Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 2 of 2 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 2 of 2 Article SCOTLAND. Page 1 of 1 Article CANADA. Page 1 of 2 →
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voiture provided , and safely arrived in the small hours of the morning , highly satisfied with their trip to the border loclge .
DORSETSHIRE . SAVANAGE . — Consecration of the De Moulham Lodge ( No . 1 , 146 ) . —The consecration of this new loclge took phce on the 23 rd ult ., in the large room of the Mowlem Institute , a handsome structure erected and presented to the town by Bro . George Mowlem , AVIIO , AVC are informed , is a native of this part of Dorsetshire , and a descendant of the ancient family of De Moulham . From an inscrition upon the Avail of tho
assemblyp room Ave learn that the generous donor intended , amongst other advantages to the town of Swanage , the institute should also -serve for Masonic meetings . The brethren having assembled at high noon , a procession was for-med in the usual way , and the loclge AA-as opened in the three degrees . The Warrant of Constitution Avas read . The ceremony of consecration Avas then most ably performed by Bro . John SymondsProv . Assist . Grand Dir .
, of Cers . of England , assisted by Bro . Henry Muggeridge , P . M . No . 192 , & c , Preceptor of the Stability Lodge of Instruction , London , AVIIO delivered an ovation upon Masonry in his usual effective and impressive manner . Amidst the numerous assemblage of distinguished members of the Order present Avere— - Bros . Thomas Coombes , Prov . G . Sec . of Dorset ; Rev . Dr . BurroAvesof KimmeridgeP . Prov . G . Chap , of South Wales
, , and G . S . W . for Dorset ; Crickmay , Weymouth , ancl several -other Prov . G . Officers ; Joseph Freeman and G . Birt , of the Old Dundee Lodge , No . IS , London ; Francis Smith , W . M . elect -of the Welehpool Lodge , No . 998 . Many brethren also came from Corfe Castle , Wareham , Poole , & c . The officers named in the AA-arrant are Bros . Mo'A'lem , W . M . ; Joseph Freeman , S . W . ; and Birt , J . W . Bro . Hillier , the organist of Swanage Church ,
-presided over the musical portion of the ceremonial in a highly efficient manner . We should add that the greater part of the beautiful furniture of the lodge Avas presented to the members by Bros . MoAA'lem , Freeman , and Birt . The ceremonies concluded , the brethren adjourned to the Victoria Hotel , to a banquet , at Avhich Bro . Joseph Freeman , P . M . of the Olcl Dundee Lodge and S . W . of the neAV lodge , presided , in the unavoidable absence of the W . M ., Bro . MoAvlem . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given and responded to , ancl a pleasant evening Avas spent by the brethren .
DURHAM . GATESHEAD-ON-TYNE . —Lodge of Industry ( No . 48 ) . —The regular meeting of this old and flourishing lodge was held on "Monday , the 25 th ult ., at the Grey Horse Inn , High-street , and the work of the evening consisted in the installation of Bro . Robert J . Banning , M . D ., P . M ., P . Prov . J . G . W . Durham , AV . M . elect . There AA'as a very numerous attendance of the brethren
of the lodge , and also of visitors , amongst ivhom Ave noticed—Bros . Major B . J . Thompson , W . M . 481 ; George Thompson , P . M . 481 ; J . H . Hair , P . M . 481 ; dipt . G . A . Allan , S . W . and W . M . Tyne Lodge ; J . H . Thompson ; Wm . MOITOAV , P . M . ; William "Robinson , M . D . ; George Douglas , M . D . ; Anthony Clapham , P . M . ; J . Stokoe ; Jens Jensen , P . M ., & c . Tho installation AA-as conducted by the retiring AV . M . Bro . J . H . Thompsonin a most
, , efficient manner . The folloAving officers AVUI-O appointed ancl invested Avith their collars : —Bros- J . H . Thompson , I . P . M . ¦ and Treas . ; Jens Jensen , S . W . ; J . A . Robson , J . W . ; Anthony Clapham , P . M ., Dir . of Cers . ; Wm . L . Mackenzie , Sec ; R . B . Reed , S . D . ; Robert F . Cook , M . D ., J . D . ; William Garbutt , I . G . ; Robert Watson , Org . ; William Burroughs and John PottsJun . Steivards ; Joshua CurryTler . After the
con-, , y clusion of the ceremony the brethren , to the number of fortythree , sat doivn to a sumptuous dinner , served in excellent style . The chair AVUS taken by the W . M . Later on in the proceedings the usual loyal and Masonic toasts Avere given and heartily responded to . Many appropriate addresses Avere given by tlie brethren AVIIO responded to the various toasts , and a most enjoyable evening Avas passed ,
HEREFORDSHIRE . HEREFORD . —Funeral of Mr . Lacey . —The funeral of the much-respected manager of the Gasivorks took place on Monday , the 25 th ult . The weather Avas very unpropitions , but notAyithstanding this a large number of Freemasons ancl members of the Green Dragon Friendly Society attended to pay their last tribute of respect to the deceased . The Freemasons assembled at the Mitre Hotel , and the members of the Friendly Society
at the Green Dragon Hotel , and proceeded from those places respectively to the Gasivorks . Here the funeral procession AA-as formed , and afterwards proceeded to the cemetery . Several of the proprietors of the GasAvorks also Avalked in the procession , and many of the shops in the city Avere partly closed . SOMERSETSHIRE . SIIEPTON MALLET . —Lodge of Love and Honour ( No . 2 S 5 ) .
