Article THE MASONIC MIRROR. Page 1 of 1 Article METROPOLITAN. Page 1 of 2 →
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The Masonic Mirror.
MASONIC MEMS . Viscotrxi' HOEHESDAEE , Prov . G . M . for Kent , having kindly consented to take the chair at the forthcoming Festival of the Royal Benei-olenfc Institution for Aged Preemasons ancl their
Widows , on the 30 th of January next , ifc is hoped that the brethren of the Proi'ince of Kent will feel ifc their duty to support their Prov . G . M . on that occasion . The list of steiA'ards already numbers upAvards of eighty names , and seems likely , at the present rate of additions , to hai'c half as many more" before the clay in question . We are happy to announce that Bro . Colonel Adair , of Flixton
Hall , has accepted the office of Prov . Grand Master of Suffolk . Wo hear that the appointment is likely to prove very popular , our gallant brother being generally beloved in the province .
ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOR BOYS . We have been requested to publish the following . AVe do so without comment : — At a meeting of the House Committee , held afc the School House , on Friday , the 30 th of November , I 860 , Bro . J . S . S . Hopwood , in the chair , the following boys , leaving the institution , were
presented to the committee , viz .: —Richard John Fisher , James Willis , William Thomas Moore , Thomas Corke Chase , ancl Augustus Lang . The committee having examined the sei'eral reports submitted to them by the master of the school relative to the progress the above boys had made during the period they hacl been in the school , It was resolved unanimously , - —¦ " That this House Committee cannot separate without expressing its regret at the extremelunsatisfactory made bthose
y progress y boys who this day quit the institution , in those brandies of education ivhich hai-e come under the notice of the members of the committee , more especially as regards the spelling and writing . The attention of the head ancl assistant-master is specially directed to these defects , ancl in the hope that no grounds for similar complaint ivith reference to the boys still in the school may exist in the future ; and that a copy of this resolution be sent to the Eev . Charles Woodward and to Mr . Taylor . "
At a meeting of the General Committee held on Saturday , December 1 st , I 860 , the following notice of motion was given by Bro . George Barrett , one of the vice-presidents of the institution" Having heard the minute made by the House Committee at their last meeting , respecting the boys leaving the institution , to move at the next Quarterly General Court that tho Head Master be requested to retire next Lady-day . "
PKITDEST BRETHREN - LODGE ( NO . 169 ) . —Tlie members of this lodge met at the Freemasons' Tavern , on Tuesday , Nov . 27 th , Bro . Boyd , AV . M ., presiding , when Bro . Hooper was elected W . M . for the ensuing year , and Bro . Warren re-elected Treasurer . OLD CONCORD LODGE ( NO . 201 ) . —The usual meeting of this lodge was held at the Freemasons' Tavern , on Tuesday evening , December 4 th—Bro . Sivainston , AV . M ., presided ; Bro . the Rev . . 1 . LaughlinS . W . ; Bro . WatersJ . AV . There ivere presentPMs
, , , .. Booth , Kennedy , Nicholson , Gurton , anc £ Jackson , ' and the following visitors—Bros . AA . C Liimley ancl R . li . Lumley , Grand Master ' s Lodge ( No . 1 ); G . J . Kain , P . Prov . G . Sec , Shakspere Lodge , ( No . 350 ); AY . G . Ross , No . 291 ( Scotland ); E . Rowley , 10-14 ; Wilson , 830 ; G . Batten , Kent Lodge of Antiquity ( No . 20 ); J . W . Roper , 12 ; E . Davies , 276 ( United Strength ); AVavell , 20 G ; Clarke 21 . 1 ; D . Shaboe 812- ; Woodson 15 Boyce 1115 HomeII
, , , ; , ; , Willis , 955 ; L . II . Isaacs , 812 ; AVinter , 23 < t See . The first business of the evening was to raise Bros . King and Cronin to the sublime decree of M . M ., which ceremony ivas performed by the AV . M . witlfhis accustomed ability , ancl in a most impressive manner ; after which Bros . Dorsett , AValker , and Eccius were iiasscd fo the second degree . A ballot having been taken , Mr " . John Scarborough ivas introducedand in due form initiated into the mysteries of ancient
, Freemasonry .- —The next business was , the consideration of amotion by Bro . Kennedy , P . M . and Treas . ; ancl it was resolved by a large majority that the initiation fee of this loclge bo increased to ei ght guineas , and the joining fee to five guineas . The lodge then proceeded to the election of a AV . M . for the year ensuing , which
was unanimously m favour of Bro . the Rev . J . Laughlin , S . AV ., ivho returned thanks for the honour conferred upon him . Bro . Kennedy was re-elected as Treas ., and Bro . Beckett was unanimously elected Tyler to the lodge . The case of the ividoAV ancl children of the late Bro . Hummer , of the Kent Lodge ( No . 15 ) , who came to an untimely end by suffocation in a well , ivas then submitted by Bro . Lensohn , and excited the sympathy of the brethren , ivith many promises of support for the purpose of
