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AVESTBOT / RNE LODGE ( 1035 ) . —This flourishing lodge resumed its meeting on Thursday , 21 st inst ., at its new quarters , the Mitre Tavern , Craven-terrace , Upper Hyde Park-gardens , when the lodge was opened in due form . Bro . Isaacs was passed to the degree of a Fellow Craft . Bro . Cottebrune most ably and corcorrectly installed his successor , Bro . H . A . Stacey , who appointed his officers as follows : —Bros . F . A . Dietrich , S . W . ; W , Harrison , J . AA " . ; David Little , Treas . ; T . Carter , Sec ; Longman , S . D . ;
Oherdoerffen , J . D . ; J . Richards , 1 . 6 . ; Ember , Stewardj Cofctehrune , D . C . ; and Bradley , Tyler . Mr . Thomas Fisher was initiated into Freemasonry in Bro . Stacey ' s usual style . Several propositions were made of new and joining members , when the lodge was closed in due form , and the brethren retired to an excellent banquet , which was served up in Bro . Fisher ' s best style . After the usual toasts , the AA' . M . briefly proposed " The Health of the Initiate , Bro . Fisher , " who returned thanks for the honour done him , and expressed the
pleasure he felt in being admitted into the Order . Some of his friends had enlarged upon the risks he ran in becoming a Mason ; he could assure the brethren he , from the first , had no fear , and he was very anxious to obtain the other degrees , and he hoped he should never disgrace so honourable and ancient a body of gentlemen The AV . M . then proposed " The Health of the Visitors , " wishing them a hearty welcome to the AVestbourne Lodge , and hoped he should often have the pleasure of their company . Bro . Buss , P . M . 29 , returned thanks , expressing the pleasure it had afforded him and his brother visitors in being present . Bro . Huguenin , of Lodge 166 , and the representative of the Grand Lodge of Switzerland , also
spoke iu complimentary terms of the working of the lodge , particularly the manner in which the ceremonies of installation and initiation had been performed . Amongst the visitors we noticed Bros . Buss , Huguenin , Batty , Rose , and AAlnterson ( 25 ) , Bro . Cohham ( 165 ) , Bro . Dixon ( 201 ) , and Bros . Tenback and Ledevhausen , of German Lodges . The healths of the AV . M ., P . M . s , and officers were drunk very cordially , and suitably replied to by Bros . Stacey , Cottebrune , Caldwell , Dietrich , and Carter . The pleasures of the
evening were much enhanced by some beautiful singing of Bros . Buss , Huguenin , Appleby , Fenner , Oberdoerffen , Carter , and others . AA e cannot close our brief account of this pleasant meeting without giving our meed of praise to the capital arrangements of our Bro . Fisher , and the very beautiful rooms in which the lodge and banquet took place . BRITISH OAK LODGE ( No . 1133 ) . —The third regular meeting of this new lodge was held on Monday , Feb . 25 , at Gurney ' s HotelStratford Brid
, ge . Bro . Richard Fairbairn , AV . M ., presided , and initiated Messrs . John Bretz and Charles Harris . Bros . J . R . Rogers , D . J . Gullason , ' and C . F . Singdalson were passed to the second degree , and Bros . Cross , Lund , Spooner , Thompson , and AVright raised to the degree of M . M . The AA " . Bro . Stephen Barton Wilson , P . J . G . D ., and Bro . Blichfeldt were admitted as honorary members of the lodge . After business , the brethren partook of refreshment . There were besides the members of the lodge several visitors present , among them being Bros . AV . Rule , P . G . Burst . ; J . How , Prov . G . D . C . Herts ; T . Abbot and J . T . Finch , P . Ms . No . 264 ; F . Johnson , P . M . No . 29 ; AV . Hamilton , W . M . No . 1056 .