—This lodge assembled on the 2 Sth ult ., at the George Hotel , for the purpose of initiating Messrs . L . L . Cox and G . C . Cottrill . The ceremony Avas performed betAveen the hours of seven ancl nine p . m ., and at the close the brethren partook of a supper , provided by Mrs . Alford , the hostess of the George , and a very pleasant evening Avas spent .
GLASGOW . POLLOKSHAAVS . —Royal Arch Lodge ( So . 153 ) . —Tho members of this ancient lodge met in their lodge room at tbe Maxwell Arms Hotel on the evening of the 29 th ult ., at eight o ' clock , for the purpose of electing oflice-bearers for the ensuing year , Avhen the folloAving Avas the result of the election-. —Bros . G . Mackay , W . M . ; Hugh M'Kinnon , D . M . ; Thos . Duncan , P . M . ;
J . Forrest , S . W . ; J . Stevenson , J . W . ; Nicol Cameron , Treas . ; W . Snodgrass , See . ; Rev . George Campbell , Chap . ; Alexander White , S . A . S . ; J . Henderson , J . A . S . ; AlfredEcho Jones , S . G . S . ; A . G . Franklin , J . G . S . ; Robert Campbell , Std . Bearer ; H . Manfred , Tyler ; J . Murray , G . B . B . ; D . M'Naughton , G . M . On the election being completed and refreshment produced , the AV . M . gave "The Queen and the Craft , " which having been right loyally honouredhe next gave in succession "The Grand
, Lodges of England , Ireland , and Scotland , Avith their respective Grand Masters , " and " The Provincial Grand Master for Renfrewshire East , " which also Avere duly honoured . The meeting ' Avas much enlivened by the singing of Bros . M'Kinnon , Dunn and Wilson .
The M . W . tho Grand Master of Canada has recently made official visits to the brethren in Montreal ancl Peterborough . At Montreal , on Tuesday , 19 th February , he paid a visit to the St . George ' s Lodge ( No . 19 ) , C . R . in full regalia , and also to the Victoria Lodge , C . R ., the next evening , expressing his satisfaction at the proceedings on each occasion , and on Saturday evening , the 23 rd inst ., he delivered to the Craft a Masonic address , on Avhich occasion the Masonic Hall Avas crOAvded to
excess . The entrance of the M . W . the Grand Master , preceded by the Holy Bible , square ancl compass , and escorted by R . W . Bro . Richard Bull , D . D . G . M ., tivo deacons and stewards , was an imposing spectacle . A most interesting lecture AA-as then delivered by the M . W . the Grand Master , he being continually interrupted with applause . After the lodge Avas closed the brethren proceeded to the Terrapin , to partake of a cold collationprepared in honour of the G . M . and a more pleasant
, , evening has not been spent by the Craft for a long time . LOAV twelve Avas the signal for the Junior Warden ' s toast , "Happily have Ave mot ; so happily clo Ave part ; and as happily may AVO ever meet again . " All departed deeply impressed with , the pleasant proceedings , and receiving the promise of another visit at an early day , Avhen the M . AV . the Grand Master will deliver a lecture on Masonry in one of the public halls . At Peterboroughon Wednesday eveningthe 26 th February
, , , the Victoria Hall Avas crOAvded , on the occasion of an address by the M . W . the Grand Master . Admission was by ticket , procured , hoAvever , Avithout charge . At the appointed time the members of the tAvo Peterboro' lodges entered the room , clad in their usual symbols ancl insignia of office . They escorted the M-W . Grand Master , AA-IIO took his seat on the platform , surrounded by Bros . Dennistoun , W . M . of Corinthian Loclge ,
Peterborough ; Burnhom , W . M . of the Peterborough lodge ; ReA * . A " . M . Clement ! , Grand Chaplain ; J . King , H . LaAVSon . and D . Sutherland . The remainder of the brethren present occupied front seats in the body of the Hall . The lecture was listened to Avith marked attention , and Avas frequently applauded during its delivery . After the delivery of the lecture the brethren sat doAvn to a sumptuous banquet at the Huffman house , Bro . Dennistoun presiding . The usual standard Masonic toasts were
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
voiture provided , and safely arrived in the small hours of the morning , highly satisfied with their trip to the border loclge .
