Article METROPOLITAN. ← Page 4 of 4 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 1 of 2 →
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was formed , composed of a dozen , and Bro . H . A . Collington was regularly and duly installed as W . M . for the ensuing twelve months . He was proclaimed and saluted in the several degrees , when lie appointee ! and invested tbe following brethren as his officers : —Bro . C . G . Stabr , I . P . M . ; J . II . Pembroke , S . W . ; <> . S . Hodgson , J . AA . ; J . Stevens , Treas . ; F . AAlilters , P . M ., Sec ; J . S . Blomeley , S . D . ; J . Rosenstock , J . D . ; J . Hawker ,
I . G . ; W . Jeflery , _ W . S . ; S . Ganett , P . M ., Tyler . The usual addresses wero delivered , and , when completed , a hearty burst of applause greeted tho successful working of Bro . G . Wilton . Business being ended , the lodge was duly closed , and upwards of thirty of the brethren sat down . The usual loyal toasts were given and responded to . Songs wero accompanied on the piano by Bro . Matthew Concamien . After a few hours spent in social enjoyment , the brethren separated , well pleased with this happy sreunion .
DURHAM . GATESHEAD . —Borough Lodge ( So . 424 ) . —On Monday , the 20 th ult ., the installation of Bro . E . E . Biesterfield , as AV . M . ofthe Borough Lodge , was performed with the usual ceremony , by Bro . E . D . Davis , P . Prov . S . G . AA . ; after which the AV . M . appointed the following brethren as officers for the ensuing year : —Bros . T . SmithP . M . ; AV . SccttS . W . and Treas . ;
, , V . A . Mailer , J . W . ; I . Stein , Sec . ; T . Liiloy . S . D . ; D . Renieu , J . D . ; Ch . Christiansen , I . G-. ; I . Curry , Tyler . The lodge being duly closed , the brethren then returned to refreshment , at whicli some very excellent speeches wore delivered by Bros . E . D . Davis , the Rev . R . Thompson , and others . The dinner being provided with the utmost care , by Mr . Nielson , at the Grey Horse Inn the brethren did ample justice to the same ,
and the songs of Bros . \\ . J . Adams , Ralph Thompson , and J . Stein contributed no little to the harmony Avith which the evening was spent , and the brethren separated at a suitable hour , well pleased with their festival . Among those present ivere—Bros . E . D . Davis , P . Prov . S . G . AA 7- . ; Rev . R . Thompson , late Chaplain to tbe Grand Lodge of Scotland ; Dr . Banning , P . Prov . J . G . W . ; H . HothamP . M . ; A . ChapmanP . M . ; T .
, , Miller , P . M . ; F . W . Weyergang , P . M . ; J . Thompson , R . Watkin , J . Thorman , S . Dunn , R . Thompson , H . Smith , J . Sullivan , Falconer , Hunter , AV . J . Adams , P . Bockel , T . Gillespie , Jefferson , W . S . Lotinga , J . Gilmore , Britton , J . II . Brown , Hugill , A . Ross , G . W . Dixon .
AVEST HAETEETOOI ; . —Harbour of Refuge Lodge ( No . 7 G 4 ) . — A Lodge of Emergency Avas holden in the lodge-room at the Royal Hotel on Tuesday , Feb . 28 th , when there was a large muster of the brethren , amongst whom were Bros . Dr . Kirk , P . J . G . AA _ , AV . M . ; Jas . Groves , I . P . M . St . Helen ' s ( No . 531 ) ( tbe Mayor of Hartlepool ); Dr . George Moore , \\ . M . St . Helen ' s , P . Prov . J . G . W . ; Umra Holmes , Comp . R . A ., P . G . Steward ; Stonier Leih ; AV . BruntonS . W . j HarpleyJ . AV . ; F . J .
g , , Cackett , Sec . ( Surveyor of II . M . Customs ) , & o . Bros . Barnes , J . Byers Watt , and W . C . AVard Jackson having como duly prepared , were then raised to the sublime degree of M . M ., the AV . M ., Bro . Kirk , very ably performing the ceremony , and being assisted by Bros . Groves and Moore . Business being concluded , the brethren retired to refreshment , when the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were iven and responded to with true
g fraternal unction . The toast of our newly-raised brethren was acknowledged by Bro . AA . C . Ward Jackson , who in a neat , able , and pithy speech , expressed bis admiration of Masons and Masonry . The evening was begun in peace and closed in harmony .
