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THE MASONIC MIRROR . MASONIC MEM . We understand that arrangements are making at Swansea ,
for celebrating the marriage of the Prince of Wales , by laying the foundation-stone of tbe new public hall , it being intended to place the ceremony in the hands of the Freemasons of the Borough . The ceremony of laying the stone would naturally devolve upon the Provincial Grand Master , Col . Kemys Tynte , who is to be invited to undertake the duty . A dinner aud ball are to follow .
UNITED MABINEES' LODOE ( NO . 33 ) . —This flourishing lodge held its monthly meeting on the 21 st ult ., at Bro . Harris ' s , the Three Tuns Tavern , Southwark , Bro . W . J . Harris , W . M . in the chair , assisted by his Wardens , Bros . T . Pickering and G . Dyer . The lodge being opened in due form , the minutes of the former lodge were read and confirmed . The lodges in the second and third degrees being opened , a board of Installed Masters was formed , consisting of the following brethren , viz ., Bros . Richard
Barnes , P . M . 15 , H . E . Barnes , P . M . 15 , Alex . Eidgway , P . M . 33 , Thos . Johns , P . M . 33 , E . Taylor , P . M . 33 , E . L . Harris , P . M . 33 , A . Day , P . M . 78 , H . J . Thompson , P . M . 78 , Charles Swan , P . M . 237 , W . S . Wallan , W . M . 97 . The said board then installed Bro . Thos . Pickering as W . M . of the United Mariners' Lodge ( No . 33 ) , for the present year . The W . M . appointed and invested the following brethren to the offices annexed to their namosviz . Bros . G . DyerS . W . ; H . M . EoweJ . W . ; A . F .
, , , , Ablitt , S . D . ; Mark Marsden , J . D . ; D , Wiseman , I . G . ; W . Barrett , Dir . of Cers . ; II . T . Lowe , Steward ; Jesse Turner , P . M ., Treas . ; K . E . Barnes , Hon . See . ; Longstaff , Tyler . The ¦ lod ge was then resumed in the first degree . Bro . Pickering , W . M ., then informed the brethren that subsequent to thenlast meeting he had received the following name for initiation in this lodge , due notice of which hed been given ' in the summonses convening the meetingviz . Mr . Frederick
, , Hamilton Simpson . The ballot was taken and declared unanii- ous in favour of his admission ; when being in attendance , he was regularly introduced and initiated into the Order . It was unanimously resolved " That the thanks of the lodge be given to the respected Bro . W . J . Harris , P . M ., to mark their appreciation of Ins Masonic character , his impartiality of conduct
during the time he presided over them , the excellent manner in which he performed the office of Master , and the zeal evinced for the welfare of the lodge ; that the same be recorded on the minutes , and a copy thereof presented to him at the ensuing lodge meeting . All business being concluded , the lodge was closed in ancient form , and the brethren , about , forty in number , adjourned to the banquet . Prior to the removal of the cloththe W . M . called on the brethren to unite wich him in the
, true spirit of brotherly love , by drinking to the health of their highly-esteemed aud greatly-respected Bro . Eichard Barnes , P . M ., and late Treasurer , whose presence among them was hailed with delight . The brethren simultaneously saluted Bro . Barnes in a bumper of champagne , with a . hearty and truly fraternal welcome . The usual loyal toasts being given and responded to , Bro . XV . J . HAMIIS , P . M ., proposed the health of
their newly-installed Master , Bro . Thos . Pickering . He was happy to congratulate the lodge in the selection they had made in having so able a Master to preside over them . Ample proof had been given of his efficiency in his Masonic duties by the masterly manner in which the ceremony of initiation had been performed by him on that occasion . ' It was evident their brother would prove a star in the order of no ordinary magnitude .
