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iii the second degree by Comps . J . Sydenham , M . E . Z . ; G . H . Giitch , H . ; AV . Parr , J . ; J . Osment , P . S . After the ceremonies were gone through , the Comps . who had been elected at the prei'ious convocation , viz . —Comp . G . H . Gutch , M . E . Z . ; J . Osment , H . ; AA . Parr , J . ; R . Hoskins , P . S . j J . Boyl , E . ; AV . Rebbeck , N ., were invested with their respective collars , ancl took their places accordingly . The chapter was then closed in due form , ancl the companions adjourned to the refreshment-board .
HAMPSHIRE . SouTHAirrrON . —Lodge of Peace and Harmony ( No . 462 ) . —At the November meeting , Bro . Jas . Ricketts AVesion , ex-Sheriff of the town and county ofthe toivn of Southampton , was nominated AV . M . for the ensuing year , ivith the unanimous approval of the brethren , ancl Bro . P . M . J . Rankin Stebbing as Treasurer . The late Secretary Bro . Henry Clarke having removed to Wolverhampton , sent in his resignation , ivhen the following resolution ivas
unanimously adopted -. —That this loclge receives the resignation of Bro . Henry Clarke as Secretary ivith considerable regret , and desires to record its deep sense of his long and valuable services to the loclge , as well as the high estimation in which his honourable and straightforward conduct was held by his fellow townsmen and Brother Masons , ancl ivhilst cordially thanking him for his great attention to the office of Secretary , sincerely hopes that his change of residence may be productive of much benefit and advantage to
him , great as is the regret of the members to lose the association of a worthy brother and much respected fellow townsman . That a copy of this resolution be written on vellum , and signed by the presiding Master and acting Secretary , and forwarded to Bro . Henry Clarke . SOUTHAHETON . —Boyal Gloucester Lodge ( No . 152 ) . —At the November meeting , a very splendid full-length portrait of the
Mayor of Southampton , Bro . Fred . Perkins , was presented to him in open loclge , to mark the respect of the brethren for that civic functionary , and to commemorate the interesting event of the AV . M . of the lodge being elected also Mayor of Southampton during his second year of office . The presentation was made by his Worship's successor in the lodge , Bro . T . P . Payne , in a very appropriate address , accompanied by the hope thafc Bro . Perkins
would alloiv the admirable likeness to grace tlie walls of the Masonic Hall , where so many portraits of worthy Masons are now exhibited . —Bro . Perkins cheerfully acquiesced , and made a mosfc feeling and able reply . The portrait is by a celebrated London artist , Bro . Phil Gaugain , formerly Master of the Royal Gloucester Loclge , and does fche artist infinite credit . Bro . Perkins is taken in his civic robes , holding a Masonic address from his brethren in his left hand , an appropriate portion being seen . The inhabitants
of Southampton have also presented Bro . Perkins with a silver cradle , value £ 350 , to commemorate the birth of a daughter during his mayoralty . Afc the same loclge a very cordial vote of thanks was given to Bro . Henry Clarke , the late Hon . Secretary , on his leaving Southampton for the North , acknowledging his great services to the loclge , and his honourable career whilst resident in Southampton . It was ordered to be written on vellum , and forlvardecl to the worthy brother . Another lodge has presented him
with a handsome silver cup . AA iNcnESTER . —Lodge of Hconomy ( No . 90 ) . —The last monthly meeting of this loclge Avas held on AVednesday , the 28 th ult ., when there ivas a good attendance , Bro . Haslehiim , P . M ., being the AV . M . pro tern . The first business transacted was the passing of Bro . Mundy , which was duly worked by the Presiding Officer and his subordinates . The loclge next proceeded to ballot for the election of Bro . AVilliam Bi P . M . of No . 2-1-7 & cas a joining member
ggs , , , . That worthy , esteemed , and eminently useful member of the Masonic Fraternity was unanimously elected by the brethren present . The election of the AV . M . for the ensuing year ivas the next business . For this important office there had at the previous loclge been a general nomination of tho whole of those members of the lodge eligible to fill the office , viz ., the retiring Master and Wardens , and all P . M . s and P . AV . s . The ballot resulted
in the election of P . M . Bro . Hasleham , by a large majority . Bro . Hasleham ably filled the chair in the official year 1858-9 , and had made himself much respected ancl beloved by the brotherhood by the great zeal and fidelit y he had displayed since his connection ivith the loclge . His re-election under such circumstances as the present must be considered as an event testifying alike to the honourable qualities of his head and heart . Tlie centenary of the Winchester Lod
ge occurs on Tuesday , the 29 fch of January next , the date of its warrant from the Grand Lodge of England being January 29 fch , 1761 ; and the interesting event , it is suggested among the Fraternity , shall be celebrated here in a manner becoming the importance of the occasion ancl the celebrity of the province . The installation of the Master elect will be postponed till the same day ; and it is A'ery probable that a large and influential gathering of Freemasons will he realised in tlie city .
