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for the success of this lodge , expressed at its opening , have been so far realized , and doubt not that the worthy brother , who is now numbered amongst the rulers of the Craft , will so manage the lodge as to continue and increase its prosperity . YORKSHIRE ( NORTH AND EAST ) . 3 'IIDDLESBOROUGH-ON-T . EES . —North York Lodge ( No . 876 ) . —
The monthly meeting of this lodge was held at the Masonic Hall , on Friday evening , the 30 th ult . In the absence of the W . M ., Bro . Collingwood , the lodge was opened in the second degree , by Bro . Doughty , P . M ., assisted by Bros . Eichard Cootes , as S . W ., and John Storey , J . W . Bro . Robinson was then passed to the degree of F . C , by Bro . Henry Thompson , J . P ., P . M ., and P . Prov . G . Supt . of Works , who performed the ceremony in an impressive manner . The visiting brethren present were
Bros . James Groves , W . M . of the St . Helen ' s Lodge ( No . 774 ) , Hartlepool ; George Markham Tweddell , of the Cleveland Lodge ( No . 795 ) , Stokesley ; and William Eufus Richardson , of the St . John ' s Lodge ( No . 252 S . C ) , Thornhill , Dumfrishire .
AYESHIEE . CUMNOCK . —Lodge St . Barnabas ( No . 230 ) . —This lodge , after remaining in a state of dormancy for many years , is now making an effort to re-organize . At a meeting of the brethren , held on Thursday , the 29 th ult ., the E . W . Prov . G . M . of Ayrshire , Bro . Sir James Fergusson , Bart ., who is at present residing at Dumfries House , one of the seats of the Marquis of Bute , honoured the lodge with his presenceand on his health being proposed as
, the E . W . M . of Mother Kilwinning , in a speech of great eloquence , expressed the pleasure he felt at meeting with the Cumnock brethren , and hoped soon to hear of the Lodge St . Barnabas being second to none of the Ayrshire lodges in point of numbers and general prosperity .
DUBLIN . IRELAND . —The Masonic body had a splendid demonstration in the Round-room of the Dublin Rotunda on Tuesday the 26 th ult . The occasion was nothing more than the anniversary of the Masonic Female Orphan School , yet the building was completely filled with an assemblage comprising the elite of the rank and respectability of Dublin , including a large number of
ladies and of gentlemen not belonging to the Masonic order , all in full dress . The large platform was filled with the members ofthe body , wearing the insignia of their order , which produced a brilliant effect , which was heightened by the decorations of evergreens , banners , and devices which surrounded the room . There were 2 , 000 persons present , and there were more than 500 applications for tickets beyond what the place could hold . The platform presented a pleasing picture of union . The Church
and Presbytery were united in "the two grand chaplins , the Rev . Messrs . M'Sorley and Morrison . Two ex-chief secretaries of opposite parties , Lord Naas ancl Sir William Somerville , spoke with the utmost harmony . Sir Edward Grogan , M . P ., Sir Wm . Hort , Judge Longfield , and Colonel Dunne , M . P ., all pleaded the cause of charity and fraternity as if they had never engaged in political strife on that same platform . [ We have not yet received our usual report , Ed . F . AI . M . ~ ]
NEW BRUNSWICK . PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE . On St . John ' s Day , December 27 th , 1862 , pursuant to proclamation , the Provincial Grand Lodge met at the Masonic Hall , \ m the City of Saint Jchn . Present : —Bro . R . W . Alexander Balloch , Prov . G . M ., in the chair ; Officers and Past Officers of the Provincial Grand Lodge , and the Masters , Past Masters , Wardens and members of the respective lodges in the
province on the registry of the Grand Lodge of England , as well as a number of transient brethren . The Grand Lodge was opened in due form and with solemn prayer , and the minutes of the last communication of the Grand Lodge were read and confirmed . The R . W . Prov . G . M . addressed tbe brethren , as follows : — E . W . Wardens and Brethren , —Permit tbe pleasure of tendering to you my best wishes and the " compliments of the
season . " We have assembled this morning for the installation of officers for the ensuing year , and I am about to make the biennial changes , in accordance with the rule I decided on when first appointed to take charge of the Craft in this province , on the registry of the Grand Lodge of England , —feeling sensible that a distribution of the honours in my prerogative to confer on deserving brethren , adds , not only to their zeal for the Craft but creates in othersan emulation ivhich is natural in manand
, will exist in all well regulated institutions . It would afford me much pleasure if a greater number of private lodges were within reasonable travel of this city , among the members of which I could distribute these honours , but the locations are at such distances , that it would be unreasonable to expect their attendance , if appointed ; such a scheme is impracticable , and . the attendance of officials cannot well be dispensed with at the
quarterly communications . Notwithstanding the depressed state of business in general in this province , I am happy to state that the lodges under my jurisdiction continue prosperous . After the annual returns have been made by the several private lodges , a detailed report will be prepared , and laid before this lodge at the communication in March next . To the brethren who will this day become ex officio Past Grand Lodge Officers , I have toreturn my thanks for their past services , and solicit of them a
continuance of their zeal for the interest of this Grand Lodge and its dependencies . The Audit Committee then submitted a report , ivhich was deemed satisfactory . It was moved by Bro . B . Lester Peters , P . M . No . 570 , seconded by the Junior Grand Warden , and agreed to , that the report be adopted , and the accounts published for the information of the respective lodges .
