Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 2 of 2 Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 1 Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 1 Article SCOTLAND. Page 1 of 1 Article INDIA. Page 1 of 3 →
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divine as well as to human law , and to practise prudence , fortitude , wisdom , and virtue . They wore thus prepared to enter into the mystic temple , and there to admire those wondrous pillars of wisdom , strength , and beauty on which it was founded . ( Applause . ) Liberal arts and sciences might next form the subject of study . They were but a natural sequence of the moral excellences which they were exhorted to pursue
with freedom , fervency , and zeal . Lastly , under circumstances of peculiar and impressive solemnity , they must all remember that honour and fidelity were priceless virtues , that brotherly love was an essential duty , and that to a mind modelled by virtue and science , death Avas but the entrance to that everlasting life ivhich they all hoped to gain by square conduct , level steps , and upright foundations . ( Applause . ) Did not
this point to one conclusion—that all human happiness was embraced in those principles ivhich Freemasons professed ? AVas not the attempt to possess or destroy human freedom the almost universal cause of war ? Would not practical humility do much to remove social inequalities ; and would not generosity do much to mitigate the woes of want ? Obedience to law and self-control would purge the community of much of that misery and vicethe removal of which would lead to
, true political reform and universal peace . ( Applause . ) The proper employment of time , humble reliance upon God , and faith in the Divine power , would enable the work of education and reformation to be continued with every earnest purpose and more frequent success . ( Applause . ) The work must still go on . AVhefclier they did their duty or neglected it , whether by their conduct and example they aided or retarded that great
movement , it must continue with the progress of the times—( applause)—until faith , hope , and charity , which formed the true basis of all Masonic principles , should fill the whole world " as the waters cover the sea . " ( Cheers . ) Bro . L . Newall , P . Prov . G . AV ., proposed " Tho Masonic Charities , " and other toasts followed .
Royal Arch.
METROPOLITAN . CHAMEE OE "UNITED Pitannts ( So . 507 . )—The regular convocation of this chapter was held on Tuesday , November 1 st , at the ^ Horns Tavern , Kennington . After the minutes of the previous meeting were confirmed , the Principals elect were duly installed iu their respective chairs by M . E . Comp . Dr . Ladd . The following are the principals and officers appointed and
installed for the ensuing year : —M . E . Comps . F . J . Lilley . Z . ; C . H . Murr , H . ; W . Stuart , J . ; J . Thomas , P . Z ., as Treasurer ; H . Garrod , P . Z ., as E . ; Comps . J . W . Halsey , as N . ; Lasce'iles , as P . S . ; J . Nunn and Smith , as Assist . Sojs . ; and AVm . Radford , Janitor . There was one brother exalted into Royal Arch Masonry , and the ceremony ' was well rendered . The newly installed M . E . Z . was perfect in his working , and gave great
satisfaction to all present by the impressive manner in ivhich lie conducted the duties of his exalted position . There were present—Comps . C . N . Levy , Harrison , F . Walters , G . C . Eraser , and many others . Visitor—Comp . It . Mills , 169 , Temperance Chapter . After receiving propositions , the chapter was closed in ancient form . The companions then adjourned to a splendid banquetserved up in the usual first-class stle . During the
, y toasts , Comp . II . Garrod , P . Z ., was presented with a five guinea P . Z . ' s jewel , unanimously voted to him by the chapter as a mark of esteem , respect , and gratitude , for the able and efficient manner he presided over the chapter as Z ., for two years in succession . The evening was spent in a most agreeable and harmonious manner .
YORKSHIRE ( NORTH AND EAST ) . SCAEBOEOuan . —Old Globe Chapiter ( No . 200 ) . —The regular stated convocation of this chapter w-as held on AVednesday , November 2 nd , at the Freemasons' Hall , Globe-street , Scarborough . Comps . AA . E . Richardson , Z . ; AVm . Bean , H . ; J . T . Spun-J . ; A . Sleed ( of Chapter No . 82 Cheltenham ) P . Z . ;
, , , J . AV . Woodall , Scribe E . ; Geo . Fox , Scribe N . ; Geo . Symonds , P . S . ; H . Martin , 1 st Assist . Soj . ; , T . AVebb , 2 nd Assist . Soj . ; Comps . AVhite , Chapman , Brown , Milner , and others , were present . Bros . AVilliam Foster Rooke , P . Prov . J . G . AV . and AV . M ., of the Old Globe Lodge ( No . 200 ) , and AVilliam Baldwin Stewart , S . AV ., were exalted to the Royal Arch degree . Two
Royal Arch.
