Article MASONIC MEMS. Page 1 of 1 Article METROPOLITAN. Page 1 of 1 Article METROPOLITAN. Page 1 of 1 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 1 of 2 →
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Masonic Mems.
* _ $ * THE All communications MASONIC to be addressed MIRROR to 19 , Salisbury -street . , Strand , London , W . C .
THE next assembly of the Original or Premier Conclave of Red ? £ < Knights and IC . H . S . will bo held at the George Hotel , Aldermanbury , on Saturday , tho 13 th inst . The noble lord at tbe head of the Order is expected to preside , having happily recovered from the effects of his late accident . ROYAE MASONIC INSTITUTION POR BOYS . —Bro . W . "Williams ,
16 , Dock-street , Newport , Monmouthshire , informs us that he shall be glad to receive votes in support of the second application of Tom Ferdinand Nicholas . METROPOLITAN CHAPTER OP INSTRUCTION . —On Tuesday the 23 rd inst ., the annual festival of tho Metropolitan Chapter of Instruction will be held at the George Hotel , Aldermanbury , on
that occasion the exhaltation ceremony will be rehearsed , together with the three clauses of the third section , explanation of the jewel and solids , and the history of the rod of Moses . Comp . Blackburn , P . Z . will give an interesting lecture in Royal Arch Freemasonry . Comp- Ladd , P . Z ., will preside as M . E . Z ., and Comp . T . Beard will preside at the banquet . As there are about
60 stewards AVIIO will take part in carrying out this festival of the Metropolitan Chapter of Instruction , many of them eminent in Royal Arch Masonry , a very numerous gathering is confiddently expected . The chapter meets every Tuesday evening , under the presidency of Comp . Brett .
LODGE OP INDUSTRY ( No . 1 S 6 ) . —The monthly meeting of this lodge Avas held on Tuesday evening , the 26 th ult ., at the Freemasons' Tavern . Bro . William Bartlett , W . M ., presided . Bros . W . Mann , S . W . ; T . S . Mortlock , J . W . j Thomas Price , S . D . ; A . Miller , J . D . ; T . A . Tallent , I . G . ; G . Thorns , P . M . and Dir . of Cers . ; H . Carpenter , P . M . and Sec . ; H . Lake , P . M . and Treas . ; T . S . Saunders , P . M ., and nearly thirty brethren were present . The loclge having been opened nith solemn
prayer , and the minutes read , Mr . William Snell and Mr . Edward Cox Avere severally introduced and initiated into the ¦ mysteries of Freemasonry , the ceremony being impressively performed by the W . M . Bros . Bou-en and George Riches , AVIIO Avere candidates for passing to the second degree , were examined as to the progress they had made in the science , and their answers being considered satisfactory they withdrew . The
lodge was then opened in the second degree , and Bros . BoAven and Riches were passed to the degree of F . C . On the lodge being resumed to the lirst degree , a motion was entered into in reference to the visiting fee to the lodge , and the votes of the lodgo to the Boys and Girls' School , and tbe Asylum for Aged Freemasons , were disposed of The loclge Avas closed in due form and with solemn prayer . Bro . W . J . Woodstock
was a very efficient Tyler . INSTRUCTION . UNITED MARINERS' LODGE ( NO . 30 ) . —The fifteen sections Avere Avorked on Thursday evening , the 2 Sth ult ., by Bro . T . H . Foulger , at the United Mariners' Loclge of Instruction , held at Bro . Scurr ' s , the Three Cranes Tavern , Mile End-road . Amon"
the brethren Avho assisted the working were Bros . Barnes , sen . Seurr , Bowron , Homeivood , Hamilton , Austin , ancl Morrison , who rendered , them in a most beautiful and expressive manner . Bro . Seurr , in a most feeling speech , proposed that Bro . Fonlo-er become an honorary member , which proposition was warml y seconded by Bro . Barnes , and carried unanimously . Amongst the brethren present were Bros . J . Stevens , Pichett , Davis , Scotcher , Jarman , Moss , and many others . UNITED PILGRIMS LODGE ( NO . 507 ) . —The usual meeting of this loclge was held on Friday evening , the 29 th nit ., at the
Durham Arms , ITarleyford-road , Kennington . Bro . John Thomas , P . M . of the parent lodge , presided as W . M ., Bro . Geider , S . W ., and Bro . Orel , J . W . There Avere several brethren present . Tlie lodge having been opened in duo form and with solemn prayer , the minutes of the last lodge AA'ere read and confirmed . It was then announced that Bro . Payne , of the Wellington Loclge ( No . 54-S ) , was a candidate to be passed to tho second degreeand the usual preliminary questions were put
