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Masonic Sayings And Doings Abroad.
Majesty , to your Royal Highness and to our happy Constitution , as well as to the relief of the distresses of our fellow subjects . " Permit us , while humbly laying these our sentiments before your Royal Highness , to express our pride , that we are addressing our Most
Worshipful Grand Master of Scotland , and a Brother of our ancient Order ; and our hope , that our loyalty and attachment will continue to be cemented by brotherly affection . "That the unrivalled Constitution of these Kingdoms may have Strength to support ; Beauty
to adorn , and its Legislators Wisdom to conduct it , till the final consummation of ah things , and the Universe is otherwise disposed of by the Supreme Architect , is the sincere prayer of his Majesty ' s dutiful and loyal subjects , the body of Freemasons of the County of Air .
" Signed in our name , and by our appointment , at Kibvinning , ancl the Seal of the Mother Lodge appended hereto , this Twenty-first day of March , Eighteen Hundred and Seventeen , and year of Masonry , Five Thousand Eight Hundred
and Seventeen , by " JAMES CRICHTON , G . M . " To which address , transmitted to its destination
by the Earl of Eglinton , the Prince of Wales , was pleased , through Lord Sidmouth , to return a " gracious reply . " At this provincia Imeeting , presided over by the Master of the Mother Lodge , supported in the W . \ and S . . by the Wardens of the same lodge ,
the utmost cordiality prevailed—no formal appointment by commission or otherwise of Provincial Grand Officers Avas made , neither was there any objections offered to the Wardens' chairs being filled by the Wardens of the Mother Lodge , in the ordinary minute-book of which was
engrossed a minute of the proceedings—a precedent which has ever since been studiously followed . A quotation from the minute of this the first Provincial Grand Meeting ever held at Kilwinning , may not be inacceptable : — " Deputations of the Masters , office-bearers , ancl brethren from
nearly all the lodges attended , in number nearly two hundred , and walked in procession from the lodge-room to the church , ivhere an excellent sermon was delivered by the Rev . Mr . Henderson of Irvine , Chaplain of the Mother Lodge , from Romans xiii , 12 ' Let every soul be subject unto
, , the higher powers . For there is no power but of God : the powers that be , are ordained of God . Whosoever therefore resisteth the power , resisteth the ordinance of God ; and they that resist , shall receive to themselves damnation . ' The Masters
and office-bearers of the different lodges then returned to the lodge-room , when the Provincial Master moved that a dutiful and loyal address be presented to his Royal Hig hness the Prince Regent , which being seconded and unanimously agreed to , he produced a draft thereof for their
Masonic Sayings And Doings Abroad.
consideration ; and the following committee of the brethren present Avere appointed to revise the same , viz ., Sir William Cuninghame Fairlie , Bart ., Colonel Blair of Blair , Alexander Hamilton , Esq ., of Grange , John Smith , Esq ., of Swinridgemuir , Robert Rankin , writer in Irvine—who , having
retired for a short time , returned , and reported their hearty ancl unanimous approbation of it as it stood . The brethren then sat doAvn to dinner , and after the cloth was removed and the lodge opened , the address was read over , and received Avith three cheers .... The evening was spent with much glee and harmony , and the brethren broke up at a late hour . "
Masonic Sayings And Doings Abroad.
SUPREME GRAND COUNCIL OF FRANCE . —The report of the Grand Secretary of the Ancient and Accepted Rite , lately read at a meeting of the Central Grand Lodge , in Paris , contains many matters of interest . Amongst various subjects it
alludes to the difficulty experienced in Peru , in which there are two bodies claiming the powers gf a Supreme Council , and , after long correspondence , the Supreme Council of France have recognised the one held under the presidency of Antonio
Sonza Ferreira , at Lima . The report notices , in flattering terms , the exertions of tAVO members of the council , recently deceased , viz ., Count de Chabrillan and Horace Vernet , both of the 33 rd degree . It also pays a tribute to the memory of
its two representatives , Verhaegen to the Supreme Council of Belgium , and Durocher , the representative of the Order , in Hayti . Three new members have been added to the Council , Eugene Febvret , Jean Rover , and George Guiffrey . Two
others have also been raised to the 33 rd degree , Thebaud Cadet and Auberge . Jumehn has been made 32 nd degrees . Barrera , Jaume , Astruc , Bonvoux , Motheau , Boaz , and LeA eille , have taken the 31 st degree . Boulard , Gautreau , and Mathe , ofthe Lodge Les Amis cle l'Ordre and the Chapter
PHeureuse Sympathie ; Temporal President of the lodge Egahte et Progress ; Chamarande , Master of the Lodge Les Amis de la Verite ; Vial , Master of Les Amis inseparables , and late President ofthe Chapter 18 degrees , Les Trinitaires ; MeurizetMaster of Les Ecossais inseparablesand
, , President ofthe Chapter Les Fideles Ecossais ; and Couriere , founder of the Lodge Les Amis inseperables and 18 degrees , all of whorn have been admitted to the 30 th degree . The report goes on to congratulate the Rite on its prosperity , and announces the formation and inauguration of five
neAV lodges , and two Rose Croix Chapters . VIENNET versus MAGNAN . —If Europe , a French daily paper , published at Frankfort , contains the
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic Sayings And Doings Abroad.
