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lodge . Bro . Dr . Scott resumed the chair and initiated Mr . Charles Albert Besley into ancient Freemasonry . This being the election nig ht for officers , Bro . George Wilton , S . W ., was unanimously elected W . M ., by ballot , for the ensuing year . Bro . J . Stevens , sen ., was unanimously re-elected Treas . Bro . S Garrett , P . M . 173 , was unanimously elected Tyler . The W . M ., Dr . Scott , went through every ceremony in his now well-known first-rate style . The brethren then sat down to an excellent supper , and spent a few hours in enjoyment . "Visitors , Parran , P . M . 22 , Wright , 22 , Hicks , 22 , Cavell , P . M . 172 , Robinson , . P . M . and Sec . 164 .
INSTRUCTION . PEBCY LODGE ( No . 234)—The members of this flourishing lodge of Instruction held their usual weekly meeting at Bro . Ireland ' s , Masonic Hall , Fetter Lane , on'Saturday , January 31 st , at 7 o'clock , when inaccordance with the bye-laws the ceremonies of consecration and installation weregone through . The brethren ren had previously appointed Bvo . S . B . Wilson , P . J . G . D . to perform these very interesting and beautiful ceremonies , which
he did in his most impressive manner , Bro . Bradley assisting as Chaplain . There was a very numerous attendance of the brethren to support Bro . Wilson , from the north , east , south , and west , amongst whom were several brethren from the new lodge established at Bow , ( the Doric , ) who assisted very materially in the musical arrangements . After the completion ¦ of the consecration , Bro . Bradley was duly installed in the chair of K . S . according to antient customand appointed and invested
, his officers with appropriate address , the Tyler , much to the pleasure and satisfaction of the brethren , going through the sword exercise in good style . The officers appointed being , Bros . H ., Wilson ( W . M . 206 ) , S . W . ; J . Foulger , J . W . ; Smith , S . D . ; Simpson , J . D . ; Thomas , I . G . ; J . Bradley , Tyler . The lodge was closed down , when it was moved , seconded , and carried ~ by acclamation that a vote of thanks should be placed on the minutes in commemoration ofthe able and eloquent manner in
ivhich Bro . S . B . Wilson had gone through the duties of the evening . Bro . Wilson briefly returned thanks , stating he had been a member of the lodge about 30 years , and always had its interests at heart , and was only too happy in having been of assistance on the present occasion , expressing a hope that the brethren would continue to rally round the lodge and restore it in all its pristine splendour , observing that he felt much indebted to their indefatigable SecretaryBro . Bradleyfor the manner
, , in ivhich he had performed the Chaplain ' s duties , being called on , as he was , without notice or preparation . Bro . H . Wilson was elected as W . M . for the ensuing week , and appointed his officers in rotation . The brethren then separated , much delighted at their evening ' s attendance , expressing a determination to support the lodge , and hoped to spend more evenings with the same satisfaction .
CHANNEL ISLES . JERSEY . —Lodge La Cesaree ( No . 860 ) . —On Thursday , 29 th January , tbe ordinary monthly meeting was held , which , as the members had been summoned on other occasions for initiations and conferring degrees , it had been previously determined should be devoted chiefly to the completion of the bye-laws . The members , as usual , assembled in great force . The lodge was opened in the first degree at six o ' clockbthe WMBroJohn
, y .., . Durrell , assisted by his two Wardens , Bros . Philip Le Sueur and Clement Le Sueur . The minutes of the last regular meeting , and of one of emergency , were read and confirmed . The report of a Committee on the Memorial Monument in the Cemetery were read , whith resulted in a determination to pay the balance of the account to the contractor . The Committee was charged to make arrangements for railings to enclose the monument and the
ground belonging to the lodge , ivhich comprises four graves . - W . Jf . exphined that , owing ; to some informality in the terms of notice to the brethren , which were not in conformity with the book of Constitutions , the consideration of the admission of a joining member , and the initiation of a candidate , previously proposed and balloted for , must be deferred . The names of four gentlemen were given in as candidates for initiation , and of two brethren as joiug members , all of which were duly proposed and seconded . The W . M . called the attention of the lodge to
the new banner , which had been prepared under his direction ; he trusted that the manner in which it had been executed would receive general approbation ; he presented the accounts for the same , which were ordered to be paid . The W . M . also reported that the set of eight drawings of the Masonic Temple , presented by Bro . Dr . Hopkins , had beenframed , and were in the room forthe inspection of the brethren ; he reminded them that this was only one of many important services rendered by the donor , which had
contributed much to enhance the character and position ofthe Cesaree Lodge ; he especially adverted to the articles and reports of proceedings sent to THE FBEEMASONS' MAGAZINE , by which the lodge had become favourably known throughout England ; he mentioned that in the last number woodcuts from the drawings had been inserted , and urged the brethren to provide themelVjjSivith copies ; he concluded by making a proposition to mark the sense entertained bthe lodge of the services of the
y Broher alluded to , which having been duly seconded , Bro . Dr . Hopkins rose , and while most cordially thanking the W . M . for the honour and kindness intended , explained the reasons why it ivould be impossible for him to accept it . These had the effect of causing the proposition to be withdrawn . Bro . J . T . Du Jardin moved that a Committee , consisting of the W . M . and the Past Masters , be appointed to determine on the best means of showing the appreciation by the lodge of the exertions of Bro . Dr .
