Article METROPOLITAN. ← Page 2 of 2 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 1 of 1
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honour they had done him in connecting his name with the Masonic Charities . He certainly did feel a great interest in the charities , and was on the committee of both the schools . He could vouch that everything was done to promote what was considered to be the real welfare of the pupils , and he for one was highly gratified with the result . If the brethren wished to see really happy hoys ancl girls , let them visit their schools at
Tottenham and Battersea . The education given was solid and substantial , and was favourably reported on by the greatest authorities on the subject ; the after-life of the ex-pupils had also proved the soundness of the principles which * hcy imbibed during their pupilage . Bro . Sheen concluded his very interesting address by strongly recommending the various charities to the attention and support of the brethren . Bro . Luce , P . M ., of
St . Thomas's Lodge , in responding to the toast of the visitors , said that he was desirous to avail himself of the opportunity of expressing the great gratification he felt at witnessing the admirable working that evening . The brethren of the Jordan Lodge seemed to look upon this as a matter of course , but for his part he was surprised and delighted ; indeed it was quite a treat to him , and he fully intended to avail himself of a kind invitation which had been given him to be present on a future
occasion . The AV . M . in proposing the P . M's ., said that their I . P . M ., Bro . Jeffrey , having been presented by the lodge with a handsome jewel , it now became his pleasing duty to attach that jewel to Bro . Jeffrey ' s breast , in the hope that he might long live to wear it among them . He had been intimately acquainted with Bro . Jeffrey for many years , and he knew him to be a thorough Mason , and considered that he well deserved tho beautiful jewel which was presented to him . Bro . Jeffrey was
greatly affected with the kindness of the Jordan Lodge , and briefly returned thanks on behalf of the P . M . ' s and of himself . He , too , hoped that he should remain among them many years . He liked Masonry . The brethren acted towards each other in lodge with a candour , a genuineness , which had great charms with him ; as to principles , the world could not produce a purer code of morality than theirs , in fact , it was one which had been inculcated by all the great and good of all ages and of all countries . His sentiments towards their excellent W . M . were
well known , aud he was very sure that they were shared in , more or less , by all among them , according as they had more or less acquaintance with his esteemed friend . The four initiates severally returned thanks on their health being drunk ; they were all highly gratified with their reception into the Order , and at their good fortune m having been introduced into such ah excellent lodge . We must not omit to mention that Bro . Arlis , P . M ., Dir . of Cers ., and Bro . Robinson , P . M ., W . S .,
exerted themselves with their usual success to promote the comfort of the members and visitors . CITY or LONDON LODGE ( NO . 901 ) . —The members of this lodge held their third meeting this year at their private lodge rooms , 23 , Bell Alley , on Monday evening , March 21 sfc , when there was a full attendance of officers and brethren , under their much respected AV . M ., Bro . Osmond . On this occasion Bros . De Tivoli and Cousins were raised to the sublime degree of
M . M . Bros . AVest and Little , and Bros . Kobt . Mitchell and Thomas Sims , of the Gresliam Lodge ( No . 859 ) , were passed to the degree of F . C , also Bro . William AA insor , of the Kent Lodge , was proposed by the W . M ., Bro . Osmond , and seconded by Bro . Gibson , as a joining member , subject to ballot on next meeting night . After the labours of the evening had been very efficiently performed by tbe AV . M ., the brethren adjourned to refreshment , to Bro . Natulan ' s , Masons' Hall , Masons ' -avenue ,
Basinghall . street , and the evening was agreeably spent , enlivened by the usual loyal , patriotic , and Masonic speeches and toasts . The vocal powers of the brethren were cheerfully granted and as cheerfully acknowledged . The AV . M ., in proposing the health of the newly raised and passed brothers , happily availed himself of the opportunity to remind them of their obligations and duties , as enumerated in the charge , and the manner in which the advice was received by the raised and passed brethren did
much credit , and created a favourable opinion of the brethren , that they would appreciate the value of Freemasonry indellibly on their hearts , the sacred dictates of truth , of honour , and of virtue . The W . M . then , proposed the officers , which was ably responded to by Bro . Salisbury , S . D ., after which the assembled brethren broke up and returned to their respective homes in that peace , love , and harmony of mind which always attend such meetings of the City of London Lodge .