obtaining admission for two of the children into the Masonic Schools The loclge was then closed , and afterwards 76 brethren sat down to refreshment . This having been disposed of , the AV . M . gave the usual formal toasts , which were duly honoured . —Bro . KENNEDY said he hacl permission to propose a toast , which ivas , " The Health of their AV . M ., Bro . Sivainston , " and it AA'ould be unnecessary for him to say how well he had discharged the duties of the lodge , as they had all hacl an opportunity of witnessing themor the efficient
, manner in which he hacl filled the chair afc tlieir banquet table-During the year he had initiated a large number of gentlemen into the loclge '; he had | been most punctual in his attendance to his duties , and he felt sure the brethren must all feel delighted at the manner he had gone through his year of office . That was the last night he would occupy the chair , and he ( Bro . Kennedy ) was delighted that so many as 76 brethren were present that evening to witness his departure from it . ( Cheers . )—The AV . M . said that , although
his health hacl often been proposed in that lodge , yet he could say sincerely that he never had had greater difficulty than at that moment in adequately returning thanks for the honour conferred upon him .. He ivas utterly unable to give expression to his feelings for the very flattering manner in ivhich Bro . Kennedy had proposed his health , or to the brethren for responding to it so heartily as they had done . He had spoken of the ivay in which he hacl fulfilled the duties ; and if the brethren were satisfied , he ivas highly
gratified . AVhen ho was elected AV . M . ho strove to perform those duties as becoming a lodge of such high position in the Craffc , and not to allow its glories to go down in his bands , but to keep it up to that position which should nor . only be honourable to the lodge but honourable to himself . —The AV . M . next gave " The Visitors" - aucl saicl he felt highly gratified at seeing so many present that evening . —Bro . LUIILEV , of tlie Grand Master ' s Lodge , returned thanks , ancl bore his testimony to the excellent working of the lodge . —The AV . M . then gave , "The Past Masters of the Lodge , " and in doing so said he sincerely regretted the absence of Bro ..
Enimens , through illness , that being the second time only'that he had been absent from the lodge during a period of upwards of twenty years . —Bro . BOOTH returned thanks on behalf of the P . M . s , and said that so efficient had been their W . M . that he not only did not require their assistance , but was able to give them information . —The AV . M . said the next toast he had to propose was that of "The Health of Bro . Laughlin , AV . M . elect ; " and he could say that had he that brother's flow of eloquence and oratorical poivers , he coulcl
not expatiate too much upon his good qualities . Bro . Laughlin hacl been most regular in his attendance at the loclge , and when he considered the duties their reverend brother had to fulfil in his parish , it ivas a Avonder to him hoiv he was able to devote any time at all to Freemasonry . That he hacl done so they had ample proof , from what they had witnessed in the loclge . He was the pastor of a very large neighbourhood , and yet he had passed his examination in a manner which had never been excelled by any P . M . of the
Olcl Concord Loclge . The toast was most enthusiastically received .. —Bro . the Rev . J . LAuaHEis * saicl ho rarely had risen in his place to speak of himself , but to address a few Avords to their newlyinitiated brethren on the great principles of faith , hope , ancl charity , and to dwell on that which was nearest to his heart—the good of the lodge . As regarded himself the brethren had taken an irrevocable step , but by the assistance of the G . A . 0 . T . U ., when
he went from that to the other end of the room , he hoped to perforin his duties , and to remain at his post until they ivere all willing to go away . If he had failings , ancl did not possess those rare gifts of their present AV . M ., yet he trusted to the assistance of a most excellent body of P . M . s , of ivhich their present AV . M . would then be a member , and hoped to perforin the duties ofthe Olcl Concord Loclge in a manner that should give no offence . His love ot Masonry ivas great , but when in the chair ho should not indulge in
long speeches ; and when at the end of 12 months he should resign the gavel , he should clo so with the same satisfaction that he now hacl in accepting that honourable office . AVhile he Avas in tbe chair he should endeavour to clo good to all in every possible manner , and if he could add any lveight or assistance to their Masonic charities , he hoped never to be absent from his post . By the assistance of the G . A . 0 . T . II . he trusted that in his hands the glory of the loclge would not be impaired or extinguished , and that Avhile he
helcl that chair that lie should ably , faithfully , and conscientiously perform his duties . —The AV . M . proposed "The Health of Bro . Kennedy , P . M . and Treasurer of the Lodge . " —Bro . KENNEDY , in reply , thanked the brethren for the honour they had conferred
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Masonic Mirror.
