Article WESTERN INDIA. ← Page 3 of 4 →
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Western India.
2 . I am also directed to inform you that my predecessor waited eleven weeks for a reply to his letter of the 10 th December last , although only three weeks were allowed by our District Grand Lodge in its second resolution , passed on the 2 nd December last , and then , as no apology had been received , we , in conformity with the said resolution , transmitted the whole correspondence to the Most AVorshipful tho Grand Maater and Grand Lodge of Englandwith a letter dated the 25 th February
, last . 3 . I am likewise directed to call 3-0111- attention to tbe fact that although your Provincial Grand Lodge has resolved that " through the inadvertence of the late Secretary , Bro . Summers , two sentences had been added to the resolution passed on tho reception of Bro . Judge ' s letter , " & e ., " and it was resolved that those two sentences should be expunged , " we are not informed
which are the sentences alluded to , nor have we been furnished with a copy of the amended resolution as it now stands on your records . 4 . In conclusion , I am directed to inform you that the correspondence and proceedings which have taken place since the 25 th December last will be sent home by the mail which will leave Bombay 011 the 29 th instant ; so that if your Provincial Grand Master and Provincial Grand Lodge think proper to
make the reparation required , it will bo advisable for them to make it in time to be copied and sent with the rest of the correspondence , in order that the Grand Masters and Grand Lodges of England and Scotland may be informed that a satisfactory apology has been received , and that this unpleasant matter has been amicably settled . I remain , Sir and Brother , yours fraternally , ( Signed ) C . E . MITCHELL , Prov . G . See . District Grand Lodge of Bombay , under Englaud .
Bombay , 23 th March , 1861 . To C . Ii . MITCHELL , Esq ., Prov . G . Sec . District Grand Lodge of Bombay , under England . SIR AND BROTHER , —I have the honour to acknowledge receipt of your letter of the 17 th instant , in reply to ours of the 28 th December last , forwarded to you by me on the 3 rd instant , and have to state that your letter was read before the quarterly communication of the Provincial Grand Lodge of AA estern India
under Scotland on Saturday , the 26 th instant , when it became apparent to the brethren present , from the contents and tenor of your letter , that mine of the 2 Sth December last , which was couched in the most conciliatory words one Provincial Grand Lodge could address to another without compromising its dignity , had not been effective in setting the unfortunate misunderstanding at rest , as was desired and hoped for by this Provincial Grand Lodge . It was resolved that the letter under
acknowledgment should receive further consideration before it ivas replied to , aud therefore I was directed merely to acknowledge it at present . The Provincial Grand Lodge being made aware from your letter under acknowledgment that the whole of tho correspondence , except its last letter , has already been forwarded by your District Grand Lodge to the Grand Lodge of England , I am
directed to request you will also forward the last letter I sent to you dated 28 th December last , to tho Grand Lodge of England by tho first opportunity , if possible by the mail going tomorrow morning . I remain , Sir and Brother , yours fraternally , ( Signed ) K . R . CAMA , Prov . G . Sec . Provincial Grand Lodge of AVestern India under Scotland .
Provincial Grand Lodge of AVestern India under Scotland , Bombay , 6 th July , 1861 . To C E . MITCHELL , Esq . Prov . G . Sec . to the District Grand Lodge of Bombay . DEAR , BROTHER , —Referring you to my letter of the 28 th March last , I have now the pleasure to inform you that tho contents of yours of the 17 th of the same month were maturel
y considered at an adjourned quarterly communication of the Provincial Grand Lodge of . AVestern India held on the 2 nd instant , and after a deliberate discussion the result was the adoption of the following resolution : — "That the Provincial Grand Lodge expresses its extreme regret that any offensive addition should have been interpolated in the resolutions complained of , that resolution having been
intended to convey to Bro . Judge the expression of the feeling of this Grand Lodge that his explanations wore perfectly satisfactory , and that tho matter be buried in oblivion , and that harmony might be restored . " This Provincial Grand Lodgo now expresses to Bro . Judge its regret that it should have been subjected to annoyance by the unauthorised publication of ex - parte records of this
Provincial Grand Lodge , and the discourteous expressions used in the correspondence , that it is perfectly satisfied with his explanations , and decides that that portion of the records of this Provincial Grand Lodge containing the matter personally offensive to Bro . Judge should be expunged and destroyed , _ and that a copy of tills resolution be forwarded to the District Grand Lodge of Bombay under England , and the jonrnalsin which the
offensive information was published . The Provincial Grand Lodge , actuated by the highest motives of brotherly love , and wishing for peace and amity , have been induced to adopt the above resolution , which it is earnestly hoped will bo considered ample by your District Grand Lodge to allay all ill-feeling , and restore peace aud harmony between the two Provincial Grand Lodges . I need not point out how necessary it is that a copy of this
communication should be forwarded to the Grand Lodge of England by the first opportunity , aud it is to bo hoped that it will reach England in time to stay the passing of any judgment by the superior authorities . I am , Sir and Brother , yours fraternally , ( Signed ) K . R . CAJIA , Prov . . G . Secretary .
