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Red Cross Knights.
Sir Knt . Little then proposed Bro . A . M . MacDougal , F . E . C . S . Eng ., and several other brethren for installation at the next assembly . The conclave ivas then closed in ancient form and with solemn prayer , and the Knight Companions adjourned to a sumptuous banquet comprising all the delicacies of the season , under the presidency of Sir Knt . Marsh , G . Architect , and M . P . S ., and a very pleasant evening was spent — the usual loyal toasts and those peculiar to this Christian Order
being received and duly honoured . The presiding officer alluded to the face of their late Royal Highnesses the Dukes of Kent and Sussex , having been members of the Order , and informed the Companions that the old minutes of tiie Original Conclave in which the installation of the latter prince and other eminent personages was registered were now in the possession of Sir Knt . Little , the Recorder ; and he congratulated them heartily on the very satisfactory position to
Avhich the Order had attained since the re-establishment of the Grand Council under their lamented Past Soverei gn AA' . H . AVhite , and further augured for the future , not merely a great accession of numerical strength , but Avhat Avas of far greater importance , the influx of members chosen from the Craft for possessing the qualifications essential in every brother Avho desired to enter the Older , and was willing to regulate his mind and actions by the noble and inspiring
principles of Freemasonry . The proceedings Avere brought to x close by the Sentinel ' s toast , but so thoroughly was the evening enjoyed that the Avorthy M . P . Sovereign was solicited to call a special assembly afc no distant date . Letters from Bro . AVilliams , M . P ., and other candidates explaining their unavoidable non-attendance on this occasion have been received hy the Recorder .
PLANTAGENET CONCLAVE . NO . 2 . The first anniversary assembly of this flourishing conclave was held at Dicks' Hotel , Fleet-street , on Tuesday , the 22 nd ult . The conclave were duly opened , and the minutes of the previous assembly were read and confirmed , when a favourable ballot having been taken for several candidates , and Bro . G . F . Cook , of Lodge , No . 65 , being in attendance , he Avas regularly
admitted , received , constituted , and installed as a Knight of this ancient Order . Sir Knt . R . AV . Little , G . R . and P . Sov ., then proceeded according to immemorial custom , to open a senate of Princes , all Sir Knights below that rank having retired , and Sir Knt . Robert Jones , M . P . Sov . elect , Avas then solemnly enthroned as a lawful successor of Constantine . The senate having been declared special , the dignity of M . P . Sov . Avas also conferred upon Sir Knt . J . G . Marsh , who had been
duly elected to fill that high station in the Original or premier Conclave of England , and there being a great number of candidates for installation in that distinguished conclave , it was considered expedient to enable Sir Knt . Marsh to instal them at once at the approaching assembly , and thereby obviate the delay which the performance of the enthroning ceremony Avould necessarily entail . The members of the senate being also Grand Councillors of
the Order , it was resolved to advance Sir Knts . Jones and Marsh , to that supreme position , and Sir Knt . Jones was accordingly elected G . J . General , and Sir Knt . Marsh , G . Architect . The senate was then closed , and the other members being admitted , Sir Knt . AV . Turner ( who had been previously consecrated as a Priest Mason ) , was then inducted into the chair of Eusebius .
The other officers appointed for the ensuing year Avere Sir Knts . A . A . Pendlebury , S . G . ; J . Terry , J . G . ; Powell , H . P . ; H . G . Buss , G . A . Treas . ; R , AV . Little , G . R . Recorder ; C . Margerison , Prefect ; J . Coutts , Standard Bearer ; T . Cuhitfc , Herald ; Sacker , Steward ; Comp . J . Gilbert , Sentinel . Several propositions having been announced , the conclave Avas closed with solemn prayer , and the Knights Companions adjourned to the refectorywhere a substantial repast awaited them .