candidates for exaltation were proposed , ami sevei-al covflpMuOBS were admitted joining members of this chapter , which weare happy to state is in a more prosperous condition than that into ivhich it had hitherto fallen , not from want of zeal on the part of its members , but from death and other unforeseen calamities and misfortunes . AA e are glad to add to ivhat has already been premisedthat next the Provincial Grand Lodge of the
, year North and East Ridings of Yorkshire will bo holden at Scarborough ( the queen of British watering places ) , when the brethren and companions in the province will assemble in this lodge , and meet with that hearty welcome and good fellowship which prevails amongst its members .
GRAND LODGE . The quarterly communication of the Grand Lodge of Scotland was hold in the Masonic Hall , George-street , Edinburgh , on Tuesday , at which meeting it fell to nominate a successor , as Grand Master Mason of Scotland , to the late-lamented Duke of A thole . There was a large attendance of members belonging to Edinburgh , as also from Glasgow and the provinces . Tbe
recommendation of the committee , to nominate for the throne Bro . John AVhyte Melville , of Mount Melville , ivas received ivith acclamation ; and he , being introduced by the Grand Stewards , was warmly congratulated on his nomination . The following noblemen were also nominated , and agreed to act : — The Earl of Dalhousie , Depute Grand Master ; Lord Loughborough , Substitute Grand Master ; and , for minor offices , Sir A . P . Gordon Cumming , the Duke of AVhole , Lord Dimmovc ,
( From our own Correspondent ) MADRAS . SECUKDEIUBAD . —St John ' s Lodge ( No . 43 ' 1 ) . —This lodge held its asual monthly meeting , on August 27 th , at the Masonic Hall , present , Bros . T . Martin , P . M ., as "W . M . ; H . Macdonald , S . AV . ; T . Tennant , J . AV . ; C . H . Stevenson , Sec . ; A . Laurie , S . D . H . R . AbadieJ . D . A . J . BillingI . G . ; F . NetzOrg .
; , ; , , , & c . A ballot having been taken for Bros .- Bull and Smithera as joining members , and Messrs . Ellis ( 17 th Lancers ) and Teasdale , C . E ., as candidates , they were declared to be unanimously elected , and the latter were afterwards severally admitted and initiated into ancient Freemasonry by the AA . M . Bro . Milburn was afterwards examined in the first degree , and having been found worthy , ivas duly passed to the degree of F . C . Bro .
C . If . Stevenson having been regularly proposed as AV . M ., Bro . H . G . Heath as Treas ., and Bro . AV . Sparrow as Tyler , ivere declared to be unanimously elected . Mr . Gardner Harvey ( M . Infantry ) was proposed as a candidate for Freemasonry by Bro . Fitzgerald . The lodge was then closed , and the brethren adjourned to the banquetting hall , where supper was served and the usual loyal and Masonic toasts given and responded to , interspersed with some excellent songs by several brethren ,
accompanied by Bro . Netz . The AV . M . and brethren having been invited to a return ball on August 30 th , given by the non-Masons at the magnificent assembly-rooms of the station , attended in full Masonic costume . Nothing could exceed the kindness shown to the brethren by the non-Masons on this occasion . The rooms were beautifully decorated and resplendent with dazzling light . The supper , wines , and refreshments , including a lentiful supply of iceswere of a most recherche
p , description . Tho strong band of H . M ' s . 1 . 7 th Lancers , and the full band of H . M ' s . R . Irish were in attendance during the evening . Dancing was kept up to a late hour , and all separated , much delighted with the entertainment . —A regular monthly meeting was held on September 24 th at the Masonic Hall ; present , Bros . T . Martin , Prov . J . G . AV . for Madras , as AVMHGHeathSAVT . TennantJ . AV . ; C . II .