HAMPSHIRE . ALDERSIIOTT . —Panmure Lodge ( 1025 ) . —At a Lodge of Emergency held on the 21 st ult ., Bros . Howard , AV . M . ; AVood , P . M ., Prov . G . S . D . ; Downer , S . AV . ; Haldam , J . W ., ro ten :. ; Dewar , Treas . ; Rowley , Sec . ; Shoolbvaid , S . D . ; Sheldrake , J . AV . ; Simpson , D . C . ; Hem-iekIG ternand AValace Tler—This lod called
, .., pro . ; y . ge was for the purpose of initiating Messrs . Phillips and Thomson , raising Bros . Davies and Sears , inaugurating the new lodge-room with a banquet , and presenting the immediate P . M ., Bro . AVood , with a P . M . 's jewel , voted to him for his valuable services during his year of Mastership . —After business , the brethren assembled at the banquet , when the members had much pleasure in seeing Bros . Copeman ( 1087 ) Prov . G . S . for Surreyand AVShaw ( 827 ) as
visitors—, , . , . The AV . M . read letters of apology from Bros . Ford , Hydon , and the much respected Bro . Stebbing , who regretted much his inability to attend on the present occasion , from the high esteem in which he held so worthy a Mason as Bro . AA ' ood ; but it being their St . John ' s Day . it was not possible . —After the usual loyal and Masonic toasts , the AA . M . called the attention of the visiting brethren and members to what he called the real business of the evening . He must inform them that the lod
ge had unanimously voted their immediate P . M ., Bro . AVood , a P . M ' s jewel , as a slight token of their esteem , and for the zeal ^ . vith which he had performed his duties during his vear of Mastersmp . They were ail aware that , thanks to their P . M . " AVood .
they were pulled through a crisis in the affairs of the lodge , which threatened at one time to dismember it . He ( the AA . M ) had much pleasure in performing this duty , for he could speak of their Bro . Wood's attention and services . He knew that during the past year Bro . Wood was not absent once from his post ; his untiring efforts for the good of Masonry , and his willingness to assist them with his valuable advice . He then continued : —Bro . Wood , in affixing this jewel to your breast , I can unhesitatingly say that the man will
adorn the jewel as much as the jewel will the man ; and with truth I can endorse the sentence engraven on the back , which is , "Presented by the Panmure Lodge , No . 1025 , to Bro . R . G . AA ood , P . M ., in testimony of their esteem , evincing the high sense they entertain of his distinguished , efficient services , rendered to the Lodge during his year of Mastership . Feb . 21 , 1861 . " And allow me , Bro . AVood , to wish you every happiness this world can hestow , anil may the G . A . O . T . U . spare yon many years to wear and adorn this jewel . —
Bro . AVood , W . M ., in reply , said , —I am most deeply gratified with the distinguished mark of respect thus generously presented to me by the "brethren of this lodge . As a young Mason I did not expect , when this lodge was established , to attain the high position which you were pleased to appoint me to in so short a time . I can safely say , that since my initiation I have been devoted to Masonry . I have endeavoured to learn some of its pursuits , and practise someof its princiles . I know that Masonry has made me a better man .
p I feel I have imperfectly carried out the high and noble principles inculcated in the ancient and honourable institution ; but I know full well that the moTe I devote myself to the principles of Masonry the happier and more useful I become . It was my most earnest desire , during my year of office as AV . M . of this lodge , to perform the duties of that office faithfully and zealously ; and I feel that I have not wholly failed in discharging those duties to your satisfaction by your kindness in presenting me with this jewel , which I
shall highly prize ; and so long as the G . A . O . T . U . spares my life I trust I shall preserve it untarnished by any conduct unbecoming a man or a Mason . I feel utterly unable to thank you in a manner I could wish for the distinction you have this day conferred upon me , but with a grateful heart 1 assure you I shall not forget your kindness . In conclusion , I beg to thank the \ A . M ., Bro . Howard , for his very friendly address in presenting the testimonial . I also beg to tender my warmest expressions of satisfaction and obligation to Bro . Rowley for his kind assistance during my year of office . — The remainder of the evening was spent in a truly Masonic manner , and the brethren separated at- an early hour .
