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The Nemesis: A Tale Of The Days Of Trajan.
" Thou hast said it , Caius . This indeed is truth ! My languid heart , which panted through a Aveary desert land , has come at length to the true font of life . 0 let us drink these waters so freely offered , that in this blood Ave , too , may Aviii our way to God .
This satisfies my doubts . As beauty is the truth of things external , so is love of the mind . Philosophy , to be the truest and the likest God , must bear these truths , and these truths have Ave Avritten here . "
While so engaged in talk Paulus had risen , his slumber had refreshed him , and save a slight lameness , he felt no evil consequences from his fall . He at once made his way to the cousins , who chicled him for rising , but he
replied"I am rested and recovered , I must do my Master ' s work . Have you mastered the scroll ? " " We have , " replied Caius . "We have read it in wonder ancl awe , " said Adrian . "My heart feels lighter than a bird ' s at these glad tidings . "
" And mine , " said Caius , the dreamy expression gathering once more in his eyes , " although still sad , can see the sun of comfort rising in the east . " " The soul is like the sea , Avhen the thunder cloud has passed , the deep still heaves . Thy sun of
comfort is rising in the east , and in this scroll is its dawn , for in it thou see ' st a greater woe than thine . The Spirit of God is sacrifice , in that He gave his blessed Son to death for us , and man becomes but truly great , when he has passed with naked
feet through the fiery tribulation of grief . The calm and sluggishly flowing stream , whose waters like oil never break from repose , glides to the sea , Or ends in some quagmire without turning a single wheel upon its banks ; but where the torrent
plunges , and roars and foams adoAvn the swarth y mountain ' s side , pursues its course , ancl lo , you find that towns nestle and expand upon its banks , Avhich echo loudly with the clamour of the hammeringhand , the chink of gold , ancl the rattle of tho benched oars . "
"That is true , " said Adrian , "m action man alone discovers his finer qualities , and the secret resources of mind and body . " " Man must then feel SOITOAV , and afterwards sacrifice his greatest need , for he will only grow
good , and it is better to be good than great , when he offers clay by day upon the shrine of heaA r enly hope , the passions moulded by earth and sin , in humble imitation following in the track of Christ , and holding before him constantly that bloody
Cross , the beacon which will lighten him from the devil to God . Where can Ave read of a nobler sacrifice than that of the Saviour lifted up upon the accursed tree , the God by His OAvn creatures crucified , scorned , yet bearing meekly each
Avithering taunt , each hate-inllicted blow , the great ' I Am ' , an outcast from His home , and that home placed where yonder stars revolve in brilliancy , burning bright everlasting fires , lit by the Seraphim , who reign thereon supreme . What can
history SIIOAV to equal this dread spectacle ? Epaminondas , in the streets of thebes , or Marius , seated on the wreck of Carthage , mourning his OAVU ruined fortunes . Ah , no ! for this Avas God Himself , held up as a spectacle ox woe amid a
world of woe , a sight which shook the grave , ancl tore from death's dull grasp the sheeted dead , and sent them forth , to preach the tidings of a glorious day neAV born to bless mankind ; a sight that turned the heart-struck moon to blood , and spread
an eclipse across the flaming glory of the sun ; that rent the sacred veil of the Temple in twain , for what more use Avas there for mystery , when God offered Himself the Atoning Lamb for earth . " , " The very thought is terrible . '" '
"Aye and more terrible , when Ave ask , Avhat did man do for this sacrifice ? Man gave not a finger for his bleeding God , tlie very disciples fled , ancl one denied Him in his hour of trial . Man gave the bitter hyssop ancl a mock , a crown of
thorns , mete emblem of earth ' s poor sovereignty , a rod and a robe of scorn , a buffet most freely given , ancl oh , hoAv meekly borne . Alone , the Saviour trod the marrow of the press , no dear one helped , the only one given as a comforter to cheer
his sorrowful soul , was the contrite thief hanging on his right hand . '' " 0 horror , horror , " exclaimed Adrian . "All His cures and miracles could not prevent the vilest insult being offered to Him , and man , still unconscious of the opened door , seeks other gods , and kneels at sin ' s vile shrines . "
" It cannot last , ' cried Gains , a glow of enthusiasm lighting up his countenance ; " the great new light must prevail , altar and idol both shall burn Avith fire . I stand before this mighty story astonished , and my brain reels as if with Avine , the
light is far too strong for me . " " Hast thou forgot so soon ? " said Paulus , " that a higher strength than thine has said ' Come unto me ye heavy laden , and I will give you rest , ' confide in God . "
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Nemesis: A Tale Of The Days Of Trajan.