Steven-.. ; . . , .. ; , son , Sec ; O . Smithers , S . D . ; F . Bedingfeld , J . D .,- A . J . Billing , I . G . ; Coivper , Fitzgerald , Bull , Ellis , Milburn , Teasdale , Laurie , & c . Bros . Ellis and Teasdale were examined in the first degree , and received their reward , and retired . Bro . Milburn was examined in the second degree and retired . Bro . Milburn was afterwards re-admitted and duly raised to the sublime de-
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
divine as well as to human law , and to practise prudence , fortitude , wisdom , and virtue . They wore thus prepared to enter into the mystic temple , and there to admire those wondrous pillars of wisdom , strength , and beauty on which it was founded . ( Applause . ) Liberal arts and sciences might next form the subject of study . They were but a natural sequence of the moral excellences which they were exhorted to pursue
with freedom , fervency , and zeal . Lastly , under circumstances of peculiar and impressive solemnity , they must all remember that honour and fidelity were priceless virtues , that brotherly love was an essential duty , and that to a mind modelled by virtue and science , death Avas but the entrance to that everlasting life ivhich they all hoped to gain by square conduct , level steps , and upright foundations . ( Applause . ) Did not
this point to one conclusion—that all human happiness was embraced in those principles ivhich Freemasons professed ? AVas not the attempt to possess or destroy human freedom the almost universal cause of war ? Would not practical humility do much to remove social inequalities ; and would not generosity do much to mitigate the woes of want ? Obedience to law and self-control would purge the community of much of that misery and vicethe removal of which would lead to
, true political reform and universal peace . ( Applause . ) The proper employment of time , humble reliance upon God , and faith in the Divine power , would enable the work of education and reformation to be continued with every earnest purpose and more frequent success . ( Applause . ) The work must still go on . AVhefclier they did their duty or neglected it , whether by their conduct and example they aided or retarded that great
movement , it must continue with the progress of the times—( applause)—until faith , hope , and charity , which formed the true basis of all Masonic principles , should fill the whole world " as the waters cover the sea . " ( Cheers . ) Bro . L . Newall , P . Prov . G . AV ., proposed " Tho Masonic Charities , " and other toasts followed .
Royal Arch.
METROPOLITAN . CHAMEE OE "UNITED Pitannts ( So . 507 . )—The regular convocation of this chapter was held on Tuesday , November 1 st , at the ^ Horns Tavern , Kennington . After the minutes of the previous meeting were confirmed , the Principals elect were duly installed iu their respective chairs by M . E . Comp . Dr . Ladd . The following are the principals and officers appointed and
installed for the ensuing year : —M . E . Comps . F . J . Lilley . Z . ; C . H . Murr , H . ; W . Stuart , J . ; J . Thomas , P . Z ., as Treasurer ; H . Garrod , P . Z ., as E . ; Comps . J . W . Halsey , as N . ; Lasce'iles , as P . S . ; J . Nunn and Smith , as Assist . Sojs . ; and AVm . Radford , Janitor . There was one brother exalted into Royal Arch Masonry , and the ceremony ' was well rendered . The newly installed M . E . Z . was perfect in his working , and gave great
satisfaction to all present by the impressive manner in ivhich lie conducted the duties of his exalted position . There were present—Comps . C . N . Levy , Harrison , F . Walters , G . C . Eraser , and many others . Visitor—Comp . It . Mills , 169 , Temperance Chapter . After receiving propositions , the chapter was closed in ancient form . The companions then adjourned to a splendid banquetserved up in the usual first-class stle . During the
, y toasts , Comp . II . Garrod , P . Z ., was presented with a five guinea P . Z . ' s jewel , unanimously voted to him by the chapter as a mark of esteem , respect , and gratitude , for the able and efficient manner he presided over the chapter as Z ., for two years in succession . The evening was spent in a most agreeable and harmonious manner .
YORKSHIRE ( NORTH AND EAST ) . SCAEBOEOuan . —Old Globe Chapiter ( No . 200 ) . —The regular stated convocation of this chapter w-as held on AVednesday , November 2 nd , at the Freemasons' Hall , Globe-street , Scarborough . Comps . AA . E . Richardson , Z . ; AVm . Bean , H . ; J . T . Spun-J . ; A . Sleed ( of Chapter No . 82 Cheltenham ) P . Z . ;
, , , J . AV . Woodall , Scribe E . ; Geo . Fox , Scribe N . ; Geo . Symonds , P . S . ; H . Martin , 1 st Assist . Soj . ; , T . AVebb , 2 nd Assist . Soj . ; Comps . AVhite , Chapman , Brown , Milner , and others , were present . Bros . AVilliam Foster Rooke , P . Prov . J . G . AV . and AV . M ., of the Old Globe Lodge ( No . 200 ) , and AVilliam Baldwin Stewart , S . AV ., were exalted to the Royal Arch degree . Two
Royal Arch.
