Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 2 of 2 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 2 of 2 Article MARK MASONRY. Page 1 of 1
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subscriptions of £ 1 each . This sum was offered m proportions of £ 300 each to the four lodges in this town , viz ., the Briti-h Union , St . Luke's , The Perfect Friendship , and the Prince of AVales . The three former having declined to accept the proposition , the members of the Prince of AA ales Lodge , determined not to let such an opportunity pass by , set about raising the necessary amount . The result is that tho sum required has been subscribed exclusivelby members of the Prince of AA ales
y Lodge , and the plan of building already decided upon . The architects of tho proposed hall are Messrs . Bacon and Bell , of Arthur-street AA est , London Bridge . The ball and Masonic buildings will occupy a space of 193 ft . in length , and will comprise an entrance-hall and vestibule , robing , committee , and aiite-rcoms ; banqueting room , 40 ft . by 20 ft . ; and hall , 45 ft . by 22 ft . Gin ., with a height of 223-ft . The hall , which
will be used for Masonic purposes only , will bo elegantly decorated , fitted with sofa -cushioned seats , and lighted from the roof by tbe newly-invented sun light . There will be a gallery at the Avcstern end ( where it is proposed to erect an organ ) , supported by two granite columns of appropriate architectural design . The building will be heated by hot water apparatus . All suitable offices , such as kitchens , lavatories , regalia , and store-rooms , will be included in tbe internal arrangements .
At the western end of tbe building , and facing the churchyard , will be erected a dwelling-house for the Tyler or hall keeper . The exterior of the building will be plain , but of a substantial character , the great object of the promoters being directed to tbe interior as regards comfort , convenience , and appropriateness of arrangement . The approach to the ball will bo by an ornamented doorway in St . Stephen's Church-lane . Upon the vacant space next Brook-street it is intended to erect three shops , of tasteful design , having a depth of 54 ft . each
uy 20 ft . frontage . In order to render the buildings uniform , and wich every desire to meet the wishes of the parishioners of St . Stephen's , before the buildings were commenced , the promoters , through their solicitor , M . F . B . Jennings , communicated with the rector , the Rev . George Stokes , with regard to the Avail which now stands on the south side cf tho proposed site of the hall . The result was that a meeting was called in the vestry on Friday
week , when a proposition was laid before , tho meeting by Mr . Jennings— "Offering , on tho part of tbe trustees , who had purchased land on the north side of the lane , for the purpose of erecting a Masonic Hall , to make a straight line on the north side of the lane , and to leave the lane of a uniform width of Gft . ] [ In return for this concession , the trustees offered to give up a right of way from their premises into the churchyardto
, rcpave and drain tho lane , and to erect a new gas-lamp to bo lighted on Sundays , and all such evenings when Divine service should be held . A plan accompanied the letter , showing that the piece of land required to be taken out of the lane for this purpose was a tapering strip , on the north side of the lane 22 in . Avide at the end next the churchyard , and tapering to a point at tbe end next Brook-street . "
After some discussion , Mr . Bristo' proposed the following resolution :- — "That the proposition which had been received from Mr . Jennings be entertained to this extent—that the trustees of the ground should give up six inches at the lower end , next Brook-street , and thou draw a straight line and take lft . din . at the end next the churchyard , leaving tbe passage clear Gft . Gin . in width throughout , and they shall also give up the right-of-way , if any exist , into and over the churchyard . " Mr . F . Price seconded the proposition , which was carried with only one dissentient .
