Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
munication addressed to the Prince of AVales , I am directed to state that other engagements ivill prevent his Royal Highness from availing himself of the invitation of the Freemasons of Nottinghamshire to be present afc a ball ivhich they purpose to give in honour ofthe Duke of Newcastle . " I have the honour to be , sir , your obedient servant , " R . BEUCE , Major-General . " R . Allen , Esq ., Nottingham . "
The High Sheriff' of Nottinghamshire ( Edward V . Pegge Burnell , Esq . ) , ive understand , was prevented from attending the Masonic banquet and ball owing to the recent demise of his uncle . The Marquis of Hastings was unavoidably absent , we believe , through an engagement with his Royal Highness the Prince of AA ' ales . SOMERSETSHIRE .
HlGHiiiujQGE , BORNHAII . —Mural Philanthropic Lodge ( No . 367 ) . —A lodge of emergency was held at lhe Masonic Room , Railway Hotel , Hlghbrhlge , on Friday , November 30 th , 1860 , for the purpose of passing Bro . W . J . E . Poole , who is shortly going- abroad , ancl is anxious to take lii « third degree before leaving . Bros . Poole and AVhitney having been examined , and found duly qualified , were passed to the degree of Felloiv Craffc . Bros . Poole and Whitney having retiredBro . Spink was
, examined , and raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason . The lodge was then closed , and the brethren adjourned for refreshment , after which the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given and heartily responded to . A collection was made for the Benevolent Fund , and the evening spent in a very agteeable manner .
SUSSEX . BRIGHTON . — " Royal York Lodge ( No . 391 ) . —The monthly meeting of this lodge was helcl at the Old Ship Hotel , on Tuesday , the 4 th inst ., under the presidency of the AV . M ., Bro . Freeman , upon which occasion Mr . 0 . Webster was initiated into the mysteries of Freemasonry , and Bro . W . Corder raised to the sublime degree of M . M . An almoner was appointed on behalf of the lodge . [ We presume this is in consequence of a
previous communication in our journal from " Progress . "Er > . P . M . J CHICHESTER . —Lodge of Union ( Xo . 4 S ) . —The brethren of this lodge met at the Council Chamber , Chichester , on the 6 th inst . Present , —Bros . Elliott , W . M . ; Cottell , S . W . ; Collins , J . AV . ; Smith , Treasurer ; Holmes , Secretary ; Adams , J . D . ; Bond , I . G . ; Beuford , Tyler ; Bros . Past Masters Molesivonh , Poivell , jun . Gamblingand Powellson . ; Bros .
JonesICitsonPur-, , , , , chase , and Wonhani ; Visitors , Bros . Mercer , 372 ; and Sharpe , 428 . The lodge being opened in the first degree , and lhe minutes of the last lodge meeting having been coafirmeil , Mr . AA'illiam Li-all Ferrier , ivho jliad been accepted as a candidate , was admitted and duly initiated into Freemasonry . The S . W . explained the work ing-tools , ancl Bro . Molesworth , P . M ., gave the charge in this degree . The brethren then proceeded to the election " of a
W . M . for the ensuing year , the result being that Bro . VV . H . Cottell , S . W ., ivas declared to be unanimously elected to fill that office . —Bro . Molesworth , P . M ., proposed , Bro . Powell , P . M ., jun ., seconded , and it -was duly and unanimously voted , " Thafc the hearty thanks of this lodgo be given to Bro . Robert Elliott , W . M . of No . 45 , for the kindness , courtesy , and impartiality he has evinced towards iis members in the discharge of his duties us W . M . for the past year . " —The W . M ., in replying , suid he felt
much gratified by the compliment paid him ; he feared he hud but inadequately filled the chair . He begged to express his cordial thanks to the officers of the lodge for ' their able assistance and constant attendance , and only Hoped that his successor would have as pleasant a year of office as he had had . —The W . M . elect assured the brethren that lie heartily , sincerely , and gratefully felt the honour they bad conferred on him . It would be his endeavouras far as his abilit would enable himto
, y , perform _ tho duties of his high office in a manner worthy of such a position . I-Iis best energies should be devoted to the lodye , and he hoped he may be ulessc-il iv ^ th health and strength to carry out his intentions . —Tho usual aiuuuil donations to distressed brocliei-s formerly belonging to the lodgo , and to the widows of others , having been voted , the lodge was closed in harmony . The installation of the W . M . elect takes place on the 3 rd of January next .
