Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 3 of 5 →
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R . Garland , LL . B . , was proposed as a joining member , and a gentleman was proposed as a candidate for the mysteries . After some other routine business , the lodge was ciosed in harmony . NORTHAMPTONSHIRE . NORTHAMPTON . —Pomfret Lod ( No 3 G 0 )—Thusual
ge . . e monthly meeting of this ledge was held at the George Hotel , on Thursday , the 2 nd inst ., under the presidency of Bro . Butler "Wilkins , AA . M ., when , the minutes of the last lodge night having been read and confirmed , the AV . M . proceeded to pass Bros . Comber and Wliitohouso from the first to the second degree . A ballot was then taken for Mr . Edmund Roberts , of AA eedon , and this being unanimous he was afterwards initiated into the
mysteries of the Craft , the AV . M . again performing the ceremony with great ability . Mr . James Hnghes , of Northampton , and Mr . John Underwood Stanton , of Northampton , wore afterwards proposed as fitting persons to become members of the Order , and the lodge was adjourned to the first Thursday in April . Bro . R . Bridges , 251 , Ipswich , was a visitor .
OXFORDSHIRE . CoNSECIiATION OE THE UNIVERSITY MASON'IC HALL AT OxFOKD . On Friday , February 21-th , the University Masonic Hall , which has been erected for the Apollo University Lodge , was consecrated and dedicated by the Provincial Grand Master of OxfordshireColonel Henry Atkins Bowyerin the of about
, , presence 150 brethren . The new hall , designed by Bro . E . G-. Briifcon , is situated at the west end of the Assembly Room of tho Clarendon ( late Star ) Hotel , which has been shortened to the extent of about 27 ft . It is a handsome vaulted room , of 52 ft . in length , and 2 Gt ' t . in width and height . The walls are formed into " panels by pilastersplacedat intervals along the walls : these rest fluted
, ^ upon brackets , which run into and break- up a bold cornice at the springing of the vaulted ceiling . This ceiling is temporarily finished in blue plaster , and is nearly semicircular in section . The- vault line is only broken by the ribs of the roof , which are painted in rainbow tints . The pilasters aro raised on a deep plinth , and a raised platform runs along each side of the room . At the semicircular end of the room is a dais , and in the centre
of this there is a space still further raised hy two more steps , to form a throne , and this , the place of the principal seat , is surmounted by two Corinthian columns on pedestals . The centre of the floor is laid with tesselated pavement , having a handsome fringe-like border , with tassels at the corners . The room being seldom used in the day-time has only a lantern light in the centre ; but at night it is lighted by about a hundred jets of gas , raised on each side just above the cornice . The heating is by means of hot water in pipes running under the platforms .
The room was temporarily furnished , but new furniture of walnut wood is in process of manufacture , from the design of the architect . The seats and backs will bo covered with crimson embossed velvet . Besides the lodge room proper there are waiting rooms , robing rooms , and other conveniences . 'These are situate between the lodge and Frowin Hall passage , in which the entrance is situated . This is immediately opposite the University Union , and the approach in by means of a handsome
staircase . There are likewise two banqueting rooms—one G 3 ft . by 31 ft ., and the other 33 ft . by 20 ft . ; but as tho banquets are served by the Clarendon Hotel Company , the brethren have not the exclusive use-of these rooms . The brethren assembled in the lodge room , the vessels of consecration , kindly lent for the occasion by the D . Prov . G . M ., Bro . Alderman Spiers , having been placed on a table in front of the W . M . 's pedestalcovered . The lod was opened in the
, ge first degree by the AV . M . of the Apollo Lodge , Bro . F . A . Cavo-Browne-C ' ave ; after which the Prov . G . M ., the D . Prov . G . M ., and the oflicers of tho Provincial Grand Lodge entered the lodge in their order , marshalled by the Directors of Ceremonies . The AA . M . having vacated the chair , the'Prov . G . M . occupied it , and appointed his \ A ardens pro tew . The AA . Master then requested the Prov . G . M . to dedicate the
University Masonic Hall agreeably to ancient form . The Prov . G . Master directed the Prov . G . Chaplain , Bro . Rev . James Cattlow , M . A ., of St . John's College , to proceed with the ceremony . The Prov . G . Chaplain commenced by reading a passage from Scripture , taken from 1 Kings viii . 22—30 .