HERTFORDSHIREAA ' ATFORD LODGE—The regular meeting was held on Friday February 22 , in the Freemasons' Hall , AVatford , Bro . H . C . Finch , AV . M ., presided , attended by his officers and several P . Ms ., among whom were the R . W . Bro . William Stewart , Prov . G . M . ; V . W . Bro . T . H . AVard , D . Prov . G . M . ; Bros . John Sedgwick , Prov . G . Sec ; H . H . Burchell Heme , and AV . Miles , P . Prov . G . AV . ; George
Francis , Prov . G . Reg . ; Thomas Rogers , Prov . G . Treas ., and C . Humbert . Bro . James AA' eale York , was raised to the third degree , and Bros . S . B . York and F . Powell were passed . The brethren then proceeded to the annual choice of Master , Treasurer , and Tyler , and the result of the ballot , which was unanimous , was , Bro . John Goodyear , elected AA . M ., and Bro . Thomas Rogers , re-elected Treasurer . Bro . Thomas , the Tyler , was also re-elected . All business being endedthe lodge was closedand the brethren again
, , assembled at the banquet , and after the toasts of " The Queen and the M . W . G . M . and D . G . M . of England , " were honoured , Bro . AVard said it was his duty and a pleasing one , to propose " The Health of the Prov . G . M . ; " the toast required no comment , for Bro . Stuart had conferred so many benefits on the province , and had so endeared himself to every biother , that he was sure all would simultaneously rise to join in drinking " Health and Happiness to the Grand Master of Hertfordshire . " —The Prov . G . M ., in acknowledgment , said he
had on so many occasions -received the same good wishes , that he knew not how to find fresh words to express his gratitude . In the AVatford Lodge he had been initiated into Masonry , and hence it was endeared to him by long association , and not the least pleasureable part of the connection was his long and pure friendship with his worthy Deputy , who he desired to acknowledge as his Masonic parent , and moreover , the father of the AVatford Lodge , whose health , before he sat down , lie proposed . —Bro . AVard briefly tendered
his thanks , saying that his best wishes and most ardent hopes had ever been for the progress and prosperity of Masonry . —Bro . Francis said it was his privilege as immediate P . M . to propose " The Health of the W . M . in the Chair , " a brother of whom the AVatford Lodge might well be proud : they had seen that day , and on every other occasion since his installation , how well he had conducted the business . Bro . Finch was but a young Mason , and all must acknowledge he had attained perfection that never could been have anticipated ; hence lie had done honour to the lodge , and they wire griitcfnl for his services . —The AV . M . said he could not but
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
AVESTBOT / RNE LODGE ( 1035 ) . —This flourishing lodge resumed its meeting on Thursday , 21 st inst ., at its new quarters , the Mitre Tavern , Craven-terrace , Upper Hyde Park-gardens , when the lodge was opened in due form . Bro . Isaacs was passed to the degree of a Fellow Craft . Bro . Cottebrune most ably and corcorrectly installed his successor , Bro . H . A . Stacey , who appointed his officers as follows : —Bros . F . A . Dietrich , S . W . ; W , Harrison , J . AA " . ; David Little , Treas . ; T . Carter , Sec ; Longman , S . D . ;
Oherdoerffen , J . D . ; J . Richards , 1 . 6 . ; Ember , Stewardj Cofctehrune , D . C . ; and Bradley , Tyler . Mr . Thomas Fisher was initiated into Freemasonry in Bro . Stacey ' s usual style . Several propositions were made of new and joining members , when the lodge was closed in due form , and the brethren retired to an excellent banquet , which was served up in Bro . Fisher ' s best style . After the usual toasts , the AA' . M . briefly proposed " The Health of the Initiate , Bro . Fisher , " who returned thanks for the honour done him , and expressed the
pleasure he felt in being admitted into the Order . Some of his friends had enlarged upon the risks he ran in becoming a Mason ; he could assure the brethren he , from the first , had no fear , and he was very anxious to obtain the other degrees , and he hoped he should never disgrace so honourable and ancient a body of gentlemen The AV . M . then proposed " The Health of the Visitors , " wishing them a hearty welcome to the AVestbourne Lodge , and hoped he should often have the pleasure of their company . Bro . Buss , P . M . 29 , returned thanks , expressing the pleasure it had afforded him and his brother visitors in being present . Bro . Huguenin , of Lodge 166 , and the representative of the Grand Lodge of Switzerland , also
