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Masonic Festivities.
GLASGOW . —On Tuesday night , the 19 th inst ., the members of the Lodge Thistle ( No . 87 ) held their 105 th annual festival iu the Tontine Hotel , the large hall of which was gaily and appropriately decorated with a number of Masonic flags , banners , & c . Bro . Paton , W . M ., presided on the occasion . The company , which numbered about one hundred , comprised many of the
brethren in evening dress , Avhile the Craftsmen were adorned with their various badges and insignia of office . After an excellent supper had been partaken of , and the cloth removed , the chairman proposed the usual loyal toasts in suitable terms , which were responded to with all the wonted Masonic enthusiasm , much sympathy being expressed for the Princess of Wales in her present
precarious state of health .. During the course of the evening Bro . Potts , in an able and eloquent address , presented to Bro . Ooivan , P . M ., in the name of the members of the Thistle Lodge , a handsome Past Master ' s ; ewel , a purse of sovereigns , and a gold ring for his partner in life . Bro . CoAvan acknowledged the gift in modest bufc suitable terms , remarking thafc much of the
prosperity of the Lodge Thistle , during his Mastership , was owing to the harmonious manner in which the office-bearers had seconded and supported his endeavours to ' place the lodge in its present position . "Various other toasts were given and fittingly responded to , Bro . Wallace , of the Commercial Lodge , proposing "The Thistle Lodge" in an effective mannerwhile a number
, of the brethren contributed much to the eA * ening ' s enjoyment by their voeal and instrumental efforts . The festival of this ancient lodge was brought to an agreeable conclusion by an assembly , Avhich passed off well , the entire arrangements being under the management of Bro . Burton .
GRAND MASONIC BALI , REXFREW . —The annual ball of the Prince of Wales Lodge ( No . 426 ) came off with great eclat on Thursday evening , the 21 st ult ., in the Lodge Hall , Highstreet . There was a good attendance of the members of the loclge . The Hall was beautifully and tastefully decorated for the occasion . Amongst those present were Bros . M'L . Henderson , Henry C . Lobnitz and lady , John Jack and lady , Ensign Cameron ancl lady , William Fraser and lady , & c . At the
opening grand march the scene was very beautiful ivith the brilliant dresses of the ladies and fine decoration of the hall , which latter piece of Avork reflected great credit on the committee . Dancing was carried on Avith great spirit till a late hour in the morning . Bro . Jack acted efficiently as Master of the ceremonies . Mr . Adam's quadrille band ivas in attendance , and played during the evening the most popular airs of the da 3 * , to the delight and satisfaction of the company .
FEEEAIASONKY . —There is no human organization upon the globe that ever has or ever will harmonise in one body so many elements which are in external conflict as the Masonic organisation . Its Aviso founders , if it ever had any , organised it upon a fe \ v simple but cardinal landmarks , Avhich command the approbation and lay fast hold upon the affections of its initiates , and Avhich furnish no grounds of controversy , admit no improvementancl tolerate no changeThe laws of
, . Masonry aro as fixed , immutable , and eternal as mathematics . The old Patriarch Enoch inscribed them upon a pillar of stone , and transmitted them through the mighty flood : Noah taught them to two of his sons upon the summit of the sacred mountain where his ark rested when the flood subsided , and the earth bloomed and blushed again with vine and fruit under the genial sun ; Moses learned them from the old priests on the banks of the Nilethe
; men of Gebel carved them on the rock ribs of the Mediterranean Sea ; Solomon and the two Hirams collected them in a brief code afc Jerusalem , and the builders and rebuilders of the Temple spread them over the globe ; and tbey were transmitted to us jn legendary lines , as well as to the Indian chiefs who inhabited and claimed to own this great country before our forefathers discovered it . —Judge English .
Meetings Of The Scientific And Learned Societies For The Week Ending April.
Villi , 1867 . Monday , April 8 fch . —GEOGBAMIICAL SOCIETY , at 8 . 30 . Papers to be read : —1 . " Site of Kuuaxa and ancient canals in Mesopotamia , " by Lieut . J . B . Bewsher . 2 . " Sources of the Lyons and other rivers in Kurdistan , " by J . E . Taylor , Esq . 3 . " Description of Diarbekr , " by B . J . Garden , Esq .
Tuesday , April 9 fch . —INSTITOTIOX OE CIVIL ENGINEERS ,, at 8 . "Wednesday , April 10 th . —SOCIETY OP ARTS , at S .
The Week.
