Article NOTTINGHAMSHIRE. ← Page 5 of 6 →
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be found wanting in their duties , he would conclude hy again thanking them for the toast . The M . AV . G . M . saicl , —Brethren , we have another toast to propose to you , Avhich I am sure you will drink with great cordiality . It is that of the D . Prov . G . 51 . of Nottinghamshire . I have not long been acquainted with that worthy brother , but I understand that he Avas 1 ) . Prov . G . M . under your late respected and lamented G . M . ; and I know that this day he has taken the greatest pains to make
the proper arrangements for the ceremony ivhich ive have just witnessed , ancl I am quite sure that every one who has witnessed it must do him the justice to say that his arrangements were most effective in the management of the affair , that as D . Proi * . G . M . the success of the proceedings of this clay have reflected the highest credit upon him , ancl that lie is deserving of onr heartiest thanks . I therefore ask you to join ivith me in drinking his health .
The toast ivas drank with enthusiasm and the usual honours . Bro . PEECY , the D . Prov . G . M . for Nottinghamshire , acknowledged the toast , and saicl that he should belie his conscience if on the present occasion ho were not to say that he felt a degree of pride which he had never in his life before experienced as a Mason . Having had his health proposed by the first Mason in the kingdom , the Grand Master of England , he had had conferred upon him an honour of which few Masons coulcl boast . He had been a Mason a
great number of years , and hacl always supported the Order to the best of his ability , ancl he must say that he felt great satisfaction on the present occasion to witness the installation of such a nobleman as the Duke of Newcastle as Prov . G . M . for the county of Nottingham , in the presence of so large a number of distinguished Masons from all parts of tho kingdom . ( Cheers . ) For some time after the decease of the late lamented Prov . G . M . it was a matter of considerable anxiety to the Masons of this province as to who should be appointed in his stead . Bufc upon the appointment of the noble Duke he was sure they must all look wifch the highest satisfaction . ( Loud cheers . ) In conclusion , he begged to thank the
Most AVorshipful the G . M . for the very complimentary manner in which he hacl proposed this toast , and the Brethren for the cordial reception they had given to it . ( Applause . ) His Grace then proposed " The A'isifcora , " coupled with " The Health of Bro . Crew , Secretary of the Royal Freemasons' Girls ' School . " The toast having been drunk , Bro . CEEW returned thanks . He expressed the gratification he
felt at the acceptation of an office of such responsibility by a nobleman occupying a position so distinguished as that ivhich was helcl by the noble Duke . It ivas by appointments such as these that the status and reputation of Freemasonry was sustained , but it was not hy kindly speeches and eloquent expressions that the real object of Masonry was to be upheld . It was by those active deeds of benevolence for which Masonry ivas distinguished that its practical utility ivas illustrated . Much as he valued Freemasonry in general ,
he valued it more for the good that it did , than for all the hospitalities of such an occasion as the present , and for all the beautiful addresses to ivhich they hacl listened . One of tbe great objects of Freemasonry Avas to relieve the distresses of those of its members who hacl fallen into adversity . As a specimen of what they did in this respect , he might instance a grant ivhich hacl been made at the last Quarterly Communication of Grand Loclge , to the extent of £ 50 , to the ividow of a man who at tbe
period at which he entered the Order—who , he might say , up to the time at which he was removed from our midst—hud had no idea ivhatever that any member of his family would become a recipient of its bounty . The worthy brother concluded by a feiv words emphatically urging the claims of the Masonic charities ; and was called upon by the noble Duke to favour the company ivith a song , which he gave in a very admirable manner . He was loudly encored , and favoured tha company with another , which elicited an equal amount of enthusiasm . The Tyler ' s toast Avas then given , and the brethren dispersed to reassemble in the ball-room .
