Article THE MASONIC MIRROR. ← Page 2 of 6 →
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The Masonic Mirror.
their carelessness , ordered the amount due to bo paid , which was at once done , and cautioned the Master to bo more careful ior the future . The Board have been in communication with the General Committee of tho Supreme Grand Chapter Avith reference to tho arrangement which at present exists , of tho Grand Lodgo and Grand Chapter paying- separate salaries to the Grand
. Secretary , and to the several clerks in his department , and to the question of maximum and minimum salaries in the same department for the future . The Board , with the concurrence of the General Committee of the Supreme Grand Chapter , recommend that this practice of paying separate salaries should bo abolished , and that the
Grand Chapter—in consideration of having no separate staff to maintain , and no office expenses to defray , except a small quarterly payment of £ 5 for petty disbursements—should be invited for the future to pay one-sixth of the salaries of the Grand Secretary , , and tho clerks employed iu his department . The Board recommend that on future appointments to tho office of Grand Secretary , the salary of such officer shall
commence at £ ioO . That after the completion of the second year of office an annual increase ot £ 15 shall be made in such salary until the sum of £ 600 is reached , which shall be the maxim urn salary . Having regard to the duties of the office as regards tho business of Grand Lodge and Grand Chapter , the Board are of opinion that four clerks are sufficient . They recommend that
they be dealt ivith as follows as regards future appointments , and that as regards the clerks now in the office the following will be the maximum , of the salaries which thoy shall respectively receive , to be arrived at according to the following scale : The Chief , or Head Clerk . —That the salary of this officer shall commence at £ 200 per annum . That after the completion
< of the second year of office an annual increase of £ 10 ^ shall be aiade in such salary until the sum of £ 350 is reached , Avhich shall be the maximum salary . The Second Clerk . —That the salary of this officer shall uommeuce at £ 150 per annum . That after the completion of the second year of office an annual increase of £ 10 shall bo aaade to such salary until the sum of £ 200 is reached , Avhich shall bo the maximum salary .
THE THIRD AND For / itm CLERKS . That the respective salaries of these officers shall commence at £ 100 per annum ; that after the completion of the second year of office an annual increase of £ 10 shall be made to such salary , until the sun of £ 150 is reached , wliich shall bo the maximum salary .
The Board having regard to the scale above recommended for the salary of a future Grand Secretary , and the length of service of the present Grand Secretary , recommend that an addition of £ 100 . be made to Iiis present salary as from the 31 st day of March last ; and that in the year 1867 and thereafter , until the above maximum of £ 600 be reached , an annual increase of £ 15
he made to such salary , commencing ou the 31 st day of March ia each year . Having been informed by Bro . Williain Farnfield , who has ¦ fleeu forty-one years employed in the service of Grand Lodge , nnd who has during that long period faithfully discharged the duties devolving on him , that he is desirous of retiring , his
health no longer admitting of his giving that close attention to Business that the exigences of the office require , the Board recommend that a retiring pension of -JS 250 be granted him , such pension to be paid quarterly , and to commence from tho « late of his resignation of office , and to be considered as
representing a retiring pension on tho part as ivell of Grand Chapter as of Grand Lodge . The Board recommend that for the future no person permanently employed in tho department of the Grand Secretary ' s office shall be permitted to act as Secretary for any of the Masonic Charities , or to hold any other appointment wliich may interfere Avith the duties of the office during office hours . ( Signed ) J . LLEWELLYN EVANS .