DORSETSHIRE . SAVANAGE . — Consecration of the De Moulham Lodge ( No . 1 , 146 ) . —The consecration of this new loclge took phce on the 23 rd ult ., in the large room of the Mowlem Institute , a handsome structure erected and presented to the town by Bro . George Mowlem , AVIIO , AVC are informed , is a native of this part of Dorsetshire , and a descendant of the ancient family of De Moulham . From an inscrition upon the Avail of tho
assemblyp room Ave learn that the generous donor intended , amongst other advantages to the town of Swanage , the institute should also -serve for Masonic meetings . The brethren having assembled at high noon , a procession was for-med in the usual way , and the loclge AA-as opened in the three degrees . The Warrant of Constitution Avas read . The ceremony of consecration Avas then most ably performed by Bro . John SymondsProv . Assist . Grand Dir .
, of Cers . of England , assisted by Bro . Henry Muggeridge , P . M . No . 192 , & c , Preceptor of the Stability Lodge of Instruction , London , AVIIO delivered an ovation upon Masonry in his usual effective and impressive manner . Amidst the numerous assemblage of distinguished members of the Order present Avere— - Bros . Thomas Coombes , Prov . G . Sec . of Dorset ; Rev . Dr . BurroAvesof KimmeridgeP . Prov . G . Chap , of South Wales
, , and G . S . W . for Dorset ; Crickmay , Weymouth , ancl several -other Prov . G . Officers ; Joseph Freeman and G . Birt , of the Old Dundee Lodge , No . IS , London ; Francis Smith , W . M . elect -of the Welehpool Lodge , No . 998 . Many brethren also came from Corfe Castle , Wareham , Poole , & c . The officers named in the AA-arrant are Bros . Mo'A'lem , W . M . ; Joseph Freeman , S . W . ; and Birt , J . W . Bro . Hillier , the organist of Swanage Church ,
-presided over the musical portion of the ceremonial in a highly efficient manner . We should add that the greater part of the beautiful furniture of the lodge Avas presented to the members by Bros . MoAA'lem , Freeman , and Birt . The ceremonies concluded , the brethren adjourned to the Victoria Hotel , to a banquet , at Avhich Bro . Joseph Freeman , P . M . of the Olcl Dundee Lodge and S . W . of the neAV lodge , presided , in the unavoidable absence of the W . M ., Bro . MoAvlem . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given and responded to , ancl a pleasant evening Avas spent by the brethren .
DURHAM . GATESHEAD-ON-TYNE . —Lodge of Industry ( No . 48 ) . —The regular meeting of this old and flourishing lodge was held on "Monday , the 25 th ult ., at the Grey Horse Inn , High-street , and the work of the evening consisted in the installation of Bro . Robert J . Banning , M . D ., P . M ., P . Prov . J . G . W . Durham , AV . M . elect . There AA'as a very numerous attendance of the brethren
of the lodge , and also of visitors , amongst ivhom Ave noticed—Bros . Major B . J . Thompson , W . M . 481 ; George Thompson , P . M . 481 ; J . H . Hair , P . M . 481 ; dipt . G . A . Allan , S . W . and W . M . Tyne Lodge ; J . H . Thompson ; Wm . MOITOAV , P . M . ; William "Robinson , M . D . ; George Douglas , M . D . ; Anthony Clapham , P . M . ; J . Stokoe ; Jens Jensen , P . M ., & c . Tho installation AA-as conducted by the retiring AV . M . Bro . J . H . Thompsonin a most
, , efficient manner . The folloAving officers AVUI-O appointed ancl invested Avith their collars : —Bros- J . H . Thompson , I . P . M . ¦ and Treas . ; Jens Jensen , S . W . ; J . A . Robson , J . W . ; Anthony Clapham , P . M ., Dir . of Cers . ; Wm . L . Mackenzie , Sec ; R . B . Reed , S . D . ; Robert F . Cook , M . D ., J . D . ; William Garbutt , I . G . ; Robert Watson , Org . ; William Burroughs and John PottsJun . Steivards ; Joshua CurryTler . After the
con-, , y clusion of the ceremony the brethren , to the number of fortythree , sat doivn to a sumptuous dinner , served in excellent style . The chair AVUS taken by the W . M . Later on in the proceedings the usual loyal and Masonic toasts Avere given and heartily responded to . Many appropriate addresses Avere given by tlie brethren AVIIO responded to the various toasts , and a most enjoyable evening Avas passed ,
HEREFORDSHIRE . HEREFORD . —Funeral of Mr . Lacey . —The funeral of the much-respected manager of the Gasivorks took place on Monday , the 25 th ult . The weather Avas very unpropitions , but notAyithstanding this a large number of Freemasons ancl members of the Green Dragon Friendly Society attended to pay their last tribute of respect to the deceased . The Freemasons assembled at the Mitre Hotel , and the members of the Friendly Society
at the Green Dragon Hotel , and proceeded from those places respectively to the Gasivorks . Here the funeral procession AA-as formed , and afterwards proceeded to the cemetery . Several of the proprietors of the GasAvorks also Avalked in the procession , and many of the shops in the city Avere partly closed . SOMERSETSHIRE . SIIEPTON MALLET . —Lodge of Love and Honour ( No . 2 S 5 ) .
