Article WESTERN INDIA. ← Page 4 of 4 Article NEW ZEALAND. Page 1 of 3 →
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Western India.
Master of Bombay sincerely hopes that these matters will now be permitted to be buried in oblivion . I have the honour to be , Sir and Brother , Yours most respectfully and fraternally , ( Signed ) C . E . MITCHELL , Prov . G . Sec . of Bombay .
New Zealand.
QUEENSTOWN . LAKE LODGE OF OPHIR . —Our ( Otago Daily Times ) Masonic readers will learn with interest that the installation of the AV . M . and officers of the Lake of Ophir Lodge took place on Monday evening , 18 th July , in the Masonic Hall , Queenstown . Upwards of forty brethren were present , Bro . AVilliamson , P . M ., acted as installing officer ; and Bro . Paul presided at the
organ . A number of joining members and candidates for initiation were ballotted for and elected , amongst whom were his Honour the Superintendent , and Mr . St . John Branigan . The following is a list of the officers installed : —Bros . R . Harris , AV . M . ; AV . H . Bletcher , S . AV . ; L . Broad , J . \ A . ; T . II . Brown , Treas . ; T . Audley , Sec ; J . Arndt , S . D . ; AV . AVeaon , J . D . ; D . Don , Tyler . At the conclusion of tho proceedings , the brethren were hospitably entertained by the AA . M . ; and success to the edge drank in bumpers of the sparkling vintage of the South .
OTAGO . INSTALLATION OP THE PROVINCIAL GRAN : O MASTER . Thursday , October 11 th , will long be remembered as a redletter day in the Masonic calendar of Otago , owing to its having been selected for the installation of his Honour the Superintendent—Bro . the Hon . John Hyde Harris—as the first Provincial Grand Master of the Province of Otagounder the English
Con-, stitution . As may well be supposed , this event caused no little stir amongst tho Craftsmen , who assembled in great force on the occnv . cn . Neither pains nor expense were spared in order to render the ceremony complete . The Masonic Hall , Duncdhi , was tasteiully decorated under the skilful superintendence of the Prov . G . Supt . of AVorks , Bro . John Millar , F . S . A ., and it is , therefore , almost superfluous to say that the arrangements
were perfect . A handsome new canopy—around the margin of which was incribed the legend , " Holiness to the Lord "—was erected over the Oriental chair ; and the two beautiful pillars in the west were connected by an appropriate arch bearing an inscription on either side ;—on tho outer face , " Ne vile fano , " and on the inner— " Wisdom , Strength , and Beauty . " Other Masonic mottoesas " TruthLoveand Honour" " FaithHope
, , , , , , and Charity , " were displayed on the walls , which were profusely decorated with evergreens displayed in wreaths , and a variety of other devices , interspersed with draped flags—banners of as universal significance as Masonry itself . Upwards of two hundred brethren were present at five o'clock , the hour appointed
for the commencement of the ceremony , amongst whom were a large number of the most prominent mouibers of society . The Irish Constitution was represented by Bro . O'Rafferty , Prov . G . M . for New Zealand , and Bro . M'Combo , late D . Prov . G . M . for Victoria ; and the Scottish Constitution by the R . W . M . and officers of the Kilwinning Lodge . A number of visiting brethren from other lodges were also in attendance . The Commission from the Earl of ZetlandM . AA . G . M . of tho
, Grand Lodge of England , constituting the Masonic Province of Otago , and appointing Bro . Harris as first Prov . G . M ., bavin * been read by Bro . » Forman , Prov . G . Sec , the Kegistrai Designate , the solemn ceremony of convocation was then proceeded with . Of course we are not at liberty to withdraw the veil which conceals the Masonic mysteries from the eyes of the uninitiated , but we may mention that the corn , wine , and oil
were poured forth with suitable invocations by the AA ' orshipful Masters of the respective lodges hailing under the English Constitution . This portion of the ceremony , as also the installation of the Prov . G . M ., and the investiture of the other officers , was conducted by Bro . John Lazar , P . Prov . D . G . M . for the Province of South Australia—a name as well and honourably known in the Masonic world as we may truthfully assert it is to society at large . To say that it was well performed is but feebly to express the very excellent and faultless manner—perfect beyond all praise—in which Bro . Lazar discharged the important duties entrusted to him .
Bro . Harris having been dulv obligated and installed as R . AV . Prov . G . M .. invested Bro . Lazar as D . Prov . G . M . The brethren having been called upon to elect a Treasurer , their unanimous choice fell on Bro . AA . Mills , S . AV . of the Lodge of Otago . Bro . Lazar then completed the ceremony of investiture as follows : —
Bro . Sydney James Prov . S . G . AV . „ E . Nathan „ J . G / W . „ Oswin „ G . Chap . „ Carrick „ G . Sec . „ AV . Mills „ G . Treas . „ It . H . Forman „ G . Reg . „ G . Smith „ S . G . D . „ C . AA ebb „ J . G . D .