To the report is subjoined a statement of the Grand Lodge accounts at the last meeting of the Finance Committee , held on the llth instant , showing a balance in the hands of the Grand Treasurer of £ 1 , 703 2 s ., and iu the hands of the Grand Secretary for petty cash , £ 50 . Bro . LLEAVELLYN EVANS , President of the Board , moved that
the report be received and entered ou the minutes . Bro . WARREN , P . G . S ., said he did not consider the Grand Lodge was in a position to grant the remuneration to the retiring officers in tho way proposed . He objected to tho retiring pensions being granted in this piecemeal manner , and thought that some general scheme should be laid doivn and which should
guide them as to the amount thoy were to receive . He objected to the report on another ground , for when it Avas proposed to build the new hall it was a part of the scheme that there should be a library and reading room for the use of the members Avith proper officers , but for which no provision whatever appeared to be made . He also objected to the mode proposed for the
payment of the Grand Secretary , believing that he should have a fixed and nob a progressive salary as by his status he Avas required to take a position amongst the highest in the land . He also urged that the Grand Tyler should bo paid in a more adequate manner . He concluded by moving as an amendment that all the report of the Board o £ General Purposes except
the first paragraph he referred back to the committee for further consideration , and especially that part of it having regard to the retiring allowances after a given number of years' service , and as to Avhat officers might be required for the new library aud
reading room for the members . Bro . WINN , P . M . Yarborough Lodge , seconded the amendment . Bro . GREGORY , P . G . D ., said , while ho supported tho recommendation of the Board , he thought il would be ivell for the Board to take into consideration the salary of the Grand Tyler .
The G . MASTER then put the amendment , which was negatived by a large majority . The PRESIDENT or THE BOABD OI ? GENERAL PURPOSES then moved the first recommendation of the Board " That Avith the concurrence of the General Committee of the Supreme Grand Chapter , the practice of paying separate salaries be abolished ,
and that the Grand Chapter , in consideration of having no separate staff to maintain and no office expenses to defray , except a small quarterly payment of £ 5 for petty disbursements , do for the future pay one-sixth of the salaries of the Grand Secretary , the clerks employed in his department , and the Grand Tyler .
The G . REGISTRAR seconded the motion . After a remark from a brother as to the amount to be paid in the event of these offices being divided , the motion was put and agreed to . THE PRESIDENT or THE BOARD or GENERAL PUEPOSES thou moved the next resolution : —
" That on future appointments to the office of Grand Secretary the salary of such officer shall commence at £ 450 . That after the completion of the second year of office an annual increase
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The Masonic Mirror.
their carelessness , ordered the amount due to bo paid , which was at once done , and cautioned the Master to bo more careful ior the future . The Board have been in communication with the General Committee of tho Supreme Grand Chapter Avith reference to tho arrangement which at present exists , of tho Grand Lodgo and Grand Chapter paying- separate salaries to the Grand
. Secretary , and to the several clerks in his department , and to the question of maximum and minimum salaries in the same department for the future . The Board , with the concurrence of the General Committee of the Supreme Grand Chapter , recommend that this practice of paying separate salaries should bo abolished , and that the
Grand Chapter—in consideration of having no separate staff to maintain , and no office expenses to defray , except a small quarterly payment of £ 5 for petty disbursements—should be invited for the future to pay one-sixth of the salaries of the Grand Secretary , , and tho clerks employed iu his department . The Board recommend that on future appointments to tho office of Grand Secretary , the salary of such officer shall
commence at £ ioO . That after the completion of the second year of office an annual increase ot £ 15 shall be made in such salary until the sum of £ 600 is reached , which shall be the maxim urn salary . Having regard to the duties of the office as regards tho business of Grand Lodge and Grand Chapter , the Board are of opinion that four clerks are sufficient . They recommend that
they be dealt ivith as follows as regards future appointments , and that as regards the clerks now in the office the following will be the maximum , of the salaries which thoy shall respectively receive , to be arrived at according to the following scale : The Chief , or Head Clerk . —That the salary of this officer shall commence at £ 200 per annum . That after the completion
< of the second year of office an annual increase of £ 10 ^ shall be aiade in such salary until the sum of £ 350 is reached , Avhich shall be the maximum salary . The Second Clerk . —That the salary of this officer shall uommeuce at £ 150 per annum . That after the completion of the second year of office an annual increase of £ 10 shall bo aaade to such salary until the sum of £ 200 is reached , Avhich shall bo the maximum salary .
