Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Public Amusements.
who succeeds in the one is ahnost sure to win the suffrages of his audience in the other style of parts . Mr . Drew was equally at home in the mimic German court as he was amongst squireens ancl attorneys ; and the same humour which carried him through Handy Andy availed in Sir Patrick O'Plenipo . His puzzled ¦ demeanour , and his cool acceptance of the position that is forced upon himwith his ludicrous attempts at explanationconstantly
, , excited the mirth of his audience in no trifling degree ; and although he is perhaps not altogether so well fitted for those Irish -characters which partake of the manner of high comedy as for those ¦ of low life , his success was unequivocal , as was shown by the unanimous call for him . AA'hich folloived the fall of fclie curtain .
The Week.
THE COURT . —Another Roi * al marriage is arranged , that of the Princess Alice with Prince Louis of Hesse Darmstadt , which is shortly to be solemnised in London . The father of Prince Louis is brother ancl heir presumptive to the present Grand Duke , who has no children . Her Majesty , accompanied by the Prince Consort , and several members of tho Royal family , arrived hi town on Monday morning , and proceeded to take a private view of tho Smithfield Club Cattle Showafc the BazaarKing-street . The Royal
, , party remained for a considerable time , bestoiving a large share of attention on the mechanical department of the exhibition , and appeared ivell satisfied with the result of their inspection . After leaving the bazaar , her Majesty ancl tho Prince Consort visited the Empress Eugenie at Claridge ' s Hotel . Oxford ivas on AVednesday honoured with a Royal visit . The Queen , Prince Consort , Prince AlfredPrincess AlicePrince Louis of Hessetravelled bspecial
, , , y train from AVindsor to Oxford hi the forenoon , viewed the lions of the place , took luncheon ivith the Prince of AVales . at his residence , Prewin Hall , and returned to AVindsor Castle about five o'clock . The Vice Chancellor and the Dean of Christclmrch were invited to meet her Majesty at luncheon . Yesterday ( Friday ) , the " Babes in the AVood" was performed at the Castle by the Haymarkefc
company . GENERAL HOME NEWS . —It is gratifying to state , on the authority of the Registrar-General , that the health of the metropolis is better at present than it usuaUy has been at this season of the year . A good deal of sickness there is , no doubt ; but the mortality , nevertheless , falls below the average . In the Avcck ending Saturday the total number of deaths ivas 12 » 10 ; that is , 35 below the iveek preceding , and 129 below the average of tho last ton years . Of
births there wero registered 1814—923 boys and 891 girls . Numerous communications have been addressed to the Lord Mayor on the desirability of observing the Monday preceding Christmasday as a holiday , as well as Christmas-day itself . Pew as our stated holidays are , and limited as are the opportunities of those engaged in business , of practising the minor virtues of social intercourse , this would be no great piece of commercial extravagance ; ancl it is to be hoped that his lordship ' s x > ublicly-cxpressed concurrence with
the suggestion ivill have some effect in aiding to bring it about . The half-yearly meeting ofthe Royal Agricultural Society of England was held on AVednesday at the rooms , Hanover-square , under the presidency of the Earl of Powis . Reference was made in a feeling manner to the loss the society had sustained in the death of the Duke of Richmond , one of the trustees , and three times elected to
the office of president . The Duke of Marlborough fills the vacancy in the trusteeship , ancl Mr . Owen Wallis , of Overstone Grange , that in the council caused by the resignation of Lord Southampton . At present there is a total of 4942 members in the society , the funded capital being £ 12 , 000 stock , shoiving a state of matters highly satisfactory . It is expected that the selection of Leeds for the show of 1861 ivill prove a financial success . The Cuttle Show at the BazaarBaker-streethas proved the focus of attraction during the
, , last three days to an immense crowd of visitors that flocked hi from every quarter—some to gratify a natural taste in witnessing the effects of training and feeding on the domestic animal , some to follow a fashion , but all , in the result , to experience unbounded admiration in the noble and symmetrical proportions of tiie bovine specimens , and feelings of a mixed character on view of the porcine monstrosities AvalloAvhig in their fat . At the Durham assizes on
Saturday Milner Lockey , a coal-miner , was arraigned before Mr . Justice Keating for the murder of Thomas Harrison , on the 29 th of September last . Harrison was "put in possession , " as bailiff , of Urpeth Mill , about nine miles from Durham , and lodged with the wife of the prisoner , who had been living apart from her husband for some time previous . On the night of the murder Lockey entered the cottage of his wife , which was in a lonel y situation , and