, and answered satisfactorily . The lodge Avas then opened in thesecond degree , AA'hen the ceremony of passing was worked in Bro . Thomas ' s careful manner , and tlie use of the working tools Avas very impressively explained . The lodge then proceeded to Avork the sections of this degree , Avhich , as is well known , are of a very beautiful description . After the sections had been gone throughthe loclge Avas resumed in the first degreeand
, , Bro . Pain was proposed and admitted a joining member of this lodge , AVIIO returned thanks for being received amongst them , stating that he Avas desirous of obtaining Masonic information , and that he Avould take every opportunity in his power of attending amongst members who AA'ere so able to afford it to him . Bro . Geider Avas appointed W . M . for the ensuing Aveek , and having nominated his officers , the lodge v ? as closed in due
form and with solemn prayer . NEAV CONCORD LODGE ( NO . S 13 ) . —The usual meeting of thislodge Avas held on Wednesday evening , the 27 th ult ., at Bro . Gabb ' s , the Rosemary Branch Tavern , Hoxton . Bros . Pedler presided as W . M . ; Pitsch , S . W . ; Dent , J . W . ; Aldridge , S . D . ; . Poivell , J . D . ; Taylor , I . G . ; Gawler , P . M . ; and Spratt , Sec The lodge having been openedand the minutes of the previous
, meeting read , the cerenionis of the three degrees Avere very ably worked by the W . M ., and gaA * e very great satisfaction to the brethren . This lodge has hitherto maintained a very high position in the Craft , and it is to be hoped that the members of the parent lodge Avill take care that its reputation shall suffer no diminution by giving it every assistance in their power , and , at the same time , they Avill fit themselves for any duties they
may be called upon to fill . Our worthy Bro . Fminens has used every exertion to render this loclge of instruction Avorthy of a very extensive support , and Ave hope he Avill have the satisfaction of seeing a large attendance at every meeting .
CUMBERLAND . CARXISXE . — "Union Lodge ( No . 310 ) . —On Tuesday evening , the 26 th ' ult ., the regular monthly meeting of this loclge Avas held in the Freemasons' Hall . The W . M ., Bro . G . G . Hay-Avard , presided , supported by Bros . F . W . Hayward , Dir . of Cers ., P . Prov . S . G . W ., as P . M . ; W . Court , Treas ., acting S . W . j G . Somerville . J . D . acting J . W . ; B . H . CookeS . D . ; T .
Cock-, , burn , as J . D . ; A . Woodhouse , Steward , S . W . < I 12 , acting I . G . ; John Barnes , Tyler ; R . Metealf , and M . Higgins . The lodge Avas opened in due form , and the minutes read and confirmed , but , as there AA'as only general lodge business on hand , it Avas soon gone through , ancl the lodge closed Avith prayer . After the brethren hacl partaken of refreshment , they all parted in good-fellOAA'ship and harmony .
LONGTOAVN . —Soli ] Temple Lodge ( No . 412 ) . —An emergency meeting in connection Avith the above lodge Avas held on Saturday evening , the 30 th nit ., at the Wheatsheaf . The W . M ., Bro . H . Fleming , presided , awl was supported by Bros . J . Pendrigh , P . M ., as S . AV . ; R . M . Hill , J . W . ; T . Robinson , P . M ., S . D . ; A . Woodhouse , S . W ., Steward ( 310 ) , acting J . D . on this occasion ; D . Murray , P . M ., Sec ; R . Forster , P . M ., Treas . ; J . CamiUiusP . M . I . G . ; W . NixonTyler ; \ Y . Murray Lemair
, , , , P . M . ( AVIIO is eighty-five years of age ) . Visitor—G . Q . Hayard , W . M . 310 . The lodge was opened in clue form , Avhen tAvo candidates , in the persons of Messrs . William MacCullister and William Robinson , both of Workington , Avere then initiated by tho W . M . separately , in a manner that Avon a vote of thanks from the brethren . No other business being on hand , the lodge Avas closed Avith the usual solemnitiesthe brethren retiring to
, the festive board , where ample justice Avas done to the good things provided ; but , in consequence of the lateness of the night , ancl being Saturday , the usual toasts on such occasions Avere dispensed with , and , after a little harmony from Bros . R . Foster ancl A . Woodhouse , the meeting Avas brought to a close , and the Carlisle and Workington brethren retired , and drove home in a
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic Mems.