THE COCUT . —The Queen , accompanied by her Royal Highness Princess Christian , drove out on the afternoon of the 27 th ult ., attended by Lady Churchill . The Queen held a Court on the 28 th ult ., at Buckingham Palace . Her Majesty , accompanied by their Royal Highnesses Princess Louise , Princess Beatrice , ancl Prince Leopold , left Windsor Castle at tAventy
minutes past eleven a . m ., and arrived at Buckingham Palace shortly before tAvelve o ' clock . Her Majesty travelled by special train on the Great Western Railway , and drove in a carriage and four from Paddington to Buckingham Palace . The Queen , accompanied by Princess Louise , left Buckingham Palace at half-past four o'clock , and visited the Prince ancl Princess of
Wales afc Marlborough House . Her Majesty and her Royal Highness aftet'Avards drove to Paddington Station , escorted by a detachment of the 14 th Hussars , and returned by railway to Windsor . The Queen , accompanied by their Royal Highnesses Princess Louise , Prince Leopold , and Princess Beatrice , andthe suite in attendance , arrived at Windsor Castle at half-past :
six o ' clock , from Buckingham Palace . Her Majesty drove indie Great Park on the morning of the 29 th ult ., attended by Lady Churchill . The Queen , accompanied by her Royal Highness Princess Christian , drove out in the afternoon . Her Majesty ancl Princess Christian Avalked , and rode on ponies , ou the morning of the 30 th ult ., in the Home Park . The Queen , accompanied by their Royal Highnesses Princess Christian and
Princess Augustus of Saxe Cohurg , drove out in the afternoon in a carriage and four . The Queen , Prince and Princess Christian , Princess Louise , Prince Arthur , Prince Leopold , and Princess Beatrice , ancl the ladies and gentlemen in Avaiting , attended divine service on the morning of the 31 st ult ., in the private chapel . The Queen ancl Princess Louise walked , androde on ponies , in the grounds of the Castle , on the morning of
the 1 st inst . The Queen , accompanied by her Royal Highness Princess Christian , drove out in the afternoon in a carriage and four , attended by Lady Churchill . Her Majesty drove out on the morning of the 2 nd inst ., accompanied by Princess Christian . The Queen , accompanied by their Royal Highnesses Princess Louise aucl Princess Beatrice , drove out in the afternoon in a
carriage and four , attended by Lady Churchill . Her Majesty walked and drove on the morning of the 3 rd inst ., attended by-Lady Churchill , IMPERIAL PARLIAMENT . —In the HOUSE OF LORDS on the 28 th ult . there was an interesting discussion on the Ecclesiastical Titles Act . Lord Lyveden moved for returns of the actions
taken under the Act . He said he knew there had been none , but he lvished to have it demonstrated how foolish it was to keep such a statute on the books . In the discussion which followed , only Lord Redesdale was found to say a word in favour of the Act . The Bishop of Killaloe desired its abrogation , and so did every other peer who spoke . It was the general opinion ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic Festivities.
GLASGOW . —On Tuesday night , the 19 th inst ., the members of the Lodge Thistle ( No . 87 ) held their 105 th annual festival iu the Tontine Hotel , the large hall of which was gaily and appropriately decorated with a number of Masonic flags , banners , & c . Bro . Paton , W . M ., presided on the occasion . The company , which numbered about one hundred , comprised many of the
brethren in evening dress , Avhile the Craftsmen were adorned with their various badges and insignia of office . After an excellent supper had been partaken of , and the cloth removed , the chairman proposed the usual loyal toasts in suitable terms , which were responded to with all the wonted Masonic enthusiasm , much sympathy being expressed for the Princess of Wales in her present
precarious state of health .. During the course of the evening Bro . Potts , in an able and eloquent address , presented to Bro . Ooivan , P . M ., in the name of the members of the Thistle Lodge , a handsome Past Master ' s ; ewel , a purse of sovereigns , and a gold ring for his partner in life . Bro . CoAvan acknowledged the gift in modest bufc suitable terms , remarking thafc much of the
prosperity of the Lodge Thistle , during his Mastership , was owing to the harmonious manner in which the office-bearers had seconded and supported his endeavours to ' place the lodge in its present position . "Various other toasts were given and fittingly responded to , Bro . Wallace , of the Commercial Lodge , proposing "The Thistle Lodge" in an effective mannerwhile a number
, of the brethren contributed much to the eA * ening ' s enjoyment by their voeal and instrumental efforts . The festival of this ancient lodge was brought to an agreeable conclusion by an assembly , Avhich passed off well , the entire arrangements being under the management of Bro . Burton .
GRAND MASONIC BALI , REXFREW . —The annual ball of the Prince of Wales Lodge ( No . 426 ) came off with great eclat on Thursday evening , the 21 st ult ., in the Lodge Hall , Highstreet . There was a good attendance of the members of the loclge . The Hall was beautifully and tastefully decorated for the occasion . Amongst those present were Bros . M'L . Henderson , Henry C . Lobnitz and lady , John Jack and lady , Ensign Cameron ancl lady , William Fraser and lady , & c . At the
opening grand march the scene was very beautiful ivith the brilliant dresses of the ladies and fine decoration of the hall , which latter piece of Avork reflected great credit on the committee . Dancing was carried on Avith great spirit till a late hour in the morning . Bro . Jack acted efficiently as Master of the ceremonies . Mr . Adam's quadrille band ivas in attendance , and played during the evening the most popular airs of the da 3 * , to the delight and satisfaction of the company .