, After the cloth was drawn , the M . P . S . gave "The Queen and Christian Masonry , " mentioning that her Majesty ' s father the late Duke of Kent , and also the Duko of Sussex , Avere members of the Red Cross Order , and that the deceased venerable Sir Knt . AV . H . AVhite , P . G . Secretary of England , had occupied n seat in the Grand Council for nearly sixty years . Sir Knt . Marsh responded to the toast of the Grand Conncil and
expressed his thanks for the honour conferred upon him in appointing him Grand Architect . The health of tho M . P . S . ivas proposed in eulogistic terms by Sir Knt . Hubbard , G . Treas ., the I . P . Sovereign , and Sir Knt ,
Red Cross Knights.
Jones m his reply expressed the deep interest he felt not only in the prosperity of the Plantagenet Conclave , but of the Order at large . The health of the newly installed companion in arms , Sir Knt Cook then followed , and having been cordially received , ivas responded to by him in appropriate terms . The health of the I . P . S . was then announced and met with a cordial reception , and Sir Knt . Hubbard effectively returned thanks . The M . P . S .
then proposed "The Health ofthe Visitor , " Sir Knt . Joseph Smith , G . S . G ., and expatiated upon the eminent services rendered by that well known brother in every department and degree of Freemasonry with wliich he was connected . Red Cross honours having been accorded to this toast , Sir Knt . Smith rose to reply and expressed the deep satisfaction he felt at tho steady progress of the Order , and he assured the knight companions that his utmost endeavours would be used in conjunction with the other
members of the Supreme Council , to promote the interests of this important branch of Christian Masonry . The M . P . Sov . then proposed "The Enthroning Sovereign , " and in doing so took occasion to mention the great zeal manifested by Sir Knt . Little for the good ot the conclave , and the able manner in which he carried out every ceremony of the Order . An equally hearty reception having been given to this toast , Sir Knt . Little , in response , assured the Companions that his best exertions shonld still be at their sendee . He would never have been a member of the Order had he not felt thafc ifc Avas a valuable adjunct to the Craft , and had
received not merely the approval bufc the warm support of the late Dnlte of Sussex and the lamented Sir Knt . AV . H . AA'hite . " The Health of the Treasurer , " was then proposed by Sir Knt . Little , who enlarged upon the praiseworthy management of the finances during the year by Sir Knfc . Buss ts whom the merit was due of having steered the conclave free of debt , to the end of the first year of its existence . Sir Knt . Buss , iu reply , said he Avould always endeavour to husband their
resources , and considered it a main element of success to be able to say they were perfectly solvent . It was true that they had been very prosperous ; no less than thirty brethren had been enrolled during the year , but the preliminary expenses incidental in forming new lodges , chapters , or conclaves were heavy , and had to be . defrayed . In conclusion , he thanked tbem heartily for the kind manner in which his health ivas responded to .
Sir Knt . Turner , V . E ., in an able speech , expressed his acknOAvledgments for the flattering mention of his name as the next toast , and said he Avas resolved to become as proficient as possible in the ceremonies of the Order . Sir Knts . Pendlebury and Terry , S . and J . G . 's , then severally returned thanks for the officers , and the Sentinel's toast concluded the proceedings of this very pleasant Masonic re-union . AA ' e must not omit to mention that Sir Knts . Margerison and Terry delivered , iu admirable style , some choice recitations , and Sir Knt . Marsh equally delighted the Companions by two or three capital songs .
Meetings Of The Scientific And Learned Societies For The Week Ending June 16th, 1866.
Monday , June llth . —ROTAL GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY , at 8 .
The Week.
THE COURT . —Her Majesty Avent out on the morning of the 30 th ult ., attended by the Duchess Dowager of Athole . In the afternoon her Majesty , accompanied by Princess Helena , and attended by the Duchess of Athole , drove out . Princess Helena drove out in the morning . The Queen , accompanied by Princess Helena , went out on the morning of the 31 st ult ., and also
in tho afternoon . Princess Louise drove out in the afternoon . Princo Leopold went out driving . Tbe Queen , accompanied by Princess Helena , went out on the 2 nd inst . Princess Louise drove out , attended by Miss Boivater . Princess Beatrice Avent oufc driving , attended by Madlle Norelle . The Queen , accompanied by Princess Helena , and attended by the Duchess Doiv .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Red Cross Knights.
