Article CANADA. ← Page 2 of 2 Article INDIA. Page 1 of 1 Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 2 Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 2 →
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
given and responded to , and the party separated delighted with the proceedings and conscious of the benefit Avhich would result from the visit of the M . W . the Grand Master .
BRITISH BURMAH . RANGOON . The Order of Freemasonry in all tbe degrees still progresses so favourably in this far-off place that I must give you an account of our proceedings . Of course December is a busy month among Masons , and here , with tAVO lodgestAVO chapterstwo Mark lod and tAvo
en-, , ges , campments , it has been particularly so ; and Avith our expert Mason to do the needful at the various installations—Bro . Col . Greenlaw , Hon . Prov . S . G . Warden of England—installed the "W . M . of No . 614 ; also , the Master elect of the neAV lodge styled the Lodge of the Isles , at Port Blair , at the Andaman Islands . On St . John ' s Day a most excellent sermon Avas preached by Bro . Rev . AI . Marks , the Chaplain of No . 832 , both lodges having
gone to church in procession Avith the superb band of the 24 th Regiment . A collection Avas made for the Greenlatv Masonic Orphan Fund at Madras , a fund that our brother is Avorking hard to establish in each presidency , and Avhich in his OAVUthat is , Madras—is Avell responded to . He goes in for doing good , and had Ave here a Provincial , or rather , District Grand Lodge , given us , he Avould clo much real good throughout
Burmah . In the evening there AA'as a banquet and a ball , both being a great success , ancl both able to add surplus money to the Orphan Funds . On January 2 nd Bro . Greenlaiv installed the tliree Principals of Royal Burmah Chapter ; on the 4 th he installed E . G . elect , H . T . Duncan , as E . C . of the Templar Encampment , and E . P . of the Priory ; besides installing four companions as Knihts
g Templar . On the 12 th he installed the W . M . elect of the Mark Lodge attached to Lodge of the Isles , and appointed his officers , & c , of the Prov . Grand Lodge . The V-E . Commander Col . Greenlaw also held a Prov . Grand Conclave , and appointed his officers . On February the 8 th , the
brother , as Master of No . 832 , gave the three degrees in their entirety , and a lecture on the point Avithin a circle . Thus you see IIOAV Ave progress . During the last month eleven members have joined No . 832 , Avhich IIOAV numbers upAvards of sixty . This great increase is solely owing to the good Avorking , and to Bro . GreenlaAV always giving a lecture on some of the ancient mysteries or some symbol . The Mark , Arch , and Templar each are Avell attendedin the latter the Malta degree is Avorked
; AA'eli ancl fully , ancl elicits great praise . We certainl y owe a great deal to this R . W . brother , for he has brought in Avork all the degrees in Burmah . On the firstMonday the encampment meets ; second Thursday , No . 832 Lodge ; third Thursday , No . 68 , tbe Mark Lodge ; on the fourth Thursday , Royal Arch , attached also to No . 832 ; and Ave are IIOAV all looking forward for the Avarrant of the
Ancient Rite , 18 ° , to be called the Leeson Chapter of S . P . R . » J < . The Prov . Grand Lodge , AA'hich is daily more needed , is the only thing IIOAV begged for , and as AVC have seven lodges , and all petitioning for it , Ave hope to succeed ; ancl iA e are a body of very influential Masons , both as to Masonic and social position , more so than any part of India . I mean , that Ave have mem Avhofrom their social positioncould hold the hihest office
, , g . Recorders , barristers , men high iu military rank , merchants , clergymen , medical men—and all these Avorking Masons . Where else can such a list be seen ? It is this that makes us lvonder IIOAV it is , or ivhat has been said to prevent Avbat , I hear , was all but promised us , the Prov . G . Lodge . We live in hope , yet AA-O shall still go on . Here Ave are Avorking hard , yet all our charities going elseAvhereancl our R . W . Bro . exerting himself
, for the establishment of Masonic Orphan Funds Avhich are in other provinces . We hear thafc appeals are being still made for the Prov . G . Lodge , and for tho good of Masonry , as Avell as for the sake of those who look for support from Masons , I hope we may soon receive Avhat is actually necessary .
Royal Arch.
METROPOLITAN . TEMPERANCE CHAPTER ( NO . 169 . ) -Installation Meeting . —
Royal Arch.