The recepts for the year were S 573 68 , making with balance from the [ previous account , § 656 48 . The expenditure § 655 17 , of which S 277 88 was to the Grand Lodge of England for dues , leaving a balance of only § 1 31 to he carried to the next account . The E . W . Prov . G . M . appointed the following brethren to be Provincial Grand Officers for the ensuing year , ( the D . Prov . G . M . excepted ; he having been previously installed ) , who were thereupon invested and proclaimed according to ancient
custom : — Bro . Robert T . Clinch D . Prov . G . Master . „ B . Lester Peters Senior G . Warden . „ Ddwin J . Wetmore Junior G . Warden . „ Rev . Charles P . Bliss G . Chap . „ Douglas B . Stevens G . Treasurer . „ W . F . Bunting G . Secretary . „ JohnV . Ellis Senior G . Deacon .
„ George E . Hooke Junior G . Deacon . „ Edwin J . Everett G . Dir . of Cers . „ John R . Smith G . Sword Bearer . „ John McAlister G . Pursuivant . „ John Boyer G . Tyler . „ James T . Steves " " ) „ W . Ansley | Joseph SClark
„ . „ „ , , „ Hem-y Littlehale f G" Stewards-„ James Nevins „ Charles U . Hanford j The Provincial Grand Lodge was closed in due form , with solemn prayer , and the brethren adjourned to dinner at Stubb ' s Hotel .
Mark Masonry.
SOUTHWARK LODGE ( NO . 11 S . C . )—At a regular meeting of this lodge , held on Monday , February 2 nd , at the Bridge House Hotel , Southwark , Bro . A . D . Lowenstark , D . R . W . M ., assisted by Walters , Laird , Durrant , & c , opened the lodge . Letters were read from candidates apologising for non-attendance . After a few business matters were decided , the lodge was closed until Monday , 6 th April .
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for the success of this lodge , expressed at its opening , have been so far realized , and doubt not that the worthy brother , who is now numbered amongst the rulers of the Craft , will so manage the lodge as to continue and increase its prosperity . YORKSHIRE ( NORTH AND EAST ) . 3 'IIDDLESBOROUGH-ON-T . EES . —North York Lodge ( No . 876 ) . —
The monthly meeting of this lodge was held at the Masonic Hall , on Friday evening , the 30 th ult . In the absence of the W . M ., Bro . Collingwood , the lodge was opened in the second degree , by Bro . Doughty , P . M ., assisted by Bros . Eichard Cootes , as S . W ., and John Storey , J . W . Bro . Robinson was then passed to the degree of F . C , by Bro . Henry Thompson , J . P ., P . M ., and P . Prov . G . Supt . of Works , who performed the ceremony in an impressive manner . The visiting brethren present were
Bros . James Groves , W . M . of the St . Helen ' s Lodge ( No . 774 ) , Hartlepool ; George Markham Tweddell , of the Cleveland Lodge ( No . 795 ) , Stokesley ; and William Eufus Richardson , of the St . John ' s Lodge ( No . 252 S . C ) , Thornhill , Dumfrishire .
AYESHIEE . CUMNOCK . —Lodge St . Barnabas ( No . 230 ) . —This lodge , after remaining in a state of dormancy for many years , is now making an effort to re-organize . At a meeting of the brethren , held on Thursday , the 29 th ult ., the E . W . Prov . G . M . of Ayrshire , Bro . Sir James Fergusson , Bart ., who is at present residing at Dumfries House , one of the seats of the Marquis of Bute , honoured the lodge with his presenceand on his health being proposed as
, the E . W . M . of Mother Kilwinning , in a speech of great eloquence , expressed the pleasure he felt at meeting with the Cumnock brethren , and hoped soon to hear of the Lodge St . Barnabas being second to none of the Ayrshire lodges in point of numbers and general prosperity .