LANCASHIRE ( WEST ) . OE . AISKIEK . —HesJcelh Lodge ( No . 9 SG ) . —The brethren of this lodge held their monthly meeting at Croston , near Ormskirk , on Tuesday , the 21 st ult . Tiie lodge was opened by Bro . Jackson , AA' . M . The usual business having heen performed , Bro . Pepper , P . Prov . G . Assist . Dir . of Cers ., raised Bro . Mackerill to the sublime degree of M . M ., and initiated one gentleman into tbe mysteries of Freemasonry . This lodge , in
consequence of its isolated position , does not receive the mutual advantages of visitors , and it was suggested that Rufford as a locality would be preferable . The brethren , AVIIO mustered in good numbers , were called off to refreshment , when the J . W .
attended to that part of his duty admirably ; and in due time the brethren separated with mutual good wishes , happy to meet , sorry to part , and happy to meet again .
OXFORDSHIRE . BANBUET . —Cherwell Lod ; e ( No . 559 ) . —On Monday , the 13 th ult ., the \ A . M ., officers , and brethren of this lodge assembled in their lodgo room , at the Red Lion Hotel , for the purpose of installing the AV . M . elect , Bro . Dr . Rye . The ceremony of installation was most ably and impressively performed by Bro . Havers , P . M . The following brethren were present
and took part in the ceremony : —The Prov . G . M . of Oxfordshire , Colonel Bowyer ; the D . Prov . G . M ., Alderman R . J . Spiers , of Oxford ; Bros . F . A . C . B . Cave , W . M . of the Apollo Lodge , Oxford ; C . T . Hawkins , AV . M . of tho Alfred Lodge , Oxford ; P . M . 's Alderman Randall , J . Martin , H . Houghton , Harrison , J . T . Hester , of Oxford ; J . Scroggs , of Deddington ; Dr . Griffin , J . B . Looker , of Banbury ; Rev . T . Russell , of Brackl RevIISS of Brasenose CollegeOxford ;
oy ; . . . yers , , B . A . Gsilland , Lincoln College ; A . A erney , Claydon House ; Bowyer , jun ., of Steeple Aston ; H . Hammaus , H . Churchill , and II . Margetts , Deddington ; J . Hartley , C . "Pettit , fi . AV . Turner , AVells , Griffin , AV . II . Griffin , J . Shelswell , of Banbury ; A \ . Hobbs , AA . Stephens , and Joseph Plowman , of Oxford . On the conclusion of the installation , the W . M . appointed his officers for the ensuing year , ami invested them with their
insignia of office . The charity box in aid of poor and distressed Masons was passed round as usual , and a handsome sum was collected . On tbe termination of their labours , the brethren proceeded to refreshment , a sumptuous banquet awaiting them in the Assembly Room of the Hotel . AA e have so often spoken of the banquets given by the Cherwell Lodge , at the Red Lion Hotel , that it is unnecessary to say more than that it included every delicacy ofthe season , was served up in that
style of excellence for which the hostess , Mrs . Fowler , has become justly celebrated , and fully equalled , if not surpassed , any previous Masonic banquet at that well-known and wellconducted establishment . A variety of choice first-class wines , and an abundant supply of champagne , the latter the generous gift of tho Prov . G . M ., Colonel Bowyer , left nothing to be desired . A handsome dessert succeeded the dinner , so that nothing was wanting to make the banquet complete in every
sense of the word . The AV . M ., Dr . Rye , presided with great ability , and introduced the various toasts in brief but telling and appropriate terms . In the course of the evening the Prov . G . M ., the D . Prov . G . M ., the W . M . of the Apollo Lodge , the AV . M . of the Alfred Lodge , P . M . Harrison , of the Cherwell Lodge , and Bro . A erney , son of Sir Harry Verney , Bart ., SI . P ., addressed the brethren in a very able manner . The latter brother gave a very interesting account of bis experience of
Masonry in India , and adverted to the contrast which a lodge of white men presented to those which he had been in the habit of attending , where nearly all present were men of colour , lie spoke of the beneficial influence of Masonry in promoting a kindly feeling between Englishmen and tbe natives of India , and of the kindness which he received at their hands . Tho festivities of the evening were most agreeably diversified by songs by various brethren . Soon after ten o'clock tbe Oxford
brethren were compelled to leave , in order to avail themselves of tbe special train most liberally provided for them by the Cherwell Lodge . The festival ou the whole ivas , as usual , a great success , and fully bore out what was remarked by one of the brethren present , that the Cherwell anniversary is a red letter day in the Masonic year .