Deputy Grand Lodge of Bombay and its Territories . Bombay , 7 th July , 1861 . To K . R . CAMA , Esq ., Prov . G . Sec . Provincial Grand Lodge of AVestern India under Scotland . SIB AND BROTHER—I have the honour to acknowledge the
, receipt of your letter of the 6 th inst ., which I immediately laid before the Provincial Grand Master of Bombay under England , and I am directed by him to express to your Provincial Grand Master and Provincial Grand Lodge of Western India under Scotland his perfect satisfaction at receiving it . I am also directed to say that the Provincial Grand Master feels confident that the Provincial Grand Lodge of Scotland , in
adopting the resolution they have come to , intend , in a few words , to sympathise with Bro . Judge , and to erase every unpleasant feeling from his mind connected with any of the subjects of this unhappy difference . The Provincial Grand Master desires mo to inform your Provincial Grand Lodge that this satisfactory termination of the mutter affords him the most heartfelt relief , ' and he trusts
the future will produce nothing but the most cordial co-operation and unanimity between the two Provincial Grand Lodges and its respective members . I iiave the honour to inform you that a copy of your letter under reply shall be sent home to the Grand Lodge of England by the mail of the 9 th instant . I remain , Sir and Brother , most fraternally and faithfully
yours , ( Signed ) C . H . MITCHELL , Prov . G . Sec . District Grand Lodge Bombay , under England . District Grand Lodgo of Bombay and its Territories , under England , Bombay , 8 th July , 1861 .
To AV . GRAY CLARKE , Esq ., G . Sec . Grand Lodge of England , Freemasons' Hall , London . SIR AND BROTHER , —I am directed by the Provincial Grand Master to forward to you a copy of the letter received from the Provincial Grand Lodge of AVestern India under Scotland . I am also directed to inform you that this letter has been acknowledged by me according to instructions received from the
Provincial Grand Master , to tho effect that he was perfectly satisfied at its contents , and that he felt perfectly confident that the Provincial Lodge of Scotland , in adopting the resolution they had come to , intended in a few words to sympathise with Bvo . Judge , and to erase from his mind every unpleasant feeling connected with any of the subjects of this unhappy difference . In conclusion , I am directed to say that the Provincial Grand
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Western India.
2 . I am also directed to inform you that my predecessor waited eleven weeks for a reply to his letter of the 10 th December last , although only three weeks were allowed by our District Grand Lodge in its second resolution , passed on the 2 nd December last , and then , as no apology had been received , we , in conformity with the said resolution , transmitted the whole correspondence to the Most AVorshipful tho Grand Maater and Grand Lodge of Englandwith a letter dated the 25 th February
, last . 3 . I am likewise directed to call 3-0111- attention to tbe fact that although your Provincial Grand Lodge has resolved that " through the inadvertence of the late Secretary , Bro . Summers , two sentences had been added to the resolution passed on tho reception of Bro . Judge ' s letter , " & e ., " and it was resolved that those two sentences should be expunged , " we are not informed
which are the sentences alluded to , nor have we been furnished with a copy of the amended resolution as it now stands on your records . 4 . In conclusion , I am directed to inform you that the correspondence and proceedings which have taken place since the 25 th December last will be sent home by the mail which will leave Bombay 011 the 29 th instant ; so that if your Provincial Grand Master and Provincial Grand Lodge think proper to
make the reparation required , it will bo advisable for them to make it in time to be copied and sent with the rest of the correspondence , in order that the Grand Masters and Grand Lodges of England and Scotland may be informed that a satisfactory apology has been received , and that this unpleasant matter has been amicably settled . I remain , Sir and Brother , yours fraternally , ( Signed ) C . E . MITCHELL , Prov . G . See . District Grand Lodge of Bombay , under Englaud .
Bombay , 23 th March , 1861 . To C . Ii . MITCHELL , Esq ., Prov . G . Sec . District Grand Lodge of Bombay , under England . SIR AND BROTHER , —I have the honour to acknowledge receipt of your letter of the 17 th instant , in reply to ours of the 28 th December last , forwarded to you by me on the 3 rd instant , and have to state that your letter was read before the quarterly communication of the Provincial Grand Lodge of AA estern India
under Scotland on Saturday , the 26 th instant , when it became apparent to the brethren present , from the contents and tenor of your letter , that mine of the 2 Sth December last , which was couched in the most conciliatory words one Provincial Grand Lodge could address to another without compromising its dignity , had not been effective in setting the unfortunate misunderstanding at rest , as was desired and hoped for by this Provincial Grand Lodge . It was resolved that the letter under
acknowledgment should receive further consideration before it ivas replied to , aud therefore I was directed merely to acknowledge it at present . The Provincial Grand Lodge being made aware from your letter under acknowledgment that the whole of tho correspondence , except its last letter , has already been forwarded by your District Grand Lodge to the Grand Lodge of England , I am
directed to request you will also forward the last letter I sent to you dated 28 th December last , to tho Grand Lodge of England by tho first opportunity , if possible by the mail going tomorrow morning . I remain , Sir and Brother , yours fraternally , ( Signed ) K . R . CAMA , Prov . G . Sec . Provincial Grand Lodge of AVestern India under Scotland .