CHESHIRE . __ DIJ _ ATIO : NAI _ IKSTITTJTIOIT . —Some time ago the brethren of this province resolved on the establishment of an institution for the purpose of affording means for the education of the children of those brethren whose circumstances do not admit of securing for themselves those advantages . It affords us great pleasure in stating that a considerable amount of success has already
attended the efforts made , owing , we believe , mainly to the exertions of the two lodges held in Birkenhead , namely , the Mersey and the Zetland . In order to assist the funds of this deserving institution , Bro . It . Anderson , P . M . of the Zetland Lodge , agreed to deliver a selection of readings from the most popular of our poets , in the Argyle Rooms , Birkenhead , on the
llth March . The chair was occupied by Bro . I _ . G . Willoughby , and there was a large and most respectable attendance present , amongst whom we noticed the following members of the two lodges : —W . Bailey ; H . Bulley , Brattan , Meacoek , AV . Piatt , J . Piatt , Hignet , AVade , Martin , & c . Bro . Anderson , after a few words of introduction , then proceeded to read the following
selections -. —Talkers ( Cowper ) , Downfall of Poland ( Campbell ) , Seven Ages of Woman ( Anon ) , Bridge of Sighs ( Hood ) , Jackdaw of Rheims ( Barham ) , Wreck of the Hesperus and the Old Clock on the Stairs ( Longfellow ) , Cameleon ( Merrick ) , Death of Marmion ( Scott ) , The Lady Jane ( Barnaul ) , and Good-bye .
The mode in whicli the different pieces were rather recited than read not only gave effect to the selections , but elicited frequent bursts of rapturous applause . At the conclusion Bro . Brattan proposed a vote of thanks to Bro . Anderson for the rich treat he had afforded the audience , and in doing so gave a brief outline of the objects of the institution for whose benefit Bro . Anderson had so kindly come forward . The main object of the
institution was not at present to erect a building , but to pay for the education of such children of Masons whose parents were unable to do so , the parents themselves selecting the school . He was happy to say that the institution was prospering , and he had no doubt would continue to prosper . ( Cheers . ) Bro . Piatt said he had great pleasure in seconding the motion for the
rich treat Bro . Anderson had afforded them . The motion was carried by acclamation , and having been acknowledged by Bro . Anderson , the Rev . Mr . Carr , Incumbent of Tranmore , begged leave , as one of the auditory , though not a Freemason , to express on behalf of the auditory their united thanks to Mr . Anderson for the very able lecture he had given . ( Applause . )
It must have been a great intellectual treat to all . The readings were not only well selected , but given in a most masterly style . ( Cheers . ) The motion having been acknowledged by Bro . Anderson , on the motion of Bro . Martin , a vote of thanks was passed to Bro . Willoughby , and the proceedings terminated . LANCASHIRE ( WEST ) . WAKmxa-Toir . —Lodge of Lights ( No . 148 ) . —The regular
meeting of this ancient lodge was held at 6-30 p . m ., on the last Monday in March . Bros . John Bowes , AV . M . ; II . B . AVhite , P . M . ; Gilbert Greenall { M . P . for Warrington ) S . AV . ; Charles Pettit , J . W ,, and Sec ; W . Woods , S . D . ; AV . Ahern , I . G . ; and a considerable number of members and visiting brethren . The minutes of the two preceding regular lodges were confirmed . Major James Fenton Greenall , and the Rev . John Jestin Dreaper were then admitted in due form , and
impressively entered as Apprentices to the Royal Craft by the W . M ., Bro . Charles Pettit , J . AV ., and Sec , officiating as J . D ., and Bro . H . B . White , P . M ., giving the charge . Bro . H . B . White , P . M ., was unanimously re-elected as Treasurer . A by-law was regularly altered by increasing the annual subscription from 18 s . to 21 .., and after routine business the brethren adjourned to refreshments , admirably served by Bro . Thorp , at the Lion Hotel , and finally separated in love ancl harmony at low twelve .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
honour they had done him in connecting his name with the Masonic Charities . He certainly did feel a great interest in the charities , and was on the committee of both the schools . He could vouch that everything was done to promote what was considered to be the real welfare of the pupils , and he for one was highly gratified with the result . If the brethren wished to see really happy hoys ancl girls , let them visit their schools at