lhe meeting was then adjourned unlil twelve o'clock on Monday last , in order to receive the reply of the promoters , Avhen the Rev . George Stokes presided , and opened the proceedings by reading the following letter from Mr . T . B . Jennings : — To the Ministers , Churchwardens , and Ocerseers of the Parish
of St . Stephen , Ipsioich . Gentlemen , —Having reported to the trustees of the Masonic Hall Fund the resolution como to at your vestry meeting yesterday , I am instructed to tender their thanks to tbe parish for receiving their proposition in the liberal and kind manner in which it has been met , and to say that the trustees will be willing to give up the six inches at the end of the passage next Brook-street , thus making the passage Gft . Gin . wide , and carry the same width throughout , with the exception of about 50 ft . near the centre of the passage , where it will be only about Git ., that being the spot where the hall will be placed , in the width of
whicli Gin . will be a great advantage , and which space they trust the parish will concede to them . The trustees will make a drain down tbe passage and connect it with the present one in the pathway through tbe churchyard , at the south side of the church , so as to clear off the water which usually collect there after a heavy rain—repave the passage , and put n gas lamp on the comer of tbe proposed Hall Keeper ' s House , so as to light the east entrance to the church , to be lighted on Sunday evenings
and such other evenings when Divine service shall bi held in the Church . Mr . Bristo said he thought the application was a very fair one , and he should move that it be acceded to by the parish . He thought it would be a great acquisition to the parish to have the lane kept in a proper state . Mr . Tracy spoke in favour of tho proposition . Mr . Price ( churchwarden ) seconded the proposition of Mr .
Bristo . The Chairman then put the question , which was unanimously agreed to . It was also agreed that the arrangement entered into between the parish authorities and the trustees of the hall should be reduced to writing , for tbe satisfaction of both parties . This concluded tbe business of the meeting .
The Prince of AAliles Lodge , the members of winch are about to carry out this long-desired scheme , is almost tbe youngest in the province , having been established in June , 1 SG 3 . Although so short a time in existence , it now numbers nearly seventy members , one of the earliest of whom was the Provincial Grand Master of Suffolk , Col . R , A . S . Adair . Many of the distinguished members of London and provincial lodges are also connected with the Prince of Wales Lodge . Attached to tbe lodge
is the Royal Alexandra Chapter , tho Victor Albert Lodge of Mark Masters , the Royal plantagcnet Encampment of Knights Templars , and a Priory of Knights Hospitallers of St . John o _ Jerusalem , Palestine , Rhodes , and Malta . AVe understand it is in contemplation to add the higher degree of Hose Croix to the lodge .
SOUTH AVALES ( EASTERN DIVISION ) . CAEDIEF . — Glamorgan Lodge ( No . 3 G ) . —The regular meeting of this ancient lodge was held on the ? -Stb ult ., when there were present Bros . D . Roberts , W . M . ; T . II . Stephens , S . W . ; R . P . Hunt , J . W . ; E . J . Thomas , P . M . and Treas . ; It . J . Fisher , Sec ; T . G . Glass , S . D . ( pro tem . ); M . Marks , J . D . ; J . E . Dawson , I . G . j R . Langley , P . M ., P . Prov . S . G . AV . ; AV . J . Gaskell , P . M ., Prov . S . G . W . ; Col . HillJ . E . BillupsF . Wiu-eT . M . AVilliams
, , . , J . Robinson , & c The minutes of the last lodge were confirmed , including an alteration in the by-laws , fixing the day of meeting for the second and fourth Mondays . The W . AI . read a communication from the Acting Prov . G . M ., Bro . T . M . Talbot , regretting bis inability to be present , as be intended to advocate the cause of the Masonic Charities , and more especially that of the Boys' School , to whose forthcoming Festival this province is
about , for the first time , to send a Steward . The AV . M ., however , made an able and earnest appeal on this behalf , aud immediately obtained promises of donations to tbe extent of ten guineas . Bros . J . E . Billups and W . Cooper being desirous of passing to the second degree , underwent the usual examination , after which they were passed to the F . C . degree in due form and according to ancient custom . Bro . Colonel Hill then underwent an examination , and Avas raised to tho sublime degree of M . M . Both ceremonies Avere admirably performed by tbe W . M ., and the lodge was closed in harmony at ten o ' clock , p . m .
Mark Masonry.