SUFFOLK . THE PnorosED NEAV MASONIC HAM , BUILDINGS IN Ii'SAVicn . As this project has now assumed something like a definite shape , we lay before our Masonic brethren tbe intention of the promoters with regard to the removal of the dilapidated buildings whicli have long been an eyesore to the inhabitants of this
part of the town , and to the passers-by of this much-frequented locality . The great object for which the ground was purchased was for tbe purpose of erecting thereon a Masonic Hull at tho back part of the premises nearest St . Stephen ' s Church , and also suitable buildings for shops in that part facing Brookstreet . The laud having been purchased by a member of tbe Masonic body , a scheme was proposed by him to raise £ 1 , 200 by
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
was formed , composed of a dozen , and Bro . H . A . Collington was regularly and duly installed as W . M . for the ensuing twelve months . He was proclaimed and saluted in the several degrees , when lie appointee ! and invested tbe following brethren as his officers : —Bro . C . G . Stabr , I . P . M . ; J . II . Pembroke , S . W . ; <> . S . Hodgson , J . AA . ; J . Stevens , Treas . ; F . AAlilters , P . M ., Sec ; J . S . Blomeley , S . D . ; J . Rosenstock , J . D . ; J . Hawker ,
I . G . ; W . Jeflery , _ W . S . ; S . Ganett , P . M ., Tyler . The usual addresses wero delivered , and , when completed , a hearty burst of applause greeted tho successful working of Bro . G . Wilton . Business being ended , the lodge was duly closed , and upwards of thirty of the brethren sat down . The usual loyal toasts were given and responded to . Songs wero accompanied on the piano by Bro . Matthew Concamien . After a few hours spent in social enjoyment , the brethren separated , well pleased with this happy sreunion .
DURHAM . GATESHEAD . —Borough Lodge ( So . 424 ) . —On Monday , the 20 th ult ., the installation of Bro . E . E . Biesterfield , as AV . M . ofthe Borough Lodge , was performed with the usual ceremony , by Bro . E . D . Davis , P . Prov . S . G . AA . ; after which the AV . M . appointed the following brethren as officers for the ensuing year : —Bros . T . SmithP . M . ; AV . SccttS . W . and Treas . ;
, , V . A . Mailer , J . W . ; I . Stein , Sec . ; T . Liiloy . S . D . ; D . Renieu , J . D . ; Ch . Christiansen , I . G-. ; I . Curry , Tyler . The lodge being duly closed , the brethren then returned to refreshment , at whicli some very excellent speeches wore delivered by Bros . E . D . Davis , the Rev . R . Thompson , and others . The dinner being provided with the utmost care , by Mr . Nielson , at the Grey Horse Inn the brethren did ample justice to the same ,
and the songs of Bros . \\ . J . Adams , Ralph Thompson , and J . Stein contributed no little to the harmony Avith which the evening was spent , and the brethren separated at a suitable hour , well pleased with their festival . Among those present ivere—Bros . E . D . Davis , P . Prov . S . G . AA 7- . ; Rev . R . Thompson , late Chaplain to tbe Grand Lodge of Scotland ; Dr . Banning , P . Prov . J . G . W . ; H . HothamP . M . ; A . ChapmanP . M . ; T .
, , Miller , P . M . ; F . W . Weyergang , P . M . ; J . Thompson , R . Watkin , J . Thorman , S . Dunn , R . Thompson , H . Smith , J . Sullivan , Falconer , Hunter , AV . J . Adams , P . Bockel , T . Gillespie , Jefferson , W . S . Lotinga , J . Gilmore , Britton , J . II . Brown , Hugill , A . Ross , G . W . Dixon .
AVEST HAETEETOOI ; . —Harbour of Refuge Lodge ( No . 7 G 4 ) . — A Lodge of Emergency Avas holden in the lodge-room at the Royal Hotel on Tuesday , Feb . 28 th , when there was a large muster of the brethren , amongst whom were Bros . Dr . Kirk , P . J . G . AA _ , AV . M . ; Jas . Groves , I . P . M . St . Helen ' s ( No . 531 ) ( tbe Mayor of Hartlepool ); Dr . George Moore , \\ . M . St . Helen ' s , P . Prov . J . G . W . ; Umra Holmes , Comp . R . A ., P . G . Steward ; Stonier Leih ; AV . BruntonS . W . j HarpleyJ . AV . ; F . J .
g , , Cackett , Sec . ( Surveyor of II . M . Customs ) , & o . Bros . Barnes , J . Byers Watt , and W . C . AVard Jackson having como duly prepared , were then raised to the sublime degree of M . M ., the AV . M ., Bro . Kirk , very ably performing the ceremony , and being assisted by Bros . Groves and Moore . Business being concluded , the brethren retired to refreshment , when the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were iven and responded to with true
g fraternal unction . The toast of our newly-raised brethren was acknowledged by Bro . AA . C . Ward Jackson , who in a neat , able , and pithy speech , expressed bis admiration of Masons and Masonry . The evening was begun in peace and closed in harmony .
