Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 2 of 6 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 2 of 6 →
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Bro . RICHARD RODDA , at the request of the D . Prov . G . M ., read the report of the local committee of the three towns of Plymouth , " Devonport , and Stonehouse . This report set forth that the committee was appointed in November , 1 SG 1 , but took no effective action until it was enlarged iu June last . They then called a meeting of the three towns , and canvassed the lodges and brethren , and the result had been most gratifying . They attributed their success to the love which the brethren
bore to the late G . M ., Lord Fortescue , ancl their desire to perpetuate his memory in a manner thoroughly in keeping with the dictates of his heart , and the acts of his life . The committee think that the fund will meet , as it deserves , with a hearty welcome and generous help hy the brethren throughout the province . The report was signed by Brothers James Eowe , James J . Clase , R . Robinson Rodd , L . P . Tripe , ancl Eichard Eodda . The summary of the amount raised by the Local Committee is as follows : —
Lodges . No . Donations . Subscriptions . £ s . d . £ s . d . St . John's Lodge S 3 ....... 32 19 0 16 17 0 Fortitude 123 28 10 0 24 6 0 Harmony 182 18 2 0 18 2 0 Brunswick 185 9 11 0 9 11 0 Sincerity 221 51 8 6 17 LI 0 Friendship 238 5 10 9 5 0 Charit
y 270 1 10 0 7 5 0 Fhlelit y 280 15 0 0 11 1 0 Totals 162 1 6 111 1 0
At tbe conclusion of reading the report , Bro . P . odda presented to the D . Prov . G . Master a list of the names of the subscribers , carefully engraved on vellum . TlieD . Prov . G . Master , the Eev . J . Huyshe , spoke in terms of praise of tbe brethren of the lodges of the three towns , and said he hoped the other lodges of the province , who had not at yet done so , would follow this noble example . He accepted the
present Bro . Rodda had handed him , and should always very highly value it . The R . AA' " . Dep . Grand Master then , acting on the authority deputed to him by the Registrar of the Grand Lodge of England , invested the following as the officers of the ' Prov . Grand Lodge : —Bros . AV . Denis Moore , S . AV . ; Ridgway , J . AV . ; Eev . J . E . Bisks , and Rev . R . Bowden , Prov . G . Chaps . ; James RoweTreas . ; T . Hunt EdmondsGiSecJCree Hancock
, , . ; . , G . Eegistrar ; Paul , S . D . ; Charles Scale Hayne , J . D . ; E . Appleton , Dir . of AVorks ; J . Mackay , Dir . of Cers . ; S . Chappie , Asst . Dir . of Cers . ; J . Gilbard , G . Sword Bearer ; Jarvis , G . Organist ; Lucas , G . Pursuivant ; and Bros . Stackpoole , Ridley , Harfoot , Eodda , R . Mortimore , and J . Merrifield , Stewards ; and Bro . Gregory , Tyler . Bro . the Rev . J . Carwithen , P . Prov . G . Chap ., after eulogising the sermon preached that morning , ancl expressing his
belief that very many brethren would much like to possess a copy of it , moved that Bro . Powing be requested to permit it to he published , and that the Provincial Grand Lodge do defray the cost of printing and circulating the sermon . Bro . RIDGWAY , Prov . G . J . AV ., coincided with the . mover of the resolution , which he had very great pleasure in seconding . The Dep . PROV . G . M . said he had great pleasure in submitting the resolution to the lodgeas he thought the sermon excellent
, . The resolution was unanimously adopted . A sum of money was voted for the relief of a distressed brother , on the motion of Bro . Clase . After the conclusion of the business , some of the brethren dined together at the Castle Hotel . The Right AA orshipful D . Prov . G . M ., who presfded , made several speeches in proposing the usual toastsancl Bro . F . Binckes in responding for the
, Grand Lodge , made an eloquent and heart-stirring appeal on behalf of the ¦ Freemasons' Institution for Boys , " which was responded to with donations by Bros . Ridgway , Capt . Tanner Davey , Rodda , Harfoot , and others . Most of the Freemasons and their friends left Dartmouth by the Dartmouth and Louisa steamers about half past six o'clock , for Totnesto join the railway trains there .
, The weather throughout the day was glorious / and the evening worthy of the day . PLYMOUTH . — Lodge Brunswick ( 185 ) . —On the 6 th inst ., this flourishing Lodge met for the dispatch of their usual monthl y business . The Agenda paper named two candidates of Initiation ; two for that of F . C . ; and one for that last and greatest
honour in Craft Masonry , the 3 rd degree . The Lodge commenced work at about 7 . 15 and continued with the above work till about 11 , at which hour the degrees had been eonfered . The Secretary then introduced some matters of correspondence among other matters that relating to the Prov . Grand Lodge , when it was unanimously agreed that the" AA . M . Bro . Elliott , accompanied by his AVardens should represent the Lodge at Dartmouth on the 12 th ( a report of which appears in our columns of to-day ) . Several speeches werealsomade on behalf of theForteseue Fund , and responded to hy many of the brothers present who promised annual subscriptions . The Lodge adjourned at 12 .