* _ $ * THE All communications MASONIC to be addressed MIRROR to 19 , Salisbury -street . , Strand , London , W . C .
THE next assembly of the Original or Premier Conclave of Red ? £ < Knights and IC . H . S . will bo held at the George Hotel , Aldermanbury , on Saturday , tho 13 th inst . The noble lord at tbe head of the Order is expected to preside , having happily recovered from the effects of his late accident . ROYAE MASONIC INSTITUTION POR BOYS . —Bro . W . "Williams ,
16 , Dock-street , Newport , Monmouthshire , informs us that he shall be glad to receive votes in support of the second application of Tom Ferdinand Nicholas . METROPOLITAN CHAPTER OP INSTRUCTION . —On Tuesday the 23 rd inst ., the annual festival of tho Metropolitan Chapter of Instruction will be held at the George Hotel , Aldermanbury , on
that occasion the exhaltation ceremony will be rehearsed , together with the three clauses of the third section , explanation of the jewel and solids , and the history of the rod of Moses . Comp . Blackburn , P . Z . will give an interesting lecture in Royal Arch Freemasonry . Comp- Ladd , P . Z ., will preside as M . E . Z ., and Comp . T . Beard will preside at the banquet . As there are about
60 stewards AVIIO will take part in carrying out this festival of the Metropolitan Chapter of Instruction , many of them eminent in Royal Arch Masonry , a very numerous gathering is confiddently expected . The chapter meets every Tuesday evening , under the presidency of Comp . Brett .
LODGE OP INDUSTRY ( No . 1 S 6 ) . —The monthly meeting of this lodge Avas held on Tuesday evening , the 26 th ult ., at the Freemasons' Tavern . Bro . William Bartlett , W . M ., presided . Bros . W . Mann , S . W . ; T . S . Mortlock , J . W . j Thomas Price , S . D . ; A . Miller , J . D . ; T . A . Tallent , I . G . ; G . Thorns , P . M . and Dir . of Cers . ; H . Carpenter , P . M . and Sec . ; H . Lake , P . M . and Treas . ; T . S . Saunders , P . M ., and nearly thirty brethren were present . The loclge having been opened nith solemn
prayer , and the minutes read , Mr . William Snell and Mr . Edward Cox Avere severally introduced and initiated into the ¦ mysteries of Freemasonry , the ceremony being impressively performed by the W . M . Bros . Bou-en and George Riches , AVIIO Avere candidates for passing to the second degree , were examined as to the progress they had made in the science , and their answers being considered satisfactory they withdrew . The
lodge was then opened in the second degree , and Bros . BoAven and Riches were passed to the degree of F . C . On the lodge being resumed to the lirst degree , a motion was entered into in reference to the visiting fee to the lodge , and the votes of the lodgo to the Boys and Girls' School , and tbe Asylum for Aged Freemasons , were disposed of The loclge Avas closed in due form and with solemn prayer . Bro . W . J . Woodstock
was a very efficient Tyler . INSTRUCTION . UNITED MARINERS' LODGE ( NO . 30 ) . —The fifteen sections Avere Avorked on Thursday evening , the 2 Sth ult ., by Bro . T . H . Foulger , at the United Mariners' Loclge of Instruction , held at Bro . Scurr ' s , the Three Cranes Tavern , Mile End-road . Amon"
the brethren Avho assisted the working were Bros . Barnes , sen . Seurr , Bowron , Homeivood , Hamilton , Austin , ancl Morrison , who rendered , them in a most beautiful and expressive manner . Bro . Seurr , in a most feeling speech , proposed that Bro . Fonlo-er become an honorary member , which proposition was warml y seconded by Bro . Barnes , and carried unanimously . Amongst the brethren present were Bros . J . Stevens , Pichett , Davis , Scotcher , Jarman , Moss , and many others . UNITED PILGRIMS LODGE ( NO . 507 ) . —The usual meeting of this loclge was held on Friday evening , the 29 th nit ., at the
Durham Arms , ITarleyford-road , Kennington . Bro . John Thomas , P . M . of the parent lodge , presided as W . M ., Bro . Geider , S . W ., and Bro . Orel , J . W . There Avere several brethren present . Tlie lodge having been opened in duo form and with solemn prayer , the minutes of the last lodge AA'ere read and confirmed . It was then announced that Bro . Payne , of the Wellington Loclge ( No . 54-S ) , was a candidate to be passed to tho second degreeand the usual preliminary questions were put