The regular convocation of this neAvly-established and flourishing chapter Avas holden on Tuesday , the 1 st inst ., ac the White SAvan Tavern , High-street , Deptford . The chapter was opened by Comps . W . Watson , as M . E . Z . ; G . Bolton , as H . ; F . Walters , as J . G . Bi-OAvn , J ., being present , and the tliree Principals AVIIO opened the chapter being all first Principals , assumed the positions for the purpose of assisting at the ceremony of installation . The companions Avere admitted . The minutes of the
last meeting Avere read and unanimously confirmed . A Board of Installed Principals Avas then formed , and Comps . J . H . Searle Avas installed as J . ; and G . Brotvn as H . The Board Avas closed . The ballot proved unanimous in favour of the six candidates proposed for exaltation . Comps . G . Bolton , as M . E . Z . ; W . Watson , as II . ; F . Walters , as J ., then exalted Bros . Dussek , Heckell , Tippett , ShaAV , AndreAvs , and Pulley into Royal Arch
Masonry , ancl it is superfluous to add IIOAV well the ceremony Avas rendered Avhen in the hands of three such expert Principalsas those Avho occupied the chairs really are . A Board of Installed Principals Avas again formed , and Comp . W . Watson finished the installation ceremonies he had begun , by installing Comp . J . T . Tibbals M . E . Z . for the ensuing year . The Board Avas again closed , and the folloAving companions were invested as officers of the chapter , viz .: —Comps . W . Simmons , P . Z . ; G .
Bolton , P . Z ., Treas . ( re-invested ); N . Wingfield , S . E . ( re-invested ); II . Moore , S . N . ; F . Walters , P . S . ; J . Lightfoot , 1 st A . S . ; Woodland , 2 nd A . S . ; Holt , Janitor . The chapter Avas closed . The usual first-class banquet followed . Strange to say , no visitors were present . DOMATIC CHAPTER ( NO . 177 ) . —The regular convocation of this chapter was held on Thursday evening , the 28 th ult ., at Anderton ' s HotelFleet-street . Comps . Sutton Avas installed as
, M . E . Z ., Payne as H ., Little , P-Z , as J . The ceremony Avas performed in a very excellent style by Comp . T . A . Adams , ass isted by Comps . Brett , Watson , and a large number of Past Principals . The folloAving appointments were then made : — Comps . . 1 . Smith , P . G . P ., Treas . ; Buss , E . ; Hubbard , M . E . Z .,. as N . ; T . H . Foulger , P . S , ; Gilbert , 1 st Assist . Soj . ; Wilson ,. 2 nd Assist . Soj . Bro . Hampten , S . W . of the Manchester Lodge ,
Avas exalted into Royal Arch Masonry . A splendid P . Principal's jeAvel ivas presented to Comp . Sissons on his retiring as M . E . Z ., and a handsome silver coffee-pot Avas presented to Comp . Buss for his indefatigable exertions as Secretary . Among tbe visitors Avere—Comps . Dr . Goldsborough , P . Z ., and P . Prov . G . S . W . for Surrey f Fox , M . E . Z . elect of the Mount Sinai Chapter ; Potter , P . Z . ; Lucy , and about forty other companions ,. AVIIO sat doAvn to a banquet- The usual toasts and speeches folloAved .
CUMBERLAND . CARLISLE . — Cliapter of Union ( No . 310 )—The regular quarterly convocation of this chapter Avas held on Wednesday evening , the 27 th ult ., in the Freemasons' Hall , under the excellent presidency of the M . E . Comp . F . W . Haywarci , Z . ; Comps . T Routledge , P . Z . 409 , as H . ; and W . Murray , J . The chapter Avas opened in due form , Avhen the folloiving companions entered —C . J . BanisterP . Z . P . G . S . B . of England ; A . Woodhouse
, , , S . E . ; H . Fleming , S . N . ; G . G . Hayivard , acting Prin . Soj . ; W . Irwin , and Visiting Comp . J . Halifax , 409 , Wigton ; J . Barnes , Janitor . Comp . S . E . read the minutes of the last regular convocation and emergency , Avhich Avere confirmed . The ballot AA'as then taken for Bro . J . B . Paisley , of Lodge No . 310 , and . proved in his favour , but through some unforeseen circumstance the candidate did not make his appearance . This being the night of election , the officers Avere elected for promotion
according to rote . A committee ivas appointed , consisting of the officers present , to form by-l : \ AVs for this chapter . No other business coming . fonvard , the cliapter Avas closed in order , and the companions retired , and parted in harmony .
LANCASHIRE WEST . GARSTON . —Chapter of Harmony ( No . 220 ) . —The usual monthly meeting of this chapter Avas held on Thursday , the 21 sfc ult ., at the Wellington Hotel , Avhen there Avere present Comps . C . Leedham , Z . ; Hamer , P . Z ., as H . ; Pearson , J . ; Pepper , P . Z-, Treas . ; Ladmore , E . ; Bunting , N . ; Larsen , P . S . ; . May , P . Z ., etc . Visitors : Comps . Piatt and Lewin , P . Z . ' s 477 ;
Jones , 203 ; NosAvorthy ancl Stevenson , 477 . The cliapter AA-as duly opened in solemn form by the , three Principals , and the minutes of tlie previous meeting read and confirmed . Bro . Lovelady , of Lodge No . 1 , 035 , was balloted for as a companion ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
given and responded to , and the party separated delighted with the proceedings and conscious of the benefit Avhich would result from the visit of the M . W . the Grand Master .