—Bro . PICKERING- assured the brethren that he was at a loss to find words to express his gratitude for ' the high and exalted position he occupied as Master of the lodge . It was , indeed , a responsible task in the faithful discharge of its duties , and his utmost energies would be used in furtherance of the interest of the Craft , but more especially of No . 33 . He sincerely trusted the lodge would prosper under his auspices . He doubted not , from his appointment of officers , that the working of the lodge
would be of such a character as fully to maintain the proud position for which tbe United Mariners have been so long characterised . He reminded them that the Boys' Institution dated its origin from this lodge ; and as they purposed sending a Steward to the forthcoming Festival in aid of the funds of that most excellent charity , he trusted the brethren would unite in giving their hearty co-operation in so laudable an object . The W . M . then proposed the P . M . 's ofthe lodge . —Bro . ALEXANDER
EIDGWAY , P . M ., in reply , thanked the brethren sincerely for the compliment they had passed on himself and brother P . M . 's . The hearty and truly fraternal reception given him on the present , occasion afforded him the highest gratification . He was happy to see so many P . M . ' s present , being an evidence , as the pillars of the lodge , they were at all times ready and attentive to theirduties to render the Master any assistance he might require at
their hands . He trusted , in conjunction with his brother P . M . 's and the brethren generally , they would exert themselves in behalf of that institution , viz ., the Boys' School ,, to which the Master had so nobly alluded . —The W . M . then proposed the visiting brethren , viz ., Bros . Mills , No . 78 ; C . Abbisson , Cosmopolitan ; D . Smith , Temple Lodge ; G . A . Cooper , No . 1164 ; A . Weissemberge , No . 165 ; C SwanP . M . 23783011711025 ; -B . WhitakerNo . 252
, , , , , ; P . Binckes , No . 10 ; W . S . Wallace , W . M . 97 ; A . Day , P . M .. 78 , 118 , aud 1163 ; H . J . Thompson , No . 78 , thanking them for the honour of their ^ visit . —Bro . F . BINCKES , on behalf of his . brother visitors , begged to assure the brethren of their grateful acknowledgements for the truly Masonic welcome with , which they had been greeted , and ivas delighted to witness the progress the lodge was making in number and respectability ; as an advocate of the Boys' School he sincerely hoped the
brethren ivould rally round their W . M ., ancl give him such support as would do honour to the Craft , but more especially te this lodge . Bro . Binckes then gave a detailed account of therise and progress of the Masonic Charities , and concluded by wishing prosperity to the United Mariners' Lodge . —The next toast was "The Newly Initiate , Bro . Simpson . " The Master observed , as a personal friend , he was happy to greet him as a Mason . He trusted the ceremony through which he had passed , this evening was but a foretaste of the beauties ' of the Order . —
Bro . SIMPSON expressed his delight at being admitted a member of this ancient and honourable society . He greatly admired tbe ceremony he had witnessed and hoped he should prove himself a good and useful brother among them , but especially in the cause of Charity . —The W . M . then proposed the newly-installed Treasurer , Bro . Jesse Turner , and Bro . Barnes , Hon . Sec . —Bro . TDBNEE thanked the lodge for the honour conferred on him in the appointment of Treasurer . He felt at all times proud to
rank among the P . Ms , of No . 33 , but never more so than on the present occasion . He would use his utmost endeavours to enhance the funds , and trusted by a faithful discharge of the duties to merit the good esteem of the brethren , as his predecessor , Bro . Eichard Barnes , had done , and in conjunction with , the Hon . Secretary , Bro . E . E . Barnes , tended their united feelings of gratitude for the sincere wishes evinced to them . Tbe officers ofthe lodge was the next toast proposedivhich was .
, duly received and responded to . The harmony of the evening was graatly enhanced by the excellent vocal powers of Bros . Cooper ,, and Scurd , and the brethren parted early , having spent the evening in the true spirit of Masonry . PnoiiNlx LODGE ( NO . 202 ) . —An * emergency meeting- of this lodge was held on Saturday last , under the presidency of Bro . Watson , P . M ., in the unavoidable absence of the AV . M ., when
Bros . Lowe and Dennison were passed to the second degree , and Bros . Coppock , Paterson , Stanton , Kciiyon , and Gardner wereraised to the third degree . The whole of the junior officers and a large number of the brethren being present . The lodgewas closed at an early hour . I (; EOTAI . OAK LODGE ( I \ O . 1173 ) . —This select lodge held its usual meeting on Wednesday , January 28 th , at the Eoyal Oak Tavern , High-street , Deptford ( Bro . Steven's ) . The lodge was .
opened by Bro . Dr . Scott , assisted by Bros . Wilton , Stahr , Stevens , Walters , Weir , Pembroke , and Mills . Bros . J . S . Blomeley and A . E . Parkinson , were introduced separately and raised to the sublime degree of M . M . s . Bros . Wright and Hicks , of Neptune Lodge ( No . 22 ) , E . A ., and Firmin , were also introduced separately and passed to the degree of P . O . Bro . P . Walters , Sec . and W . M . of Mount Lebanon Lodge ( No . 87 ) , then took the chair for a short time and initiated Mr . William Jeffery , into the mysteries and secrets of ancient Freemasonry , in a manner ivhich augurs well for the prosperity of his mother
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
THE MASONIC MIRROR . MASONIC MEM . We understand that arrangements are making at Swansea ,
for celebrating the marriage of the Prince of Wales , by laying the foundation-stone of tbe new public hall , it being intended to place the ceremony in the hands of the Freemasons of the Borough . The ceremony of laying the stone would naturally devolve upon the Provincial Grand Master , Col . Kemys Tynte , who is to be invited to undertake the duty . A dinner aud ball are to follow .