LANCASHIRE ( AVEST ) . LIVEBPOOI ,. —The brethren of Lodgo No . G 5 , holding under the Grand Mark Lodge of England and AVales , held their regular meeting in the Masonic Temple , on Friday , the 17 th ult ., under the auspices of Bro . J . Hamer , Prcv . G . Treas . AA est Lancashire , who at the previous meeting delivered the lecture pertaining to this beautiful degree , and on tbe present occasion advanced Bro . Duke , of Lodge 203 , to tbe degree of Mark Master . Bro . Pepper , the Sec . and Reg ., proposed five brethren for advancement at the next regular meeting , alter which the lodge was closed , and the brethren retired to refreshment .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
subscriptions of £ 1 each . This sum was offered m proportions of £ 300 each to the four lodges in this town , viz ., the Briti-h Union , St . Luke's , The Perfect Friendship , and the Prince of AVales . The three former having declined to accept the proposition , the members of the Prince of AA ales Lodge , determined not to let such an opportunity pass by , set about raising the necessary amount . The result is that tho sum required has been subscribed exclusivelby members of the Prince of AA ales
y Lodge , and the plan of building already decided upon . The architects of tho proposed hall are Messrs . Bacon and Bell , of Arthur-street AA est , London Bridge . The ball and Masonic buildings will occupy a space of 193 ft . in length , and will comprise an entrance-hall and vestibule , robing , committee , and aiite-rcoms ; banqueting room , 40 ft . by 20 ft . ; and hall , 45 ft . by 22 ft . Gin ., with a height of 223-ft . The hall , which
will be used for Masonic purposes only , will bo elegantly decorated , fitted with sofa -cushioned seats , and lighted from the roof by tbe newly-invented sun light . There will be a gallery at the Avcstern end ( where it is proposed to erect an organ ) , supported by two granite columns of appropriate architectural design . The building will be heated by hot water apparatus . All suitable offices , such as kitchens , lavatories , regalia , and store-rooms , will be included in tbe internal arrangements .
At the western end of tbe building , and facing the churchyard , will be erected a dwelling-house for the Tyler or hall keeper . The exterior of the building will be plain , but of a substantial character , the great object of the promoters being directed to tbe interior as regards comfort , convenience , and appropriateness of arrangement . The approach to the ball will bo by an ornamented doorway in St . Stephen's Church-lane . Upon the vacant space next Brook-street it is intended to erect three shops , of tasteful design , having a depth of 54 ft . each
uy 20 ft . frontage . In order to render the buildings uniform , and wich every desire to meet the wishes of the parishioners of St . Stephen's , before the buildings were commenced , the promoters , through their solicitor , M . F . B . Jennings , communicated with the rector , the Rev . George Stokes , with regard to the Avail which now stands on the south side cf tho proposed site of the hall . The result was that a meeting was called in the vestry on Friday
week , when a proposition was laid before , tho meeting by Mr . Jennings— "Offering , on tho part of tbe trustees , who had purchased land on the north side of the lane , for the purpose of erecting a Masonic Hall , to make a straight line on the north side of the lane , and to leave the lane of a uniform width of Gft . ] [ In return for this concession , the trustees offered to give up a right of way from their premises into the churchyardto
, rcpave and drain tho lane , and to erect a new gas-lamp to bo lighted on Sundays , and all such evenings when Divine service should be held . A plan accompanied the letter , showing that the piece of land required to be taken out of the lane for this purpose was a tapering strip , on the north side of the lane 22 in . Avide at the end next the churchyard , and tapering to a point at tbe end next Brook-street . "
After some discussion , Mr . Bristo' proposed the following resolution :- — "That the proposition which had been received from Mr . Jennings be entertained to this extent—that the trustees of the ground should give up six inches at the lower end , next Brook-street , and thou draw a straight line and take lft . din . at the end next the churchyard , leaving tbe passage clear Gft . Gin . in width throughout , and they shall also give up the right-of-way , if any exist , into and over the churchyard . " Mr . F . Price seconded the proposition , which was carried with only one dissentient .
lhe meeting was then adjourned unlil twelve o'clock on Monday last , in order to receive the reply of the promoters , Avhen the Rev . George Stokes presided , and opened the proceedings by reading the following letter from Mr . T . B . Jennings : — To the Ministers , Churchwardens , and Ocerseers of the Parish
of St . Stephen , Ipsioich . Gentlemen , —Having reported to the trustees of the Masonic Hall Fund the resolution como to at your vestry meeting yesterday , I am instructed to tender their thanks to tbe parish for receiving their proposition in the liberal and kind manner in which it has been met , and to say that the trustees will be willing to give up the six inches at the end of the passage next Brook-street , thus making the passage Gft . Gin . wide , and carry the same width throughout , with the exception of about 50 ft . near the centre of the passage , where it will be only about Git ., that being the spot where the hall will be placed , in the width of
whicli Gin . will be a great advantage , and which space they trust the parish will concede to them . The trustees will make a drain down tbe passage and connect it with the present one in the pathway through tbe churchyard , at the south side of the church , so as to clear off the water which usually collect there after a heavy rain—repave the passage , and put n gas lamp on the comer of tbe proposed Hall Keeper ' s House , so as to light the east entrance to the church , to be lighted on Sunday evenings
and such other evenings when Divine service shall bi held in the Church . Mr . Bristo said he thought the application was a very fair one , and he should move that it be acceded to by the parish . He thought it would be a great acquisition to the parish to have the lane kept in a proper state . Mr . Tracy spoke in favour of tho proposition . Mr . Price ( churchwarden ) seconded the proposition of Mr .
