Article GRAND LODGE. ← Page 2 of 4 →
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Grand Lodge.
Grand Masters abroad in this respect , and also to take into consideration the propriety of increasing tbe powers of Provincial Grand Masters abroad in other respects . The Grand Master had also directed tbe Board of . General Purposes to consider and report whether , in consequence of the alteration of the scale of fees payable by those who have not served the office of Grand Steward , it was desirable to make any , and if so what , alteratiou was desirable in the position of . P . Grand Stewards .
ELECTION OF THE GEAND MASTER . , _ Bro . CLABON said—At the last Grand Lodge Iliad the honour to nominate the Right Hon . the Earl of Zetland to be Grand Master , and I have now the high privilege to move that he be elected . I believe that it willjie for the twenty-second time , and I am sure every brother is desirous of his re-election , for , under him , there lias been a great increase in the number of
Masons , our Charities have been developed , and the Board of Benevolence has spent in relief three times as much as it did twenty years ago . I hope he may see the temple of which he laid the first stone completed , and that he may live for many years to preside over the Craft . Bro . Cox had great pleasure in seconding the motion that
the Earl of Zetland be elected Most AVorshipful Grand Master for the year ensuing . The motion was then put , and carried unanimously . The D . G . MASTEE said—Brethren , I have been charged by the M . AV . Grand Master , whom you have now unanimously
re-elected after a long tenure of office , to return you bis warmest thanks , and to give expression to his great gratification for the honour you have again conferred upon him—for the trust you have reposed in him , by electing him M . AV . Grand Master of our ancient Order . The Grand Secretary , by his direction , has communicated to yon the reasons which have detained the Earl of Zetland in Yorkshire , and which have prevented him from being
present with us this evening , but I am sure there is not one but will sympathise with him , from the circumstances which have kept him from us . It would have been a great pleasure to the Earl of Zetland , indeed it would have been a high gratification to him , to have been present on this occasion , to have personally returned thanks for the honour again conferred upon him , but
he has charged me to return thanks for him ; and I am sure I only give expression to our feelings when I congratulate you and the Craft at large on his being once more placed in the chair . The usual salutes were then given by tbe brethren , on the Grand Master ' s re-election .
ELECTION OE GEAND TEEASUBEE . Bro . C . A . MUETON , P . M . No . 7 , moved tho re-election of Bro . Tomkins as Grand Treasurer , he having with great satisfaction filled that responsible office for twelve years . Tho motion was seconded , and unanimously agreed to . Bro . TO . AIKINS thanked the brethren for re-electing him to so distinguished an office iu the Craft , and it was a great pleasure to him to participate in the details of Freemasonry . He said he hoped to see the new building completed , which would tend to the dignity and extension of the Craft .
THE BOAHD or BENEA ^ LENCE . The report of the Board of Benevolence was received , and ordered to be entered on the minutes . The D . G . MASTEE said that in tho report there was u recommendation for a grant to Bro . R . B ., of the Kent Lodge ( No . 15 ) , for the sum of £ 100 . In this case , it appeared from a statement that this eminent brother had for a great number of years laboured hard in the cause of Freemasonry for the purpose of increasing the resources of the different Institutions , and from 1825 to 1835
was Secretary to the Committee for conducting excursions to tbe Nore , which realised to the Masonic Institution for Boys the aggregate sura of £ 1 , 032 16 S . id . From 1839 to 1844 he paid in a further sum to tbe Boys' School , as Secretary or Treasurer to different amusements , tbe sum of £ 250 , besides £ 175 to the Royal Benevolent . Institution , and divers sums * o the Freemasons' School for Female Children . These services
had been recognised by many testimonials , & c . Bro . TOMKINS , P . G . D ., said it would be . impossible , for bini to say more in favour of tbe recommendation than what bad been laid before the Board of Benevolence , but he might add a few particulars . This brother was eighty-four years of age and hacl been a subscribing member for thirty-nine years-to . one
lodge , and thirty-five years to another , so that be bad outlived bis contemporaries , and losses having fallen upon him , he was compelled to come to them for relief . He had made it his boast that be had made more Masons than any other brother living , and be balieved he said that truly . Tbe Board of Benevolence had agreed to . this recommendation unanimously as a
mark of their esteem of this brother ; and it was now brought before Grand Lodge for confirmation . He begged to move that the recommendation of the Board of Benevolence that a sum of £ 100 be granted to Bro . R . B . be now confirmed . Bro . HALSET , P . M . of the Caledonian Lodge , seconded the motion . The D . G . MASTEE put tho motion , which was - earned unanimously .