UNITED MABINEES' LODOE ( NO . 33 ) . —This flourishing lodge held its monthly meeting on the 21 st ult ., at Bro . Harris ' s , the Three Tuns Tavern , Southwark , Bro . W . J . Harris , W . M . in the chair , assisted by his Wardens , Bros . T . Pickering and G . Dyer . The lodge being opened in due form , the minutes of the former lodge were read and confirmed . The lodges in the second and third degrees being opened , a board of Installed Masters was formed , consisting of the following brethren , viz ., Bros . Richard
Barnes , P . M . 15 , H . E . Barnes , P . M . 15 , Alex . Eidgway , P . M . 33 , Thos . Johns , P . M . 33 , E . Taylor , P . M . 33 , E . L . Harris , P . M . 33 , A . Day , P . M . 78 , H . J . Thompson , P . M . 78 , Charles Swan , P . M . 237 , W . S . Wallan , W . M . 97 . The said board then installed Bro . Thos . Pickering as W . M . of the United Mariners' Lodge ( No . 33 ) , for the present year . The W . M . appointed and invested the following brethren to the offices annexed to their namosviz . Bros . G . DyerS . W . ; H . M . EoweJ . W . ; A . F .
, , , , Ablitt , S . D . ; Mark Marsden , J . D . ; D , Wiseman , I . G . ; W . Barrett , Dir . of Cers . ; II . T . Lowe , Steward ; Jesse Turner , P . M ., Treas . ; K . E . Barnes , Hon . See . ; Longstaff , Tyler . The ¦ lod ge was then resumed in the first degree . Bro . Pickering , W . M ., then informed the brethren that subsequent to thenlast meeting he had received the following name for initiation in this lodge , due notice of which hed been given ' in the summonses convening the meetingviz . Mr . Frederick
, , Hamilton Simpson . The ballot was taken and declared unanii- ous in favour of his admission ; when being in attendance , he was regularly introduced and initiated into the Order . It was unanimously resolved " That the thanks of the lodge be given to the respected Bro . W . J . Harris , P . M ., to mark their appreciation of Ins Masonic character , his impartiality of conduct
during the time he presided over them , the excellent manner in which he performed the office of Master , and the zeal evinced for the welfare of the lodge ; that the same be recorded on the minutes , and a copy thereof presented to him at the ensuing lodge meeting . All business being concluded , the lodge was closed in ancient form , and the brethren , about , forty in number , adjourned to the banquet . Prior to the removal of the cloththe W . M . called on the brethren to unite wich him in the
, true spirit of brotherly love , by drinking to the health of their highly-esteemed aud greatly-respected Bro . Eichard Barnes , P . M ., and late Treasurer , whose presence among them was hailed with delight . The brethren simultaneously saluted Bro . Barnes in a bumper of champagne , with a . hearty and truly fraternal welcome . The usual loyal toasts being given and responded to , Bro . XV . J . HAMIIS , P . M ., proposed the health of
their newly-installed Master , Bro . Thos . Pickering . He was happy to congratulate the lodge in the selection they had made in having so able a Master to preside over them . Ample proof had been given of his efficiency in his Masonic duties by the masterly manner in which the ceremony of initiation had been performed by him on that occasion . ' It was evident their brother would prove a star in the order of no ordinary magnitude .