THE BALL AA'as by far the most brilliant display of the kind that has been seen in Nottingham for several years . The company began to assemble about nine o'clock , and soon the hall was filled by a gay aucl fashionable throng , including the elite and beauty of the neighbourhood , the principal Freemasons of the town and county , as well as several members of the mystic body from distant places , a sprinklinof the Robin Hood Riflesdressed in their Lincoln green
g , , ancl several of the military , whose varied and magnificent uniforms added no little to the attractiveness of the scene . For the comfort and convenience of the company , a temporary ivooden porch was erected in front of the ordinary ancl main entrance to tho hall , ivhich ivas surmounted by an illumination in gas , representing the Crown ancl the letters " A . R . ; " and , as the rain kept falling rather heavily during the evening , this proved of great
service in preserving from exposure to the weather the dresses of the company . The staircase was lined on each side with a splendidcollection of chrysanthemums . In compliance with the orders ofthe Town Council , the Exchange-Hall was thoroughly cleaned ancl beautified for the occasion ; and but for the limited extent of the rooms , nothing more coulcl be required for the reception of such a magnificent company as that which assembled at the Exchange in the evening . The entrance
staircase has been painted ivith an eye to durability , in plain colours , being used every day as a passage to the Police Court-Passing into the circular of the vestibule , we find it painted in three tints—white , gray , ancl pale drab , the circular vestibule ceiling being decorated round the cornices ancl centre ivith dark pink in the simple Greek pattern . AVe next come to the large suite of rooms , which ive find to be finished in an excellent manner . The two smaller rooms are of the same uniform tints as the
vestibule , the gray being separated from the light drab by a Avhite line . Here the chandeliers ancl ornamented bosses have been regilclect , and the latter are surrounded hy appropriate ornaments in light blue on grounds of white . In the large hall the Avails ancl ceilings hai'e been entirely repainted , and the woodivork and pilasters cleaned and varnished . The walls ancl ceiling are painted in four tints , relieved by panels picked out in lines of gold , edged Avith . chocolatewhite insertionancl inner-lines of bluethe corners being
, , , an adaptation of the Greek honeysuckle pattern . The frieze and cove of ceiling , as ivell as plane panels , have also been decorated with patterns in various tints , to give a richer effect . The gilding of the ceiling has been entirely restored , but the capitals of the pillars and pilasters have been merely cleaned . The ball dresses worn by the ladies were of the most elegant and recherche description—some of even dazzling splendour , Avhose general effect ivas considerably enhanced by a rich profusion of
costly jewels . The colours predominating ivere white , pink , and blue , and occasionally rich black velvet , which set off to much advantage a brilliant array of gems and jewellery . The costumes Avere various in style and material , including moire antique , satin and silk , with lace over ; whilst the younger ladies ivore the lighter textures , consisting of gold and silver tissues , tulle , tarlatan , gauze . , & c , trimmed with flowers . The head-dresses worn were chiefly tiaras and coronets bedecked with jewels . The dresses were greatly admired . One of the fair dancers ivas attired in a white silk petticoat , with black velvet train , and a tiara of cut steel and
Avhite ostrich feathers—a dress at once conspicuous and unique . A prominent feature in the selection of the ball costume of the lady members of many of the leading county families deserves especial notice , as it ivill probably exercise a beneficial influence upon one of the staple products of the Midland metropolis . Nottingham manufactured lace and tulle were on this occasion generally worn , and added greatly to the effect of the otherwise rich material of which the ladies' robes were composed .
Among the dresses particularly striking and splendid Ave especially noticed the following , a brief description of which may prove interesting to our lady readers : — The COUNTESS or ZETLAND ( who entered the ball-room shortly before ten o'clock , and left for her hotel about a quarter before eleven ) was mosfc magnificently attired . Her dress ivas of the richest black silk , ivith three narrow frilled flounces at the bottom ; head-dress of white roses and two large diamond pins ; diamond
necklace and pendant ; diamond star on the breast ; diamond earrings and costly diamond bracelets . The Countess likewise ivore a superb white Nottingham lace shawl , which ivas much admired . Miss BAECLAY wore a slip of white silk and a dress of white tulle with gold stars ; head-dress and bouquet of water lilies and ornaments of brilliants and diamonds . Mrs . MANNEES SUTTON ivas attired in really splendid costume . Her petticoat ivas of ivhite silkthe dress of ivhite tulleand bertlie
, , with trimmings ol black velvet and black lace ; head-dress of water lilies and green leaves ancl diamonds ; bouquet of green leaves and lilies ; necklace of black beads wifch diamond clasp . Miss BUENABY , of Newark , ivore a petticoat of white silk , with a dress of ivhite tulle and gold , ancl a bouquet and wreath of green leaves and lilies of the valley . His GEACE the DUKE of NEWCASTLE was dressed in the uniform of Lord Lieutenant .