Bristo . The Chairman then put the question , which was unanimously agreed to . It was also agreed that the arrangement entered into between the parish authorities and the trustees of the hall should be reduced to writing , for tbe satisfaction of both parties . This concluded tbe business of the meeting .
The Prince of AAliles Lodge , the members of winch are about to carry out this long-desired scheme , is almost tbe youngest in the province , having been established in June , 1 SG 3 . Although so short a time in existence , it now numbers nearly seventy members , one of the earliest of whom was the Provincial Grand Master of Suffolk , Col . R , A . S . Adair . Many of the distinguished members of London and provincial lodges are also connected with the Prince of Wales Lodge . Attached to tbe lodge
is the Royal Alexandra Chapter , tho Victor Albert Lodge of Mark Masters , the Royal plantagcnet Encampment of Knights Templars , and a Priory of Knights Hospitallers of St . John o _ Jerusalem , Palestine , Rhodes , and Malta . AVe understand it is in contemplation to add the higher degree of Hose Croix to the lodge .
SOUTH AVALES ( EASTERN DIVISION ) . CAEDIEF . — Glamorgan Lodge ( No . 3 G ) . —The regular meeting of this ancient lodge was held on the ? -Stb ult ., when there were present Bros . D . Roberts , W . M . ; T . II . Stephens , S . W . ; R . P . Hunt , J . W . ; E . J . Thomas , P . M . and Treas . ; It . J . Fisher , Sec ; T . G . Glass , S . D . ( pro tem . ); M . Marks , J . D . ; J . E . Dawson , I . G . j R . Langley , P . M ., P . Prov . S . G . AV . ; AV . J . Gaskell , P . M ., Prov . S . G . W . ; Col . HillJ . E . BillupsF . Wiu-eT . M . AVilliams
, , . , J . Robinson , & c The minutes of the last lodge were confirmed , including an alteration in the by-laws , fixing the day of meeting for the second and fourth Mondays . The W . AI . read a communication from the Acting Prov . G . M ., Bro . T . M . Talbot , regretting bis inability to be present , as be intended to advocate the cause of the Masonic Charities , and more especially that of the Boys' School , to whose forthcoming Festival this province is
about , for the first time , to send a Steward . The AV . M ., however , made an able and earnest appeal on this behalf , aud immediately obtained promises of donations to tbe extent of ten guineas . Bros . J . E . Billups and W . Cooper being desirous of passing to the second degree , underwent the usual examination , after which they were passed to the F . C . degree in due form and according to ancient custom . Bro . Colonel Hill then underwent an examination , and Avas raised to tho sublime degree of M . M . Both ceremonies Avere admirably performed by tbe W . M ., and the lodge was closed in harmony at ten o ' clock , p . m .
Mark Masonry.
LANCASHIRE ( AVEST ) . LIVEBPOOI ,. —The brethren of Lodgo No . G 5 , holding under the Grand Mark Lodge of England and AVales , held their regular meeting in the Masonic Temple , on Friday , the 17 th ult ., under the auspices of Bro . J . Hamer , Prcv . G . Treas . AA est Lancashire , who at the previous meeting delivered the lecture pertaining to this beautiful degree , and on tbe present occasion advanced Bro . Duke , of Lodge 203 , to tbe degree of Mark Master . Bro . Pepper , the Sec . and Reg ., proposed five brethren for advancement at the next regular meeting , alter which the lodge was closed , and the brethren retired to refreshment .