—Bro . PICKERING- assured the brethren that he was at a loss to find words to express his gratitude for ' the high and exalted position he occupied as Master of the lodge . It was , indeed , a responsible task in the faithful discharge of its duties , and his utmost energies would be used in furtherance of the interest of the Craft , but more especially of No . 33 . He sincerely trusted the lodge would prosper under his auspices . He doubted not , from his appointment of officers , that the working of the lodge
would be of such a character as fully to maintain the proud position for which tbe United Mariners have been so long characterised . He reminded them that the Boys' Institution dated its origin from this lodge ; and as they purposed sending a Steward to the forthcoming Festival in aid of the funds of that most excellent charity , he trusted the brethren would unite in giving their hearty co-operation in so laudable an object . The W . M . then proposed the P . M . 's ofthe lodge . —Bro . ALEXANDER
EIDGWAY , P . M ., in reply , thanked the brethren sincerely for the compliment they had passed on himself and brother P . M . 's . The hearty and truly fraternal reception given him on the present , occasion afforded him the highest gratification . He was happy to see so many P . M . ' s present , being an evidence , as the pillars of the lodge , they were at all times ready and attentive to theirduties to render the Master any assistance he might require at
their hands . He trusted , in conjunction with his brother P . M . 's and the brethren generally , they would exert themselves in behalf of that institution , viz ., the Boys' School ,, to which the Master had so nobly alluded . —The W . M . then proposed the visiting brethren , viz ., Bros . Mills , No . 78 ; C . Abbisson , Cosmopolitan ; D . Smith , Temple Lodge ; G . A . Cooper , No . 1164 ; A . Weissemberge , No . 165 ; C SwanP . M . 23783011711025 ; -B . WhitakerNo . 252
, , , , , ; P . Binckes , No . 10 ; W . S . Wallace , W . M . 97 ; A . Day , P . M .. 78 , 118 , aud 1163 ; H . J . Thompson , No . 78 , thanking them for the honour of their ^ visit . —Bro . F . BINCKES , on behalf of his . brother visitors , begged to assure the brethren of their grateful acknowledgements for the truly Masonic welcome with , which they had been greeted , and ivas delighted to witness the progress the lodge was making in number and respectability ; as an advocate of the Boys' School he sincerely hoped the
brethren ivould rally round their W . M ., ancl give him such support as would do honour to the Craft , but more especially te this lodge . Bro . Binckes then gave a detailed account of therise and progress of the Masonic Charities , and concluded by wishing prosperity to the United Mariners' Lodge . —The next toast was "The Newly Initiate , Bro . Simpson . " The Master observed , as a personal friend , he was happy to greet him as a Mason . He trusted the ceremony through which he had passed , this evening was but a foretaste of the beauties ' of the Order . —
Bro . SIMPSON expressed his delight at being admitted a member of this ancient and honourable society . He greatly admired tbe ceremony he had witnessed and hoped he should prove himself a good and useful brother among them , but especially in the cause of Charity . —The W . M . then proposed the newly-installed Treasurer , Bro . Jesse Turner , and Bro . Barnes , Hon . Sec . —Bro . TDBNEE thanked the lodge for the honour conferred on him in the appointment of Treasurer . He felt at all times proud to
rank among the P . Ms , of No . 33 , but never more so than on the present occasion . He would use his utmost endeavours to enhance the funds , and trusted by a faithful discharge of the duties to merit the good esteem of the brethren , as his predecessor , Bro . Eichard Barnes , had done , and in conjunction with , the Hon . Secretary , Bro . E . E . Barnes , tended their united feelings of gratitude for the sincere wishes evinced to them . Tbe officers ofthe lodge was the next toast proposedivhich was .
, duly received and responded to . The harmony of the evening was graatly enhanced by the excellent vocal powers of Bros . Cooper ,, and Scurd , and the brethren parted early , having spent the evening in the true spirit of Masonry . PnoiiNlx LODGE ( NO . 202 ) . —An * emergency meeting- of this lodge was held on Saturday last , under the presidency of Bro . Watson , P . M ., in the unavoidable absence of the AV . M ., when
Bros . Lowe and Dennison were passed to the second degree , and Bros . Coppock , Paterson , Stanton , Kciiyon , and Gardner wereraised to the third degree . The whole of the junior officers and a large number of the brethren being present . The lodgewas closed at an early hour . I (; EOTAI . OAK LODGE ( I \ O . 1173 ) . —This select lodge held its usual meeting on Wednesday , January 28 th , at the Eoyal Oak Tavern , High-street , Deptford ( Bro . Steven's ) . The lodge was .
opened by Bro . Dr . Scott , assisted by Bros . Wilton , Stahr , Stevens , Walters , Weir , Pembroke , and Mills . Bros . J . S . Blomeley and A . E . Parkinson , were introduced separately and raised to the sublime degree of M . M . s . Bros . Wright and Hicks , of Neptune Lodge ( No . 22 ) , E . A ., and Firmin , were also introduced separately and passed to the degree of P . O . Bro . P . Walters , Sec . and W . M . of Mount Lebanon Lodge ( No . 87 ) , then took the chair for a short time and initiated Mr . William Jeffery , into the mysteries and secrets of ancient Freemasonry , in a manner ivhich augurs well for the prosperity of his mother