GIBRALTAR . INHABITANT ' S LODGE ( NO . 17 S ) . —A meeting of this lodge took place on Tuesday , 20 th November , when the W . M . Bro . Gorham being absent from indisposition , Bro . Irwin , P . M ., presided ,
supported by Bros . Jackman , S . AV ., and AVilkinson , J . AA . Sei-eral P . M . ' s , members of this lodge , and between forty and fifty of the brethren , ivere present . Bro . Marsland , of the Albany Lodge , No . 170 , Newport , Isle of AVight , ivas unanimously elected a joining member . Bros . Palmer , Hemphill , and Kenipson were passed to the second degree , and Messrs . Belling and Travo duly initiated , the ceremonies being performed in Bro . Irwin's well-known efficient manner . The expediency of having a Masonic Hall at the
approaching festive season ivas discussed ; but the final decision was postposeel until a future meeting . The meeting broke up at an early hour . LODGE OP FRIENDSHIP ( No . 3 'i-o ) . —This lodge helcl a meeting on Tuesday , 27 fch November , Bro . Swain , AV . M ., in the chair . The proceedings of a former meeting having been confirmed , the lodge proceeded to ballot for the admission of Herr Moritz Relle , bandmaster in Her Majesty's 25 th Regiment ( K . O . B . ) who ivas
, unanimously elected . Bro . Thompson ivas then passed to the second degree . After which the AV . M . requested Bro . Ingram , P . M ., to take the chair for a time ; and the following brethren having consented to fill the several offices temporarily , the ceremony of initiating Herr Relle ivas performed in German , viz .: —Bros . Capt .
Black , S . W . ; AVortmann , J . AV . ; Yicsolra , Mas . Cer . ; Crooks , S . D . ; Lieut . Prior , J . D ., & c . On the completion of this interesting ceremony , Bro . Relle expressed his great gratification at being admitted by means of his mother-tongue—Bro . Ingram , before resigning the gavel into Bro . Swain's hands once more , begged to thank Bros . Black and AVortmann , as also the other brethren who had assisted him in giving the degree . To Bros . AVortmann and Viesohn , nofc only his thanks , but those of the loclge , were due ; to
the former , for the great interest he had shown in the welfare of this loclge , and tbe Craffc in Gibraltar—to the latter for the kind Avay in Avhich he had visited the loclge for the purpose of enabling it to initiate Bro . Relle . Bro . Swain , AV . M ., having resumed the chair , informed the brethren that Bro . AVortmann being precluded by the laivs of his own lodge from becoming a subscribing member , hacl made a very handsome donation to the charity fund of the lodge ; he therefore proposed that a vote of thanks to Bro . W . Worfcmann for
his liberality and services be recorded on the minutes carried by acclamation . —Bro . Ingram had much pleasure in informing the brethren that in a recent number of a German Masonic periodical—Hie Bauhutte—he had been openly requested to express to the Masons of Gibraltar sentiments of fraternal regard and esteem from their brethren in Germany .
CAPE OF GOOD HOPE . PEINCE AEFEEB AND THE EBEE . 1 IASON 3 . On the 18 th September , Prince Alfred , assisted by the Freemasons of the Colony , laid the foundation stone ofthe New Sailors'Home afc Cape Town . Tbe design of the new building consists of a frontage , including two lvings , in all 125 ft , long , and each wing 50 ft . on the return . There will be a capacious cellarage , which is calculated to produce a good rentaland the ground floor is disposed thus :
; First , along the main front , there is the dining ancl day-room , a spacious apartment G 7 ft . long by 24 ft . wide . Behind it , and in the recess formed by the wings , is the kitchen , ivith offices and ample yards in the rear . An opening in the dining-room wall , next tho kitchen , affords facility for introducing the joints of fresh meat smoking-hot , and the dining-room will accommodate comfortably and cosily afc least 150 le . In front is a verandah and spacious
peop sloep or terrace , that agreeable adjunct to old Dutch houses , so suitable to this climate , in which people should be out of doors as much as possible . The ground floor of the western iving is to contain the offices of the shipping master of the port—Captain Thomas Tinley , a good friend to the Home , and to the sailors too . On the same floor , also , is the officer ' s mess-room , for the Home contemplates moderate and comfortable provision for mates ancl
others , and for captains too , if so disposed ; but the petty ollicers Avill probably most favour it . The eastern wing contains the superintendent ' s apartments and his business-room . Beneath is a store-room for seamen's baggage . And having got thus far we must now go upstairs . There are two stories , first and second . The two principal dormitories along the front corresponding to the dining-room beneatheach contain twent-six apartmentsOftGin
, y , . . by 5 ft . Each wing contains twelve similar on each story , so that there are one hundred in all . The cubical space allots nearly one thousand feet of air to each man . The windows are admirably arranged from end to end , ancl right across , so that tho ventilation is perfect and complete . The compartments in tho ivestern wing are arranged differently , and somewhat larger , for the use of the petty officers ancl masters as before named ; ancl there is , of course ,
separate access to them . The weather appears to have been mosfc unpropitious , but there ivas a large attendance of spectators , including , of course , a goodly proportion of ladies .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
munication addressed to the Prince of AVales , I am directed to state that other engagements ivill prevent his Royal Highness from availing himself of the invitation of the Freemasons of Nottinghamshire to be present afc a ball ivhich they purpose to give in honour ofthe Duke of Newcastle . " I have the honour to be , sir , your obedient servant , " R . BEUCE , Major-General . " R . Allen , Esq ., Nottingham . "
The High Sheriff' of Nottinghamshire ( Edward V . Pegge Burnell , Esq . ) , ive understand , was prevented from attending the Masonic banquet and ball owing to the recent demise of his uncle . The Marquis of Hastings was unavoidably absent , we believe , through an engagement with his Royal Highness the Prince of AA ' ales . SOMERSETSHIRE .