The Duke seemed to enjoy the affair thoroughly , and did nofc call for his carriage until about half-past one . It is clue to the * managers of the ball to say that everything was admirably arranged ; the supper was plentiful , the wines were good , and there ivas no conceivable reason for complaint in any department . Mr . Mee , of the Assembly Rooms , supplied the supper . It was hoped that the Prince of Wales ivould be present , but his Royal Highness found it impossible . The following letter ivas received by the Prov . Grand Secretary : — " AVindsor Castle , 19 th Nov ., 1860 . " Sir , —In reply to your letter of the 9 th inst ., conveying a com-
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
be found wanting in their duties , he would conclude hy again thanking them for the toast . The M . AV . G . M . saicl , —Brethren , we have another toast to propose to you , Avhich I am sure you will drink with great cordiality . It is that of the D . Prov . G . 51 . of Nottinghamshire . I have not long been acquainted with that worthy brother , but I understand that he Avas 1 ) . Prov . G . M . under your late respected and lamented G . M . ; and I know that this day he has taken the greatest pains to make
the proper arrangements for the ceremony ivhich ive have just witnessed , ancl I am quite sure that every one who has witnessed it must do him the justice to say that his arrangements were most effective in the management of the affair , that as D . Proi * . G . M . the success of the proceedings of this clay have reflected the highest credit upon him , ancl that lie is deserving of onr heartiest thanks . I therefore ask you to join ivith me in drinking his health .
The toast ivas drank with enthusiasm and the usual honours . Bro . PEECY , the D . Prov . G . M . for Nottinghamshire , acknowledged the toast , and saicl that he should belie his conscience if on the present occasion ho were not to say that he felt a degree of pride which he had never in his life before experienced as a Mason . Having had his health proposed by the first Mason in the kingdom , the Grand Master of England , he had had conferred upon him an honour of which few Masons coulcl boast . He had been a Mason a
great number of years , and hacl always supported the Order to the best of his ability , ancl he must say that he felt great satisfaction on the present occasion to witness the installation of such a nobleman as the Duke of Newcastle as Prov . G . M . for the county of Nottingham , in the presence of so large a number of distinguished Masons from all parts of tho kingdom . ( Cheers . ) For some time after the decease of the late lamented Prov . G . M . it was a matter of considerable anxiety to the Masons of this province as to who should be appointed in his stead . Bufc upon the appointment of the noble Duke he was sure they must all look wifch the highest satisfaction . ( Loud cheers . ) In conclusion , he begged to thank the
Most AVorshipful the G . M . for the very complimentary manner in which he hacl proposed this toast , and the Brethren for the cordial reception they had given to it . ( Applause . ) His Grace then proposed " The A'isifcora , " coupled with " The Health of Bro . Crew , Secretary of the Royal Freemasons' Girls ' School . " The toast having been drunk , Bro . CEEW returned thanks . He expressed the gratification he
felt at the acceptation of an office of such responsibility by a nobleman occupying a position so distinguished as that ivhich was helcl by the noble Duke . It ivas by appointments such as these that the status and reputation of Freemasonry was sustained , but it was not hy kindly speeches and eloquent expressions that the real object of Masonry was to be upheld . It was by those active deeds of benevolence for which Masonry ivas distinguished that its practical utility ivas illustrated . Much as he valued Freemasonry in general ,
he valued it more for the good that it did , than for all the hospitalities of such an occasion as the present , and for all the beautiful addresses to ivhich they hacl listened . One of tbe great objects of Freemasonry Avas to relieve the distresses of those of its members who hacl fallen into adversity . As a specimen of what they did in this respect , he might instance a grant ivhich hacl been made at the last Quarterly Communication of Grand Loclge , to the extent of £ 50 , to the ividow of a man who at tbe
period at which he entered the Order—who , he might say , up to the time at which he was removed from our midst—hud had no idea ivhatever that any member of his family would become a recipient of its bounty . The worthy brother concluded by a feiv words emphatically urging the claims of the Masonic charities ; and was called upon by the noble Duke to favour the company ivith a song , which he gave in a very admirable manner . He was loudly encored , and favoured tha company with another , which elicited an equal amount of enthusiasm . The Tyler ' s toast Avas then given , and the brethren dispersed to reassemble in the ball-room .