GLOUCESTERSHIRE . BERKELEY . —Boyal Lodge of Faith and Friendship ( No . 337 ) . —The usual monthly meeting was held at the Berkeley Arms Hotel , on Monday , the 11 th inst ., tbe AV . M ., Bro . C . Partridge , in the chair . The lodge was opened in the first degree , when Bros . Joseph Bennett ancl AVilliam Pinnell , candidates for tbe second degree , were examined and duly passed . The labours ofthe lodge being ended , the brethren retired to refreshment , and spent the evening in harmony and brotherly love .
HERTFORDSHIRE . PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE . The Grand Lodge of the Province of Herts , was held on Monckvy , August 4 th , at the King ' s Arms Hotel , Great Berkhampstead , aud tbe Master Wardens and other members of the Berkhainpstead Lodge were assembled to welcome the Grand
Master . The Grand Lodge was opened at two p . m ., present the R . AV . Bro . William Stuart , of Aldenham Abbey , Prov . G . M . ; the V . AV . Bros . George Francis , D . Prov . G . M . ; Burchell Heme , C . H , Law , C . Humbert , P . Prov . G . AV . s ; Thomas Rogers , Prov . G . Treas . ; John Sedgwick , Prov . G . Sec ; C . H . Finch , J . Burton , H . G . Lane , W . Tootel , J . How , J . Goodyear , AA . Rogers , and others . The minutes of the Prov . Graud Lodge
held at Hitchin , were read and confirmed . The Treasurer's report of the financial aflairs was received and adopted . The Prov . Grand Master then appointed and invested his officers for the year ensuing , viz . : — Bro . George Francis D . Prov . G . M . „ J . Burton Prov . S . G . AA arden „ J . Braithwaite „ J . G . AA arden „ Rev . J . Branson ,, „ G . Chap .
„ Thomas Rogers re-elected „ G . Treas . „ John Sedgewick , „ G . Sec . „ Henry Richards „ S . G . Deacon ., Nicholson , J . G . Deacon
„ Thompson „ G . S . of AA " . „ C . J . How „ G . Org . „ Hatch „ G . Purst . „ lies and Swan „ G . Stewards After the dispatch of other local business , the Prov . Grand Lodge was closed in due form , and the brethren adjourned to the assembly room of the Hotel , where the banquet was prepared . The Prov . G . M . presided , and besides those ive have named ,
there was also present Bro . Frederick Binckes , Sec . of the Boys ' School , Dr . Barringer , George Lambert , Capt . C . M . Layton , John Lane , John Mott Thearle , ancl others . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given , the and Deputy Prov . G . M . in proposing the health of the Prov . G . M ., referred to the high estimation in which he was held by the brethren under his control , and the great interest he took in all Masonic affiairs . He congratulated the province on the health of their chief ,
who by his courteous demeanour and impartial conduct , diffused happiness throughout the circle he governed . The D . Prov . G . M . and other officers , Jwere honoured by notice , ancl the meeting broke up at an early hour .
LANCASHIRE ( AVEST ) . ORAtsiciRic—Lodge of Harmony ( No . 845 ) . —The brethren of this lodge held their usual monthly meeting on Wednesday , the 6 th day of August , on which occasion the W . M ., Bro . Jackson , presented to Bro . James Hamer , P . M ., and Prov . G . Treas . of West Lancashire , an elegant silver tobacco case , which bore the following inscription : — " This tobacco case , together with a silver-mounted meerschaum pipe , was presented by the AA -M AVardens , Officers , and brethren of the Lodge of Harmony ( No .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Bro . RICHARD RODDA , at the request of the D . Prov . G . M ., read the report of the local committee of the three towns of Plymouth , " Devonport , and Stonehouse . This report set forth that the committee was appointed in November , 1 SG 1 , but took no effective action until it was enlarged iu June last . They then called a meeting of the three towns , and canvassed the lodges and brethren , and the result had been most gratifying . They attributed their success to the love which the brethren
bore to the late G . M ., Lord Fortescue , ancl their desire to perpetuate his memory in a manner thoroughly in keeping with the dictates of his heart , and the acts of his life . The committee think that the fund will meet , as it deserves , with a hearty welcome and generous help hy the brethren throughout the province . The report was signed by Brothers James Eowe , James J . Clase , R . Robinson Rodd , L . P . Tripe , ancl Eichard Eodda . The summary of the amount raised by the Local Committee is as follows : —