MASONIC MEMS . Viscotrxi' HOEHESDAEE , Prov . G . M . for Kent , having kindly consented to take the chair at the forthcoming Festival of the Royal Benei-olenfc Institution for Aged Preemasons ancl their
Widows , on the 30 th of January next , ifc is hoped that the brethren of the Proi'ince of Kent will feel ifc their duty to support their Prov . G . M . on that occasion . The list of steiA'ards already numbers upAvards of eighty names , and seems likely , at the present rate of additions , to hai'c half as many more" before the clay in question . We are happy to announce that Bro . Colonel Adair , of Flixton
Hall , has accepted the office of Prov . Grand Master of Suffolk . Wo hear that the appointment is likely to prove very popular , our gallant brother being generally beloved in the province .
ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOR BOYS . We have been requested to publish the following . AVe do so without comment : — At a meeting of the House Committee , held afc the School House , on Friday , the 30 th of November , I 860 , Bro . J . S . S . Hopwood , in the chair , the following boys , leaving the institution , were
presented to the committee , viz .: —Richard John Fisher , James Willis , William Thomas Moore , Thomas Corke Chase , ancl Augustus Lang . The committee having examined the sei'eral reports submitted to them by the master of the school relative to the progress the above boys had made during the period they hacl been in the school , It was resolved unanimously , - —¦ " That this House Committee cannot separate without expressing its regret at the extremelunsatisfactory made bthose
y progress y boys who this day quit the institution , in those brandies of education ivhich hai-e come under the notice of the members of the committee , more especially as regards the spelling and writing . The attention of the head ancl assistant-master is specially directed to these defects , ancl in the hope that no grounds for similar complaint ivith reference to the boys still in the school may exist in the future ; and that a copy of this resolution be sent to the Eev . Charles Woodward and to Mr . Taylor . "
At a meeting of the General Committee held on Saturday , December 1 st , I 860 , the following notice of motion was given by Bro . George Barrett , one of the vice-presidents of the institution" Having heard the minute made by the House Committee at their last meeting , respecting the boys leaving the institution , to move at the next Quarterly General Court that tho Head Master be requested to retire next Lady-day . "
PKITDEST BRETHREN - LODGE ( NO . 169 ) . —Tlie members of this lodge met at the Freemasons' Tavern , on Tuesday , Nov . 27 th , Bro . Boyd , AV . M ., presiding , when Bro . Hooper was elected W . M . for the ensuing year , and Bro . Warren re-elected Treasurer . OLD CONCORD LODGE ( NO . 201 ) . —The usual meeting of this lodge was held at the Freemasons' Tavern , on Tuesday evening , December 4 th—Bro . Sivainston , AV . M ., presided ; Bro . the Rev . . 1 . LaughlinS . W . ; Bro . WatersJ . AV . There ivere presentPMs
, , , .. Booth , Kennedy , Nicholson , Gurton , anc £ Jackson , ' and the following visitors—Bros . AA . C Liimley ancl R . li . Lumley , Grand Master ' s Lodge ( No . 1 ); G . J . Kain , P . Prov . G . Sec , Shakspere Lodge , ( No . 350 ); AY . G . Ross , No . 291 ( Scotland ); E . Rowley , 10-14 ; Wilson , 830 ; G . Batten , Kent Lodge of Antiquity ( No . 20 ); J . W . Roper , 12 ; E . Davies , 276 ( United Strength ); AVavell , 20 G ; Clarke 21 . 1 ; D . Shaboe 812- ; Woodson 15 Boyce 1115 HomeII
, , , ; , ; , Willis , 955 ; L . II . Isaacs , 812 ; AVinter , 23 < t See . The first business of the evening was to raise Bros . King and Cronin to the sublime decree of M . M ., which ceremony ivas performed by the AV . M . witlfhis accustomed ability , ancl in a most impressive manner ; after which Bros . Dorsett , AValker , and Eccius were iiasscd fo the second degree . A ballot having been taken , Mr " . John Scarborough ivas introducedand in due form initiated into the mysteries of ancient
, Freemasonry .- —The next business was , the consideration of amotion by Bro . Kennedy , P . M . and Treas . ; ancl it was resolved by a large majority that the initiation fee of this loclge bo increased to ei ght guineas , and the joining fee to five guineas . The lodge then proceeded to the election of a AV . M . for the year ensuing , which
was unanimously m favour of Bro . the Rev . J . Laughlin , S . AV ., ivho returned thanks for the honour conferred upon him . Bro . Kennedy was re-elected as Treas ., and Bro . Beckett was unanimously elected Tyler to the lodge . The case of the ividoAV ancl children of the late Bro . Hummer , of the Kent Lodge ( No . 15 ) , who came to an untimely end by suffocation in a well , ivas then submitted by Bro . Lensohn , and excited the sympathy of the brethren , ivith many promises of support for the purpose of