Hopkins , and the esteem in ivhich he is held . This was duly seconded and carried . The consideration of the bye-laws was now continued , in the course of ivhich several animated discussions took place ; at ten o ' clock the matter being still incomplete , it was thought advisable to defer the remainder till a subsequent occasion . A subject of interest only to the members of the lodge was afterwards introduced , which occupied half-an-hour . The lodge was closed in perfect harmony at half-past ten , but owing to the lateness of the hour , only a few of the brethren remained to partake of refreshment .
Royal Sussex Lodge ( No . 722 ) . —The members of the Eoyal Sussex Lodge held their anniversary dinner on Wednesday Jan . 28 th , at Mrs . Chase ' s , Eoyal Yacht Club Hotel . A sumptuous repast was provided by the worthy hostess , on whose cuisine the viands and wines reflected credit . The arrangements of the Stewards , Bros . Peagam , Jewell , and Adams , were admirable . Bro . -M'Gallichan , W . M ., presided . The first toast drunk was " The Queen and the Craft" —the first verse of the National
Anthem being sung by Bro . Johnston , the second by Bro . Peagam , and the third by Bro Adams . The following toasts then followed consecutively : — "The Grand Master of England , the Earl of Zetland , and the Grand Lodges of Englaud ; " "The Grand Lodges of Scotland and Ireland ; " " The Provincial Grand Master of the Province of Jersey , Guernsey , and Dependencies ;" " Deputy Provincial Grand Master , Bro . Crosse , and the Provincial Grand Lodge of Jersey ; " " The Worshifull Master of the
p Eoyal Sussex Lodge ; " " The Past Masters of the Eoyal Sussex Lodge ; " "Senior Warden , Bro . Capt . Lamb , and the Officers of the Eoyal Sussex Lodge ; " "Tbe Worshipful Masters of the other Lodges of the Province ; " " Success to the Jersey Masonic Temple ; " "The Press ; " "The Visitors ; " "The health of Bro . Sir Percy Douglas , Bart , " by Brother Sterling , who mentioned the great interest ivhich his Excellency took in Freemasonryand his noble exposition of the views of the Order on
, the occasion ofthe laying ofthe foundation-stone ofthe Jersey Masonic Temple , ( the toast being drunk with acclamation ) , and "The Army and Navy , " which was responded to by Bros . Captain Lamb and Captain Grigg . The above toasts were interspersed with songs , and a most pleasant evening was . spent , the Brethren separating about 10 o ' clock . Bro . C . Johnson presided at the pianoforte .
CUMBERLAND . CAEMSLE . — Union Lodge ( No . 389 ) . —On December 30 th the brethren assembled , as summoned , at high twelve for business . P . M . Bro . Hay ward having taken the chair , the lodge was opened in the usual manner . The minutes of the three meetings during the past month were read by the Secretary and unanimously approved . . Mr . Joseph Gordon being announced in
attendance , was ballotted for , approved of , and initiated into the mysteries of an Entered Apprentice Freemason . Bro . Mulcastro expressing a desire to be raised to the degree of M . M ., was examined as a P . O ., and , being found proficient , was afterwards raised to the sublime degree of M . M . Bros . Binning and G . H . Saul were then announced and passed to the second degree . The brethren then retired , when a Board of
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
lodge . Bro . Dr . Scott resumed the chair and initiated Mr . Charles Albert Besley into ancient Freemasonry . This being the election nig ht for officers , Bro . George Wilton , S . W ., was unanimously elected W . M ., by ballot , for the ensuing year . Bro . J . Stevens , sen ., was unanimously re-elected Treas . Bro . S Garrett , P . M . 173 , was unanimously elected Tyler . The W . M ., Dr . Scott , went through every ceremony in his now well-known first-rate style . The brethren then sat down to an excellent supper , and spent a few hours in enjoyment . "Visitors , Parran , P . M . 22 , Wright , 22 , Hicks , 22 , Cavell , P . M . 172 , Robinson , . P . M . and Sec . 164 .