LANCASHIRE ( WEST ) . OE . AISKIEK . —HesJcelh Lodge ( No . 9 SG ) . —The brethren of this lodge held their monthly meeting at Croston , near Ormskirk , on Tuesday , the 21 st ult . Tiie lodge was opened by Bro . Jackson , AA' . M . The usual business having heen performed , Bro . Pepper , P . Prov . G . Assist . Dir . of Cers ., raised Bro . Mackerill to the sublime degree of M . M ., and initiated one gentleman into tbe mysteries of Freemasonry . This lodge , in
consequence of its isolated position , does not receive the mutual advantages of visitors , and it was suggested that Rufford as a locality would be preferable . The brethren , AVIIO mustered in good numbers , were called off to refreshment , when the J . W .
attended to that part of his duty admirably ; and in due time the brethren separated with mutual good wishes , happy to meet , sorry to part , and happy to meet again .
OXFORDSHIRE . BANBUET . —Cherwell Lod ; e ( No . 559 ) . —On Monday , the 13 th ult ., the \ A . M ., officers , and brethren of this lodge assembled in their lodgo room , at the Red Lion Hotel , for the purpose of installing the AV . M . elect , Bro . Dr . Rye . The ceremony of installation was most ably and impressively performed by Bro . Havers , P . M . The following brethren were present
and took part in the ceremony : —The Prov . G . M . of Oxfordshire , Colonel Bowyer ; the D . Prov . G . M ., Alderman R . J . Spiers , of Oxford ; Bros . F . A . C . B . Cave , W . M . of the Apollo Lodge , Oxford ; C . T . Hawkins , AV . M . of tho Alfred Lodge , Oxford ; P . M . 's Alderman Randall , J . Martin , H . Houghton , Harrison , J . T . Hester , of Oxford ; J . Scroggs , of Deddington ; Dr . Griffin , J . B . Looker , of Banbury ; Rev . T . Russell , of Brackl RevIISS of Brasenose CollegeOxford ;
oy ; . . . yers , , B . A . Gsilland , Lincoln College ; A . A erney , Claydon House ; Bowyer , jun ., of Steeple Aston ; H . Hammaus , H . Churchill , and II . Margetts , Deddington ; J . Hartley , C . "Pettit , fi . AV . Turner , AVells , Griffin , AV . II . Griffin , J . Shelswell , of Banbury ; A \ . Hobbs , AA . Stephens , and Joseph Plowman , of Oxford . On the conclusion of the installation , the W . M . appointed his officers for the ensuing year , ami invested them with their
insignia of office . The charity box in aid of poor and distressed Masons was passed round as usual , and a handsome sum was collected . On tbe termination of their labours , the brethren proceeded to refreshment , a sumptuous banquet awaiting them in the Assembly Room of the Hotel . AA e have so often spoken of the banquets given by the Cherwell Lodge , at the Red Lion Hotel , that it is unnecessary to say more than that it included every delicacy ofthe season , was served up in that
style of excellence for which the hostess , Mrs . Fowler , has become justly celebrated , and fully equalled , if not surpassed , any previous Masonic banquet at that well-known and wellconducted establishment . A variety of choice first-class wines , and an abundant supply of champagne , the latter the generous gift of tho Prov . G . M ., Colonel Bowyer , left nothing to be desired . A handsome dessert succeeded the dinner , so that nothing was wanting to make the banquet complete in every
sense of the word . The AV . M ., Dr . Rye , presided with great ability , and introduced the various toasts in brief but telling and appropriate terms . In the course of the evening the Prov . G . M ., the D . Prov . G . M ., the W . M . of the Apollo Lodge , the AV . M . of the Alfred Lodge , P . M . Harrison , of the Cherwell Lodge , and Bro . A erney , son of Sir Harry Verney , Bart ., SI . P ., addressed the brethren in a very able manner . The latter brother gave a very interesting account of bis experience of
Masonry in India , and adverted to the contrast which a lodge of white men presented to those which he had been in the habit of attending , where nearly all present were men of colour , lie spoke of the beneficial influence of Masonry in promoting a kindly feeling between Englishmen and tbe natives of India , and of the kindness which he received at their hands . Tho festivities of the evening were most agreeably diversified by songs by various brethren . Soon after ten o'clock tbe Oxford
brethren were compelled to leave , in order to avail themselves of tbe special train most liberally provided for them by the Cherwell Lodge . The festival ou the whole ivas , as usual , a great success , and fully bore out what was remarked by one of the brethren present , that the Cherwell anniversary is a red letter day in the Masonic year .
SUFFOLK . THE PnorosED NEAV MASONIC HAM , BUILDINGS IN Ii'SAVicn . As this project has now assumed something like a definite shape , we lay before our Masonic brethren tbe intention of the promoters with regard to the removal of the dilapidated buildings whicli have long been an eyesore to the inhabitants of this
part of the town , and to the passers-by of this much-frequented locality . The great object for which the ground was purchased was for tbe purpose of erecting thereon a Masonic Hull at tho back part of the premises nearest St . Stephen ' s Church , and also suitable buildings for shops in that part facing Brookstreet . The laud having been purchased by a member of tbe Masonic body , a scheme was proposed by him to raise £ 1 , 200 by