiated or admitted as joining members ;
that about the year 1 S 16 the lodge fell into difficulties , and that no meetings took place until the year 1834 , when it was resuscitated , and certain dues were paid . It further appeared that none of the present members were members of tho lodge at the time the irregularities occurred . The Board ve » v . ivked that the brother in question was himself responsible for such part of the neglect as had occurred during the time he held office . The Board exonerated the present members of
the lodge from any participation in those irregularities , but reminding the AV . M . and the present members that they toolc the lodge with its responsibilities , and that it had been ascertained that certain monies hail been received by the lodge , which were the property of the fraternity generally , the Board felt that they had no power to remit the payment of such dues , and , therefore , ordered the lodge to pay over such amount as may , upon examination by the Grand Secretaryaided by the Secretary of No . 01 be found to
, , have been received for , and to be the property of , Grand Lodge . The Board beg further to report that they have , upon the application of Sir Lucius Curtis , Bart ., Prov . " G . M . for Hampshire , examined into the circumstances relating to the grant of a warrant to the Lodge of Economy ( No . 90 ) , at Winchester , and , upon the evidence adduced by Bro . J . Rankine Stebbing , Prov . G . Sec , and that afforded by tho books of Grand Lodge , they are satisfied that which
the Lodge of Economy , at AVinchester , is the same lodge was established in the year 1761 . The attention of the Board having been called to the- frequent ahsenco of Grand Officers and Grand Stewards from Grand Lodge , it was resolved that it is incumbent on the Board to enforce the fines provided by the Hoolc of Constitutions for non-attendance , and that on and after the next annual period of appointment such fines be enforced accordingly . ( Signed ) Jonx HAVERS , President . Freemasons' Hall , February 20111 , 1 SG 1 .
The Board subjoin a Statement of the Cash Account , showing that at the last meeting of the Finance Committee , held on the loth inst ., there was a balance in the hands of the Grand Treasurer of £ 1806 12 s . Gd . ; and in the hands of the Grand Secretary , for petty cash , £ 50 . Of those sums there belongs to the Fund of Benevolence , £ 864 Ss . Gd . ; to the Fund of General Purposes , £ 479 15 s . 3 d . ; and there is the unappropriated account , £ 512 Ss . 9 tf ., of which a portion belongs to the Grand Chapter .
9 . The Report of Bro . It . P . Harding , the Auditor of the Grand Lodge Accounts . 10 . Appeal of Bro . T . J . du Jardiu , of the Samares Lodge ( No . 818 ) , Jersey , against two decisions of the R . AA . the Prov . G . M . of Jersey—one inflicting a fine of £ 4 on him ; the other for suspending him for refusing to pay such fine . 11 . Motion of Bro . Joseph Smith , Past Grand Pursuivant , postponed from the Grand Lodge of the 5 th September , 18 G 0 , and deferred from the last Grand Lodge : —•
" Out of the amount of stock in the Three per Cent . Consols , now standing in the names of the Trustees of the Fund of Benevolence of Grand Lodge , the Grand Treasurer he directed to transfer the sum ol £ 1 , 000 , Three per Cent . Consols , in equal proportions , into the names of the Trustees of tho following Masonic Charities : — " lloyal Freemasons' School for Female Children £ 1 , 000 " Royal Masonic Institution for Boys 1 , 000 " Royal Benevolent Institution for granting Annuities to Aged Freemasons 1 , 000 " Royal Benevolent Institution for granting Annuities to the Widows of Freemasons 1 , 000
£ 4 , 000 NOTICES or MOTIOX . By AA . Bro . Henry Faudel , P . G . D .: — "To object to the wording of Bro . J . Smith ' s , Past G . Pursuivant , motion to transfer money to four Charities . " By AV . Bro . George Barrett , P . M . No . 212 : — " That the sum of £ 50 be given from the Fund of General Purposes , to supply coals ,
& c , to the inmates of the Masonic Asylum , at Croydon . " By Bro . John Savage , P . G . D .: — "That the sum of £ 200 be contributed from the Fund of General Purposes towards purchasing an annuity of £ 20 for Bro . AVilliam AVatson , of the Grand Stewards ' Lodge , P . M . of the Robert Burns' Lodge ( No . 25 ) , & c , in recognition of the valuable services he has rendered in disseminating the principles and tenets of the Craft , and of his untiring zeal in having devoted so largo a portion of his timo in promulgating the ceremonies and lectures of the Order during a Masonic career of more than twenty years . "