FEEEAIASONKY . —There is no human organization upon the globe that ever has or ever will harmonise in one body so many elements which are in external conflict as the Masonic organisation . Its Aviso founders , if it ever had any , organised it upon a fe \ v simple but cardinal landmarks , Avhich command the approbation and lay fast hold upon the affections of its initiates , and Avhich furnish no grounds of controversy , admit no improvementancl tolerate no changeThe laws of
, . Masonry aro as fixed , immutable , and eternal as mathematics . The old Patriarch Enoch inscribed them upon a pillar of stone , and transmitted them through the mighty flood : Noah taught them to two of his sons upon the summit of the sacred mountain where his ark rested when the flood subsided , and the earth bloomed and blushed again with vine and fruit under the genial sun ; Moses learned them from the old priests on the banks of the Nilethe
; men of Gebel carved them on the rock ribs of the Mediterranean Sea ; Solomon and the two Hirams collected them in a brief code afc Jerusalem , and the builders and rebuilders of the Temple spread them over the globe ; and tbey were transmitted to us jn legendary lines , as well as to the Indian chiefs who inhabited and claimed to own this great country before our forefathers discovered it . —Judge English .
Meetings Of The Scientific And Learned Societies For The Week Ending April.
Villi , 1867 . Monday , April 8 fch . —GEOGBAMIICAL SOCIETY , at 8 . 30 . Papers to be read : —1 . " Site of Kuuaxa and ancient canals in Mesopotamia , " by Lieut . J . B . Bewsher . 2 . " Sources of the Lyons and other rivers in Kurdistan , " by J . E . Taylor , Esq . 3 . " Description of Diarbekr , " by B . J . Garden , Esq .
Tuesday , April 9 fch . —INSTITOTIOX OE CIVIL ENGINEERS ,, at 8 . "Wednesday , April 10 th . —SOCIETY OP ARTS , at S .
The Week.
THE COCUT . —The Queen , accompanied by her Royal Highness Princess Christian , drove out on the afternoon of the 27 th ult ., attended by Lady Churchill . The Queen held a Court on the 28 th ult ., at Buckingham Palace . Her Majesty , accompanied by their Royal Highnesses Princess Louise , Princess Beatrice , ancl Prince Leopold , left Windsor Castle at tAventy
minutes past eleven a . m ., and arrived at Buckingham Palace shortly before tAvelve o ' clock . Her Majesty travelled by special train on the Great Western Railway , and drove in a carriage and four from Paddington to Buckingham Palace . The Queen , accompanied by Princess Louise , left Buckingham Palace at half-past four o'clock , and visited the Prince ancl Princess of
Wales afc Marlborough House . Her Majesty and her Royal Highness aftet'Avards drove to Paddington Station , escorted by a detachment of the 14 th Hussars , and returned by railway to Windsor . The Queen , accompanied by their Royal Highnesses Princess Louise , Prince Leopold , and Princess Beatrice , andthe suite in attendance , arrived at Windsor Castle at half-past :
six o ' clock , from Buckingham Palace . Her Majesty drove indie Great Park on the morning of the 29 th ult ., attended by Lady Churchill . The Queen , accompanied by her Royal Highness Princess Christian , drove out in the afternoon . Her Majesty ancl Princess Christian Avalked , and rode on ponies , ou the morning of the 30 th ult ., in the Home Park . The Queen , accompanied by their Royal Highnesses Princess Christian and
Princess Augustus of Saxe Cohurg , drove out in the afternoon in a carriage and four . The Queen , Prince and Princess Christian , Princess Louise , Prince Arthur , Prince Leopold , and Princess Beatrice , ancl the ladies and gentlemen in Avaiting , attended divine service on the morning of the 31 st ult ., in the private chapel . The Queen ancl Princess Louise walked , androde on ponies , in the grounds of the Castle , on the morning of
the 1 st inst . The Queen , accompanied by her Royal Highness Princess Christian , drove out in the afternoon in a carriage and four , attended by Lady Churchill . Her Majesty drove out on the morning of the 2 nd inst ., accompanied by Princess Christian . The Queen , accompanied by their Royal Highnesses Princess Louise aucl Princess Beatrice , drove out in the afternoon in a
carriage and four , attended by Lady Churchill . Her Majesty walked and drove on the morning of the 3 rd inst ., attended by-Lady Churchill , IMPERIAL PARLIAMENT . —In the HOUSE OF LORDS on the 28 th ult . there was an interesting discussion on the Ecclesiastical Titles Act . Lord Lyveden moved for returns of the actions
taken under the Act . He said he knew there had been none , but he lvished to have it demonstrated how foolish it was to keep such a statute on the books . In the discussion which followed , only Lord Redesdale was found to say a word in favour of the Act . The Bishop of Killaloe desired its abrogation , and so did every other peer who spoke . It was the general opinion ,