BRITISH BURMAH . RANGOON . The Order of Freemasonry in all tbe degrees still progresses so favourably in this far-off place that I must give you an account of our proceedings . Of course December is a busy month among Masons , and here , with tAVO lodgestAVO chapterstwo Mark lod and tAvo
en-, , ges , campments , it has been particularly so ; and Avith our expert Mason to do the needful at the various installations—Bro . Col . Greenlaw , Hon . Prov . S . G . Warden of England—installed the "W . M . of No . 614 ; also , the Master elect of the neAV lodge styled the Lodge of the Isles , at Port Blair , at the Andaman Islands . On St . John ' s Day a most excellent sermon Avas preached by Bro . Rev . AI . Marks , the Chaplain of No . 832 , both lodges having
gone to church in procession Avith the superb band of the 24 th Regiment . A collection Avas made for the Greenlatv Masonic Orphan Fund at Madras , a fund that our brother is Avorking hard to establish in each presidency , and Avhich in his OAVUthat is , Madras—is Avell responded to . He goes in for doing good , and had Ave here a Provincial , or rather , District Grand Lodge , given us , he Avould clo much real good throughout
Burmah . In the evening there AA'as a banquet and a ball , both being a great success , ancl both able to add surplus money to the Orphan Funds . On January 2 nd Bro . Greenlaiv installed the tliree Principals of Royal Burmah Chapter ; on the 4 th he installed E . G . elect , H . T . Duncan , as E . C . of the Templar Encampment , and E . P . of the Priory ; besides installing four companions as Knihts
g Templar . On the 12 th he installed the W . M . elect of the Mark Lodge attached to Lodge of the Isles , and appointed his officers , & c , of the Prov . Grand Lodge . The V-E . Commander Col . Greenlaw also held a Prov . Grand Conclave , and appointed his officers . On February the 8 th , the
brother , as Master of No . 832 , gave the three degrees in their entirety , and a lecture on the point Avithin a circle . Thus you see IIOAV Ave progress . During the last month eleven members have joined No . 832 , Avhich IIOAV numbers upAvards of sixty . This great increase is solely owing to the good Avorking , and to Bro . GreenlaAV always giving a lecture on some of the ancient mysteries or some symbol . The Mark , Arch , and Templar each are Avell attendedin the latter the Malta degree is Avorked
; AA'eli ancl fully , ancl elicits great praise . We certainl y owe a great deal to this R . W . brother , for he has brought in Avork all the degrees in Burmah . On the firstMonday the encampment meets ; second Thursday , No . 832 Lodge ; third Thursday , No . 68 , tbe Mark Lodge ; on the fourth Thursday , Royal Arch , attached also to No . 832 ; and Ave are IIOAV all looking forward for the Avarrant of the
Ancient Rite , 18 ° , to be called the Leeson Chapter of S . P . R . » J < . The Prov . Grand Lodge , AA'hich is daily more needed , is the only thing IIOAV begged for , and as AVC have seven lodges , and all petitioning for it , Ave hope to succeed ; ancl iA e are a body of very influential Masons , both as to Masonic and social position , more so than any part of India . I mean , that Ave have mem Avhofrom their social positioncould hold the hihest office
, , g . Recorders , barristers , men high iu military rank , merchants , clergymen , medical men—and all these Avorking Masons . Where else can such a list be seen ? It is this that makes us lvonder IIOAV it is , or ivhat has been said to prevent Avbat , I hear , was all but promised us , the Prov . G . Lodge . We live in hope , yet AA-O shall still go on . Here Ave are Avorking hard , yet all our charities going elseAvhereancl our R . W . Bro . exerting himself
, for the establishment of Masonic Orphan Funds Avhich are in other provinces . We hear thafc appeals are being still made for the Prov . G . Lodge , and for tho good of Masonry , as Avell as for the sake of those who look for support from Masons , I hope we may soon receive Avhat is actually necessary .
Royal Arch.
METROPOLITAN . TEMPERANCE CHAPTER ( NO . 169 . ) -Installation Meeting . —
Royal Arch.
