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The Nemesis: A Tale Of The Days Of Trajan.
"Unto these words I cling ; help me , my -God . " "Confide in God , " cried Adrian , rising and pacing the room , " Avhat music rings in these words . Confide in God . I knew not half the
beauty of the Avorld till UOAV . I cast mine eyes up to you heaven , and whisper to my heart , ' 0 heart rejoice , there is a God Avho cares for . thee . Believe in him , confide in him , for he both can and will preserve thee from all woe , and carry thy fainting *
£ onl beyond the grave . '' -In earnest conversation passed the early hours of the morning , Paulus pouring into the eager ears of the cousins the divine mysteries destined at a future day to overthrow and destroy the pagan
idolatry . But Avhen the dial pointed noon , he turned to Caius , saying—» "Now then , for Murtius and his house . " " You ope' again that wound closed by the calm of your sweet words , " said Caius , sighing heavily . " Alas that such a fate should have befallen so
. great a man . " " The greater the mind , the greater is his crime . To him to whom much is given much will be required , for man's intellect is the might of God on earth , and whoever dares to prostitute to villainy that gift , will burn for ever in the endless hell . For evil ends not
with himself . 14 spreads abroad , and like a pestilence taints the air , so that no one may breathe in it and have health . Go , then , see the unhappy Phryne . Deal gently with her , while you state all uncompromisingly . Be brief , the quicker the operation the
. sooner flies the pain . Remember , to forgive as you hope to be forgiven . Be not harsh with her . Go , my new found son , and may heaven be with you . " Caius then embraced his cousin , and left the room . A silence ensued Avhich Avas broken by Paulus .
" Hell would have eugulphed them long ago , had not . she , that angel in the house , saved them by her prayers . " " "What mean you ? " asked Adrian . "Myra , " replied Paulus . " When but a child she loved to sit beside my knee and hear the story of her
Lord . She treasured up and conned over his words ; her guileless innocence and her vile mother's love have kept her pure in that den of iniquity . She loved her Saviour devotedly , and when her father came to Rome she ' searched me out , and now is one of the
undaunted few who still , in spite of persecution and the deadly laws against Christ ' s followers , worship that . God who died that we might live . " " Brave , noble girl !" " Add , likewise , innocent and , firm and unwavering in her faith , she proves how true are the great
The Nemesis: A Tale Of The Days Of Trajan.
Psalmist's words , ' From infant lips I have ordained praise , ' for she is but a child . " " Seems it not strange that she alone of all that house should have escaped the snares of sin ? " To God all things are possible . He makes and
unmakes thrones . 'Tis He that sends the lightning forth upon its angry way , that curbs the wild tempestuous deep , and makes the very jaws of death yield back their prey . " " Why does He not drive sin from the world , and
give us back our forfeited heritage ? " Has he not done so in his gift of Christ ? What has been done , mau possesses faculties to perform again . Treasure his words , tread in his footsteps , and assist to drive sin from the world . God gave not
sin to the earth , but man gave it , and God has sent his Son as man to wage the fight and crush the serpent ' s head . Salvation is within the reach of everyone who seeks it in pure simplicity of heart . But come Avith me to the lady Lucidora ' s , the hour of
prayer is nigh , and the faithful assemble there . ' ' " Oh ! am I fit to enter in ?" " The door stands open . Enter . " { To be continued . ) [ The Author reserves tho right of reproduction and translation . !
Masonic Notes And Queries.
BEOIIIEK DE WIXTE OlUfTOIf ' s ADDEESS . There is an error in the quotation from Brother de Witte Clinton ' s address to Avhich " Studens " calls attention— " the Eeligion of Masonry , " page 89 of the present volume . But substitute " Zoroaster" for " Brahma , " and the " Zend-Avesta " for the " Vedas , "
and the error will disappear . In reference to the various matters which the entire quotation comprises , the folloAving communications made by me to the Freemasons ' Magazine will be found useful : —• " Great Architect of the . Universe . — Natural Theology , " vol xiv ., page 6 . " Freemasonry as a World-Avide
Association , " ibid page 69 . "The Lodge in English Freemasonry , " ibid page 89 . "English Freemasonry and certain Continental Lodges , " ibid page 248 . " Prayers in Lodge , " ibid page 306 . " " Christianity and English Freemasonry , " ibid page 391 . "Toleration in Freemasonry" ibid page 466 . " True
Free-, masonry , " vol . xv ., page 51 . English Freemasonry essentially Monotheistic , " ibid page 72 . " The God of Freemasonry and the God of Mystical Pantheism , " ibid page 110 . " Natural Eeligion—Freemasonry , " ibid page 130 . " The Pantheism of the Hindoos , " ibid page 150 . " The Hindoo , the Polynesian , and
the English Freemason , " ibid page 168 . "The Parsees , " ibid page 207 . " The English Freemason and the Hindoo Pantheist , " ibid page 251 . "Hindoo admitted into English Freemasonry , " ibid page 348 . " The Intolerance Avhich would be incompatible with true Freemasonry , '' ibid page 433 . See also " The Freemasonry which excludes no Man on account of his Creed , " " Pantheism and Freemasonry —Expla-
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Nemesis: A Tale Of The Days Of Trajan.