„ Hyman „ G . Dir . of Cers . „ J . Millar „ G . Supt . of AA orks „ AA est „ G . Org . „ Joyce „ G . Purst . „ Daniels " A , „ Moss 1 „ Hodgkins | - ,, G . Stewards . „ M'Lcod | „ Sholl J „ W . Low „ G .-Tyler .
Bro . Hyman officiated throughout as Director of Ceremonies , displaying great skill and tact in the administration of hi 3 onerous duties . Bro . West presided at the harmonium , assisted by a most efficient choir , whose united services greatly enhanced the beauty of the ceremonies . The following is a copy of the Masonic anthem adapted for the occasion : — Thou ! who art God alone ,
Accept before thy throne Our fervent prayer ; To fill with light and grace This house thy dwelling-place , And bless thy chosen race , 0 God draw near ; As through the Universe
All Nature ' s works diverse Thy praise accord ; Let Faith upon us shine , And Charity combine AAlth Hope to make us thine , Jehovah ! Lord ! Spirit of Trutli and Love !
Descending from above , Our hearts inflame ; Till Masonry ' s control Shall build in one the whole
A Temple of the Soul To thy great name ! At the conclusion of the ceremony , several notices of motion were given , and a vote of thanks to tho Provincial Grand Lodge of Canterbury for the assistance rendered by the loan of clothing , & c , was recorded , the fraternity adjourned to the Music Hallin Princes-streetwhen 151 brethren sat down to a
sump-, , tuous banquet provided by Bro . John Grey , and a more jovial but withal orderly aud harmonious company never assembled in Otago . Ample justice having been done to the viands , the waiters were summarily consigned to the outer regions , and the business of the evening commenced . Our limits forbid us to do more than give a brief resume of tho speeches , but we may say , once for all , that they were excellent in their way , beyond the
oi-ilinarv run of post-prandial orations . At the first knock of the gavel , the R . W . Prov . G . M ., who ably presided , gave the toast always placed at the head of every Masonic programme— - "The Queen and Craft . " This was followed by that of " His Grace tho Earl of Zetland , M . AV . G . M ., Earl de Grey and Ripon , D . G . M ., and the officers of the Grand Lodge of England . " In giving this toast , the Prov . G . M . remarked that the various sections of Freemasonry in England ,
Scotland , and Ireland , had always been particularly fortunate in being presided over hy men of character , reputation , and elevated position , to which circumstance , no less than to the inherent excellencies of Masonry itself , he attributed the proud position occupied by British Masons , and their avoidance of dangerous and destructive innovations . The PROV . G . MASTER again rose to propose the next toast , which was that of "The Duke of Leinster , Grand Master of
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Western India.
Master of Bombay sincerely hopes that these matters will now be permitted to be buried in oblivion . I have the honour to be , Sir and Brother , Yours most respectfully and fraternally , ( Signed ) C . E . MITCHELL , Prov . G . Sec . of Bombay .
New Zealand.
QUEENSTOWN . LAKE LODGE OF OPHIR . —Our ( Otago Daily Times ) Masonic readers will learn with interest that the installation of the AV . M . and officers of the Lake of Ophir Lodge took place on Monday evening , 18 th July , in the Masonic Hall , Queenstown . Upwards of forty brethren were present , Bro . AVilliamson , P . M ., acted as installing officer ; and Bro . Paul presided at the
organ . A number of joining members and candidates for initiation were ballotted for and elected , amongst whom were his Honour the Superintendent , and Mr . St . John Branigan . The following is a list of the officers installed : —Bros . R . Harris , AV . M . ; AV . H . Bletcher , S . AV . ; L . Broad , J . \ A . ; T . II . Brown , Treas . ; T . Audley , Sec ; J . Arndt , S . D . ; AV . AVeaon , J . D . ; D . Don , Tyler . At the conclusion of tho proceedings , the brethren were hospitably entertained by the AA . M . ; and success to the edge drank in bumpers of the sparkling vintage of the South .