Sir Knt . Little then proposed Bro . A . M . MacDougal , F . E . C . S . Eng ., and several other brethren for installation at the next assembly . The conclave ivas then closed in ancient form and with solemn prayer , and the Knight Companions adjourned to a sumptuous banquet comprising all the delicacies of the season , under the presidency of Sir Knt . Marsh , G . Architect , and M . P . S ., and a very pleasant evening was spent — the usual loyal toasts and those peculiar to this Christian Order
being received and duly honoured . The presiding officer alluded to the face of their late Royal Highnesses the Dukes of Kent and Sussex , having been members of the Order , and informed the Companions that the old minutes of tiie Original Conclave in which the installation of the latter prince and other eminent personages was registered were now in the possession of Sir Knt . Little , the Recorder ; and he congratulated them heartily on the very satisfactory position to
Avhich the Order had attained since the re-establishment of the Grand Council under their lamented Past Soverei gn AA' . H . AVhite , and further augured for the future , not merely a great accession of numerical strength , but Avhat Avas of far greater importance , the influx of members chosen from the Craft for possessing the qualifications essential in every brother Avho desired to enter the Older , and was willing to regulate his mind and actions by the noble and inspiring
principles of Freemasonry . The proceedings Avere brought to x close by the Sentinel ' s toast , but so thoroughly was the evening enjoyed that the Avorthy M . P . Sovereign was solicited to call a special assembly afc no distant date . Letters from Bro . AVilliams , M . P ., and other candidates explaining their unavoidable non-attendance on this occasion have been received hy the Recorder .
PLANTAGENET CONCLAVE . NO . 2 . The first anniversary assembly of this flourishing conclave was held at Dicks' Hotel , Fleet-street , on Tuesday , the 22 nd ult . The conclave were duly opened , and the minutes of the previous assembly were read and confirmed , when a favourable ballot having been taken for several candidates , and Bro . G . F . Cook , of Lodge , No . 65 , being in attendance , he Avas regularly
admitted , received , constituted , and installed as a Knight of this ancient Order . Sir Knt . R . AV . Little , G . R . and P . Sov ., then proceeded according to immemorial custom , to open a senate of Princes , all Sir Knights below that rank having retired , and Sir Knt . Robert Jones , M . P . Sov . elect , Avas then solemnly enthroned as a lawful successor of Constantine . The senate having been declared special , the dignity of M . P . Sov . Avas also conferred upon Sir Knt . J . G . Marsh , who had been
duly elected to fill that high station in the Original or premier Conclave of England , and there being a great number of candidates for installation in that distinguished conclave , it was considered expedient to enable Sir Knt . Marsh to instal them at once at the approaching assembly , and thereby obviate the delay which the performance of the enthroning ceremony Avould necessarily entail . The members of the senate being also Grand Councillors of
the Order , it was resolved to advance Sir Knts . Jones and Marsh , to that supreme position , and Sir Knt . Jones was accordingly elected G . J . General , and Sir Knt . Marsh , G . Architect . The senate was then closed , and the other members being admitted , Sir Knt . AV . Turner ( who had been previously consecrated as a Priest Mason ) , was then inducted into the chair of Eusebius .
The other officers appointed for the ensuing year Avere Sir Knts . A . A . Pendlebury , S . G . ; J . Terry , J . G . ; Powell , H . P . ; H . G . Buss , G . A . Treas . ; R , AV . Little , G . R . Recorder ; C . Margerison , Prefect ; J . Coutts , Standard Bearer ; T . Cuhitfc , Herald ; Sacker , Steward ; Comp . J . Gilbert , Sentinel . Several propositions having been announced , the conclave Avas closed with solemn prayer , and the Knights Companions adjourned to the refectorywhere a substantial repast awaited them .