The following anthem was then sung by the brethren , the musical arrangements being made under the direction of Bro . Handley , Prov . G . Organist , assisted by several musical brethren : — Hail ! universal Lord , By heaven and earth adord , All hail ! great God !
Before Thy Name we bend , To us Thy grace extend , And to our pray ' r attend , All hail ! great God ! The Architect then delivered to the Prov . G . M . tho implements of his profession , entrusted to him for the erection of the buildingaud announced that ho had completed the work
, according to the plans and specifications which were agreed to by the brethren . The Prov . G . Master expressed his approval of the architect's conduct , and the following anthem was then sung : — Psalm cxx . xiii . 1 . Behold , how good and joyful a -thing it is : brethren , to dwell together in unit !
y 2 . It is like the precious ointment upon the head , that ran down upon the beard : even to Aaron's beard , and went down to the skirts of his clothing . 3 . Like as the dew of Hermon : which fell upon the hill of Sion . ¦ I . For there the Lord promised his blessing and life for evermore .
The Prov . G . Officers formed in procession , the elements of consecration being carried by the D . Prov . G . M . and the W . M . ' s of Lodges Nos . 3-1-0 and 357 , Bros . C . T . Hawkins and Cave . During the procession , solemn music was played on the organ , except at the intervals of dedication . The circuit of the lodge having been made , and the Prov . G . M . having reached the East , the AV . A'f . of Lodge No . 357 presented tho vessel containing corn to the Prov . G . M ., who sprinkled the
lodge with the corn , the Prov . G . Chap , reading Psalm lxxii . v . 1 G : — " There shall he au heap of corn in the earth high upon the hills : his fruit shall shake like Lihanus and shall be green , in the city like grass upon the earth . " The Prov . G . Master then said : In the name of the Great Architect of the Universe , to whom he all honour and glory , I do solemnly dedicate this hall to Masonry . Then followed the musical response by the brethren— "Glory
be to God on high . " The second circuit of the lodge being made , the AA . M . of Lodge No . 3-10 presented the chalice of wine to the Prov . G . M ., who sprinkled the lodge with the wine , the Prov . G . Chap , reading Numbers xv . 7 : — "And for a drink offering thou shalt offer the third part of an bin for a sweet savour unto the Lord . " The Prov . G . Master then said : In the name of the Great Architect of the Universe , to whom be all glory and honour , I do solemnly dedicate this hall to virtue .
Then followed the musical response by the brethren , " Glory be to God on high . " After the third circuit of the lodge , the D . Prov . G . M . presented the vessel containing oil to the Prov . G . M ., who anointed the lodge with oil , the Prov . G . Chaplain reading Exodus xxx . 25 , 2 G— "And thou shalt make it an oil of holy ointment , an ointment after the art of the- apothecary ; it shall be an holy anointing oil . And thou shalt anoint the tabernacle of the
congregation therewith , and the ark of the testimony . " The Prov . G-. Master then said .- " In the name of the Great Architect of the Universe , to whom bo all honour and glory , I do solemnly dedicate this hall to universal benevolence . " Then followed the musical response , " Glory be to God on high I " The Prov . G . Chaplain offered v . p the following consecration the brethren all standing : —
prayer , " Almighty Architect oi the Universe , we Free and Accepted Masons do here solemnly dedicate and consecrate ourselves and this building , where we are now assembled , to the service of Masonry , and the practice of virtue aud universal benevolence . AVe have erected it in Thy name ; sanctify it , wo beseech Thee , by Thy presence , as Thou didst Thy holy temple at Jerusalem . May it prove a refuge to tho destitute ; aud from the foundation
to the cape stone may it be tho resort of truth , honour , and virtue . As the sun rises in the east to open and enliven the day , so may the station of the AV . M . in the same quarter he a station of righteousness and spiritual instruction to the brethren . As
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
R . Garland , LL . B . , was proposed as a joining member , and a gentleman was proposed as a candidate for the mysteries . After some other routine business , the lodge was ciosed in harmony . NORTHAMPTONSHIRE . NORTHAMPTON . —Pomfret Lod ( No 3 G 0 )—Thusual
ge . . e monthly meeting of this ledge was held at the George Hotel , on Thursday , the 2 nd inst ., under the presidency of Bro . Butler "Wilkins , AA . M ., when , the minutes of the last lodge night having been read and confirmed , the AV . M . proceeded to pass Bros . Comber and Wliitohouso from the first to the second degree . A ballot was then taken for Mr . Edmund Roberts , of AA eedon , and this being unanimous he was afterwards initiated into the
mysteries of the Craft , the AV . M . again performing the ceremony with great ability . Mr . James Hnghes , of Northampton , and Mr . John Underwood Stanton , of Northampton , wore afterwards proposed as fitting persons to become members of the Order , and the lodge was adjourned to the first Thursday in April . Bro . R . Bridges , 251 , Ipswich , was a visitor .