, and answered satisfactorily . The lodge Avas then opened in thesecond degree , AA'hen the ceremony of passing was worked in Bro . Thomas ' s careful manner , and tlie use of the working tools Avas very impressively explained . The lodge then proceeded to Avork the sections of this degree , Avhich , as is well known , are of a very beautiful description . After the sections had been gone throughthe loclge Avas resumed in the first degreeand
, , Bro . Pain was proposed and admitted a joining member of this lodge , AVIIO returned thanks for being received amongst them , stating that he Avas desirous of obtaining Masonic information , and that he Avould take every opportunity in his power of attending amongst members who AA'ere so able to afford it to him . Bro . Geider Avas appointed W . M . for the ensuing Aveek , and having nominated his officers , the lodge v ? as closed in due
form and with solemn prayer . NEAV CONCORD LODGE ( NO . S 13 ) . —The usual meeting of thislodge Avas held on Wednesday evening , the 27 th ult ., at Bro . Gabb ' s , the Rosemary Branch Tavern , Hoxton . Bros . Pedler presided as W . M . ; Pitsch , S . W . ; Dent , J . W . ; Aldridge , S . D . ; . Poivell , J . D . ; Taylor , I . G . ; Gawler , P . M . ; and Spratt , Sec The lodge having been openedand the minutes of the previous
, meeting read , the cerenionis of the three degrees Avere very ably worked by the W . M ., and gaA * e very great satisfaction to the brethren . This lodge has hitherto maintained a very high position in the Craft , and it is to be hoped that the members of the parent lodge Avill take care that its reputation shall suffer no diminution by giving it every assistance in their power , and , at the same time , they Avill fit themselves for any duties they
may be called upon to fill . Our worthy Bro . Fminens has used every exertion to render this loclge of instruction Avorthy of a very extensive support , and Ave hope he Avill have the satisfaction of seeing a large attendance at every meeting .
CUMBERLAND . CARXISXE . — "Union Lodge ( No . 310 ) . —On Tuesday evening , the 26 th ' ult ., the regular monthly meeting of this loclge Avas held in the Freemasons' Hall . The W . M ., Bro . G . G . Hay-Avard , presided , supported by Bros . F . W . Hayward , Dir . of Cers ., P . Prov . S . G . W ., as P . M . ; W . Court , Treas ., acting S . W . j G . Somerville . J . D . acting J . W . ; B . H . CookeS . D . ; T .
Cock-, , burn , as J . D . ; A . Woodhouse , Steward , S . W . < I 12 , acting I . G . ; John Barnes , Tyler ; R . Metealf , and M . Higgins . The lodge Avas opened in due form , and the minutes read and confirmed , but , as there AA'as only general lodge business on hand , it Avas soon gone through , ancl the lodge closed Avith prayer . After the brethren hacl partaken of refreshment , they all parted in good-fellOAA'ship and harmony .
LONGTOAVN . —Soli ] Temple Lodge ( No . 412 ) . —An emergency meeting in connection Avith the above lodge Avas held on Saturday evening , the 30 th nit ., at the Wheatsheaf . The W . M ., Bro . H . Fleming , presided , awl was supported by Bros . J . Pendrigh , P . M ., as S . AV . ; R . M . Hill , J . W . ; T . Robinson , P . M ., S . D . ; A . Woodhouse , S . W ., Steward ( 310 ) , acting J . D . on this occasion ; D . Murray , P . M ., Sec ; R . Forster , P . M ., Treas . ; J . CamiUiusP . M . I . G . ; W . NixonTyler ; \ Y . Murray Lemair
, , , , P . M . ( AVIIO is eighty-five years of age ) . Visitor—G . Q . Hayard , W . M . 310 . The lodge was opened in clue form , Avhen tAvo candidates , in the persons of Messrs . William MacCullister and William Robinson , both of Workington , Avere then initiated by tho W . M . separately , in a manner that Avon a vote of thanks from the brethren . No other business being on hand , the lodge Avas closed Avith the usual solemnitiesthe brethren retiring to
, the festive board , where ample justice Avas done to the good things provided ; but , in consequence of the lateness of the night , ancl being Saturday , the usual toasts on such occasions Avere dispensed with , and , after a little harmony from Bros . R . Foster ancl A . Woodhouse , the meeting Avas brought to a close , and the Carlisle and Workington brethren retired , and drove home in a