, After the cloth was drawn , the M . P . S . gave "The Queen and Christian Masonry , " mentioning that her Majesty ' s father the late Duke of Kent , and also the Duko of Sussex , Avere members of the Red Cross Order , and that the deceased venerable Sir Knt . AV . H . AVhite , P . G . Secretary of England , had occupied n seat in the Grand Council for nearly sixty years . Sir Knt . Marsh responded to the toast of the Grand Conncil and
expressed his thanks for the honour conferred upon him in appointing him Grand Architect . The health of tho M . P . S . ivas proposed in eulogistic terms by Sir Knt . Hubbard , G . Treas ., the I . P . Sovereign , and Sir Knt ,
Red Cross Knights.
Jones m his reply expressed the deep interest he felt not only in the prosperity of the Plantagenet Conclave , but of the Order at large . The health of the newly installed companion in arms , Sir Knt Cook then followed , and having been cordially received , ivas responded to by him in appropriate terms . The health of the I . P . S . was then announced and met with a cordial reception , and Sir Knt . Hubbard effectively returned thanks . The M . P . S .
then proposed "The Health ofthe Visitor , " Sir Knt . Joseph Smith , G . S . G ., and expatiated upon the eminent services rendered by that well known brother in every department and degree of Freemasonry with wliich he was connected . Red Cross honours having been accorded to this toast , Sir Knt . Smith rose to reply and expressed the deep satisfaction he felt at tho steady progress of the Order , and he assured the knight companions that his utmost endeavours would be used in conjunction with the other
members of the Supreme Council , to promote the interests of this important branch of Christian Masonry . The M . P . Sov . then proposed "The Enthroning Sovereign , " and in doing so took occasion to mention the great zeal manifested by Sir Knt . Little for the good ot the conclave , and the able manner in which he carried out every ceremony of the Order . An equally hearty reception having been given to this toast , Sir Knt . Little , in response , assured the Companions that his best exertions shonld still be at their sendee . He would never have been a member of the Order had he not felt thafc ifc Avas a valuable adjunct to the Craft , and had
received not merely the approval bufc the warm support of the late Dnlte of Sussex and the lamented Sir Knt . AV . H . AA'hite . " The Health of the Treasurer , " was then proposed by Sir Knt . Little , who enlarged upon the praiseworthy management of the finances during the year by Sir Knfc . Buss ts whom the merit was due of having steered the conclave free of debt , to the end of the first year of its existence . Sir Knt . Buss , iu reply , said he Avould always endeavour to husband their
resources , and considered it a main element of success to be able to say they were perfectly solvent . It was true that they had been very prosperous ; no less than thirty brethren had been enrolled during the year , but the preliminary expenses incidental in forming new lodges , chapters , or conclaves were heavy , and had to be . defrayed . In conclusion , he thanked tbem heartily for the kind manner in which his health ivas responded to .
Sir Knt . Turner , V . E ., in an able speech , expressed his acknOAvledgments for the flattering mention of his name as the next toast , and said he Avas resolved to become as proficient as possible in the ceremonies of the Order . Sir Knts . Pendlebury and Terry , S . and J . G . 's , then severally returned thanks for the officers , and the Sentinel's toast concluded the proceedings of this very pleasant Masonic re-union . AA ' e must not omit to mention that Sir Knts . Margerison and Terry delivered , iu admirable style , some choice recitations , and Sir Knt . Marsh equally delighted the Companions by two or three capital songs .
Meetings Of The Scientific And Learned Societies For The Week Ending June 16th, 1866.
Monday , June llth . —ROTAL GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY , at 8 .
The Week.
THE COURT . —Her Majesty Avent out on the morning of the 30 th ult ., attended by the Duchess Dowager of Athole . In the afternoon her Majesty , accompanied by Princess Helena , and attended by the Duchess of Athole , drove out . Princess Helena drove out in the morning . The Queen , accompanied by Princess Helena , went out on the morning of the 31 st ult ., and also
in tho afternoon . Princess Louise drove out in the afternoon . Princo Leopold went out driving . Tbe Queen , accompanied by Princess Helena , went out on the 2 nd inst . Princess Louise drove out , attended by Miss Boivater . Princess Beatrice Avent oufc driving , attended by Madlle Norelle . The Queen , accompanied by Princess Helena , and attended by the Duchess Doiv .