REPOBT OE THE AUDIT COMMITTEE . The report of the annual Audit Committee of the Grand Lodge Accounts for the year lSGdi was presented and agreed to-REPOET OF THE BOAED OE GENEEAL PURPOSES . . On the motion of Bro . LLEWELLYN ETANS , President of the Board , tbe report of the Board of General Purposes Avas taken
as read . The D . G . MASTEE put the motion , which was agreed to . Bro . L . ErANS then moved that the report be received and entered on tbe minutes , which was unanimously agreed to . To the report was subjoined a statement of the Grand Lodge accounts at the last meeting of the Finance Committee , held
on the 10 th February inst ., showing a balance in the hands of the Grand Treasurer of £ 6 , 952 is . 2 d ., and in the hands of the Grand Secretary for petty cash , £ 50 . Of these sums there belongs to the Fund of Benevolence £ 733 13 s . id ., to the Fund of General Purposes £ 5 , 829 11 _ . 3 c ? ., and there is the Unappropriated Account , £ -138 19 .. 7 cl .
THE NEAV BUILDING . —REPOBT OE THE BUILDING COM -S IITTEE . In tbe curly part of tbe evening some portions of the works of the new building , consisting of the vestibule , first-floor , corridor , and tbe lodge-rooms opening out of it , were thrown open for the inspection of the brethren , lighted up Avith gas ; and many embraced tbe opportunity of visiting them . Some , surprise was expressed at the great progress which had been made
in so brief a period , the general style of what could be . seen giving an assurance that , when completed , the building will be one worthy of the Craft , and a credit to those who have had tbe care of its construction . Bro . HAA ' EES , P .. I . G . AV ., Chairman of the Building Committee , moved that tbe report be taken as read , which Avas
agreed to . Bro . HAVEES next moved that it be received and entered on the minutes , which , being agreed to , he then entered into a long statement as to the progress of the building , of which the following are the principal points . He said that the brethren would easily understand that the Building Committee , whom
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Grand Lodge.
Grand Masters abroad in this respect , and also to take into consideration the propriety of increasing tbe powers of Provincial Grand Masters abroad in other respects . The Grand Master had also directed tbe Board of . General Purposes to consider and report whether , in consequence of the alteration of the scale of fees payable by those who have not served the office of Grand Steward , it was desirable to make any , and if so what , alteratiou was desirable in the position of . P . Grand Stewards .
ELECTION OF THE GEAND MASTER . , _ Bro . CLABON said—At the last Grand Lodge Iliad the honour to nominate the Right Hon . the Earl of Zetland to be Grand Master , and I have now the high privilege to move that he be elected . I believe that it willjie for the twenty-second time , and I am sure every brother is desirous of his re-election , for , under him , there lias been a great increase in the number of
Masons , our Charities have been developed , and the Board of Benevolence has spent in relief three times as much as it did twenty years ago . I hope he may see the temple of which he laid the first stone completed , and that he may live for many years to preside over the Craft . Bro . Cox had great pleasure in seconding the motion that
the Earl of Zetland be elected Most AVorshipful Grand Master for the year ensuing . The motion was then put , and carried unanimously . The D . G . MASTEE said—Brethren , I have been charged by the M . AV . Grand Master , whom you have now unanimously
re-elected after a long tenure of office , to return you bis warmest thanks , and to give expression to his great gratification for the honour you have again conferred upon him—for the trust you have reposed in him , by electing him M . AV . Grand Master of our ancient Order . The Grand Secretary , by his direction , has communicated to yon the reasons which have detained the Earl of Zetland in Yorkshire , and which have prevented him from being
present with us this evening , but I am sure there is not one but will sympathise with him , from the circumstances which have kept him from us . It would have been a great pleasure to the Earl of Zetland , indeed it would have been a high gratification to him , to have been present on this occasion , to have personally returned thanks for the honour again conferred upon him , but
he has charged me to return thanks for him ; and I am sure I only give expression to our feelings when I congratulate you and the Craft at large on his being once more placed in the chair . The usual salutes were then given by tbe brethren , on the Grand Master ' s re-election .