attacked her with a knife , wounding her seriously . The deceased called out to the assassin , who then turned upon him , and stabbed him in the breast , from which wound he died . The jury found the prisoner guilty , and sentence of death was passed upon him . A case was tried on Monday in the Court of Queen ' s Bench , arising out of the accident that occurred in May last at King ' s-cross , Diving to the guard , who was intoxicated and asleep , not putting on the breakby which neglect the train ran riht through the station into
, g the street , and many of the passengers were seriously injuredj among whom was the plaintiff , Mr . Williams , a flour factor at Manchester . The only question in dispute was the amount of compensation , which the jury fixed at £ 1200 . A somewhat singular case of forgery has been tried at the Maidstone assizes before Mr . Justice Byles . The prisoner , who name was Alfred Cullen , desirous of getting an appointment in the county police , produced ,
according to requirement , a certificate of good character signed by respectable householders . One of these signatures turned out to be a forgery ; but the tradesman ivhose name was so forged saicl , had ho been applied to , knowing the young man to be of good character , he should have had no hesitation in signing the document . Under the circumstances the jury returned a verdict of Not Guilty . On Saturday night , an order reached Newgate , from the Home Office , directing that the sentence of death passed upon Anne Padfield should nofc be carried into effect at present . In all probability ,
although a decision has nofc yet been come to on the matter , the capital sentence will be commuted into one of penal servitude for life . The directors of the Crystal Palace Company have prepared their report , to be submitted to the meeting of proprietors on AVednesday next . Altogether affairs wear a more hopeful aspect tlmi hitherto , ancl justify the expression of satisfaction with which the directors invito the shareholders to inspect the figures . Tho income from all sources for the j'ear was £ 120 , 669 ; expenditure ,
£ 72 , 261 ; leaving a balance on the right side of £ 48 , 408 , which , with the reserve from the previous year , admits of a dividend ot 2 per cent , on the ordinary stock . A considerable increase in the number of visitors is shown , the total being 1 , 531 , 951 . In anticipation of the exhibition of 1862 , the directors have it in view to hold a musical festival on the most magnificent scale , and purpose making arrangements with the Sacrecl Harmonic Society for that purpose . Reference is made to the projected connection of fche
Palace with Farringdon-street , which would prove of immense benefit to the company . The receipts for season-tickets and halfseason tickets is set down at £ 12 , 374 ; for Mendelssohn Festival , Orpheonist Festival , and other concerts , £ 11 , 505 ; for special concerts and fetes , £ 11 , 194-, refreshment contracts , £ 15 , 058 . Agvand fancy bazaar is to bo held on AVednesday and Thursday next in aid of that most valuable institution , the Metropolitan Free Hospital , Devonshire-square . The institution is at present much in need of assistance .
FOREION INTELLIGENCE . —Count Persigny has inaugurated his entry on the functions of Minister of the Interior by a circular to the various prefects , in which he draws attention to the Emperor ' s decree of the 24-th November , which he describes as an act of great generosity , ancl intended to prepare the country for the peaceful exercise of liberties ivhose development the popular throne of the Napoleons is bound to protect . Some relaxation of the restrictions on the French press is to be effected , not by a direct change
in the law , bufc by its more liberal administration by Count Persigny . In a circular addressed to the prefects , the Count examines the English laws , and points out thafc while the English press enjoys great- liberty in discussing all acts of Government , yet the law is severe against nil attacks on the Crown and State . He says : " Let abuses in society or Government be disclosed ; let the acts of the Administration bo discussed , and injustice be revealed ; but should parties endeavour to overthrow the state ancl dynastythe laiv will
, not permit discussion , and the system of warnings ivill then be enforced . " The Minister concludes thus : — " I declare that , although disposed not to flinch before any responsibility in prohibiting attacks by the press against the state , on tho other side I shall not consult any private considerations in the resolutions which I shall take to encourage the habit of free discussion in Prance . " All past warnings have been cancelled . Francis II . of Naples has made another protest to the European Powers . Ifc is addressed to iiis
representatives at the various Courts , and signed by 31 . Casella , his Foreign Minister . In this document M . Casella traces the rapid progress of the revolution in the kingdom of tho Two Sicilies , and while admitting that the army was demoralised by pernicious doctrines , and that treason had penetrated even to the court ancl council , contends that the King ivould have achieved a triumphal return to his capital , had not a " perjured and disloyal sovereign " intervened
to prevent it . Afc tho present moment , as the resistance of the fortresses of Gaeta ancl Messina necessarily depends on a thousand circumstances , it is not probable , says the Minister , that this defence will be as prolonged as the sovereigns of Europe seem to wish . Ancl
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Public Amusements.