THE THIRD AND For / itm CLERKS . That the respective salaries of these officers shall commence at £ 100 per annum ; that after the completion of the second year of office an annual increase of £ 10 shall be made to such salary , until the sun of £ 150 is reached , wliich shall bo the maximum salary .
The Board having regard to the scale above recommended for the salary of a future Grand Secretary , and the length of service of the present Grand Secretary , recommend that an addition of £ 100 . be made to Iiis present salary as from the 31 st day of March last ; and that in the year 1867 and thereafter , until the above maximum of £ 600 be reached , an annual increase of £ 15
he made to such salary , commencing ou the 31 st day of March ia each year . Having been informed by Bro . Williain Farnfield , who has ¦ fleeu forty-one years employed in the service of Grand Lodge , nnd who has during that long period faithfully discharged the duties devolving on him , that he is desirous of retiring , his
health no longer admitting of his giving that close attention to Business that the exigences of the office require , the Board recommend that a retiring pension of -JS 250 be granted him , such pension to be paid quarterly , and to commence from tho « late of his resignation of office , and to be considered as
representing a retiring pension on tho part as ivell of Grand Chapter as of Grand Lodge . The Board recommend that for the future no person permanently employed in tho department of the Grand Secretary ' s office shall be permitted to act as Secretary for any of the Masonic Charities , or to hold any other appointment wliich may interfere Avith the duties of the office during office hours . ( Signed ) J . LLEWELLYN EVANS .
To the report is subjoined a statement of the Grand Lodge accounts at the last meeting of the Finance Committee , held on the llth instant , showing a balance in the hands of the Grand Treasurer of £ 1 , 703 2 s ., and iu the hands of the Grand Secretary for petty cash , £ 50 . Bro . LLEAVELLYN EVANS , President of the Board , moved that
the report be received and entered ou the minutes . Bro . WARREN , P . G . S ., said he did not consider the Grand Lodge was in a position to grant the remuneration to the retiring officers in tho way proposed . He objected to tho retiring pensions being granted in this piecemeal manner , and thought that some general scheme should be laid doivn and which should
guide them as to the amount thoy were to receive . He objected to the report on another ground , for when it Avas proposed to build the new hall it was a part of the scheme that there should be a library and reading room for the use of the members Avith proper officers , but for which no provision whatever appeared to be made . He also objected to the mode proposed for the
payment of the Grand Secretary , believing that he should have a fixed and nob a progressive salary as by his status he Avas required to take a position amongst the highest in the land . He also urged that the Grand Tyler should bo paid in a more adequate manner . He concluded by moving as an amendment that all the report of the Board o £ General Purposes except
the first paragraph he referred back to the committee for further consideration , and especially that part of it having regard to the retiring allowances after a given number of years' service , and as to Avhat officers might be required for the new library aud
reading room for the members . Bro . WINN , P . M . Yarborough Lodge , seconded the amendment . Bro . GREGORY , P . G . D ., said , while ho supported tho recommendation of the Board , he thought il would be ivell for the Board to take into consideration the salary of the Grand Tyler .
The G . MASTER then put the amendment , which was negatived by a large majority . The PRESIDENT or THE BOABD OI ? GENERAL PURPOSES then moved the first recommendation of the Board " That Avith the concurrence of the General Committee of the Supreme Grand Chapter , the practice of paying separate salaries be abolished ,
and that the Grand Chapter , in consideration of having no separate staff to maintain and no office expenses to defray , except a small quarterly payment of £ 5 for petty disbursements , do for the future pay one-sixth of the salaries of the Grand Secretary , the clerks employed in his department , and the Grand Tyler .
The G . REGISTRAR seconded the motion . After a remark from a brother as to the amount to be paid in the event of these offices being divided , the motion was put and agreed to . THE PRESIDENT or THE BOARD or GENERAL PUEPOSES thou moved the next resolution : —
" That on future appointments to the office of Grand Secretary the salary of such officer shall commence at £ 450 . That after the completion of the second year of office an annual increase