HlGHiiiujQGE , BORNHAII . —Mural Philanthropic Lodge ( No . 367 ) . —A lodge of emergency was held at lhe Masonic Room , Railway Hotel , Hlghbrhlge , on Friday , November 30 th , 1860 , for the purpose of passing Bro . W . J . E . Poole , who is shortly going- abroad , ancl is anxious to take lii « third degree before leaving . Bros . Poole and AVhitney having been examined , and found duly qualified , were passed to the degree of Felloiv Craffc . Bros . Poole and Whitney having retiredBro . Spink was
, examined , and raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason . The lodge was then closed , and the brethren adjourned for refreshment , after which the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given and heartily responded to . A collection was made for the Benevolent Fund , and the evening spent in a very agteeable manner .
SUSSEX . BRIGHTON . — " Royal York Lodge ( No . 391 ) . —The monthly meeting of this lodge was helcl at the Old Ship Hotel , on Tuesday , the 4 th inst ., under the presidency of the AV . M ., Bro . Freeman , upon which occasion Mr . 0 . Webster was initiated into the mysteries of Freemasonry , and Bro . W . Corder raised to the sublime degree of M . M . An almoner was appointed on behalf of the lodge . [ We presume this is in consequence of a
previous communication in our journal from " Progress . "Er > . P . M . J CHICHESTER . —Lodge of Union ( Xo . 4 S ) . —The brethren of this lodge met at the Council Chamber , Chichester , on the 6 th inst . Present , —Bros . Elliott , W . M . ; Cottell , S . W . ; Collins , J . AV . ; Smith , Treasurer ; Holmes , Secretary ; Adams , J . D . ; Bond , I . G . ; Beuford , Tyler ; Bros . Past Masters Molesivonh , Poivell , jun . Gamblingand Powellson . ; Bros .
JonesICitsonPur-, , , , , chase , and Wonhani ; Visitors , Bros . Mercer , 372 ; and Sharpe , 428 . The lodge being opened in the first degree , and lhe minutes of the last lodge meeting having been coafirmeil , Mr . AA'illiam Li-all Ferrier , ivho jliad been accepted as a candidate , was admitted and duly initiated into Freemasonry . The S . W . explained the work ing-tools , ancl Bro . Molesworth , P . M ., gave the charge in this degree . The brethren then proceeded to the election " of a
W . M . for the ensuing year , the result being that Bro . VV . H . Cottell , S . W ., ivas declared to be unanimously elected to fill that office . —Bro . Molesworth , P . M ., proposed , Bro . Powell , P . M ., jun ., seconded , and it -was duly and unanimously voted , " Thafc the hearty thanks of this lodgo be given to Bro . Robert Elliott , W . M . of No . 45 , for the kindness , courtesy , and impartiality he has evinced towards iis members in the discharge of his duties us W . M . for the past year . " —The W . M ., in replying , suid he felt
much gratified by the compliment paid him ; he feared he hud but inadequately filled the chair . He begged to express his cordial thanks to the officers of the lodge for ' their able assistance and constant attendance , and only Hoped that his successor would have as pleasant a year of office as he had had . —The W . M . elect assured the brethren that lie heartily , sincerely , and gratefully felt the honour they bad conferred on him . It would be his endeavouras far as his abilit would enable himto
, y , perform _ tho duties of his high office in a manner worthy of such a position . I-Iis best energies should be devoted to the lodye , and he hoped he may be ulessc-il iv ^ th health and strength to carry out his intentions . —Tho usual aiuuuil donations to distressed brocliei-s formerly belonging to the lodgo , and to the widows of others , having been voted , the lodge was closed in harmony . The installation of the W . M . elect takes place on the 3 rd of January next .