who succeeds in the one is ahnost sure to win the suffrages of his audience in the other style of parts . Mr . Drew was equally at home in the mimic German court as he was amongst squireens ancl attorneys ; and the same humour which carried him through Handy Andy availed in Sir Patrick O'Plenipo . His puzzled ¦ demeanour , and his cool acceptance of the position that is forced upon himwith his ludicrous attempts at explanationconstantly
, , excited the mirth of his audience in no trifling degree ; and although he is perhaps not altogether so well fitted for those Irish -characters which partake of the manner of high comedy as for those ¦ of low life , his success was unequivocal , as was shown by the unanimous call for him . AA'hich folloived the fall of fclie curtain .
The Week.
THE COURT . —Another Roi * al marriage is arranged , that of the Princess Alice with Prince Louis of Hesse Darmstadt , which is shortly to be solemnised in London . The father of Prince Louis is brother ancl heir presumptive to the present Grand Duke , who has no children . Her Majesty , accompanied by the Prince Consort , and several members of tho Royal family , arrived hi town on Monday morning , and proceeded to take a private view of tho Smithfield Club Cattle Showafc the BazaarKing-street . The Royal
, , party remained for a considerable time , bestoiving a large share of attention on the mechanical department of the exhibition , and appeared ivell satisfied with the result of their inspection . After leaving the bazaar , her Majesty ancl tho Prince Consort visited the Empress Eugenie at Claridge ' s Hotel . Oxford ivas on AVednesday honoured with a Royal visit . The Queen , Prince Consort , Prince AlfredPrincess AlicePrince Louis of Hessetravelled bspecial
, , , y train from AVindsor to Oxford hi the forenoon , viewed the lions of the place , took luncheon ivith the Prince of AVales . at his residence , Prewin Hall , and returned to AVindsor Castle about five o'clock . The Vice Chancellor and the Dean of Christclmrch were invited to meet her Majesty at luncheon . Yesterday ( Friday ) , the " Babes in the AVood" was performed at the Castle by the Haymarkefc
company . GENERAL HOME NEWS . —It is gratifying to state , on the authority of the Registrar-General , that the health of the metropolis is better at present than it usuaUy has been at this season of the year . A good deal of sickness there is , no doubt ; but the mortality , nevertheless , falls below the average . In the Avcck ending Saturday the total number of deaths ivas 12 » 10 ; that is , 35 below the iveek preceding , and 129 below the average of tho last ton years . Of
births there wero registered 1814—923 boys and 891 girls . Numerous communications have been addressed to the Lord Mayor on the desirability of observing the Monday preceding Christmasday as a holiday , as well as Christmas-day itself . Pew as our stated holidays are , and limited as are the opportunities of those engaged in business , of practising the minor virtues of social intercourse , this would be no great piece of commercial extravagance ; ancl it is to be hoped that his lordship ' s x > ublicly-cxpressed concurrence with
the suggestion ivill have some effect in aiding to bring it about . The half-yearly meeting ofthe Royal Agricultural Society of England was held on AVednesday at the rooms , Hanover-square , under the presidency of the Earl of Powis . Reference was made in a feeling manner to the loss the society had sustained in the death of the Duke of Richmond , one of the trustees , and three times elected to
the office of president . The Duke of Marlborough fills the vacancy in the trusteeship , ancl Mr . Owen Wallis , of Overstone Grange , that in the council caused by the resignation of Lord Southampton . At present there is a total of 4942 members in the society , the funded capital being £ 12 , 000 stock , shoiving a state of matters highly satisfactory . It is expected that the selection of Leeds for the show of 1861 ivill prove a financial success . The Cuttle Show at the BazaarBaker-streethas proved the focus of attraction during the
, , last three days to an immense crowd of visitors that flocked hi from every quarter—some to gratify a natural taste in witnessing the effects of training and feeding on the domestic animal , some to follow a fashion , but all , in the result , to experience unbounded admiration in the noble and symmetrical proportions of tiie bovine specimens , and feelings of a mixed character on view of the porcine monstrosities AvalloAvhig in their fat . At the Durham assizes on
Saturday Milner Lockey , a coal-miner , was arraigned before Mr . Justice Keating for the murder of Thomas Harrison , on the 29 th of September last . Harrison was "put in possession , " as bailiff , of Urpeth Mill , about nine miles from Durham , and lodged with the wife of the prisoner , who had been living apart from her husband for some time previous . On the night of the murder Lockey entered the cottage of his wife , which was in a lonel y situation , and
