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The Week.
after a brief interview , fired a pistol at her . He afterwards committed suicide . The girl was but slightly injured . One of the scoundrels whose acts of incendiarism on the Yorkshire wolds caused so much alarm in that part of the country ii few months ago , was sentenced , at the York assizes to fifteen years' penal servitude . An inquest has been held hy Dr .
Lankester on the body of a lad of eighteen , who committed suicide by hanging himself in Pentonville Prison . The verdict was , " Suicide while of unsound mind . " Another young woman has been burnt to death , apparently from the same cause which leads to so many deaths —extended dress catching fire . On the 1 st ult ., a boiler explosion , attended with the
loss of twelve lives , occurred at Hall End Ironworks , West Bromwich , the property of Messrs . T . and AV . Johnson . After several adjournments , the inquest on the bodies of the deceased was brought to a close a few days ago . The jury ( two of their number dissenting ) returned a verdict of manslaughter against the Messrs . Johnson , and a similar verdict ( but in this case
unanimous ) against the man who had charge of the boiler . FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE . —A Frankfort despatch states that the Conference which is to attempt a settlement of the German quarrel with Denmark will speedily assemble ; but we are not told whether the German Confederation will consent to send a representative , though Prussia aud Austria can now hardly
assume that the German Diet will ratify any terms to which they may think fit to agree . A Copenhagen despatch states that the Austrian troops which had advanced towards the north of Jutland , were retiring southwards from Horsens ; and it may therefore he presumed that they will be concentrated in the neighbourhood of Fredericia . The advance of the Prussian approaches to the Duppel position , on Monday morning last was attended with sharp fighting . A Prussian despatch tells us
that after Raven's brigade had established its advanced posts , it was attacked by the Danes , but ultimately retained its position , after much close fighting . The Prussians , it is added , took 54 prisoners ; and one of their regiments lost 67 men killed and wounded—the loss of the other regiment engaged being still unknown . But the Danish General states that the Prussians attempted to surprise his position , and got between
two intronehmeiits , but were driven back to their former position after an engagement of five hours along the whole line . The French Cabinet is said to have made its assent to the proposed Conference , contingent upon the German Diet's readiness to take part in it . The King of Denmark has declined what he calls the " chivalrous offer " of a Cork gentleman , named
O'Leary , to raise an Irish Cent Gardes for service in Denmark . "In the present situation of affairs , " says His Majesty , " the t > ravery of the royal army will compensate for the want of numbers . " A Paris letter mentions that rumours as to the dangerous state of the Pope ' s health are very assiduously circulated , but adds that letters from Rome lead to a very different
conclusion . Conflicting reports are also afloat respecting the Archduke Maximilian and the Mexican throne . The French Government papers admit there is a difficulty about the matter , and hint that it is serious ; whilst it is also asserted that the Imperial family are raising obstacles to a settlement . The Court ofAssizes of the Seine , has condemned Mazzini par
contamace for alleged participation in Greco ' s plot to assassinate the Emperor , and has sentenced him to transportation . Some arrests have been made at Pestli , where there has been a " demonstration" by some persons who assembled in one of the streets and uttered cheers for Kossuth ; ancl it is also reported that some arms have been seized , and a few suspected persons arrested , at some others places in Hungary . A Vienna telegram asserts that Generals Klapka and Turr are at the head of
The Week.