Tottenham and Battersea . The education given was solid and substantial , and was favourably reported on by the greatest authorities on the subject ; the after-life of the ex-pupils had also proved the soundness of the principles which * hcy imbibed during their pupilage . Bro . Sheen concluded his very interesting address by strongly recommending the various charities to the attention and support of the brethren . Bro . Luce , P . M ., of
St . Thomas's Lodge , in responding to the toast of the visitors , said that he was desirous to avail himself of the opportunity of expressing the great gratification he felt at witnessing the admirable working that evening . The brethren of the Jordan Lodge seemed to look upon this as a matter of course , but for his part he was surprised and delighted ; indeed it was quite a treat to him , and he fully intended to avail himself of a kind invitation which had been given him to be present on a future
occasion . The AV . M . in proposing the P . M's ., said that their I . P . M ., Bro . Jeffrey , having been presented by the lodge with a handsome jewel , it now became his pleasing duty to attach that jewel to Bro . Jeffrey ' s breast , in the hope that he might long live to wear it among them . He had been intimately acquainted with Bro . Jeffrey for many years , and he knew him to be a thorough Mason , and considered that he well deserved tho beautiful jewel which was presented to him . Bro . Jeffrey was
greatly affected with the kindness of the Jordan Lodge , and briefly returned thanks on behalf of the P . M . ' s and of himself . He , too , hoped that he should remain among them many years . He liked Masonry . The brethren acted towards each other in lodge with a candour , a genuineness , which had great charms with him ; as to principles , the world could not produce a purer code of morality than theirs , in fact , it was one which had been inculcated by all the great and good of all ages and of all countries . His sentiments towards their excellent W . M . were
well known , aud he was very sure that they were shared in , more or less , by all among them , according as they had more or less acquaintance with his esteemed friend . The four initiates severally returned thanks on their health being drunk ; they were all highly gratified with their reception into the Order , and at their good fortune m having been introduced into such ah excellent lodge . We must not omit to mention that Bro . Arlis , P . M ., Dir . of Cers ., and Bro . Robinson , P . M ., W . S .,
exerted themselves with their usual success to promote the comfort of the members and visitors . CITY or LONDON LODGE ( NO . 901 ) . —The members of this lodge held their third meeting this year at their private lodge rooms , 23 , Bell Alley , on Monday evening , March 21 sfc , when there was a full attendance of officers and brethren , under their much respected AV . M ., Bro . Osmond . On this occasion Bros . De Tivoli and Cousins were raised to the sublime degree of
M . M . Bros . AVest and Little , and Bros . Kobt . Mitchell and Thomas Sims , of the Gresliam Lodge ( No . 859 ) , were passed to the degree of F . C , also Bro . William AA insor , of the Kent Lodge , was proposed by the W . M ., Bro . Osmond , and seconded by Bro . Gibson , as a joining member , subject to ballot on next meeting night . After the labours of the evening had been very efficiently performed by tbe AV . M ., the brethren adjourned to refreshment , to Bro . Natulan ' s , Masons' Hall , Masons ' -avenue ,
Basinghall . street , and the evening was agreeably spent , enlivened by the usual loyal , patriotic , and Masonic speeches and toasts . The vocal powers of the brethren were cheerfully granted and as cheerfully acknowledged . The AV . M ., in proposing the health of the newly raised and passed brothers , happily availed himself of the opportunity to remind them of their obligations and duties , as enumerated in the charge , and the manner in which the advice was received by the raised and passed brethren did
much credit , and created a favourable opinion of the brethren , that they would appreciate the value of Freemasonry indellibly on their hearts , the sacred dictates of truth , of honour , and of virtue . The W . M . then , proposed the officers , which was ably responded to by Bro . Salisbury , S . D ., after which the assembled brethren broke up and returned to their respective homes in that peace , love , and harmony of mind which always attend such meetings of the City of London Lodge .