attacked her with a knife , wounding her seriously . The deceased called out to the assassin , who then turned upon him , and stabbed him in the breast , from which wound he died . The jury found the prisoner guilty , and sentence of death was passed upon him . A case was tried on Monday in the Court of Queen ' s Bench , arising out of the accident that occurred in May last at King ' s-cross , Diving to the guard , who was intoxicated and asleep , not putting on the breakby which neglect the train ran riht through the station into
, g the street , and many of the passengers were seriously injuredj among whom was the plaintiff , Mr . Williams , a flour factor at Manchester . The only question in dispute was the amount of compensation , which the jury fixed at £ 1200 . A somewhat singular case of forgery has been tried at the Maidstone assizes before Mr . Justice Byles . The prisoner , who name was Alfred Cullen , desirous of getting an appointment in the county police , produced ,
according to requirement , a certificate of good character signed by respectable householders . One of these signatures turned out to be a forgery ; but the tradesman ivhose name was so forged saicl , had ho been applied to , knowing the young man to be of good character , he should have had no hesitation in signing the document . Under the circumstances the jury returned a verdict of Not Guilty . On Saturday night , an order reached Newgate , from the Home Office , directing that the sentence of death passed upon Anne Padfield should nofc be carried into effect at present . In all probability ,
although a decision has nofc yet been come to on the matter , the capital sentence will be commuted into one of penal servitude for life . The directors of the Crystal Palace Company have prepared their report , to be submitted to the meeting of proprietors on AVednesday next . Altogether affairs wear a more hopeful aspect tlmi hitherto , ancl justify the expression of satisfaction with which the directors invito the shareholders to inspect the figures . Tho income from all sources for the j'ear was £ 120 , 669 ; expenditure ,
£ 72 , 261 ; leaving a balance on the right side of £ 48 , 408 , which , with the reserve from the previous year , admits of a dividend ot 2 per cent , on the ordinary stock . A considerable increase in the number of visitors is shown , the total being 1 , 531 , 951 . In anticipation of the exhibition of 1862 , the directors have it in view to hold a musical festival on the most magnificent scale , and purpose making arrangements with the Sacrecl Harmonic Society for that purpose . Reference is made to the projected connection of fche
Palace with Farringdon-street , which would prove of immense benefit to the company . The receipts for season-tickets and halfseason tickets is set down at £ 12 , 374 ; for Mendelssohn Festival , Orpheonist Festival , and other concerts , £ 11 , 505 ; for special concerts and fetes , £ 11 , 194-, refreshment contracts , £ 15 , 058 . Agvand fancy bazaar is to bo held on AVednesday and Thursday next in aid of that most valuable institution , the Metropolitan Free Hospital , Devonshire-square . The institution is at present much in need of assistance .
FOREION INTELLIGENCE . —Count Persigny has inaugurated his entry on the functions of Minister of the Interior by a circular to the various prefects , in which he draws attention to the Emperor ' s decree of the 24-th November , which he describes as an act of great generosity , ancl intended to prepare the country for the peaceful exercise of liberties ivhose development the popular throne of the Napoleons is bound to protect . Some relaxation of the restrictions on the French press is to be effected , not by a direct change
in the law , bufc by its more liberal administration by Count Persigny . In a circular addressed to the prefects , the Count examines the English laws , and points out thafc while the English press enjoys great- liberty in discussing all acts of Government , yet the law is severe against nil attacks on the Crown and State . He says : " Let abuses in society or Government be disclosed ; let the acts of the Administration bo discussed , and injustice be revealed ; but should parties endeavour to overthrow the state ancl dynastythe laiv will
, not permit discussion , and the system of warnings ivill then be enforced . " The Minister concludes thus : — " I declare that , although disposed not to flinch before any responsibility in prohibiting attacks by the press against the state , on tho other side I shall not consult any private considerations in the resolutions which I shall take to encourage the habit of free discussion in Prance . " All past warnings have been cancelled . Francis II . of Naples has made another protest to the European Powers . Ifc is addressed to iiis
representatives at the various Courts , and signed by 31 . Casella , his Foreign Minister . In this document M . Casella traces the rapid progress of the revolution in the kingdom of tho Two Sicilies , and while admitting that the army was demoralised by pernicious doctrines , and that treason had penetrated even to the court ancl council , contends that the King ivould have achieved a triumphal return to his capital , had not a " perjured and disloyal sovereign " intervened
to prevent it . Afc tho present moment , as the resistance of the fortresses of Gaeta ancl Messina necessarily depends on a thousand circumstances , it is not probable , says the Minister , that this defence will be as prolonged as the sovereigns of Europe seem to wish . Ancl