OTAGO . INSTALLATION OP THE PROVINCIAL GRAN : O MASTER . Thursday , October 11 th , will long be remembered as a redletter day in the Masonic calendar of Otago , owing to its having been selected for the installation of his Honour the Superintendent—Bro . the Hon . John Hyde Harris—as the first Provincial Grand Master of the Province of Otagounder the English
Con-, stitution . As may well be supposed , this event caused no little stir amongst tho Craftsmen , who assembled in great force on the occnv . cn . Neither pains nor expense were spared in order to render the ceremony complete . The Masonic Hall , Duncdhi , was tasteiully decorated under the skilful superintendence of the Prov . G . Supt . of AVorks , Bro . John Millar , F . S . A ., and it is , therefore , almost superfluous to say that the arrangements
were perfect . A handsome new canopy—around the margin of which was incribed the legend , " Holiness to the Lord "—was erected over the Oriental chair ; and the two beautiful pillars in the west were connected by an appropriate arch bearing an inscription on either side ;—on tho outer face , " Ne vile fano , " and on the inner— " Wisdom , Strength , and Beauty . " Other Masonic mottoesas " TruthLoveand Honour" " FaithHope
, , , , , , and Charity , " were displayed on the walls , which were profusely decorated with evergreens displayed in wreaths , and a variety of other devices , interspersed with draped flags—banners of as universal significance as Masonry itself . Upwards of two hundred brethren were present at five o'clock , the hour appointed
for the commencement of the ceremony , amongst whom were a large number of the most prominent mouibers of society . The Irish Constitution was represented by Bro . O'Rafferty , Prov . G . M . for New Zealand , and Bro . M'Combo , late D . Prov . G . M . for Victoria ; and the Scottish Constitution by the R . W . M . and officers of the Kilwinning Lodge . A number of visiting brethren from other lodges were also in attendance . The Commission from the Earl of ZetlandM . AA . G . M . of tho
, Grand Lodge of England , constituting the Masonic Province of Otago , and appointing Bro . Harris as first Prov . G . M ., bavin * been read by Bro . » Forman , Prov . G . Sec , the Kegistrai Designate , the solemn ceremony of convocation was then proceeded with . Of course we are not at liberty to withdraw the veil which conceals the Masonic mysteries from the eyes of the uninitiated , but we may mention that the corn , wine , and oil
were poured forth with suitable invocations by the AA ' orshipful Masters of the respective lodges hailing under the English Constitution . This portion of the ceremony , as also the installation of the Prov . G . M ., and the investiture of the other officers , was conducted by Bro . John Lazar , P . Prov . D . G . M . for the Province of South Australia—a name as well and honourably known in the Masonic world as we may truthfully assert it is to society at large . To say that it was well performed is but feebly to express the very excellent and faultless manner—perfect beyond all praise—in which Bro . Lazar discharged the important duties entrusted to him .
Bro . Harris having been dulv obligated and installed as R . AV . Prov . G . M .. invested Bro . Lazar as D . Prov . G . M . The brethren having been called upon to elect a Treasurer , their unanimous choice fell on Bro . AA . Mills , S . AV . of the Lodge of Otago . Bro . Lazar then completed the ceremony of investiture as follows : —
Bro . Sydney James Prov . S . G . AV . „ E . Nathan „ J . G / W . „ Oswin „ G . Chap . „ Carrick „ G . Sec . „ AV . Mills „ G . Treas . „ It . H . Forman „ G . Reg . „ G . Smith „ S . G . D . „ C . AA ebb „ J . G . D .
„ Hyman „ G . Dir . of Cers . „ J . Millar „ G . Supt . of AA orks „ AA est „ G . Org . „ Joyce „ G . Purst . „ Daniels " A , „ Moss 1 „ Hodgkins | - ,, G . Stewards . „ M'Lcod | „ Sholl J „ W . Low „ G .-Tyler .
Bro . Hyman officiated throughout as Director of Ceremonies , displaying great skill and tact in the administration of hi 3 onerous duties . Bro . West presided at the harmonium , assisted by a most efficient choir , whose united services greatly enhanced the beauty of the ceremonies . The following is a copy of the Masonic anthem adapted for the occasion : — Thou ! who art God alone ,
Accept before thy throne Our fervent prayer ; To fill with light and grace This house thy dwelling-place , And bless thy chosen race , 0 God draw near ; As through the Universe
All Nature ' s works diverse Thy praise accord ; Let Faith upon us shine , And Charity combine AAlth Hope to make us thine , Jehovah ! Lord ! Spirit of Trutli and Love !
Descending from above , Our hearts inflame ; Till Masonry ' s control Shall build in one the whole
A Temple of the Soul To thy great name ! At the conclusion of the ceremony , several notices of motion were given , and a vote of thanks to tho Provincial Grand Lodge of Canterbury for the assistance rendered by the loan of clothing , & c , was recorded , the fraternity adjourned to the Music Hallin Princes-streetwhen 151 brethren sat down to a
sump-, , tuous banquet provided by Bro . John Grey , and a more jovial but withal orderly aud harmonious company never assembled in Otago . Ample justice having been done to the viands , the waiters were summarily consigned to the outer regions , and the business of the evening commenced . Our limits forbid us to do more than give a brief resume of tho speeches , but we may say , once for all , that they were excellent in their way , beyond the
oi-ilinarv run of post-prandial orations . At the first knock of the gavel , the R . W . Prov . G . M ., who ably presided , gave the toast always placed at the head of every Masonic programme— - "The Queen and Craft . " This was followed by that of " His Grace tho Earl of Zetland , M . AV . G . M ., Earl de Grey and Ripon , D . G . M ., and the officers of the Grand Lodge of England . " In giving this toast , the Prov . G . M . remarked that the various sections of Freemasonry in England ,
Scotland , and Ireland , had always been particularly fortunate in being presided over hy men of character , reputation , and elevated position , to which circumstance , no less than to the inherent excellencies of Masonry itself , he attributed the proud position occupied by British Masons , and their avoidance of dangerous and destructive innovations . The PROV . G . MASTER again rose to propose the next toast , which was that of "The Duke of Leinster , Grand Master of