a " well-organised movement" in Wallachia ; and it is understood that the Russian and Austrian representatives at Bucharest have recently complained to Prince Couza respecting the assemblages and schemes of Polish and Hungarian exiles within his territories . The Emperor Alexander has issued an ukase which enables Russian ladies to contract marriages with foreigners without his previous consent , and to retain the
ownership of their lands after such marriages . The naturalisation of foreigners as Russian subjects is likewise tohe somewhat facilitated . The protocol putting an end to the connection between England and the Ionian Islands was signed at the Foreign Office on Tuesday . AMERICA . —The Bremen , from New York , brings us the news
that the premium on gold has fallen to 62 J per cent ., in consequence , as it is stated , of an expectation that Congress would authorise Secretary Chase to sell some of the gold in the Treasury . General Sherman was known to have arrived at Vicksburg , and was said to have done considerable damage to-Confederate railways and property . One account asserted that
his losses had not exceeded 500 men ; but no official reports of his operations had been published . The bombardment of Fort Powell by Admiral Farragut's squadron continued on the 28 th of February ; but it was doubted whether the fort would be reduced , and whether any serious operations against Mobile could be attempted . The Confederates were still threatening attacks on General Butler ' s forces at Norfolk and Suffolk . It was said that the Confederate General
Picketts had caused to be hanged 21 North Carolinians , who had enlisted in the Federal service after they had deserted from the Confederate army or been made prisoners , and who had subsequently fallen into his hands . The Federal General Rosecrans had issued a proclamation to the effect that all persons who may attend divine worship in Missouri must take the oath of allegiance to the Federal Government . Secretary Chase had
written a letter in which he requested—sincerely or unsincerly —that he might not be named a candidate for the Presidency of the United States . New York advices of the 19 th inst ., have been brought by the City of New TorJc , which arrived on Monday morning off Roche's Point , and which , while entering the harbour , struck on Daunt ' s
Rock . All her passengers and crew were saved , but it is feared that she will become a total wreck . General Grant had left Nashville for AA ashington , and had issued an order announcing that his head-quarters would be with the army of the Potamac . It was supposed that he would concentrate a great force in Virginia , and would renew the attempt to take Richmond . The
Confederate General Stuart ' s cavalry was said to have passed the Rappahannock , and to be menacing the Federal communications with AVashington . It was reported that the Federal authorities in Kentucky had discovered a wide-spread conspiracy iu favour of the Southern Confederacy , and that many men who were raising troops for the Confederate service had been arrested . General M'Clellan and General Fremont had severally nominated as candidates for the Presidency at meetings held in New York .
To Correspondents.
R . T . S . —We are not aware . B . B . —We will make inquiries . ONYX . —Never . S . W . ' s letter is unintelligible . J . B . slionld apply to the Board of General Purposes—it is not our province to interfere in lodge disputes .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Week.
after a brief interview , fired a pistol at her . He afterwards committed suicide . The girl was but slightly injured . One of the scoundrels whose acts of incendiarism on the Yorkshire wolds caused so much alarm in that part of the country ii few months ago , was sentenced , at the York assizes to fifteen years' penal servitude . An inquest has been held hy Dr .
Lankester on the body of a lad of eighteen , who committed suicide by hanging himself in Pentonville Prison . The verdict was , " Suicide while of unsound mind . " Another young woman has been burnt to death , apparently from the same cause which leads to so many deaths —extended dress catching fire . On the 1 st ult ., a boiler explosion , attended with the
loss of twelve lives , occurred at Hall End Ironworks , West Bromwich , the property of Messrs . T . and AV . Johnson . After several adjournments , the inquest on the bodies of the deceased was brought to a close a few days ago . The jury ( two of their number dissenting ) returned a verdict of manslaughter against the Messrs . Johnson , and a similar verdict ( but in this case
unanimous ) against the man who had charge of the boiler . FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE . —A Frankfort despatch states that the Conference which is to attempt a settlement of the German quarrel with Denmark will speedily assemble ; but we are not told whether the German Confederation will consent to send a representative , though Prussia aud Austria can now hardly
assume that the German Diet will ratify any terms to which they may think fit to agree . A Copenhagen despatch states that the Austrian troops which had advanced towards the north of Jutland , were retiring southwards from Horsens ; and it may therefore he presumed that they will be concentrated in the neighbourhood of Fredericia . The advance of the Prussian approaches to the Duppel position , on Monday morning last was attended with sharp fighting . A Prussian despatch tells us