LYMIKGION . —Neiv Forest Lodge ( No . 401 ) . —This lodge had a gathering on Tuesday , November 27 th , which seems to indicate that it is destined to occupy an important position in the province . The chair was filled by the Rev . Bro . G . Bradshaiv , M . A ., Prov . G . C , A \ . M ., supported by his Officers , Bros . G . Perkins ; Preece ; F . Perkins , ex-Mayor of Southampton ; and other leading members of the Craft . The loclge was favoured by the attendance of the R . W . Admiral Sir Lucius Curtis , K . C . B ., ancl his R . AV . Deputy
C . E . Deacon , Esq ., ancl other Prov . G . Officers . After the Masonic business had been disposed of , the lodge entertained the Prov . G . M . and his Officers at a splendid banquet , over ivhich the Rev . Bro . G . Bradshaiv presided most ably . In proposing " The Healths of the Prov . G . M . and his Deputy , Bro . C . E . Deacon , " he alluded to the progress Masonry was making in Hampshire , the success it ivas now meeting ivith in Lymington , his determination to use his best energies to promote ifcespecially in that localityand
, , thanked them for the deep interest they took in everything connected ivith the Craft . —The Prov . G . M ., in reply , alluded to the talent ancl well-known eloquence of the rev . brother who ha *? 'consented to preside over that loclge , the impressive manner in which he discharged his duties ; ancl then , in a most pleasing manner referred to his own career in connection ivith the province , and the gratification he felfc afc the Masonic demonstration that had taken place that day in the town of Lymingtonand resumed his seat
, amid the plaudits of the brethren . Several other toasts were proposed and responded to , among which the name of Bro . Hayward , ex-Mayor of Lymington , elicited from the Prov . G . M . a warm eulogy for the manner in which he and another brother had for many years preserved the warrant of the loclge .
LEICESTERSHIRE . LEICESTER . —St . John ' s Lodge ( No . 348)—This lodge held its usual monthly meeting at the Freemasons' Hall , on Wednesday , the Sth inst ., when among those present were the AA . M ., Bro . Cunimings , who presided ; P . M . s . Bros . Kelly , D . Prov . G . M . ; Underwood , as S . W . ; AVindram ; and Gill , Sec ; Bros . Dr . Sloane , J . W . ; Harris , S . D . ; & c . Visitors , Bros . Brewin , AV . M . ; AVilley , P . M . ; and Lloyd , of the John of Gaunt Lodge ( 766 ) . Thelodge
having been opened , and the minutes of the last lodge read and confirmed , the following resolution ivas proposed by the D . Prov . G . M ., seconded by Bro . Underivood , ancl supported by the W . M ., all of Avhom bore ivann testimony to the estimable character of the departed brother : —" That this lodge has received Avith feelings of the deepest regret the melancholy intelligence of the premature decease of the Senior Warden , Bro . Martin Nedham , Prov . J . G . D ., at the early age of twenty-seven . By the removal
of Bio . Nedham from this sublunary abode , the members of St . John ' s Loclge have been deprived of the valuable services of a aealous Mason and most efficient officer , and the brethren generally have lost one who was endeared to them by his quiet , unassuming manners , his amiability of disposition , and genuine kindness of heart , and by Avhom his memory will long be cherished . " The resolution was , of course , carried unanimously , and ivas ordered to be entered on the minutesThis being the
. period for the election of W . M ., a ballot took place , ivhich residled in the unanimous election of Bro . AVilliam AVeare ( Senior AVarden , 1857 ) , who acknowledged the compliment paid to him by the brethren . There being no further business the lodge was closed , and the brethren adjourned to refreshment . A notice of the late Bro . Nedham appeared in our obituary column last week .