" Thou hast said it , Caius . This indeed is truth ! My languid heart , which panted through a Aveary desert land , has come at length to the true font of life . 0 let us drink these waters so freely offered , that in this blood Ave , too , may Aviii our way to God .
This satisfies my doubts . As beauty is the truth of things external , so is love of the mind . Philosophy , to be the truest and the likest God , must bear these truths , and these truths have Ave Avritten here . "
While so engaged in talk Paulus had risen , his slumber had refreshed him , and save a slight lameness , he felt no evil consequences from his fall . He at once made his way to the cousins , who chicled him for rising , but he
replied"I am rested and recovered , I must do my Master ' s work . Have you mastered the scroll ? " " We have , " replied Caius . "We have read it in wonder ancl awe , " said Adrian . "My heart feels lighter than a bird ' s at these glad tidings . "
" And mine , " said Caius , the dreamy expression gathering once more in his eyes , " although still sad , can see the sun of comfort rising in the east . " " The soul is like the sea , Avhen the thunder cloud has passed , the deep still heaves . Thy sun of
comfort is rising in the east , and in this scroll is its dawn , for in it thou see ' st a greater woe than thine . The Spirit of God is sacrifice , in that He gave his blessed Son to death for us , and man becomes but truly great , when he has passed with naked
feet through the fiery tribulation of grief . The calm and sluggishly flowing stream , whose waters like oil never break from repose , glides to the sea , Or ends in some quagmire without turning a single wheel upon its banks ; but where the torrent
plunges , and roars and foams adoAvn the swarth y mountain ' s side , pursues its course , ancl lo , you find that towns nestle and expand upon its banks , Avhich echo loudly with the clamour of the hammeringhand , the chink of gold , ancl the rattle of tho benched oars . "
"That is true , " said Adrian , "m action man alone discovers his finer qualities , and the secret resources of mind and body . " " Man must then feel SOITOAV , and afterwards sacrifice his greatest need , for he will only grow
good , and it is better to be good than great , when he offers clay by day upon the shrine of heaA r enly hope , the passions moulded by earth and sin , in humble imitation following in the track of Christ , and holding before him constantly that bloody
Cross , the beacon which will lighten him from the devil to God . Where can Ave read of a nobler sacrifice than that of the Saviour lifted up upon the accursed tree , the God by His OAvn creatures crucified , scorned , yet bearing meekly each
Avithering taunt , each hate-inllicted blow , the great ' I Am ' , an outcast from His home , and that home placed where yonder stars revolve in brilliancy , burning bright everlasting fires , lit by the Seraphim , who reign thereon supreme . What can
history SIIOAV to equal this dread spectacle ? Epaminondas , in the streets of thebes , or Marius , seated on the wreck of Carthage , mourning his OAVU ruined fortunes . Ah , no ! for this Avas God Himself , held up as a spectacle ox woe amid a
world of woe , a sight which shook the grave , ancl tore from death's dull grasp the sheeted dead , and sent them forth , to preach the tidings of a glorious day neAV born to bless mankind ; a sight that turned the heart-struck moon to blood , and spread
an eclipse across the flaming glory of the sun ; that rent the sacred veil of the Temple in twain , for what more use Avas there for mystery , when God offered Himself the Atoning Lamb for earth . " , " The very thought is terrible . '" '
"Aye and more terrible , when Ave ask , Avhat did man do for this sacrifice ? Man gave not a finger for his bleeding God , tlie very disciples fled , ancl one denied Him in his hour of trial . Man gave the bitter hyssop ancl a mock , a crown of
thorns , mete emblem of earth ' s poor sovereignty , a rod and a robe of scorn , a buffet most freely given , ancl oh , hoAv meekly borne . Alone , the Saviour trod the marrow of the press , no dear one helped , the only one given as a comforter to cheer
his sorrowful soul , was the contrite thief hanging on his right hand . '' " 0 horror , horror , " exclaimed Adrian . "All His cures and miracles could not prevent the vilest insult being offered to Him , and man , still unconscious of the opened door , seeks other gods , and kneels at sin ' s vile shrines . "
" It cannot last , ' cried Gains , a glow of enthusiasm lighting up his countenance ; " the great new light must prevail , altar and idol both shall burn Avith fire . I stand before this mighty story astonished , and my brain reels as if with Avine , the
light is far too strong for me . " " Hast thou forgot so soon ? " said Paulus , " that a higher strength than thine has said ' Come unto me ye heavy laden , and I will give you rest , ' confide in God . "