OXFORDSHIRE . CoNSECIiATION OE THE UNIVERSITY MASON'IC HALL AT OxFOKD . On Friday , February 21-th , the University Masonic Hall , which has been erected for the Apollo University Lodge , was consecrated and dedicated by the Provincial Grand Master of OxfordshireColonel Henry Atkins Bowyerin the of about
, , presence 150 brethren . The new hall , designed by Bro . E . G-. Briifcon , is situated at the west end of the Assembly Room of tho Clarendon ( late Star ) Hotel , which has been shortened to the extent of about 27 ft . It is a handsome vaulted room , of 52 ft . in length , and 2 Gt ' t . in width and height . The walls are formed into " panels by pilastersplacedat intervals along the walls : these rest fluted
, ^ upon brackets , which run into and break- up a bold cornice at the springing of the vaulted ceiling . This ceiling is temporarily finished in blue plaster , and is nearly semicircular in section . The- vault line is only broken by the ribs of the roof , which are painted in rainbow tints . The pilasters aro raised on a deep plinth , and a raised platform runs along each side of the room . At the semicircular end of the room is a dais , and in the centre
of this there is a space still further raised hy two more steps , to form a throne , and this , the place of the principal seat , is surmounted by two Corinthian columns on pedestals . The centre of the floor is laid with tesselated pavement , having a handsome fringe-like border , with tassels at the corners . The room being seldom used in the day-time has only a lantern light in the centre ; but at night it is lighted by about a hundred jets of gas , raised on each side just above the cornice . The heating is by means of hot water in pipes running under the platforms .
The room was temporarily furnished , but new furniture of walnut wood is in process of manufacture , from the design of the architect . The seats and backs will bo covered with crimson embossed velvet . Besides the lodge room proper there are waiting rooms , robing rooms , and other conveniences . 'These are situate between the lodge and Frowin Hall passage , in which the entrance is situated . This is immediately opposite the University Union , and the approach in by means of a handsome
staircase . There are likewise two banqueting rooms—one G 3 ft . by 31 ft ., and the other 33 ft . by 20 ft . ; but as tho banquets are served by the Clarendon Hotel Company , the brethren have not the exclusive use-of these rooms . The brethren assembled in the lodge room , the vessels of consecration , kindly lent for the occasion by the D . Prov . G . M ., Bro . Alderman Spiers , having been placed on a table in front of the W . M . 's pedestalcovered . The lod was opened in the
, ge first degree by the AV . M . of the Apollo Lodge , Bro . F . A . Cavo-Browne-C ' ave ; after which the Prov . G . M ., the D . Prov . G . M ., and the oflicers of tho Provincial Grand Lodge entered the lodge in their order , marshalled by the Directors of Ceremonies . The AA . M . having vacated the chair , the'Prov . G . M . occupied it , and appointed his \ A ardens pro tew . The AA . Master then requested the Prov . G . M . to dedicate the
University Masonic Hall agreeably to ancient form . The Prov . G . Master directed the Prov . G . Chaplain , Bro . Rev . James Cattlow , M . A ., of St . John's College , to proceed with the ceremony . The Prov . G . Chaplain commenced by reading a passage from Scripture , taken from 1 Kings viii . 22—30 .