NORTHUMBERLAND . NEAVCASTLE-ON-TYNE . —Northumberland Lodge ( No . 985 ) . — - This loclge was opened on the December 4 th , by the V . W . Bro . E . D . Davis , P . Prov . S . G . W ., assisted by the folloAving : — V . W . Bros . J . J . Challoner , P . Prov . G . G . W . ; John Barker , Prov . G . Treas . ; Andrew Gillespie , Prov . G . Reg . ; Thomas Crawford , Prov . S . G . D . ; John Poppelwell , Prov . G ., as D . C . ; Wm , Johnston , P . Prov . G S . W . ; G . ILL , Hawks ( WM . elect ) ,
S . W . ; John D . Scott , J . W . ; Bro . Capt . Agnew , 381 ; & c . The minutes of the previous lodges held haA'ing been read and confirmed , the loclge was duly opened in the second degree , and the W . M . elect duly presented by P . M . Barker for installation . This and lhe subsequent portion of the installation were gone through in that able and impressive manner \ rhieh characterise all lhe Masonic labours of Bro . E . D . Davis . At the conclusion of the ceremonythe AV . M . installed the following as his officers
, for the ensuing year : —Bros . B . J . Thomson , as P . M . ; John D . Scott , S . AV . ; John Poppelwell , J . AV . ; Charles J . Jobbing , Sec . ; Wm . Johnston , Treas . ; Hugh L . Pittinson , P . D . ; Henry Bell , J . D . ; John Shield , S . S ; J . T . Hoyle , J . S . ; Thos . Crawford , J . G . ; John S . Trotter , Tyler . At the banquet the brethren wore joined by the D . Prov . G . M . of Northumberland , Bro . M . L . Jobbing , and other brethren , and the evening was spent most harmoniously . ¦
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
iii the second degree by Comps . J . Sydenham , M . E . Z . ; G . H . Giitch , H . ; AV . Parr , J . ; J . Osment , P . S . After the ceremonies were gone through , the Comps . who had been elected at the prei'ious convocation , viz . —Comp . G . H . Gutch , M . E . Z . ; J . Osment , H . ; AA . Parr , J . ; R . Hoskins , P . S . j J . Boyl , E . ; AV . Rebbeck , N ., were invested with their respective collars , ancl took their places accordingly . The chapter was then closed in due form , ancl the companions adjourned to the refreshment-board .
HAMPSHIRE . SouTHAirrrON . —Lodge of Peace and Harmony ( No . 462 ) . —At the November meeting , Bro . Jas . Ricketts AVesion , ex-Sheriff of the town and county ofthe toivn of Southampton , was nominated AV . M . for the ensuing year , ivith the unanimous approval of the brethren , ancl Bro . P . M . J . Rankin Stebbing as Treasurer . The late Secretary Bro . Henry Clarke having removed to Wolverhampton , sent in his resignation , ivhen the following resolution ivas
unanimously adopted -. —That this loclge receives the resignation of Bro . Henry Clarke as Secretary ivith considerable regret , and desires to record its deep sense of his long and valuable services to the loclge , as well as the high estimation in which his honourable and straightforward conduct was held by his fellow townsmen and Brother Masons , ancl ivhilst cordially thanking him for his great attention to the office of Secretary , sincerely hopes that his change of residence may be productive of much benefit and advantage to
him , great as is the regret of the members to lose the association of a worthy brother and much respected fellow townsman . That a copy of this resolution be written on vellum , and signed by the presiding Master and acting Secretary , and forwarded to Bro . Henry Clarke . SOUTHAHETON . —Boyal Gloucester Lodge ( No . 152 ) . —At the November meeting , a very splendid full-length portrait of the
Mayor of Southampton , Bro . Fred . Perkins , was presented to him in open loclge , to mark the respect of the brethren for that civic functionary , and to commemorate the interesting event of the AV . M . of the lodge being elected also Mayor of Southampton during his second year of office . The presentation was made by his Worship's successor in the lodge , Bro . T . P . Payne , in a very appropriate address , accompanied by the hope thafc Bro . Perkins
would alloiv the admirable likeness to grace tlie walls of the Masonic Hall , where so many portraits of worthy Masons are now exhibited . —Bro . Perkins cheerfully acquiesced , and made a mosfc feeling and able reply . The portrait is by a celebrated London artist , Bro . Phil Gaugain , formerly Master of the Royal Gloucester Loclge , and does fche artist infinite credit . Bro . Perkins is taken in his civic robes , holding a Masonic address from his brethren in his left hand , an appropriate portion being seen . The inhabitants