Provincial Grand Lodge of AVestern India under Scotland , Bombay , 6 th July , 1861 . To C E . MITCHELL , Esq . Prov . G . Sec . to the District Grand Lodge of Bombay . DEAR , BROTHER , —Referring you to my letter of the 28 th March last , I have now the pleasure to inform you that tho contents of yours of the 17 th of the same month were maturel
y considered at an adjourned quarterly communication of the Provincial Grand Lodge of . AVestern India held on the 2 nd instant , and after a deliberate discussion the result was the adoption of the following resolution : — "That the Provincial Grand Lodge expresses its extreme regret that any offensive addition should have been interpolated in the resolutions complained of , that resolution having been
intended to convey to Bro . Judge the expression of the feeling of this Grand Lodge that his explanations wore perfectly satisfactory , and that tho matter be buried in oblivion , and that harmony might be restored . " This Provincial Grand Lodgo now expresses to Bro . Judge its regret that it should have been subjected to annoyance by the unauthorised publication of ex - parte records of this
Provincial Grand Lodge , and the discourteous expressions used in the correspondence , that it is perfectly satisfied with his explanations , and decides that that portion of the records of this Provincial Grand Lodge containing the matter personally offensive to Bro . Judge should be expunged and destroyed , _ and that a copy of tills resolution be forwarded to the District Grand Lodge of Bombay under England , and the jonrnalsin which the
offensive information was published . The Provincial Grand Lodge , actuated by the highest motives of brotherly love , and wishing for peace and amity , have been induced to adopt the above resolution , which it is earnestly hoped will bo considered ample by your District Grand Lodge to allay all ill-feeling , and restore peace aud harmony between the two Provincial Grand Lodges . I need not point out how necessary it is that a copy of this
communication should be forwarded to the Grand Lodge of England by the first opportunity , aud it is to bo hoped that it will reach England in time to stay the passing of any judgment by the superior authorities . I am , Sir and Brother , yours fraternally , ( Signed ) K . R . CAJIA , Prov . . G . Secretary .
Deputy Grand Lodge of Bombay and its Territories . Bombay , 7 th July , 1861 . To K . R . CAMA , Esq ., Prov . G . Sec . Provincial Grand Lodge of AVestern India under Scotland . SIB AND BROTHER—I have the honour to acknowledge the
, receipt of your letter of the 6 th inst ., which I immediately laid before the Provincial Grand Master of Bombay under England , and I am directed by him to express to your Provincial Grand Master and Provincial Grand Lodge of Western India under Scotland his perfect satisfaction at receiving it . I am also directed to say that the Provincial Grand Master feels confident that the Provincial Grand Lodge of Scotland , in
adopting the resolution they have come to , intend , in a few words , to sympathise with Bro . Judge , and to erase every unpleasant feeling from his mind connected with any of the subjects of this unhappy difference . The Provincial Grand Master desires mo to inform your Provincial Grand Lodge that this satisfactory termination of the mutter affords him the most heartfelt relief , ' and he trusts
the future will produce nothing but the most cordial co-operation and unanimity between the two Provincial Grand Lodges and its respective members . I iiave the honour to inform you that a copy of your letter under reply shall be sent home to the Grand Lodge of England by the mail of the 9 th instant . I remain , Sir and Brother , most fraternally and faithfully
yours , ( Signed ) C . H . MITCHELL , Prov . G . Sec . District Grand Lodge Bombay , under England . District Grand Lodgo of Bombay and its Territories , under England , Bombay , 8 th July , 1861 .
To AV . GRAY CLARKE , Esq ., G . Sec . Grand Lodge of England , Freemasons' Hall , London . SIR AND BROTHER , —I am directed by the Provincial Grand Master to forward to you a copy of the letter received from the Provincial Grand Lodge of AVestern India under Scotland . I am also directed to inform you that this letter has been acknowledged by me according to instructions received from the
Provincial Grand Master , to tho effect that he was perfectly satisfied at its contents , and that he felt perfectly confident that the Provincial Lodge of Scotland , in adopting the resolution they had come to , intended in a few words to sympathise with Bvo . Judge , and to erase from his mind every unpleasant feeling connected with any of the subjects of this unhappy difference . In conclusion , I am directed to say that the Provincial Grand