spoke iu complimentary terms of the working of the lodge , particularly the manner in which the ceremonies of installation and initiation had been performed . Amongst the visitors we noticed Bros . Buss , Huguenin , Batty , Rose , and AAlnterson ( 25 ) , Bro . Cohham ( 165 ) , Bro . Dixon ( 201 ) , and Bros . Tenback and Ledevhausen , of German Lodges . The healths of the AV . M ., P . M . s , and officers were drunk very cordially , and suitably replied to by Bros . Stacey , Cottebrune , Caldwell , Dietrich , and Carter . The pleasures of the
evening were much enhanced by some beautiful singing of Bros . Buss , Huguenin , Appleby , Fenner , Oberdoerffen , Carter , and others . AA e cannot close our brief account of this pleasant meeting without giving our meed of praise to the capital arrangements of our Bro . Fisher , and the very beautiful rooms in which the lodge and banquet took place . BRITISH OAK LODGE ( No . 1133 ) . —The third regular meeting of this new lodge was held on Monday , Feb . 25 , at Gurney ' s HotelStratford Brid
, ge . Bro . Richard Fairbairn , AV . M ., presided , and initiated Messrs . John Bretz and Charles Harris . Bros . J . R . Rogers , D . J . Gullason , ' and C . F . Singdalson were passed to the second degree , and Bros . Cross , Lund , Spooner , Thompson , and AVright raised to the degree of M . M . The AA " . Bro . Stephen Barton Wilson , P . J . G . D ., and Bro . Blichfeldt were admitted as honorary members of the lodge . After business , the brethren partook of refreshment . There were besides the members of the lodge several visitors present , among them being Bros . AV . Rule , P . G . Burst . ; J . How , Prov . G . D . C . Herts ; T . Abbot and J . T . Finch , P . Ms . No . 264 ; F . Johnson , P . M . No . 29 ; AV . Hamilton , W . M . No . 1056 .
HAMPSHIRE . ALDERSIIOTT . —Panmure Lodge ( 1025 ) . —At a Lodge of Emergency held on the 21 st ult ., Bros . Howard , AV . M . ; AVood , P . M ., Prov . G . S . D . ; Downer , S . AV . ; Haldam , J . W ., ro ten :. ; Dewar , Treas . ; Rowley , Sec . ; Shoolbvaid , S . D . ; Sheldrake , J . AV . ; Simpson , D . C . ; Hem-iekIG ternand AValace Tler—This lod called
, .., pro . ; y . ge was for the purpose of initiating Messrs . Phillips and Thomson , raising Bros . Davies and Sears , inaugurating the new lodge-room with a banquet , and presenting the immediate P . M ., Bro . AVood , with a P . M . 's jewel , voted to him for his valuable services during his year of Mastership . —After business , the brethren assembled at the banquet , when the members had much pleasure in seeing Bros . Copeman ( 1087 ) Prov . G . S . for Surreyand AVShaw ( 827 ) as
visitors—, , . , . The AV . M . read letters of apology from Bros . Ford , Hydon , and the much respected Bro . Stebbing , who regretted much his inability to attend on the present occasion , from the high esteem in which he held so worthy a Mason as Bro . AA ' ood ; but it being their St . John ' s Day . it was not possible . —After the usual loyal and Masonic toasts , the AA . M . called the attention of the visiting brethren and members to what he called the real business of the evening . He must inform them that the lod
ge had unanimously voted their immediate P . M ., Bro . AVood , a P . M ' s jewel , as a slight token of their esteem , and for the zeal ^ . vith which he had performed his duties during his vear of Mastersmp . They were ail aware that , thanks to their P . M . " AVood .
they were pulled through a crisis in the affairs of the lodge , which threatened at one time to dismember it . He ( the AA . M ) had much pleasure in performing this duty , for he could speak of their Bro . Wood's attention and services . He knew that during the past year Bro . Wood was not absent once from his post ; his untiring efforts for the good of Masonry , and his willingness to assist them with his valuable advice . He then continued : —Bro . Wood , in affixing this jewel to your breast , I can unhesitatingly say that the man will
adorn the jewel as much as the jewel will the man ; and with truth I can endorse the sentence engraven on the back , which is , "Presented by the Panmure Lodge , No . 1025 , to Bro . R . G . AA ood , P . M ., in testimony of their esteem , evincing the high sense they entertain of his distinguished , efficient services , rendered to the Lodge during his year of Mastership . Feb . 21 , 1861 . " And allow me , Bro . AVood , to wish you every happiness this world can hestow , anil may the G . A . O . T . U . spare yon many years to wear and adorn this jewel . —
Bro . AVood , W . M ., in reply , said , —I am most deeply gratified with the distinguished mark of respect thus generously presented to me by the "brethren of this lodge . As a young Mason I did not expect , when this lodge was established , to attain the high position which you were pleased to appoint me to in so short a time . I can safely say , that since my initiation I have been devoted to Masonry . I have endeavoured to learn some of its pursuits , and practise someof its princiles . I know that Masonry has made me a better man .