DUBLIN . IRELAND . —The Masonic body had a splendid demonstration in the Round-room of the Dublin Rotunda on Tuesday the 26 th ult . The occasion was nothing more than the anniversary of the Masonic Female Orphan School , yet the building was completely filled with an assemblage comprising the elite of the rank and respectability of Dublin , including a large number of
ladies and of gentlemen not belonging to the Masonic order , all in full dress . The large platform was filled with the members ofthe body , wearing the insignia of their order , which produced a brilliant effect , which was heightened by the decorations of evergreens , banners , and devices which surrounded the room . There were 2 , 000 persons present , and there were more than 500 applications for tickets beyond what the place could hold . The platform presented a pleasing picture of union . The Church
and Presbytery were united in "the two grand chaplins , the Rev . Messrs . M'Sorley and Morrison . Two ex-chief secretaries of opposite parties , Lord Naas ancl Sir William Somerville , spoke with the utmost harmony . Sir Edward Grogan , M . P ., Sir Wm . Hort , Judge Longfield , and Colonel Dunne , M . P ., all pleaded the cause of charity and fraternity as if they had never engaged in political strife on that same platform . [ We have not yet received our usual report , Ed . F . AI . M . ~ ]
NEW BRUNSWICK . PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE . On St . John ' s Day , December 27 th , 1862 , pursuant to proclamation , the Provincial Grand Lodge met at the Masonic Hall , \ m the City of Saint Jchn . Present : —Bro . R . W . Alexander Balloch , Prov . G . M ., in the chair ; Officers and Past Officers of the Provincial Grand Lodge , and the Masters , Past Masters , Wardens and members of the respective lodges in the
province on the registry of the Grand Lodge of England , as well as a number of transient brethren . The Grand Lodge was opened in due form and with solemn prayer , and the minutes of the last communication of the Grand Lodge were read and confirmed . The R . W . Prov . G . M . addressed tbe brethren , as follows : — E . W . Wardens and Brethren , —Permit tbe pleasure of tendering to you my best wishes and the " compliments of the
season . " We have assembled this morning for the installation of officers for the ensuing year , and I am about to make the biennial changes , in accordance with the rule I decided on when first appointed to take charge of the Craft in this province , on the registry of the Grand Lodge of England , —feeling sensible that a distribution of the honours in my prerogative to confer on deserving brethren , adds , not only to their zeal for the Craft but creates in othersan emulation ivhich is natural in manand
, will exist in all well regulated institutions . It would afford me much pleasure if a greater number of private lodges were within reasonable travel of this city , among the members of which I could distribute these honours , but the locations are at such distances , that it would be unreasonable to expect their attendance , if appointed ; such a scheme is impracticable , and . the attendance of officials cannot well be dispensed with at the
quarterly communications . Notwithstanding the depressed state of business in general in this province , I am happy to state that the lodges under my jurisdiction continue prosperous . After the annual returns have been made by the several private lodges , a detailed report will be prepared , and laid before this lodge at the communication in March next . To the brethren who will this day become ex officio Past Grand Lodge Officers , I have toreturn my thanks for their past services , and solicit of them a
continuance of their zeal for the interest of this Grand Lodge and its dependencies . The Audit Committee then submitted a report , ivhich was deemed satisfactory . It was moved by Bro . B . Lester Peters , P . M . No . 570 , seconded by the Junior Grand Warden , and agreed to , that the report be adopted , and the accounts published for the information of the respective lodges .
The recepts for the year were S 573 68 , making with balance from the [ previous account , § 656 48 . The expenditure § 655 17 , of which S 277 88 was to the Grand Lodge of England for dues , leaving a balance of only § 1 31 to he carried to the next account . The E . W . Prov . G . M . appointed the following brethren to be Provincial Grand Officers for the ensuing year , ( the D . Prov . G . M . excepted ; he having been previously installed ) , who were thereupon invested and proclaimed according to ancient
custom : — Bro . Robert T . Clinch D . Prov . G . Master . „ B . Lester Peters Senior G . Warden . „ Ddwin J . Wetmore Junior G . Warden . „ Rev . Charles P . Bliss G . Chap . „ Douglas B . Stevens G . Treasurer . „ W . F . Bunting G . Secretary . „ JohnV . Ellis Senior G . Deacon .
„ George E . Hooke Junior G . Deacon . „ Edwin J . Everett G . Dir . of Cers . „ John R . Smith G . Sword Bearer . „ John McAlister G . Pursuivant . „ John Boyer G . Tyler . „ James T . Steves " " ) „ W . Ansley | Joseph SClark
„ . „ „ , , „ Hem-y Littlehale f G" Stewards-„ James Nevins „ Charles U . Hanford j The Provincial Grand Lodge was closed in due form , with solemn prayer , and the brethren adjourned to dinner at Stubb ' s Hotel .
Mark Masonry.
SOUTHWARK LODGE ( NO . 11 S . C . )—At a regular meeting of this lodge , held on Monday , February 2 nd , at the Bridge House Hotel , Southwark , Bro . A . D . Lowenstark , D . R . W . M ., assisted by Walters , Laird , Durrant , & c , opened the lodge . Letters were read from candidates apologising for non-attendance . After a few business matters were decided , the lodge was closed until Monday , 6 th April .