"Unto these words I cling ; help me , my -God . " "Confide in God , " cried Adrian , rising and pacing the room , " Avhat music rings in these words . Confide in God . I knew not half the
beauty of the Avorld till UOAV . I cast mine eyes up to you heaven , and whisper to my heart , ' 0 heart rejoice , there is a God Avho cares for . thee . Believe in him , confide in him , for he both can and will preserve thee from all woe , and carry thy fainting *
£ onl beyond the grave . '' -In earnest conversation passed the early hours of the morning , Paulus pouring into the eager ears of the cousins the divine mysteries destined at a future day to overthrow and destroy the pagan
idolatry . But Avhen the dial pointed noon , he turned to Caius , saying—» "Now then , for Murtius and his house . " " You ope' again that wound closed by the calm of your sweet words , " said Caius , sighing heavily . " Alas that such a fate should have befallen so
. great a man . " " The greater the mind , the greater is his crime . To him to whom much is given much will be required , for man's intellect is the might of God on earth , and whoever dares to prostitute to villainy that gift , will burn for ever in the endless hell . For evil ends not
with himself . 14 spreads abroad , and like a pestilence taints the air , so that no one may breathe in it and have health . Go , then , see the unhappy Phryne . Deal gently with her , while you state all uncompromisingly . Be brief , the quicker the operation the
. sooner flies the pain . Remember , to forgive as you hope to be forgiven . Be not harsh with her . Go , my new found son , and may heaven be with you . " Caius then embraced his cousin , and left the room . A silence ensued Avhich Avas broken by Paulus .
" Hell would have eugulphed them long ago , had not . she , that angel in the house , saved them by her prayers . " " "What mean you ? " asked Adrian . "Myra , " replied Paulus . " When but a child she loved to sit beside my knee and hear the story of her
Lord . She treasured up and conned over his words ; her guileless innocence and her vile mother's love have kept her pure in that den of iniquity . She loved her Saviour devotedly , and when her father came to Rome she ' searched me out , and now is one of the
undaunted few who still , in spite of persecution and the deadly laws against Christ ' s followers , worship that . God who died that we might live . " " Brave , noble girl !" " Add , likewise , innocent and , firm and unwavering in her faith , she proves how true are the great
The Nemesis: A Tale Of The Days Of Trajan.
Psalmist's words , ' From infant lips I have ordained praise , ' for she is but a child . " " Seems it not strange that she alone of all that house should have escaped the snares of sin ? " To God all things are possible . He makes and
unmakes thrones . 'Tis He that sends the lightning forth upon its angry way , that curbs the wild tempestuous deep , and makes the very jaws of death yield back their prey . " " Why does He not drive sin from the world , and
give us back our forfeited heritage ? " Has he not done so in his gift of Christ ? What has been done , mau possesses faculties to perform again . Treasure his words , tread in his footsteps , and assist to drive sin from the world . God gave not
sin to the earth , but man gave it , and God has sent his Son as man to wage the fight and crush the serpent ' s head . Salvation is within the reach of everyone who seeks it in pure simplicity of heart . But come Avith me to the lady Lucidora ' s , the hour of
prayer is nigh , and the faithful assemble there . ' ' " Oh ! am I fit to enter in ?" " The door stands open . Enter . " { To be continued . ) [ The Author reserves tho right of reproduction and translation . !
Masonic Notes And Queries.
BEOIIIEK DE WIXTE OlUfTOIf ' s ADDEESS . There is an error in the quotation from Brother de Witte Clinton ' s address to Avhich " Studens " calls attention— " the Eeligion of Masonry , " page 89 of the present volume . But substitute " Zoroaster" for " Brahma , " and the " Zend-Avesta " for the " Vedas , "
and the error will disappear . In reference to the various matters which the entire quotation comprises , the folloAving communications made by me to the Freemasons ' Magazine will be found useful : —• " Great Architect of the . Universe . — Natural Theology , " vol xiv ., page 6 . " Freemasonry as a World-Avide
Association , " ibid page 69 . "The Lodge in English Freemasonry , " ibid page 89 . "English Freemasonry and certain Continental Lodges , " ibid page 248 . " Prayers in Lodge , " ibid page 306 . " " Christianity and English Freemasonry , " ibid page 391 . "Toleration in Freemasonry" ibid page 466 . " True
Free-, masonry , " vol . xv ., page 51 . English Freemasonry essentially Monotheistic , " ibid page 72 . " The God of Freemasonry and the God of Mystical Pantheism , " ibid page 110 . " Natural Eeligion—Freemasonry , " ibid page 130 . " The Pantheism of the Hindoos , " ibid page 150 . " The Hindoo , the Polynesian , and
the English Freemason , " ibid page 168 . "The Parsees , " ibid page 207 . " The English Freemason and the Hindoo Pantheist , " ibid page 251 . "Hindoo admitted into English Freemasonry , " ibid page 348 . " The Intolerance Avhich would be incompatible with true Freemasonry , '' ibid page 433 . See also " The Freemasonry which excludes no Man on account of his Creed , " " Pantheism and Freemasonry —Expla-