Article THE WEEK. ← Page 2 of 2 Article THE WEEK. Page 2 of 2 Article NOTES ON MUSIC AND THE DRAMA. Page 1 of 1 Article TO CORRESPONDENTS. Page 1 of 1
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The Week.
when the fatal and inevitable hour of surrender has come , the King , in the midst of the tears of his faithful followers , will descend from his throne , and will reflect with a just and noble pride that he has not failed to discharge any one of his duties . After a little advice and warning as to the consequences of their conduct in forsaking lihn , the Ministers are requested to demand formally of the respective courts their intentions relative to the last ancl imminent crisis of
the Neapolitan monarchy . The siege of Gaeta proceeds . Tho fortress is well defended by the Royalist troops , who briskly reply to the fire of the Piedinoiitese , ancl have inflicted much loss on them . Hitherto the Piedmontese have only used 27 guns , and , judging from the destruction they have effected , large results arc expected when General Cialdiui opens his whole battery , amounting to 107 guns . The reactionary movements of tho Neapolitan Royalists have again broken out in CasertaAversaand Sora . In each place
, , the movement has been crushed , and public order restored . The most serious affair was that of Caserta , where many of the inhabitants joined the Royalist agents in a demonstration for Francis II . A counter manifestation was the immediate result , ancl the Garibaldian army rushing to the spot soon crushed the insurrection , ivhich ended in the ringleaders being shot , and a hundred malcontents arrested . Naples also has been the scene of a riot attendant on the arrival of the Cardinal Archbishopagainst whom a-
manifes-, tation took place , the mob besieging the palace and attempting to fire it , and the rioters wore only ultimately appeased by the archbishop appearing on the balcony , holding the Italian tri-colour flag . Victor Emmanuel fortunately returned to Naples on the 7 th , and ifc is hoped his presence will tend to abate the strifes of parties and strengthen the hands of his Government . The last accounts from Rome represent the Papal party as much discouraged , and that M . Merode was occupied with the formation of a new army . A
band of volunteers , under Colonel Mari , had invaded Orauo . General Goyon was expecting orders to occupy Orvieto . The Popehas surely little need of an army , ancl might economise his resources by dispensing with one , when his territories and person are so well looked after by the French . At a Council of Ministers held afc Vienna a few days ago , the programme drawn up by Baron SCUMERLING for the interior development of Austria , was agreed to , and the Baron has entered the Cabinet . The state of affairs in Hungary daily becomes more alarming . Throughout the country the agitation for the restoration of the laws of 1848 is increasing , aud demonstrations with that object too frequently end in disturbances leading to
conflicts between the military and the people . Such a scene lately occurred at Debrccziu , and we now hear of another at AA aitsen , in which numbers wore wounded on both sides . Unless the Austrian Government succeed shortly in overcoming these revolutionary movements there seems no alternative but to grant all that is demanded , or to prepare to face an open rebellion . The congregation of the comif at of Pcsth met on Monday , ivhen Counts Karolyi and Nyari spoke in favour of the establishment of the laws of 1848 .
The city was illuminated on the occasion , but public order ivas nofc disturbed . Tho Spanish Government , in imitation of the great naval powers , is looking to her naval efficiency , and has given orders for the construction of two large frigates , one of which is to be ironplated .- -The life of General O'Donnell has been attempted by a despicable assassin . As the gallant general Avas leaving the Senate he was wounded in the left shoulder by a pistol shot . The assassin , named Imazivas immediately arrested . The German Duchies
, question is again occupying the attention of the German Governments . The Danish Government has , as is known , broken the condition imposed on it by the Diet , by putting in force the budget for 1860-61 ivithoufc submitting it to the States of Holstein aud Lauenburg . This proceeding has given great umbrage , especially to Prussia , and it is saicl that that power has come to an understanding ivith Austria to take energetic measures against Denmark , and it is expected that at the sitting of the Diet all the other Governments
of Germany will support- the views of Austria and Prussia . As ivas predicted from the beginning , the French avc unwilling to loose the hold they have of Syria . The French Ambassador is urging on the Sultan the necessity of the extension of the French occupation , and an agitation is being got up by French agents amongst the Christians of Damascus ancl Boyrout to back him in his demand . The Porte , however , refuses to accede to the request , ancl thou « h the other ambassadors are said to bo apparentlneutralthere can
y , , we think , be little doubt the Sultan is assured of their support . A curious murder has taken place in France . It appears that M . Poinsot , one of the French judges , ivas travelling by railway from Mulhausen to Paris , and on the arrival of the train at the latter city he was discovered in one of the carriages stabbed to the heart , and robbed of his watch and purse . The murderer , who is supposed to have got out at some station near Paris , has not been discovered .