CHESHIRE . __ DIJ _ ATIO : NAI _ IKSTITTJTIOIT . —Some time ago the brethren of this province resolved on the establishment of an institution for the purpose of affording means for the education of the children of those brethren whose circumstances do not admit of securing for themselves those advantages . It affords us great pleasure in stating that a considerable amount of success has already
attended the efforts made , owing , we believe , mainly to the exertions of the two lodges held in Birkenhead , namely , the Mersey and the Zetland . In order to assist the funds of this deserving institution , Bro . It . Anderson , P . M . of the Zetland Lodge , agreed to deliver a selection of readings from the most popular of our poets , in the Argyle Rooms , Birkenhead , on the
llth March . The chair was occupied by Bro . I _ . G . Willoughby , and there was a large and most respectable attendance present , amongst whom we noticed the following members of the two lodges : —W . Bailey ; H . Bulley , Brattan , Meacoek , AV . Piatt , J . Piatt , Hignet , AVade , Martin , & c . Bro . Anderson , after a few words of introduction , then proceeded to read the following
selections -. —Talkers ( Cowper ) , Downfall of Poland ( Campbell ) , Seven Ages of Woman ( Anon ) , Bridge of Sighs ( Hood ) , Jackdaw of Rheims ( Barham ) , Wreck of the Hesperus and the Old Clock on the Stairs ( Longfellow ) , Cameleon ( Merrick ) , Death of Marmion ( Scott ) , The Lady Jane ( Barnaul ) , and Good-bye .
The mode in whicli the different pieces were rather recited than read not only gave effect to the selections , but elicited frequent bursts of rapturous applause . At the conclusion Bro . Brattan proposed a vote of thanks to Bro . Anderson for the rich treat he had afforded the audience , and in doing so gave a brief outline of the objects of the institution for whose benefit Bro . Anderson had so kindly come forward . The main object of the
institution was not at present to erect a building , but to pay for the education of such children of Masons whose parents were unable to do so , the parents themselves selecting the school . He was happy to say that the institution was prospering , and he had no doubt would continue to prosper . ( Cheers . ) Bro . Piatt said he had great pleasure in seconding the motion for the
rich treat Bro . Anderson had afforded them . The motion was carried by acclamation , and having been acknowledged by Bro . Anderson , the Rev . Mr . Carr , Incumbent of Tranmore , begged leave , as one of the auditory , though not a Freemason , to express on behalf of the auditory their united thanks to Mr . Anderson for the very able lecture he had given . ( Applause . )
It must have been a great intellectual treat to all . The readings were not only well selected , but given in a most masterly style . ( Cheers . ) The motion having been acknowledged by Bro . Anderson , on the motion of Bro . Martin , a vote of thanks was passed to Bro . Willoughby , and the proceedings terminated . LANCASHIRE ( WEST ) . WAKmxa-Toir . —Lodge of Lights ( No . 148 ) . —The regular
meeting of this ancient lodge was held at 6-30 p . m ., on the last Monday in March . Bros . John Bowes , AV . M . ; II . B . AVhite , P . M . ; Gilbert Greenall { M . P . for Warrington ) S . AV . ; Charles Pettit , J . W ,, and Sec ; W . Woods , S . D . ; AV . Ahern , I . G . ; and a considerable number of members and visiting brethren . The minutes of the two preceding regular lodges were confirmed . Major James Fenton Greenall , and the Rev . John Jestin Dreaper were then admitted in due form , and
impressively entered as Apprentices to the Royal Craft by the W . M ., Bro . Charles Pettit , J . AV ., and Sec , officiating as J . D ., and Bro . H . B . White , P . M ., giving the charge . Bro . H . B . White , P . M ., was unanimously re-elected as Treasurer . A by-law was regularly altered by increasing the annual subscription from 18 s . to 21 .., and after routine business the brethren adjourned to refreshments , admirably served by Bro . Thorp , at the Lion Hotel , and finally separated in love ancl harmony at low twelve .