candidates for exaltation were proposed , ami sevei-al covflpMuOBS were admitted joining members of this chapter , which weare happy to state is in a more prosperous condition than that into ivhich it had hitherto fallen , not from want of zeal on the part of its members , but from death and other unforeseen calamities and misfortunes . AA e are glad to add to ivhat has already been premisedthat next the Provincial Grand Lodge of the
, year North and East Ridings of Yorkshire will bo holden at Scarborough ( the queen of British watering places ) , when the brethren and companions in the province will assemble in this lodge , and meet with that hearty welcome and good fellowship which prevails amongst its members .
GRAND LODGE . The quarterly communication of the Grand Lodge of Scotland was hold in the Masonic Hall , George-street , Edinburgh , on Tuesday , at which meeting it fell to nominate a successor , as Grand Master Mason of Scotland , to the late-lamented Duke of A thole . There was a large attendance of members belonging to Edinburgh , as also from Glasgow and the provinces . Tbe
recommendation of the committee , to nominate for the throne Bro . John AVhyte Melville , of Mount Melville , ivas received ivith acclamation ; and he , being introduced by the Grand Stewards , was warmly congratulated on his nomination . The following noblemen were also nominated , and agreed to act : — The Earl of Dalhousie , Depute Grand Master ; Lord Loughborough , Substitute Grand Master ; and , for minor offices , Sir A . P . Gordon Cumming , the Duke of AVhole , Lord Dimmovc ,
( From our own Correspondent ) MADRAS . SECUKDEIUBAD . —St John ' s Lodge ( No . 43 ' 1 ) . —This lodge held its asual monthly meeting , on August 27 th , at the Masonic Hall , present , Bros . T . Martin , P . M ., as "W . M . ; H . Macdonald , S . AV . ; T . Tennant , J . AV . ; C . H . Stevenson , Sec . ; A . Laurie , S . D . H . R . AbadieJ . D . A . J . BillingI . G . ; F . NetzOrg .
; , ; , , , & c . A ballot having been taken for Bros .- Bull and Smithera as joining members , and Messrs . Ellis ( 17 th Lancers ) and Teasdale , C . E ., as candidates , they were declared to be unanimously elected , and the latter were afterwards severally admitted and initiated into ancient Freemasonry by the AA . M . Bro . Milburn was afterwards examined in the first degree , and having been found worthy , ivas duly passed to the degree of F . C . Bro .
C . If . Stevenson having been regularly proposed as AV . M ., Bro . H . G . Heath as Treas ., and Bro . AV . Sparrow as Tyler , ivere declared to be unanimously elected . Mr . Gardner Harvey ( M . Infantry ) was proposed as a candidate for Freemasonry by Bro . Fitzgerald . The lodge was then closed , and the brethren adjourned to the banquetting hall , where supper was served and the usual loyal and Masonic toasts given and responded to , interspersed with some excellent songs by several brethren ,
accompanied by Bro . Netz . The AV . M . and brethren having been invited to a return ball on August 30 th , given by the non-Masons at the magnificent assembly-rooms of the station , attended in full Masonic costume . Nothing could exceed the kindness shown to the brethren by the non-Masons on this occasion . The rooms were beautifully decorated and resplendent with dazzling light . The supper , wines , and refreshments , including a lentiful supply of iceswere of a most recherche
p , description . Tho strong band of H . M ' s . 1 . 7 th Lancers , and the full band of H . M ' s . R . Irish were in attendance during the evening . Dancing was kept up to a late hour , and all separated , much delighted with the entertainment . —A regular monthly meeting was held on September 24 th at the Masonic Hall ; present , Bros . T . Martin , Prov . J . G . AV . for Madras , as AVMHGHeathSAVT . TennantJ . AV . ; C . II .
Steven-.. ; . . , .. ; , son , Sec ; O . Smithers , S . D . ; F . Bedingfeld , J . D .,- A . J . Billing , I . G . ; Coivper , Fitzgerald , Bull , Ellis , Milburn , Teasdale , Laurie , & c . Bros . Ellis and Teasdale were examined in the first degree , and received their reward , and retired . Bro . Milburn was examined in the second degree and retired . Bro . Milburn was afterwards re-admitted and duly raised to the sublime de-