ELECTION OE GEAND TEEASUBEE . Bro . C . A . MUETON , P . M . No . 7 , moved tho re-election of Bro . Tomkins as Grand Treasurer , he having with great satisfaction filled that responsible office for twelve years . Tho motion was seconded , and unanimously agreed to . Bro . TO . AIKINS thanked the brethren for re-electing him to so distinguished an office iu the Craft , and it was a great pleasure to him to participate in the details of Freemasonry . He said he hoped to see the new building completed , which would tend to the dignity and extension of the Craft .
THE BOAHD or BENEA ^ LENCE . The report of the Board of Benevolence was received , and ordered to be entered on the minutes . The D . G . MASTEE said that in tho report there was u recommendation for a grant to Bro . R . B ., of the Kent Lodge ( No . 15 ) , for the sum of £ 100 . In this case , it appeared from a statement that this eminent brother had for a great number of years laboured hard in the cause of Freemasonry for the purpose of increasing the resources of the different Institutions , and from 1825 to 1835
was Secretary to the Committee for conducting excursions to tbe Nore , which realised to the Masonic Institution for Boys the aggregate sura of £ 1 , 032 16 S . id . From 1839 to 1844 he paid in a further sum to tbe Boys' School , as Secretary or Treasurer to different amusements , tbe sum of £ 250 , besides £ 175 to the Royal Benevolent . Institution , and divers sums * o the Freemasons' School for Female Children . These services
had been recognised by many testimonials , & c . Bro . TOMKINS , P . G . D ., said it would be . impossible , for bini to say more in favour of tbe recommendation than what bad been laid before the Board of Benevolence , but he might add a few particulars . This brother was eighty-four years of age and hacl been a subscribing member for thirty-nine years-to . one
lodge , and thirty-five years to another , so that be bad outlived bis contemporaries , and losses having fallen upon him , he was compelled to come to them for relief . He had made it his boast that be had made more Masons than any other brother living , and be balieved he said that truly . Tbe Board of Benevolence had agreed to . this recommendation unanimously as a
mark of their esteem of this brother ; and it was now brought before Grand Lodge for confirmation . He begged to move that the recommendation of the Board of Benevolence that a sum of £ 100 be granted to Bro . R . B . be now confirmed . Bro . HALSET , P . M . of the Caledonian Lodge , seconded the motion . The D . G . MASTEE put tho motion , which was - earned unanimously .
REPOBT OE THE AUDIT COMMITTEE . The report of the annual Audit Committee of the Grand Lodge Accounts for the year lSGdi was presented and agreed to-REPOET OF THE BOAED OE GENEEAL PURPOSES . . On the motion of Bro . LLEWELLYN ETANS , President of the Board , tbe report of the Board of General Purposes Avas taken
as read . The D . G . MASTEE put the motion , which was agreed to . Bro . L . ErANS then moved that the report be received and entered on tbe minutes , which was unanimously agreed to . To the report was subjoined a statement of the Grand Lodge accounts at the last meeting of the Finance Committee , held
on the 10 th February inst ., showing a balance in the hands of the Grand Treasurer of £ 6 , 952 is . 2 d ., and in the hands of the Grand Secretary for petty cash , £ 50 . Of these sums there belongs to the Fund of Benevolence £ 733 13 s . id ., to the Fund of General Purposes £ 5 , 829 11 _ . 3 c ? ., and there is the Unappropriated Account , £ -138 19 .. 7 cl .
THE NEAV BUILDING . —REPOBT OE THE BUILDING COM -S IITTEE . In tbe curly part of tbe evening some portions of the works of the new building , consisting of the vestibule , first-floor , corridor , and tbe lodge-rooms opening out of it , were thrown open for the inspection of the brethren , lighted up Avith gas ; and many embraced tbe opportunity of visiting them . Some , surprise was expressed at the great progress which had been made
in so brief a period , the general style of what could be . seen giving an assurance that , when completed , the building will be one worthy of the Craft , and a credit to those who have had tbe care of its construction . Bro . HAA ' EES , P .. I . G . AV ., Chairman of the Building Committee , moved that tbe report be taken as read , which Avas
agreed to . Bro . HAVEES next moved that it be received and entered on the minutes , which , being agreed to , he then entered into a long statement as to the progress of the building , of which the following are the principal points . He said that the brethren would easily understand that the Building Committee , whom