of Southampton have also presented Bro . Perkins with a silver cradle , value £ 350 , to commemorate the birth of a daughter during his mayoralty . Afc the same loclge a very cordial vote of thanks was given to Bro . Henry Clarke , the late Hon . Secretary , on his leaving Southampton for the North , acknowledging his great services to the loclge , and his honourable career whilst resident in Southampton . It was ordered to be written on vellum , and forlvardecl to the worthy brother . Another lodge has presented him
with a handsome silver cup . AA iNcnESTER . —Lodge of Hconomy ( No . 90 ) . —The last monthly meeting of this loclge Avas held on AVednesday , the 28 th ult ., when there ivas a good attendance , Bro . Haslehiim , P . M ., being the AV . M . pro tern . The first business transacted was the passing of Bro . Mundy , which was duly worked by the Presiding Officer and his subordinates . The loclge next proceeded to ballot for the election of Bro . AVilliam Bi P . M . of No . 2-1-7 & cas a joining member
ggs , , , . That worthy , esteemed , and eminently useful member of the Masonic Fraternity was unanimously elected by the brethren present . The election of the AV . M . for the ensuing year ivas the next business . For this important office there had at the previous loclge been a general nomination of tho whole of those members of the lodge eligible to fill the office , viz ., the retiring Master and Wardens , and all P . M . s and P . AV . s . The ballot resulted
in the election of P . M . Bro . Hasleham , by a large majority . Bro . Hasleham ably filled the chair in the official year 1858-9 , and had made himself much respected ancl beloved by the brotherhood by the great zeal and fidelit y he had displayed since his connection ivith the loclge . His re-election under such circumstances as the present must be considered as an event testifying alike to the honourable qualities of his head and heart . Tlie centenary of the Winchester Lod
ge occurs on Tuesday , the 29 fch of January next , the date of its warrant from the Grand Lodge of England being January 29 fch , 1761 ; and the interesting event , it is suggested among the Fraternity , shall be celebrated here in a manner becoming the importance of the occasion ancl the celebrity of the province . The installation of the Master elect will be postponed till the same day ; and it is A'ery probable that a large and influential gathering of Freemasons will he realised in tlie city .
LYMIKGION . —Neiv Forest Lodge ( No . 401 ) . —This lodge had a gathering on Tuesday , November 27 th , which seems to indicate that it is destined to occupy an important position in the province . The chair was filled by the Rev . Bro . G . Bradshaiv , M . A ., Prov . G . C , A \ . M ., supported by his Officers , Bros . G . Perkins ; Preece ; F . Perkins , ex-Mayor of Southampton ; and other leading members of the Craft . The loclge was favoured by the attendance of the R . W . Admiral Sir Lucius Curtis , K . C . B ., ancl his R . AV . Deputy
C . E . Deacon , Esq ., ancl other Prov . G . Officers . After the Masonic business had been disposed of , the lodge entertained the Prov . G . M . and his Officers at a splendid banquet , over ivhich the Rev . Bro . G . Bradshaiv presided most ably . In proposing " The Healths of the Prov . G . M . and his Deputy , Bro . C . E . Deacon , " he alluded to the progress Masonry was making in Hampshire , the success it ivas now meeting ivith in Lymington , his determination to use his best energies to promote ifcespecially in that localityand
, , thanked them for the deep interest they took in everything connected ivith the Craft . —The Prov . G . M ., in reply , alluded to the talent ancl well-known eloquence of the rev . brother who ha *? 'consented to preside over that loclge , the impressive manner in which he discharged his duties ; ancl then , in a most pleasing manner referred to his own career in connection ivith the province , and the gratification he felfc afc the Masonic demonstration that had taken place that day in the town of Lymingtonand resumed his seat
, amid the plaudits of the brethren . Several other toasts were proposed and responded to , among which the name of Bro . Hayward , ex-Mayor of Lymington , elicited from the Prov . G . M . a warm eulogy for the manner in which he and another brother had for many years preserved the warrant of the loclge .