CHINA . —Telegraphic advices from China state that Pckin surrendered to the allies on the 13 th October , yielding to all demands . As the Emperor and the Tartar army had fled , we suppose that the surrender and the concessions were made by the civic authorities .
The Week.
VIr . Parkes and Mr . Loch , L'Escayrae and thirteen soldiers had been released ; but , says the telegram , there is little hope of the return of Captain Brabazon , Mr . Boulby , or the missing French officers . Captain Anderson and Mr . De Norman have died from effects of ill-treatment . The Emperor ' s summer palace had been taken and sacked , affording immense spoil . The forces were to winter at Pekin and Tien-tsin .
AMERICA . —The latest intelligence from Now York is to the 28 th , and its chief interest consists , as we may expect it wiU do for some time to come , in the progress of the disunion movement . In South Carolina there was no abatement of the demand , if not desire , for disunion . Governor Gist's message to the State Legislature recommends the arming of the state , ancl tho making the circulation of abolition documents a crime punishable with death . He says the proposition of a conference is now too late , and that South Carolina
would be wanting in self-respect if she entertained the proposition of remaining in the Union . He then points out the various measures to be adopted to effect the disunion , even to opposing the Government by force of arms . To these ultra ancl dangerous measures several of f lie other Southern States are opposed , being unwilling to precipitate a result in which so many important interests are at stake . The Mexican news comes down to the 21 st ultimo . The capture of Guadalajara is confirmed , and the Liberals were marching on Mexico . In this city the greatest anarchy prevailed , and the British legation hacl been robbed of a million dollars belonging to the British bondholders .
Notes On Music And The Drama.
A four-part Mass , by jSeukomm , has just been revived at the Cathedral of Beauvais . It is said in Paris that Mr . Gyo has found a tenor in Italy ; also , that among his operas of 1861 are to be given " Guillaume Tell , " " L'Etoile" ( with M . Faure as Peter ) , and a version of the " Pre aux Clercs . " Wilkes ' s New York Spirit of the Times has the following among its theatrical intelligence : — " Tom Taylor ' s new tragedy of ' The
Fool ' s Revenge , ' recently pivulueocl at Piiil .-ulelpliia by Edwin Booth , is merely an amplification or adaptation of the original plot of' Le Roi s ' amuse , ' by A'ictor Hugo . " Mr . and Mrs . Hem-i Drayton , according to recent American advices , have been appearing with success at Mobile . News from Italy announces the success of Miss AVhitty at the opera at Milan . This accomplished English songstress appeared as Itosinain the " Barber of Seville" and her performance is spoken
, , of in terms of high praise by the Milan Lombardia and the Milan Gazelta . Galignani says , A ' erdi's "Rigoletto" has been heard for the first time afc the Italian Opera this season , with Mario as the Duke . His voice is still under a cloud , but it is to be hoped he will speedily become " Mario again , " as it is certainly better than ivhen he commenced the season . Ronconi has not appearedas was expectedin
, , his great role of the King's Jester . The part was taken , as before by Graziani , ivho sings many parts of the character most admirably . The voice of Ronconi is still rebellious . Mdlle . Battu , since last season , has made great progress ; scarcely anything can be finer than her singing in this part ; with a little increase of poiver this young artiste would take an enviable place among our modern cantatrices . It should be mentioned , merely as a note , that Mdme .
Alboni appeard as Madalena . It is a complete waste of talent , for there is nothing at all worth her singing in that part . There is some rumour of "I Lombard ! , " one Of Verdi ' s grandest operas , being about to be produced at this theatre .
To Correspondents.