p I feel I have imperfectly carried out the high and noble principles inculcated in the ancient and honourable institution ; but I know full well that the moTe I devote myself to the principles of Masonry the happier and more useful I become . It was my most earnest desire , during my year of office as AV . M . of this lodge , to perform the duties of that office faithfully and zealously ; and I feel that I have not wholly failed in discharging those duties to your satisfaction by your kindness in presenting me with this jewel , which I
shall highly prize ; and so long as the G . A . O . T . U . spares my life I trust I shall preserve it untarnished by any conduct unbecoming a man or a Mason . I feel utterly unable to thank you in a manner I could wish for the distinction you have this day conferred upon me , but with a grateful heart 1 assure you I shall not forget your kindness . In conclusion , I beg to thank the \ A . M ., Bro . Howard , for his very friendly address in presenting the testimonial . I also beg to tender my warmest expressions of satisfaction and obligation to Bro . Rowley for his kind assistance during my year of office . — The remainder of the evening was spent in a truly Masonic manner , and the brethren separated at- an early hour .
HERTFORDSHIREAA ' ATFORD LODGE—The regular meeting was held on Friday February 22 , in the Freemasons' Hall , AVatford , Bro . H . C . Finch , AV . M ., presided , attended by his officers and several P . Ms ., among whom were the R . W . Bro . William Stewart , Prov . G . M . ; V . W . Bro . T . H . AVard , D . Prov . G . M . ; Bros . John Sedgwick , Prov . G . Sec ; H . H . Burchell Heme , and AV . Miles , P . Prov . G . AV . ; George
Francis , Prov . G . Reg . ; Thomas Rogers , Prov . G . Treas ., and C . Humbert . Bro . James AA' eale York , was raised to the third degree , and Bros . S . B . York and F . Powell were passed . The brethren then proceeded to the annual choice of Master , Treasurer , and Tyler , and the result of the ballot , which was unanimous , was , Bro . John Goodyear , elected AA . M ., and Bro . Thomas Rogers , re-elected Treasurer . Bro . Thomas , the Tyler , was also re-elected . All business being endedthe lodge was closedand the brethren again
, , assembled at the banquet , and after the toasts of " The Queen and the M . W . G . M . and D . G . M . of England , " were honoured , Bro . AVard said it was his duty and a pleasing one , to propose " The Health of the Prov . G . M . ; " the toast required no comment , for Bro . Stuart had conferred so many benefits on the province , and had so endeared himself to every biother , that he was sure all would simultaneously rise to join in drinking " Health and Happiness to the Grand Master of Hertfordshire . " —The Prov . G . M ., in acknowledgment , said he
had on so many occasions -received the same good wishes , that he knew not how to find fresh words to express his gratitude . In the AVatford Lodge he had been initiated into Masonry , and hence it was endeared to him by long association , and not the least pleasureable part of the connection was his long and pure friendship with his worthy Deputy , who he desired to acknowledge as his Masonic parent , and moreover , the father of the AVatford Lodge , whose health , before he sat down , lie proposed . —Bro . AVard briefly tendered
his thanks , saying that his best wishes and most ardent hopes had ever been for the progress and prosperity of Masonry . —Bro . Francis said it was his privilege as immediate P . M . to propose " The Health of the W . M . in the Chair , " a brother of whom the AVatford Lodge might well be proud : they had seen that day , and on every other occasion since his installation , how well he had conducted the business . Bro . Finch was but a young Mason , and all must acknowledge he had attained perfection that never could been have anticipated ; hence lie had done honour to the lodge , and they wire griitcfnl for his services . —The AV . M . said he could not but