LEICESTERSHIRE . LEICESTER . —St . John ' s Lodge ( No . 348)—This lodge held its usual monthly meeting at the Freemasons' Hall , on Wednesday , the Sth inst ., when among those present were the AA . M ., Bro . Cunimings , who presided ; P . M . s . Bros . Kelly , D . Prov . G . M . ; Underwood , as S . W . ; AVindram ; and Gill , Sec ; Bros . Dr . Sloane , J . W . ; Harris , S . D . ; & c . Visitors , Bros . Brewin , AV . M . ; AVilley , P . M . ; and Lloyd , of the John of Gaunt Lodge ( 766 ) . Thelodge
having been opened , and the minutes of the last lodge read and confirmed , the following resolution ivas proposed by the D . Prov . G . M ., seconded by Bro . Underivood , ancl supported by the W . M ., all of Avhom bore ivann testimony to the estimable character of the departed brother : —" That this lodge has received Avith feelings of the deepest regret the melancholy intelligence of the premature decease of the Senior Warden , Bro . Martin Nedham , Prov . J . G . D ., at the early age of twenty-seven . By the removal
of Bio . Nedham from this sublunary abode , the members of St . John ' s Loclge have been deprived of the valuable services of a aealous Mason and most efficient officer , and the brethren generally have lost one who was endeared to them by his quiet , unassuming manners , his amiability of disposition , and genuine kindness of heart , and by Avhom his memory will long be cherished . " The resolution was , of course , carried unanimously , and ivas ordered to be entered on the minutesThis being the
. period for the election of W . M ., a ballot took place , ivhich residled in the unanimous election of Bro . AVilliam AVeare ( Senior AVarden , 1857 ) , who acknowledged the compliment paid to him by the brethren . There being no further business the lodge was closed , and the brethren adjourned to refreshment . A notice of the late Bro . Nedham appeared in our obituary column last week .
NORTHUMBERLAND . NEAVCASTLE-ON-TYNE . —Northumberland Lodge ( No . 985 ) . — - This loclge was opened on the December 4 th , by the V . W . Bro . E . D . Davis , P . Prov . S . G . W ., assisted by the folloAving : — V . W . Bros . J . J . Challoner , P . Prov . G . G . W . ; John Barker , Prov . G . Treas . ; Andrew Gillespie , Prov . G . Reg . ; Thomas Crawford , Prov . S . G . D . ; John Poppelwell , Prov . G ., as D . C . ; Wm , Johnston , P . Prov . G S . W . ; G . ILL , Hawks ( WM . elect ) ,
S . W . ; John D . Scott , J . W . ; Bro . Capt . Agnew , 381 ; & c . The minutes of the previous lodges held haA'ing been read and confirmed , the loclge was duly opened in the second degree , and the W . M . elect duly presented by P . M . Barker for installation . This and lhe subsequent portion of the installation were gone through in that able and impressive manner \ rhieh characterise all lhe Masonic labours of Bro . E . D . Davis . At the conclusion of the ceremonythe AV . M . installed the following as his officers
, for the ensuing year : —Bros . B . J . Thomson , as P . M . ; John D . Scott , S . AV . ; John Poppelwell , J . AV . ; Charles J . Jobbing , Sec . ; Wm . Johnston , Treas . ; Hugh L . Pittinson , P . D . ; Henry Bell , J . D . ; John Shield , S . S ; J . T . Hoyle , J . S . ; Thos . Crawford , J . G . ; John S . Trotter , Tyler . At the banquet the brethren wore joined by the D . Prov . G . M . of Northumberland , Bro . M . L . Jobbing , and other brethren , and the evening was spent most harmoniously . ¦