INSTRUCTION . PEBCY LODGE ( No . 234)—The members of this flourishing lodge of Instruction held their usual weekly meeting at Bro . Ireland ' s , Masonic Hall , Fetter Lane , on'Saturday , January 31 st , at 7 o'clock , when inaccordance with the bye-laws the ceremonies of consecration and installation weregone through . The brethren ren had previously appointed Bvo . S . B . Wilson , P . J . G . D . to perform these very interesting and beautiful ceremonies , which
he did in his most impressive manner , Bro . Bradley assisting as Chaplain . There was a very numerous attendance of the brethren to support Bro . Wilson , from the north , east , south , and west , amongst whom were several brethren from the new lodge established at Bow , ( the Doric , ) who assisted very materially in the musical arrangements . After the completion ¦ of the consecration , Bro . Bradley was duly installed in the chair of K . S . according to antient customand appointed and invested
, his officers with appropriate address , the Tyler , much to the pleasure and satisfaction of the brethren , going through the sword exercise in good style . The officers appointed being , Bros . H ., Wilson ( W . M . 206 ) , S . W . ; J . Foulger , J . W . ; Smith , S . D . ; Simpson , J . D . ; Thomas , I . G . ; J . Bradley , Tyler . The lodge was closed down , when it was moved , seconded , and carried ~ by acclamation that a vote of thanks should be placed on the minutes in commemoration ofthe able and eloquent manner in
ivhich Bro . S . B . Wilson had gone through the duties of the evening . Bro . Wilson briefly returned thanks , stating he had been a member of the lodge about 30 years , and always had its interests at heart , and was only too happy in having been of assistance on the present occasion , expressing a hope that the brethren would continue to rally round the lodge and restore it in all its pristine splendour , observing that he felt much indebted to their indefatigable SecretaryBro . Bradleyfor the manner
, , in ivhich he had performed the Chaplain ' s duties , being called on , as he was , without notice or preparation . Bro . H . Wilson was elected as W . M . for the ensuing week , and appointed his officers in rotation . The brethren then separated , much delighted at their evening ' s attendance , expressing a determination to support the lodge , and hoped to spend more evenings with the same satisfaction .
CHANNEL ISLES . JERSEY . —Lodge La Cesaree ( No . 860 ) . —On Thursday , 29 th January , tbe ordinary monthly meeting was held , which , as the members had been summoned on other occasions for initiations and conferring degrees , it had been previously determined should be devoted chiefly to the completion of the bye-laws . The members , as usual , assembled in great force . The lodge was opened in the first degree at six o ' clockbthe WMBroJohn
, y .., . Durrell , assisted by his two Wardens , Bros . Philip Le Sueur and Clement Le Sueur . The minutes of the last regular meeting , and of one of emergency , were read and confirmed . The report of a Committee on the Memorial Monument in the Cemetery were read , whith resulted in a determination to pay the balance of the account to the contractor . The Committee was charged to make arrangements for railings to enclose the monument and the
ground belonging to the lodge , ivhich comprises four graves . - W . Jf . exphined that , owing ; to some informality in the terms of notice to the brethren , which were not in conformity with the book of Constitutions , the consideration of the admission of a joining member , and the initiation of a candidate , previously proposed and balloted for , must be deferred . The names of four gentlemen were given in as candidates for initiation , and of two brethren as joiug members , all of which were duly proposed and seconded . The W . M . called the attention of the lodge to
the new banner , which had been prepared under his direction ; he trusted that the manner in which it had been executed would receive general approbation ; he presented the accounts for the same , which were ordered to be paid . The W . M . also reported that the set of eight drawings of the Masonic Temple , presented by Bro . Dr . Hopkins , had beenframed , and were in the room forthe inspection of the brethren ; he reminded them that this was only one of many important services rendered by the donor , which had
contributed much to enhance the character and position ofthe Cesaree Lodge ; he especially adverted to the articles and reports of proceedings sent to THE FBEEMASONS' MAGAZINE , by which the lodge had become favourably known throughout England ; he mentioned that in the last number woodcuts from the drawings had been inserted , and urged the brethren to provide themelVjjSivith copies ; he concluded by making a proposition to mark the sense entertained bthe lodge of the services of the
y Broher alluded to , which having been duly seconded , Bro . Dr . Hopkins rose , and while most cordially thanking the W . M . for the honour and kindness intended , explained the reasons why it ivould be impossible for him to accept it . These had the effect of causing the proposition to be withdrawn . Bro . J . T . Du Jardin moved that a Committee , consisting of the W . M . and the Past Masters , be appointed to determine on the best means of showing the appreciation by the lodge of the exertions of Bro . Dr .