THE BALL AA'as by far the most brilliant display of the kind that has been seen in Nottingham for several years . The company began to assemble about nine o'clock , and soon the hall was filled by a gay aucl fashionable throng , including the elite and beauty of the neighbourhood , the principal Freemasons of the town and county , as well as several members of the mystic body from distant places , a sprinklinof the Robin Hood Riflesdressed in their Lincoln green
g , , ancl several of the military , whose varied and magnificent uniforms added no little to the attractiveness of the scene . For the comfort and convenience of the company , a temporary ivooden porch was erected in front of the ordinary ancl main entrance to tho hall , ivhich ivas surmounted by an illumination in gas , representing the Crown ancl the letters " A . R . ; " and , as the rain kept falling rather heavily during the evening , this proved of great
service in preserving from exposure to the weather the dresses of the company . The staircase was lined on each side with a splendidcollection of chrysanthemums . In compliance with the orders ofthe Town Council , the Exchange-Hall was thoroughly cleaned ancl beautified for the occasion ; and but for the limited extent of the rooms , nothing more coulcl be required for the reception of such a magnificent company as that which assembled at the Exchange in the evening . The entrance
staircase has been painted ivith an eye to durability , in plain colours , being used every day as a passage to the Police Court-Passing into the circular of the vestibule , we find it painted in three tints—white , gray , ancl pale drab , the circular vestibule ceiling being decorated round the cornices ancl centre ivith dark pink in the simple Greek pattern . AVe next come to the large suite of rooms , which ive find to be finished in an excellent manner . The two smaller rooms are of the same uniform tints as the
vestibule , the gray being separated from the light drab by a Avhite line . Here the chandeliers ancl ornamented bosses have been regilclect , and the latter are surrounded hy appropriate ornaments in light blue on grounds of white . In the large hall the Avails ancl ceilings hai'e been entirely repainted , and the woodivork and pilasters cleaned and varnished . The walls ancl ceiling are painted in four tints , relieved by panels picked out in lines of gold , edged Avith . chocolatewhite insertionancl inner-lines of bluethe corners being
, , , an adaptation of the Greek honeysuckle pattern . The frieze and cove of ceiling , as ivell as plane panels , have also been decorated with patterns in various tints , to give a richer effect . The gilding of the ceiling has been entirely restored , but the capitals of the pillars and pilasters have been merely cleaned . The ball dresses worn by the ladies were of the most elegant and recherche description—some of even dazzling splendour , Avhose general effect ivas considerably enhanced by a rich profusion of
costly jewels . The colours predominating ivere white , pink , and blue , and occasionally rich black velvet , which set off to much advantage a brilliant array of gems and jewellery . The costumes Avere various in style and material , including moire antique , satin and silk , with lace over ; whilst the younger ladies ivore the lighter textures , consisting of gold and silver tissues , tulle , tarlatan , gauze . , & c , trimmed with flowers . The head-dresses worn were chiefly tiaras and coronets bedecked with jewels . The dresses were greatly admired . One of the fair dancers ivas attired in a white silk petticoat , with black velvet train , and a tiara of cut steel and
Avhite ostrich feathers—a dress at once conspicuous and unique . A prominent feature in the selection of the ball costume of the lady members of many of the leading county families deserves especial notice , as it ivill probably exercise a beneficial influence upon one of the staple products of the Midland metropolis . Nottingham manufactured lace and tulle were on this occasion generally worn , and added greatly to the effect of the otherwise rich material of which the ladies' robes were composed .
Among the dresses particularly striking and splendid Ave especially noticed the following , a brief description of which may prove interesting to our lady readers : — The COUNTESS or ZETLAND ( who entered the ball-room shortly before ten o'clock , and left for her hotel about a quarter before eleven ) was mosfc magnificently attired . Her dress ivas of the richest black silk , ivith three narrow frilled flounces at the bottom ; head-dress of white roses and two large diamond pins ; diamond
necklace and pendant ; diamond star on the breast ; diamond earrings and costly diamond bracelets . The Countess likewise ivore a superb white Nottingham lace shawl , which ivas much admired . Miss BAECLAY wore a slip of white silk and a dress of white tulle with gold stars ; head-dress and bouquet of water lilies and ornaments of brilliants and diamonds . Mrs . MANNEES SUTTON ivas attired in really splendid costume . Her petticoat ivas of ivhite silkthe dress of ivhite tulleand bertlie
, , with trimmings ol black velvet and black lace ; head-dress of water lilies and green leaves ancl diamonds ; bouquet of green leaves and lilies ; necklace of black beads wifch diamond clasp . Miss BUENABY , of Newark , ivore a petticoat of white silk , with a dress of ivhite tulle and gold , ancl a bouquet and wreath of green leaves and lilies of the valley . His GEACE the DUKE of NEWCASTLE was dressed in the uniform of Lord Lieutenant .
The Duke seemed to enjoy the affair thoroughly , and did nofc call for his carriage until about half-past one . It is clue to the * managers of the ball to say that everything was admirably arranged ; the supper was plentiful , the wines were good , and there ivas no conceivable reason for complaint in any department . Mr . Mee , of the Assembly Rooms , supplied the supper . It was hoped that the Prince of Wales ivould be present , but his Royal Highness found it impossible . The following letter ivas received by the Prov . Grand Secretary : — " AVindsor Castle , 19 th Nov ., 1860 . " Sir , —In reply to your letter of the 9 th inst ., conveying a com-