—This lodge assembled on the 2 Sth ult ., at the George Hotel , for the purpose of initiating Messrs . L . L . Cox and G . C . Cottrill . The ceremony Avas performed betAveen the hours of seven ancl nine p . m ., and at the close the brethren partook of a supper , provided by Mrs . Alford , the hostess of the George , and a very pleasant evening Avas spent .
GLASGOW . POLLOKSHAAVS . —Royal Arch Lodge ( So . 153 ) . —Tho members of this ancient lodge met in their lodge room at tbe Maxwell Arms Hotel on the evening of the 29 th ult ., at eight o ' clock , for the purpose of electing oflice-bearers for the ensuing year , Avhen the folloAving Avas the result of the election-. —Bros . G . Mackay , W . M . ; Hugh M'Kinnon , D . M . ; Thos . Duncan , P . M . ;
J . Forrest , S . W . ; J . Stevenson , J . W . ; Nicol Cameron , Treas . ; W . Snodgrass , See . ; Rev . George Campbell , Chap . ; Alexander White , S . A . S . ; J . Henderson , J . A . S . ; AlfredEcho Jones , S . G . S . ; A . G . Franklin , J . G . S . ; Robert Campbell , Std . Bearer ; H . Manfred , Tyler ; J . Murray , G . B . B . ; D . M'Naughton , G . M . On the election being completed and refreshment produced , the AV . M . gave "The Queen and the Craft , " which having been right loyally honouredhe next gave in succession "The Grand
, Lodges of England , Ireland , and Scotland , Avith their respective Grand Masters , " and " The Provincial Grand Master for Renfrewshire East , " which also Avere duly honoured . The meeting ' Avas much enlivened by the singing of Bros . M'Kinnon , Dunn and Wilson .
The M . W . tho Grand Master of Canada has recently made official visits to the brethren in Montreal ancl Peterborough . At Montreal , on Tuesday , 19 th February , he paid a visit to the St . George ' s Lodge ( No . 19 ) , C . R . in full regalia , and also to the Victoria Lodge , C . R ., the next evening , expressing his satisfaction at the proceedings on each occasion , and on Saturday evening , the 23 rd inst ., he delivered to the Craft a Masonic address , on Avhich occasion the Masonic Hall Avas crOAvded to
excess . The entrance of the M . W . the Grand Master , preceded by the Holy Bible , square ancl compass , and escorted by R . W . Bro . Richard Bull , D . D . G . M ., tivo deacons and stewards , was an imposing spectacle . A most interesting lecture AA-as then delivered by the M . W . the Grand Master , he being continually interrupted with applause . After the lodge Avas closed the brethren proceeded to the Terrapin , to partake of a cold collationprepared in honour of the G . M . and a more pleasant
, , evening has not been spent by the Craft for a long time . LOAV twelve Avas the signal for the Junior Warden ' s toast , "Happily have Ave mot ; so happily clo Ave part ; and as happily may AVO ever meet again . " All departed deeply impressed with , the pleasant proceedings , and receiving the promise of another visit at an early day , Avhen the M . AV . the Grand Master will deliver a lecture on Masonry in one of the public halls . At Peterboroughon Wednesday eveningthe 26 th February
, , , the Victoria Hall Avas crOAvded , on the occasion of an address by the M . W . the Grand Master . Admission was by ticket , procured , hoAvever , Avithout charge . At the appointed time the members of the tAvo Peterboro' lodges entered the room , clad in their usual symbols ancl insignia of office . They escorted the M-W . Grand Master , AA-IIO took his seat on the platform , surrounded by Bros . Dennistoun , W . M . of Corinthian Loclge ,
Peterborough ; Burnhom , W . M . of the Peterborough lodge ; ReA * . A " . M . Clement ! , Grand Chaplain ; J . King , H . LaAVSon . and D . Sutherland . The remainder of the brethren present occupied front seats in the body of the Hall . The lecture was listened to Avith marked attention , and Avas frequently applauded during its delivery . After the delivery of the lecture the brethren sat doAvn to a sumptuous banquet at the Huffman house , Bro . Dennistoun presiding . The usual standard Masonic toasts were