Hopkins , and the esteem in ivhich he is held . This was duly seconded and carried . The consideration of the bye-laws was now continued , in the course of ivhich several animated discussions took place ; at ten o ' clock the matter being still incomplete , it was thought advisable to defer the remainder till a subsequent occasion . A subject of interest only to the members of the lodge was afterwards introduced , which occupied half-an-hour . The lodge was closed in perfect harmony at half-past ten , but owing to the lateness of the hour , only a few of the brethren remained to partake of refreshment .
Royal Sussex Lodge ( No . 722 ) . —The members of the Eoyal Sussex Lodge held their anniversary dinner on Wednesday Jan . 28 th , at Mrs . Chase ' s , Eoyal Yacht Club Hotel . A sumptuous repast was provided by the worthy hostess , on whose cuisine the viands and wines reflected credit . The arrangements of the Stewards , Bros . Peagam , Jewell , and Adams , were admirable . Bro . -M'Gallichan , W . M ., presided . The first toast drunk was " The Queen and the Craft" —the first verse of the National
Anthem being sung by Bro . Johnston , the second by Bro . Peagam , and the third by Bro Adams . The following toasts then followed consecutively : — "The Grand Master of England , the Earl of Zetland , and the Grand Lodges of Englaud ; " "The Grand Lodges of Scotland and Ireland ; " " The Provincial Grand Master of the Province of Jersey , Guernsey , and Dependencies ;" " Deputy Provincial Grand Master , Bro . Crosse , and the Provincial Grand Lodge of Jersey ; " " The Worshifull Master of the
p Eoyal Sussex Lodge ; " " The Past Masters of the Eoyal Sussex Lodge ; " "Senior Warden , Bro . Capt . Lamb , and the Officers of the Eoyal Sussex Lodge ; " "Tbe Worshipful Masters of the other Lodges of the Province ; " " Success to the Jersey Masonic Temple ; " "The Press ; " "The Visitors ; " "The health of Bro . Sir Percy Douglas , Bart , " by Brother Sterling , who mentioned the great interest ivhich his Excellency took in Freemasonryand his noble exposition of the views of the Order on
, the occasion ofthe laying ofthe foundation-stone ofthe Jersey Masonic Temple , ( the toast being drunk with acclamation ) , and "The Army and Navy , " which was responded to by Bros . Captain Lamb and Captain Grigg . The above toasts were interspersed with songs , and a most pleasant evening was . spent , the Brethren separating about 10 o ' clock . Bro . C . Johnson presided at the pianoforte .
CUMBERLAND . CAEMSLE . — Union Lodge ( No . 389 ) . —On December 30 th the brethren assembled , as summoned , at high twelve for business . P . M . Bro . Hay ward having taken the chair , the lodge was opened in the usual manner . The minutes of the three meetings during the past month were read by the Secretary and unanimously approved . . Mr . Joseph Gordon being announced in
attendance , was ballotted for , approved of , and initiated into the mysteries of an Entered Apprentice Freemason . Bro . Mulcastro expressing a desire to be raised to the degree of M . M ., was examined as a P . O ., and , being found proficient , was afterwards raised to the sublime degree of M . M . Bros . Binning and G . H . Saul were then announced and passed to the second degree . The brethren then retired , when a Board of