Majesty , to your Royal Highness and to our happy Constitution , as well as to the relief of the distresses of our fellow subjects . " Permit us , while humbly laying these our sentiments before your Royal Highness , to express our pride , that we are addressing our Most
Worshipful Grand Master of Scotland , and a Brother of our ancient Order ; and our hope , that our loyalty and attachment will continue to be cemented by brotherly affection . "That the unrivalled Constitution of these Kingdoms may have Strength to support ; Beauty
to adorn , and its Legislators Wisdom to conduct it , till the final consummation of ah things , and the Universe is otherwise disposed of by the Supreme Architect , is the sincere prayer of his Majesty ' s dutiful and loyal subjects , the body of Freemasons of the County of Air .
" Signed in our name , and by our appointment , at Kibvinning , ancl the Seal of the Mother Lodge appended hereto , this Twenty-first day of March , Eighteen Hundred and Seventeen , and year of Masonry , Five Thousand Eight Hundred
and Seventeen , by " JAMES CRICHTON , G . M . " To which address , transmitted to its destination
by the Earl of Eglinton , the Prince of Wales , was pleased , through Lord Sidmouth , to return a " gracious reply . " At this provincia Imeeting , presided over by the Master of the Mother Lodge , supported in the W . \ and S . . by the Wardens of the same lodge ,
the utmost cordiality prevailed—no formal appointment by commission or otherwise of Provincial Grand Officers Avas made , neither was there any objections offered to the Wardens' chairs being filled by the Wardens of the Mother Lodge , in the ordinary minute-book of which was
engrossed a minute of the proceedings—a precedent which has ever since been studiously followed . A quotation from the minute of this the first Provincial Grand Meeting ever held at Kilwinning , may not be inacceptable : — " Deputations of the Masters , office-bearers , ancl brethren from
nearly all the lodges attended , in number nearly two hundred , and walked in procession from the lodge-room to the church , ivhere an excellent sermon was delivered by the Rev . Mr . Henderson of Irvine , Chaplain of the Mother Lodge , from Romans xiii , 12 ' Let every soul be subject unto
, , the higher powers . For there is no power but of God : the powers that be , are ordained of God . Whosoever therefore resisteth the power , resisteth the ordinance of God ; and they that resist , shall receive to themselves damnation . ' The Masters
and office-bearers of the different lodges then returned to the lodge-room , when the Provincial Master moved that a dutiful and loyal address be presented to his Royal Hig hness the Prince Regent , which being seconded and unanimously agreed to , he produced a draft thereof for their
Masonic Sayings And Doings Abroad.
consideration ; and the following committee of the brethren present Avere appointed to revise the same , viz ., Sir William Cuninghame Fairlie , Bart ., Colonel Blair of Blair , Alexander Hamilton , Esq ., of Grange , John Smith , Esq ., of Swinridgemuir , Robert Rankin , writer in Irvine—who , having
retired for a short time , returned , and reported their hearty ancl unanimous approbation of it as it stood . The brethren then sat doAvn to dinner , and after the cloth was removed and the lodge opened , the address was read over , and received Avith three cheers .... The evening was spent with much glee and harmony , and the brethren broke up at a late hour . "
Masonic Sayings And Doings Abroad.
SUPREME GRAND COUNCIL OF FRANCE . —The report of the Grand Secretary of the Ancient and Accepted Rite , lately read at a meeting of the Central Grand Lodge , in Paris , contains many matters of interest . Amongst various subjects it
alludes to the difficulty experienced in Peru , in which there are two bodies claiming the powers gf a Supreme Council , and , after long correspondence , the Supreme Council of France have recognised the one held under the presidency of Antonio
Sonza Ferreira , at Lima . The report notices , in flattering terms , the exertions of tAVO members of the council , recently deceased , viz ., Count de Chabrillan and Horace Vernet , both of the 33 rd degree . It also pays a tribute to the memory of
its two representatives , Verhaegen to the Supreme Council of Belgium , and Durocher , the representative of the Order , in Hayti . Three new members have been added to the Council , Eugene Febvret , Jean Rover , and George Guiffrey . Two
others have also been raised to the 33 rd degree , Thebaud Cadet and Auberge . Jumehn has been made 32 nd degrees . Barrera , Jaume , Astruc , Bonvoux , Motheau , Boaz , and LeA eille , have taken the 31 st degree . Boulard , Gautreau , and Mathe , ofthe Lodge Les Amis cle l'Ordre and the Chapter
PHeureuse Sympathie ; Temporal President of the lodge Egahte et Progress ; Chamarande , Master of the Lodge Les Amis de la Verite ; Vial , Master of Les Amis inseparables , and late President ofthe Chapter 18 degrees , Les Trinitaires ; MeurizetMaster of Les Ecossais inseparablesand
, , President ofthe Chapter Les Fideles Ecossais ; and Couriere , founder of the Lodge Les Amis inseperables and 18 degrees , all of whorn have been admitted to the 30 th degree . The report goes on to congratulate the Rite on its prosperity , and announces the formation and inauguration of five
neAV lodges , and two Rose Croix Chapters . VIENNET versus MAGNAN . —If Europe , a French daily paper , published at Frankfort , contains the