that after Raven's brigade had established its advanced posts , it was attacked by the Danes , but ultimately retained its position , after much close fighting . The Prussians , it is added , took 54 prisoners ; and one of their regiments lost 67 men killed and wounded—the loss of the other regiment engaged being still unknown . But the Danish General states that the Prussians attempted to surprise his position , and got between
two intronehmeiits , but were driven back to their former position after an engagement of five hours along the whole line . The French Cabinet is said to have made its assent to the proposed Conference , contingent upon the German Diet's readiness to take part in it . The King of Denmark has declined what he calls the " chivalrous offer " of a Cork gentleman , named
O'Leary , to raise an Irish Cent Gardes for service in Denmark . "In the present situation of affairs , " says His Majesty , " the t > ravery of the royal army will compensate for the want of numbers . " A Paris letter mentions that rumours as to the dangerous state of the Pope ' s health are very assiduously circulated , but adds that letters from Rome lead to a very different
conclusion . Conflicting reports are also afloat respecting the Archduke Maximilian and the Mexican throne . The French Government papers admit there is a difficulty about the matter , and hint that it is serious ; whilst it is also asserted that the Imperial family are raising obstacles to a settlement . The Court ofAssizes of the Seine , has condemned Mazzini par
contamace for alleged participation in Greco ' s plot to assassinate the Emperor , and has sentenced him to transportation . Some arrests have been made at Pestli , where there has been a " demonstration" by some persons who assembled in one of the streets and uttered cheers for Kossuth ; ancl it is also reported that some arms have been seized , and a few suspected persons arrested , at some others places in Hungary . A Vienna telegram asserts that Generals Klapka and Turr are at the head of
The Week.
a " well-organised movement" in Wallachia ; and it is understood that the Russian and Austrian representatives at Bucharest have recently complained to Prince Couza respecting the assemblages and schemes of Polish and Hungarian exiles within his territories . The Emperor Alexander has issued an ukase which enables Russian ladies to contract marriages with foreigners without his previous consent , and to retain the
ownership of their lands after such marriages . The naturalisation of foreigners as Russian subjects is likewise tohe somewhat facilitated . The protocol putting an end to the connection between England and the Ionian Islands was signed at the Foreign Office on Tuesday . AMERICA . —The Bremen , from New York , brings us the news
that the premium on gold has fallen to 62 J per cent ., in consequence , as it is stated , of an expectation that Congress would authorise Secretary Chase to sell some of the gold in the Treasury . General Sherman was known to have arrived at Vicksburg , and was said to have done considerable damage to-Confederate railways and property . One account asserted that
his losses had not exceeded 500 men ; but no official reports of his operations had been published . The bombardment of Fort Powell by Admiral Farragut's squadron continued on the 28 th of February ; but it was doubted whether the fort would be reduced , and whether any serious operations against Mobile could be attempted . The Confederates were still threatening attacks on General Butler ' s forces at Norfolk and Suffolk . It was said that the Confederate General
Picketts had caused to be hanged 21 North Carolinians , who had enlisted in the Federal service after they had deserted from the Confederate army or been made prisoners , and who had subsequently fallen into his hands . The Federal General Rosecrans had issued a proclamation to the effect that all persons who may attend divine worship in Missouri must take the oath of allegiance to the Federal Government . Secretary Chase had
written a letter in which he requested—sincerely or unsincerly —that he might not be named a candidate for the Presidency of the United States . New York advices of the 19 th inst ., have been brought by the City of New TorJc , which arrived on Monday morning off Roche's Point , and which , while entering the harbour , struck on Daunt ' s
Rock . All her passengers and crew were saved , but it is feared that she will become a total wreck . General Grant had left Nashville for AA ashington , and had issued an order announcing that his head-quarters would be with the army of the Potamac . It was supposed that he would concentrate a great force in Virginia , and would renew the attempt to take Richmond . The
Confederate General Stuart ' s cavalry was said to have passed the Rappahannock , and to be menacing the Federal communications with AVashington . It was reported that the Federal authorities in Kentucky had discovered a wide-spread conspiracy iu favour of the Southern Confederacy , and that many men who were raising troops for the Confederate service had been arrested . General M'Clellan and General Fremont had severally nominated as candidates for the Presidency at meetings held in New York .
To Correspondents.
R . T . S . —We are not aware . B . B . —We will make inquiries . ONYX . —Never . S . W . ' s letter is unintelligible . J . B . slionld apply to the Board of General Purposes—it is not our province to interfere in lodge disputes .