Article MASONIC N0TES AND QUERIES. ← Page 2 of 3 →
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Masonic N0tes And Queries.
humility of spirit to the fountain of kindness and mercy , and invoke a blessing upon the giver ? "Thus to give , thus to relieve sorrow , and want , and suffering , and misery , is one of the most pleasing duties of a true Mason . " Many thousands are yearly relieved from want and sorrow by the lodges scattered over the wide area
of the world . In Great Britain , in Germany , in Prance , and iu America , many thousands of dollars are thus annually employed . Thus does this venerable and benign institution step forth as a husband to the widow , and as " a father to the fatherless . The particular charities of a Mason , however , he does not proclaim to the world—it is enough for him to be satisfied , that the hungry have bread , and that suffering is alleviated—that he himself Avill be blessed with an
approving conscience ancl a glad heart , and that He who went about doing good , will reward him openly . The charity of Masonry is not the charity of class or sect ; but , like the vast heavens , it envelopes the whole human family . Around its altars and in its solemn assemblies meet the inhabitants of all climes and of all conditions and contracted sentiments ancl
irrational prejudices are dissolved ; Avhile its laws , softening humanity , melt nations into brotherhood . The sublime doctrines of religion it cannot increase ; but , like religion , it requires love to God and love to man . With the spiritual intercourse of man with heaven it claims no jurisdiction , and usurps no
control ; but it continually directs him to that all-seeing eye , which penerates his most secret thoughts , and teaches him to elevate his soul above the gross indulgences of vice , and refine his affections in the crucible of living virtue , purity , and truth . " Our loved institution has , however , in all ages of the world been attacked and slandered . Mithredath , Bishlam , and Tabeel complained to the Persiau
Kinpagainst our early brethren ; and from that day to the present , ignorance , prejudice , passion , and envy have preferred the same charges , though refuted ten thousand times . Against it have been hurled the fuhninations of the Vatican , when they were not as they now are , powerless as a shaft against the wind ; but when even nations trembled and bowed down before
them . The bitterest anathemas of the Inquisition have been pronounced against it . Synods and associations without number — reli gious , social , and political—have spent their energies in attempting to crush it ; but , based upon the rock of eternal truth , and supported by wisdom , prudence , charity , universal
benevolence , purity , and love , it has withstood the tempests which have assailed it , ancl , like gold tried in the crucible , it stands forth to the world brighter and more beautiful for the ordeal through which it has passed . " It is urged against Freemasonry that it is imprudent , dangerous , and sinful to hazard initiation into an order one of whose fundamental principles is never to reveal its mysteries .
" We ask , in reply to this , if every trade , profession , and calling , have not secrets which are never communicated except to those who seek them , and AVIIO are qualified to receive them ? Are there not many societies now existing which have secrets never revealed , except to those who enter them in the Avay prescribed b y each ? Have not the councillors of our Gracious Queen secrets they never reveal except to their successors in office ? Have not the various
governments of the world secrets which they ever sacredly conceal ? Why , then , should this be urged against Masons ? Why should the indulgence of being governed by our own laws , and of admitting such into our temple as choose to apply for admittance on our own conditions , be denied to us ? It is of the first necessity that the area of our science be
concealed from a class impostors , common in every age and every land ; and that the charities of our society be given only to the worthy ; yet with that inviolable secrecy ancl fidelity Avhich characterize Masonry , its benevolence is sometimes betrayed and abused .
It has also been urged against our institution that it may conceal a party dangerous to the state , and thereby subvert the claims of justice . The whole scope and tenor of Masonic teachings are opposed to this absurd and slanderous accusation . Loj-alty to the government ancl strict adherence to the law have at all times been marked traits of the fraternity ; and
as a consequence of such , our society as even been cherished by the best of kings , the most equitable goverments , ancl the noblest and purest judges . The Avhole encyclopaedia of Masonic science and jurisprudence shows that tbe moment one of our number unlawfully engages in political intriguesdangerous
, to the state and to the stability of government , that moment he departs from the principles and requirements of Masonry—the moment he swerves from the strictest justice in his relations with his fellow man , that moment he forfeits his claim to the protection aud esteem ofhis brethren .
" The misconduct of some of its members has also been pleaded against the Institution . If this charge be valid against Masonry , it is A alid against all other societies . " Do you who are consistent members of a Christian society , condemn the religion of Jesus Christ because
of the apostacy and misconduct of those whom you have admitted to membership ? Is the hypocrisy of that man , who goes to the house of God on the Sabbath day , and accepts the sacred symbols from the hands of God ' s messenger as a token of fidelity , and then goes and deviates from the path of honesty and
moral rectitude ; is this conduct an impeachment of Christianity ? Is this an argument against the inherent goodness and purity of the principles he professes and disgraces ? If so , then is the Bible itself a myth , and religion a fable . But you will at once reject such an argument and its result , as unjust and absurb as
app lied to religion , equally absurb and unjust is it as applied to Masonry . " It is unfortunately too true , that unworthy men have found their way into the Masonic temple , men Avho know little of Masonry but its name , ancl as they are bad Masonsso are they bad citizensbad
neigh-, , bours , ancl bad men . This is deeply regretted , and every proper method is used to remedy the evil . There is also in Masonry , as in Christianity , a falling away or fading of the once famed goodness of some of its members . But is not such seen in all societies ?
Until man s nature is entirely changed , until he ceases to be fallible , frail , and imperfect , this will ever be ; but I ask again , if this is an argument against the goodness and morality of a society ? Let the answer be given in the spirit of candour , and void of prejudice .