THE CANADA ? . —AA ' e have received a communication from Bro . Harrington , Grand Muster of Canada , which shall receive due attention next week . AV . B . —In the absence of the AVardens , any Master Mason may be appointed to act in their place , and the proceedings will be perfectly legal . DIAGOEAS . —The Grand Chapter cannot grant a dispensation to
enable a- brother who has not been a M . M . for twelve months to take the Royal Arch degree . BEO . FINDEL , Lcipsig . —The first tivo sheets of Bro . Cooke ' s advertised work only are in print . AVe understand the delay has occurred through the printer having hacl to get several of the characters engraved . P . M . —AVe hope so ; Press of matter reluctantly compels us to hold over many interesting communications until next week .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Week.
when the fatal and inevitable hour of surrender has come , the King , in the midst of the tears of his faithful followers , will descend from his throne , and will reflect with a just and noble pride that he has not failed to discharge any one of his duties . After a little advice and warning as to the consequences of their conduct in forsaking lihn , the Ministers are requested to demand formally of the respective courts their intentions relative to the last ancl imminent crisis of
the Neapolitan monarchy . The siege of Gaeta proceeds . Tho fortress is well defended by the Royalist troops , who briskly reply to the fire of the Piedinoiitese , ancl have inflicted much loss on them . Hitherto the Piedmontese have only used 27 guns , and , judging from the destruction they have effected , large results arc expected when General Cialdiui opens his whole battery , amounting to 107 guns . The reactionary movements of tho Neapolitan Royalists have again broken out in CasertaAversaand Sora . In each place
, , the movement has been crushed , and public order restored . The most serious affair was that of Caserta , where many of the inhabitants joined the Royalist agents in a demonstration for Francis II . A counter manifestation was the immediate result , ancl the Garibaldian army rushing to the spot soon crushed the insurrection , ivhich ended in the ringleaders being shot , and a hundred malcontents arrested . Naples also has been the scene of a riot attendant on the arrival of the Cardinal Archbishopagainst whom a-
manifes-, tation took place , the mob besieging the palace and attempting to fire it , and the rioters wore only ultimately appeased by the archbishop appearing on the balcony , holding the Italian tri-colour flag . Victor Emmanuel fortunately returned to Naples on the 7 th , and ifc is hoped his presence will tend to abate the strifes of parties and strengthen the hands of his Government . The last accounts from Rome represent the Papal party as much discouraged , and that M . Merode was occupied with the formation of a new army . A
band of volunteers , under Colonel Mari , had invaded Orauo . General Goyon was expecting orders to occupy Orvieto . The Popehas surely little need of an army , ancl might economise his resources by dispensing with one , when his territories and person are so well looked after by the French . At a Council of Ministers held afc Vienna a few days ago , the programme drawn up by Baron SCUMERLING for the interior development of Austria , was agreed to , and the Baron has entered the Cabinet . The state of affairs in Hungary daily becomes more alarming . Throughout the country the agitation for the restoration of the laws of 1848 is increasing , aud demonstrations with that object too frequently end in disturbances leading to
conflicts between the military and the people . Such a scene lately occurred at Debrccziu , and we now hear of another at AA aitsen , in which numbers wore wounded on both sides . Unless the Austrian Government succeed shortly in overcoming these revolutionary movements there seems no alternative but to grant all that is demanded , or to prepare to face an open rebellion . The congregation of the comif at of Pcsth met on Monday , ivhen Counts Karolyi and Nyari spoke in favour of the establishment of the laws of 1848 .
The city was illuminated on the occasion , but public order ivas nofc disturbed . Tho Spanish Government , in imitation of the great naval powers , is looking to her naval efficiency , and has given orders for the construction of two large frigates , one of which is to be ironplated .- -The life of General O'Donnell has been attempted by a despicable assassin . As the gallant general Avas leaving the Senate he was wounded in the left shoulder by a pistol shot . The assassin , named Imazivas immediately arrested . The German Duchies
, question is again occupying the attention of the German Governments . The Danish Government has , as is known , broken the condition imposed on it by the Diet , by putting in force the budget for 1860-61 ivithoufc submitting it to the States of Holstein aud Lauenburg . This proceeding has given great umbrage , especially to Prussia , and it is saicl that that power has come to an understanding ivith Austria to take energetic measures against Denmark , and it is expected that at the sitting of the Diet all the other Governments
of Germany will support- the views of Austria and Prussia . As ivas predicted from the beginning , the French avc unwilling to loose the hold they have of Syria . The French Ambassador is urging on the Sultan the necessity of the extension of the French occupation , and an agitation is being got up by French agents amongst the Christians of Damascus ancl Boyrout to back him in his demand . The Porte , however , refuses to accede to the request , ancl thou « h the other ambassadors are said to bo apparentlneutralthere can
y , , we think , be little doubt the Sultan is assured of their support . A curious murder has taken place in France . It appears that M . Poinsot , one of the French judges , ivas travelling by railway from Mulhausen to Paris , and on the arrival of the train at the latter city he was discovered in one of the carriages stabbed to the heart , and robbed of his watch and purse . The murderer , who is supposed to have got out at some station near Paris , has not been discovered .