GIBRALTAR . INHABITANT ' S LODGE ( NO . 17 S ) . —A meeting of this lodge took place on Tuesday , 20 th November , when the W . M . Bro . Gorham being absent from indisposition , Bro . Irwin , P . M ., presided ,
supported by Bros . Jackman , S . AV ., and AVilkinson , J . AA . Sei-eral P . M . ' s , members of this lodge , and between forty and fifty of the brethren , ivere present . Bro . Marsland , of the Albany Lodge , No . 170 , Newport , Isle of AVight , ivas unanimously elected a joining member . Bros . Palmer , Hemphill , and Kenipson were passed to the second degree , and Messrs . Belling and Travo duly initiated , the ceremonies being performed in Bro . Irwin's well-known efficient manner . The expediency of having a Masonic Hall at the
approaching festive season ivas discussed ; but the final decision was postposeel until a future meeting . The meeting broke up at an early hour . LODGE OP FRIENDSHIP ( No . 3 'i-o ) . —This lodge helcl a meeting on Tuesday , 27 fch November , Bro . Swain , AV . M ., in the chair . The proceedings of a former meeting having been confirmed , the lodge proceeded to ballot for the admission of Herr Moritz Relle , bandmaster in Her Majesty's 25 th Regiment ( K . O . B . ) who ivas
, unanimously elected . Bro . Thompson ivas then passed to the second degree . After which the AV . M . requested Bro . Ingram , P . M ., to take the chair for a time ; and the following brethren having consented to fill the several offices temporarily , the ceremony of initiating Herr Relle ivas performed in German , viz .: —Bros . Capt .
Black , S . W . ; AVortmann , J . AV . ; Yicsolra , Mas . Cer . ; Crooks , S . D . ; Lieut . Prior , J . D ., & c . On the completion of this interesting ceremony , Bro . Relle expressed his great gratification at being admitted by means of his mother-tongue—Bro . Ingram , before resigning the gavel into Bro . Swain's hands once more , begged to thank Bros . Black and AVortmann , as also the other brethren who had assisted him in giving the degree . To Bros . AVortmann and Viesohn , nofc only his thanks , but those of the loclge , were due ; to
the former , for the great interest he had shown in the welfare of this loclge , and tbe Craffc in Gibraltar—to the latter for the kind Avay in Avhich he had visited the loclge for the purpose of enabling it to initiate Bro . Relle . Bro . Swain , AV . M ., having resumed the chair , informed the brethren that Bro . AVortmann being precluded by the laivs of his own lodge from becoming a subscribing member , hacl made a very handsome donation to the charity fund of the lodge ; he therefore proposed that a vote of thanks to Bro . W . Worfcmann for
his liberality and services be recorded on the minutes carried by acclamation . —Bro . Ingram had much pleasure in informing the brethren that in a recent number of a German Masonic periodical—Hie Bauhutte—he had been openly requested to express to the Masons of Gibraltar sentiments of fraternal regard and esteem from their brethren in Germany .
CAPE OF GOOD HOPE . PEINCE AEFEEB AND THE EBEE . 1 IASON 3 . On the 18 th September , Prince Alfred , assisted by the Freemasons of the Colony , laid the foundation stone ofthe New Sailors'Home afc Cape Town . Tbe design of the new building consists of a frontage , including two lvings , in all 125 ft , long , and each wing 50 ft . on the return . There will be a capacious cellarage , which is calculated to produce a good rentaland the ground floor is disposed thus :
; First , along the main front , there is the dining ancl day-room , a spacious apartment G 7 ft . long by 24 ft . wide . Behind it , and in the recess formed by the wings , is the kitchen , ivith offices and ample yards in the rear . An opening in the dining-room wall , next tho kitchen , affords facility for introducing the joints of fresh meat smoking-hot , and the dining-room will accommodate comfortably and cosily afc least 150 le . In front is a verandah and spacious
peop sloep or terrace , that agreeable adjunct to old Dutch houses , so suitable to this climate , in which people should be out of doors as much as possible . The ground floor of the western iving is to contain the offices of the shipping master of the port—Captain Thomas Tinley , a good friend to the Home , and to the sailors too . On the same floor , also , is the officer ' s mess-room , for the Home contemplates moderate and comfortable provision for mates ancl
others , and for captains too , if so disposed ; but the petty ollicers Avill probably most favour it . The eastern wing contains the superintendent ' s apartments and his business-room . Beneath is a store-room for seamen's baggage . And having got thus far we must now go upstairs . There are two stories , first and second . The two principal dormitories along the front corresponding to the dining-room beneatheach contain twent-six apartmentsOftGin
, y , . . by 5 ft . Each wing contains twelve similar on each story , so that there are one hundred in all . The cubical space allots nearly one thousand feet of air to each man . The windows are admirably arranged from end to end , ancl right across , so that tho ventilation is perfect and complete . The compartments in tho ivestern wing are arranged differently , and somewhat larger , for the use of the petty officers ancl masters as before named ; ancl there is , of course ,
separate access to them . The weather appears to have been mosfc unpropitious , but there ivas a large attendance of spectators , including , of course , a goodly proportion of ladies .