obtaining admission for two of the children into the Masonic Schools The loclge was then closed , and afterwards 76 brethren sat down to refreshment . This having been disposed of , the AV . M . gave the usual formal toasts , which were duly honoured . —Bro . KENNEDY said he hacl permission to propose a toast , which ivas , " The Health of their AV . M ., Bro . Sivainston , " and it AA'ould be unnecessary for him to say how well he had discharged the duties of the lodge , as they had all hacl an opportunity of witnessing themor the efficient
, manner in which he hacl filled the chair afc tlieir banquet table-During the year he had initiated a large number of gentlemen into the loclge '; he had | been most punctual in his attendance to his duties , and he felt sure the brethren must all feel delighted at the manner he had gone through his year of office . That was the last night he would occupy the chair , and he ( Bro . Kennedy ) was delighted that so many as 76 brethren were present that evening to witness his departure from it . ( Cheers . )—The AV . M . said that , although
his health hacl often been proposed in that lodge , yet he could say sincerely that he never had had greater difficulty than at that moment in adequately returning thanks for the honour conferred upon him .. He ivas utterly unable to give expression to his feelings for the very flattering manner in ivhich Bro . Kennedy had proposed his health , or to the brethren for responding to it so heartily as they had done . He had spoken of the ivay in which he hacl fulfilled the duties ; and if the brethren were satisfied , he ivas highly
gratified . AVhen ho was elected AV . M . ho strove to perform those duties as becoming a lodge of such high position in the Craffc , and not to allow its glories to go down in his bands , but to keep it up to that position which should nor . only be honourable to the lodge but honourable to himself . —The AV . M . next gave " The Visitors" - aucl saicl he felt highly gratified at seeing so many present that evening . —Bro . LUIILEV , of tlie Grand Master ' s Lodge , returned thanks , ancl bore his testimony to the excellent working of the lodge . —The AV . M . then gave , "The Past Masters of the Lodge , " and in doing so said he sincerely regretted the absence of Bro ..
Enimens , through illness , that being the second time only'that he had been absent from the lodge during a period of upwards of twenty years . —Bro . BOOTH returned thanks on behalf of the P . M . s , and said that so efficient had been their W . M . that he not only did not require their assistance , but was able to give them information . —The AV . M . said the next toast he had to propose was that of "The Health of Bro . Laughlin , AV . M . elect ; " and he could say that had he that brother's flow of eloquence and oratorical poivers , he coulcl
not expatiate too much upon his good qualities . Bro . Laughlin hacl been most regular in his attendance at the loclge , and when he considered the duties their reverend brother had to fulfil in his parish , it ivas a Avonder to him hoiv he was able to devote any time at all to Freemasonry . That he hacl done so they had ample proof , from what they had witnessed in the loclge . He was the pastor of a very large neighbourhood , and yet he had passed his examination in a manner which had never been excelled by any P . M . of the
Olcl Concord Loclge . The toast was most enthusiastically received .. —Bro . the Rev . J . LAuaHEis * saicl ho rarely had risen in his place to speak of himself , but to address a few Avords to their newlyinitiated brethren on the great principles of faith , hope , ancl charity , and to dwell on that which was nearest to his heart—the good of the lodge . As regarded himself the brethren had taken an irrevocable step , but by the assistance of the G . A . 0 . T . U ., when
he went from that to the other end of the room , he hoped to perforin his duties , and to remain at his post until they ivere all willing to go away . If he had failings , ancl did not possess those rare gifts of their present AV . M ., yet he trusted to the assistance of a most excellent body of P . M . s , of ivhich their present AV . M . would then be a member , and hoped to perforin the duties ofthe Olcl Concord Loclge in a manner that should give no offence . His love ot Masonry ivas great , but when in the chair ho should not indulge in
long speeches ; and when at the end of 12 months he should resign the gavel , he should clo so with the same satisfaction that he now hacl in accepting that honourable office . AVhile he Avas in tbe chair he should endeavour to clo good to all in every possible manner , and if he could add any lveight or assistance to their Masonic charities , he hoped never to be absent from his post . By the assistance of the G . A . 0 . T . II . he trusted that in his hands the glory of the loclge would not be impaired or extinguished , and that Avhile he
helcl that chair that lie should ably , faithfully , and conscientiously perform his duties . —The AV . M . proposed "The Health of Bro . Kennedy , P . M . and Treasurer of the Lodge . " —Bro . KENNEDY , in reply , thanked the brethren for the honour they had conferred