CHINA . —Telegraphic advices from China state that Pckin surrendered to the allies on the 13 th October , yielding to all demands . As the Emperor and the Tartar army had fled , we suppose that the surrender and the concessions were made by the civic authorities .
The Week.
VIr . Parkes and Mr . Loch , L'Escayrae and thirteen soldiers had been released ; but , says the telegram , there is little hope of the return of Captain Brabazon , Mr . Boulby , or the missing French officers . Captain Anderson and Mr . De Norman have died from effects of ill-treatment . The Emperor ' s summer palace had been taken and sacked , affording immense spoil . The forces were to winter at Pekin and Tien-tsin .
AMERICA . —The latest intelligence from Now York is to the 28 th , and its chief interest consists , as we may expect it wiU do for some time to come , in the progress of the disunion movement . In South Carolina there was no abatement of the demand , if not desire , for disunion . Governor Gist's message to the State Legislature recommends the arming of the state , ancl tho making the circulation of abolition documents a crime punishable with death . He says the proposition of a conference is now too late , and that South Carolina
would be wanting in self-respect if she entertained the proposition of remaining in the Union . He then points out the various measures to be adopted to effect the disunion , even to opposing the Government by force of arms . To these ultra ancl dangerous measures several of f lie other Southern States are opposed , being unwilling to precipitate a result in which so many important interests are at stake . The Mexican news comes down to the 21 st ultimo . The capture of Guadalajara is confirmed , and the Liberals were marching on Mexico . In this city the greatest anarchy prevailed , and the British legation hacl been robbed of a million dollars belonging to the British bondholders .
Notes On Music And The Drama.
A four-part Mass , by jSeukomm , has just been revived at the Cathedral of Beauvais . It is said in Paris that Mr . Gyo has found a tenor in Italy ; also , that among his operas of 1861 are to be given " Guillaume Tell , " " L'Etoile" ( with M . Faure as Peter ) , and a version of the " Pre aux Clercs . " Wilkes ' s New York Spirit of the Times has the following among its theatrical intelligence : — " Tom Taylor ' s new tragedy of ' The
Fool ' s Revenge , ' recently pivulueocl at Piiil .-ulelpliia by Edwin Booth , is merely an amplification or adaptation of the original plot of' Le Roi s ' amuse , ' by A'ictor Hugo . " Mr . and Mrs . Hem-i Drayton , according to recent American advices , have been appearing with success at Mobile . News from Italy announces the success of Miss AVhitty at the opera at Milan . This accomplished English songstress appeared as Itosinain the " Barber of Seville" and her performance is spoken
, , of in terms of high praise by the Milan Lombardia and the Milan Gazelta . Galignani says , A ' erdi's "Rigoletto" has been heard for the first time afc the Italian Opera this season , with Mario as the Duke . His voice is still under a cloud , but it is to be hoped he will speedily become " Mario again , " as it is certainly better than ivhen he commenced the season . Ronconi has not appearedas was expectedin
, , his great role of the King's Jester . The part was taken , as before by Graziani , ivho sings many parts of the character most admirably . The voice of Ronconi is still rebellious . Mdlle . Battu , since last season , has made great progress ; scarcely anything can be finer than her singing in this part ; with a little increase of poiver this young artiste would take an enviable place among our modern cantatrices . It should be mentioned , merely as a note , that Mdme .
Alboni appeard as Madalena . It is a complete waste of talent , for there is nothing at all worth her singing in that part . There is some rumour of "I Lombard ! , " one Of Verdi ' s grandest operas , being about to be produced at this theatre .
To Correspondents.
THE CANADA ? . —AA ' e have received a communication from Bro . Harrington , Grand Muster of Canada , which shall receive due attention next week . AV . B . —In the absence of the AVardens , any Master Mason may be appointed to act in their place , and the proceedings will be perfectly legal . DIAGOEAS . —The Grand Chapter cannot grant a dispensation to
enable a- brother who has not been a M . M . for twelve months to take the Royal Arch degree . BEO . FINDEL , Lcipsig . —The first tivo sheets of Bro . Cooke ' s advertised work only are in print . AVe understand the delay has occurred through the printer having hacl to get several of the characters engraved . P . M . —AVe hope so ; Press of matter reluctantly compels us to hold over many interesting communications until next week .