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Masonic N0tes And Queries.
humility of spirit to the fountain of kindness and mercy , and invoke a blessing upon the giver ? "Thus to give , thus to relieve sorrow , and want , and suffering , and misery , is one of the most pleasing duties of a true Mason . " Many thousands are yearly relieved from want and sorrow by the lodges scattered over the wide area
of the world . In Great Britain , in Germany , in Prance , and iu America , many thousands of dollars are thus annually employed . Thus does this venerable and benign institution step forth as a husband to the widow , and as " a father to the fatherless . The particular charities of a Mason , however , he does not proclaim to the world—it is enough for him to be satisfied , that the hungry have bread , and that suffering is alleviated—that he himself Avill be blessed with an
approving conscience ancl a glad heart , and that He who went about doing good , will reward him openly . The charity of Masonry is not the charity of class or sect ; but , like the vast heavens , it envelopes the whole human family . Around its altars and in its solemn assemblies meet the inhabitants of all climes and of all conditions and contracted sentiments ancl
irrational prejudices are dissolved ; Avhile its laws , softening humanity , melt nations into brotherhood . The sublime doctrines of religion it cannot increase ; but , like religion , it requires love to God and love to man . With the spiritual intercourse of man with heaven it claims no jurisdiction , and usurps no
control ; but it continually directs him to that all-seeing eye , which penerates his most secret thoughts , and teaches him to elevate his soul above the gross indulgences of vice , and refine his affections in the crucible of living virtue , purity , and truth . " Our loved institution has , however , in all ages of the world been attacked and slandered . Mithredath , Bishlam , and Tabeel complained to the Persiau
Kinpagainst our early brethren ; and from that day to the present , ignorance , prejudice , passion , and envy have preferred the same charges , though refuted ten thousand times . Against it have been hurled the fuhninations of the Vatican , when they were not as they now are , powerless as a shaft against the wind ; but when even nations trembled and bowed down before
them . The bitterest anathemas of the Inquisition have been pronounced against it . Synods and associations without number — reli gious , social , and political—have spent their energies in attempting to crush it ; but , based upon the rock of eternal truth , and supported by wisdom , prudence , charity , universal
benevolence , purity , and love , it has withstood the tempests which have assailed it , ancl , like gold tried in the crucible , it stands forth to the world brighter and more beautiful for the ordeal through which it has passed . " It is urged against Freemasonry that it is imprudent , dangerous , and sinful to hazard initiation into an order one of whose fundamental principles is never to reveal its mysteries .
" We ask , in reply to this , if every trade , profession , and calling , have not secrets which are never communicated except to those who seek them , and AVIIO are qualified to receive them ? Are there not many societies now existing which have secrets never revealed , except to those who enter them in the Avay prescribed b y each ? Have not the councillors of our Gracious Queen secrets they never reveal except to their successors in office ? Have not the various
governments of the world secrets which they ever sacredly conceal ? Why , then , should this be urged against Masons ? Why should the indulgence of being governed by our own laws , and of admitting such into our temple as choose to apply for admittance on our own conditions , be denied to us ? It is of the first necessity that the area of our science be
concealed from a class impostors , common in every age and every land ; and that the charities of our society be given only to the worthy ; yet with that inviolable secrecy ancl fidelity Avhich characterize Masonry , its benevolence is sometimes betrayed and abused .
It has also been urged against our institution that it may conceal a party dangerous to the state , and thereby subvert the claims of justice . The whole scope and tenor of Masonic teachings are opposed to this absurd and slanderous accusation . Loj-alty to the government ancl strict adherence to the law have at all times been marked traits of the fraternity ; and
as a consequence of such , our society as even been cherished by the best of kings , the most equitable goverments , ancl the noblest and purest judges . The Avhole encyclopaedia of Masonic science and jurisprudence shows that tbe moment one of our number unlawfully engages in political intriguesdangerous
, to the state and to the stability of government , that moment he departs from the principles and requirements of Masonry—the moment he swerves from the strictest justice in his relations with his fellow man , that moment he forfeits his claim to the protection aud esteem ofhis brethren .
" The misconduct of some of its members has also been pleaded against the Institution . If this charge be valid against Masonry , it is A alid against all other societies . " Do you who are consistent members of a Christian society , condemn the religion of Jesus Christ because
of the apostacy and misconduct of those whom you have admitted to membership ? Is the hypocrisy of that man , who goes to the house of God on the Sabbath day , and accepts the sacred symbols from the hands of God ' s messenger as a token of fidelity , and then goes and deviates from the path of honesty and
moral rectitude ; is this conduct an impeachment of Christianity ? Is this an argument against the inherent goodness and purity of the principles he professes and disgraces ? If so , then is the Bible itself a myth , and religion a fable . But you will at once reject such an argument and its result , as unjust and absurb as
app lied to religion , equally absurb and unjust is it as applied to Masonry . " It is unfortunately too true , that unworthy men have found their way into the Masonic temple , men Avho know little of Masonry but its name , ancl as they are bad Masonsso are they bad citizensbad
neigh-, , bours , ancl bad men . This is deeply regretted , and every proper method is used to remedy the evil . There is also in Masonry , as in Christianity , a falling away or fading of the once famed goodness of some of its members . But is not such seen in all societies ?
Until man s nature is entirely changed , until he ceases to be fallible , frail , and imperfect , this will ever be ; but I ask again , if this is an argument against the goodness and morality of a society ? Let the answer be given in the spirit of candour , and void of prejudice .