The following anthem was then sung by the brethren , the musical arrangements being made under the direction of Bro . Handley , Prov . G . Organist , assisted by several musical brethren : — Hail ! universal Lord , By heaven and earth adord , All hail ! great God !
Before Thy Name we bend , To us Thy grace extend , And to our pray ' r attend , All hail ! great God ! The Architect then delivered to the Prov . G . M . tho implements of his profession , entrusted to him for the erection of the buildingaud announced that ho had completed the work
, according to the plans and specifications which were agreed to by the brethren . The Prov . G . Master expressed his approval of the architect's conduct , and the following anthem was then sung : — Psalm cxx . xiii . 1 . Behold , how good and joyful a -thing it is : brethren , to dwell together in unit !
y 2 . It is like the precious ointment upon the head , that ran down upon the beard : even to Aaron's beard , and went down to the skirts of his clothing . 3 . Like as the dew of Hermon : which fell upon the hill of Sion . ¦ I . For there the Lord promised his blessing and life for evermore .
The Prov . G . Officers formed in procession , the elements of consecration being carried by the D . Prov . G . M . and the W . M . ' s of Lodges Nos . 3-1-0 and 357 , Bros . C . T . Hawkins and Cave . During the procession , solemn music was played on the organ , except at the intervals of dedication . The circuit of the lodge having been made , and the Prov . G . M . having reached the East , the AV . A'f . of Lodge No . 357 presented tho vessel containing corn to the Prov . G . M ., who sprinkled the
lodge with the corn , the Prov . G . Chap , reading Psalm lxxii . v . 1 G : — " There shall he au heap of corn in the earth high upon the hills : his fruit shall shake like Lihanus and shall be green , in the city like grass upon the earth . " The Prov . G . Master then said : In the name of the Great Architect of the Universe , to whom he all honour and glory , I do solemnly dedicate this hall to Masonry . Then followed the musical response by the brethren— "Glory
be to God on high . " The second circuit of the lodge being made , the AA . M . of Lodge No . 3-10 presented the chalice of wine to the Prov . G . M ., who sprinkled the lodge with the wine , the Prov . G . Chap , reading Numbers xv . 7 : — "And for a drink offering thou shalt offer the third part of an bin for a sweet savour unto the Lord . " The Prov . G . Master then said : In the name of the Great Architect of the Universe , to whom be all glory and honour , I do solemnly dedicate this hall to virtue .
Then followed the musical response by the brethren , " Glory be to God on high . " After the third circuit of the lodge , the D . Prov . G . M . presented the vessel containing oil to the Prov . G . M ., who anointed the lodge with oil , the Prov . G . Chaplain reading Exodus xxx . 25 , 2 G— "And thou shalt make it an oil of holy ointment , an ointment after the art of the- apothecary ; it shall be an holy anointing oil . And thou shalt anoint the tabernacle of the
congregation therewith , and the ark of the testimony . " The Prov . G-. Master then said .- " In the name of the Great Architect of the Universe , to whom bo all honour and glory , I do solemnly dedicate this hall to universal benevolence . " Then followed the musical response , " Glory be to God on high I " The Prov . G . Chaplain offered v . p the following consecration the brethren all standing : —
prayer , " Almighty Architect oi the Universe , we Free and Accepted Masons do here solemnly dedicate and consecrate ourselves and this building , where we are now assembled , to the service of Masonry , and the practice of virtue aud universal benevolence . AVe have erected it in Thy name ; sanctify it , wo beseech Thee , by Thy presence , as Thou didst Thy holy temple at Jerusalem . May it prove a refuge to tho destitute ; aud from the foundation
to the cape stone may it be tho resort of truth , honour , and virtue . As the sun rises in the east to open and enliven the day , so may the station of the AV . M . in the same quarter he a station of righteousness and spiritual instruction to the brethren . As