The regular convocation of this neAvly-established and flourishing chapter Avas holden on Tuesday , the 1 st inst ., ac the White SAvan Tavern , High-street , Deptford . The chapter was opened by Comps . W . Watson , as M . E . Z . ; G . Bolton , as H . ; F . Walters , as J . G . Bi-OAvn , J ., being present , and the tliree Principals AVIIO opened the chapter being all first Principals , assumed the positions for the purpose of assisting at the ceremony of installation . The companions Avere admitted . The minutes of the
last meeting Avere read and unanimously confirmed . A Board of Installed Principals Avas then formed , and Comps . J . H . Searle Avas installed as J . ; and G . Brotvn as H . The Board Avas closed . The ballot proved unanimous in favour of the six candidates proposed for exaltation . Comps . G . Bolton , as M . E . Z . ; W . Watson , as II . ; F . Walters , as J ., then exalted Bros . Dussek , Heckell , Tippett , ShaAV , AndreAvs , and Pulley into Royal Arch
Masonry , ancl it is superfluous to add IIOAV well the ceremony Avas rendered Avhen in the hands of three such expert Principalsas those Avho occupied the chairs really are . A Board of Installed Principals Avas again formed , and Comp . W . Watson finished the installation ceremonies he had begun , by installing Comp . J . T . Tibbals M . E . Z . for the ensuing year . The Board Avas again closed , and the folloAving companions were invested as officers of the chapter , viz .: —Comps . W . Simmons , P . Z . ; G .
Bolton , P . Z ., Treas . ( re-invested ); N . Wingfield , S . E . ( re-invested ); II . Moore , S . N . ; F . Walters , P . S . ; J . Lightfoot , 1 st A . S . ; Woodland , 2 nd A . S . ; Holt , Janitor . The chapter Avas closed . The usual first-class banquet followed . Strange to say , no visitors were present . DOMATIC CHAPTER ( NO . 177 ) . —The regular convocation of this chapter was held on Thursday evening , the 28 th ult ., at Anderton ' s HotelFleet-street . Comps . Sutton Avas installed as
, M . E . Z ., Payne as H ., Little , P-Z , as J . The ceremony Avas performed in a very excellent style by Comp . T . A . Adams , ass isted by Comps . Brett , Watson , and a large number of Past Principals . The folloAving appointments were then made : — Comps . . 1 . Smith , P . G . P ., Treas . ; Buss , E . ; Hubbard , M . E . Z .,. as N . ; T . H . Foulger , P . S , ; Gilbert , 1 st Assist . Soj . ; Wilson ,. 2 nd Assist . Soj . Bro . Hampten , S . W . of the Manchester Lodge ,
Avas exalted into Royal Arch Masonry . A splendid P . Principal's jeAvel ivas presented to Comp . Sissons on his retiring as M . E . Z ., and a handsome silver coffee-pot Avas presented to Comp . Buss for his indefatigable exertions as Secretary . Among tbe visitors Avere—Comps . Dr . Goldsborough , P . Z ., and P . Prov . G . S . W . for Surrey f Fox , M . E . Z . elect of the Mount Sinai Chapter ; Potter , P . Z . ; Lucy , and about forty other companions ,. AVIIO sat doAvn to a banquet- The usual toasts and speeches folloAved .
CUMBERLAND . CARLISLE . — Cliapter of Union ( No . 310 )—The regular quarterly convocation of this chapter Avas held on Wednesday evening , the 27 th ult ., in the Freemasons' Hall , under the excellent presidency of the M . E . Comp . F . W . Haywarci , Z . ; Comps . T Routledge , P . Z . 409 , as H . ; and W . Murray , J . The chapter Avas opened in due form , Avhen the folloiving companions entered —C . J . BanisterP . Z . P . G . S . B . of England ; A . Woodhouse
, , , S . E . ; H . Fleming , S . N . ; G . G . Hayivard , acting Prin . Soj . ; W . Irwin , and Visiting Comp . J . Halifax , 409 , Wigton ; J . Barnes , Janitor . Comp . S . E . read the minutes of the last regular convocation and emergency , Avhich Avere confirmed . The ballot AA'as then taken for Bro . J . B . Paisley , of Lodge No . 310 , and . proved in his favour , but through some unforeseen circumstance the candidate did not make his appearance . This being the night of election , the officers Avere elected for promotion
according to rote . A committee ivas appointed , consisting of the officers present , to form by-l : \ AVs for this chapter . No other business coming . fonvard , the cliapter Avas closed in order , and the companions retired , and parted in harmony .
LANCASHIRE WEST . GARSTON . —Chapter of Harmony ( No . 220 ) . —The usual monthly meeting of this chapter Avas held on Thursday , the 21 sfc ult ., at the Wellington Hotel , Avhen there Avere present Comps . C . Leedham , Z . ; Hamer , P . Z ., as H . ; Pearson , J . ; Pepper , P . Z-, Treas . ; Ladmore , E . ; Bunting , N . ; Larsen , P . S . ; . May , P . Z ., etc . Visitors : Comps . Piatt and Lewin , P . Z . ' s 477 ;
Jones , 203 ; NosAvorthy ancl Stevenson , 477 . The cliapter AA-as duly opened in solemn form by the , three Principals , and the minutes of tlie previous meeting read and confirmed . Bro . Lovelady , of Lodge No . 1 , 035 , was balloted for as a companion ,