Lodges . No . Donations . Subscriptions . £ s . d . £ s . d . St . John's Lodge S 3 ....... 32 19 0 16 17 0 Fortitude 123 28 10 0 24 6 0 Harmony 182 18 2 0 18 2 0 Brunswick 185 9 11 0 9 11 0 Sincerity 221 51 8 6 17 LI 0 Friendship 238 5 10 9 5 0 Charit
y 270 1 10 0 7 5 0 Fhlelit y 280 15 0 0 11 1 0 Totals 162 1 6 111 1 0
At tbe conclusion of reading the report , Bro . P . odda presented to the D . Prov . G . Master a list of the names of the subscribers , carefully engraved on vellum . TlieD . Prov . G . Master , the Eev . J . Huyshe , spoke in terms of praise of tbe brethren of the lodges of the three towns , and said he hoped the other lodges of the province , who had not at yet done so , would follow this noble example . He accepted the
present Bro . Rodda had handed him , and should always very highly value it . The R . AA' " . Dep . Grand Master then , acting on the authority deputed to him by the Registrar of the Grand Lodge of England , invested the following as the officers of the ' Prov . Grand Lodge : —Bros . AV . Denis Moore , S . AV . ; Ridgway , J . AV . ; Eev . J . E . Bisks , and Rev . R . Bowden , Prov . G . Chaps . ; James RoweTreas . ; T . Hunt EdmondsGiSecJCree Hancock
, , . ; . , G . Eegistrar ; Paul , S . D . ; Charles Scale Hayne , J . D . ; E . Appleton , Dir . of AVorks ; J . Mackay , Dir . of Cers . ; S . Chappie , Asst . Dir . of Cers . ; J . Gilbard , G . Sword Bearer ; Jarvis , G . Organist ; Lucas , G . Pursuivant ; and Bros . Stackpoole , Ridley , Harfoot , Eodda , R . Mortimore , and J . Merrifield , Stewards ; and Bro . Gregory , Tyler . Bro . the Rev . J . Carwithen , P . Prov . G . Chap ., after eulogising the sermon preached that morning , ancl expressing his
belief that very many brethren would much like to possess a copy of it , moved that Bro . Powing be requested to permit it to he published , and that the Provincial Grand Lodge do defray the cost of printing and circulating the sermon . Bro . RIDGWAY , Prov . G . J . AV ., coincided with the . mover of the resolution , which he had very great pleasure in seconding . The Dep . PROV . G . M . said he had great pleasure in submitting the resolution to the lodgeas he thought the sermon excellent
, . The resolution was unanimously adopted . A sum of money was voted for the relief of a distressed brother , on the motion of Bro . Clase . After the conclusion of the business , some of the brethren dined together at the Castle Hotel . The Right AA orshipful D . Prov . G . M ., who presfded , made several speeches in proposing the usual toastsancl Bro . F . Binckes in responding for the
, Grand Lodge , made an eloquent and heart-stirring appeal on behalf of the ¦ Freemasons' Institution for Boys , " which was responded to with donations by Bros . Ridgway , Capt . Tanner Davey , Rodda , Harfoot , and others . Most of the Freemasons and their friends left Dartmouth by the Dartmouth and Louisa steamers about half past six o'clock , for Totnesto join the railway trains there .
, The weather throughout the day was glorious / and the evening worthy of the day . PLYMOUTH . — Lodge Brunswick ( 185 ) . —On the 6 th inst ., this flourishing Lodge met for the dispatch of their usual monthl y business . The Agenda paper named two candidates of Initiation ; two for that of F . C . ; and one for that last and greatest
honour in Craft Masonry , the 3 rd degree . The Lodge commenced work at about 7 . 15 and continued with the above work till about 11 , at which hour the degrees had been eonfered . The Secretary then introduced some matters of correspondence among other matters that relating to the Prov . Grand Lodge , when it was unanimously agreed that the" AA . M . Bro . Elliott , accompanied by his AVardens should represent the Lodge at Dartmouth on the 12 th ( a report of which appears in our columns of to-day ) . Several speeches werealsomade on behalf of theForteseue Fund , and responded to hy many of the brothers present who promised annual subscriptions . The Lodge adjourned at 12 .
GLOUCESTERSHIRE . BERKELEY . —Boyal Lodge of Faith and Friendship ( No . 337 ) . —The usual monthly meeting was held at the Berkeley Arms Hotel , on Monday , the 11 th inst ., tbe AV . M ., Bro . C . Partridge , in the chair . The lodge was opened in the first degree , when Bros . Joseph Bennett ancl AVilliam Pinnell , candidates for tbe second degree , were examined and duly passed . The labours ofthe lodge being ended , the brethren retired to refreshment , and spent the evening in harmony and brotherly love .
HERTFORDSHIRE . PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE . The Grand Lodge of the Province of Herts , was held on Monckvy , August 4 th , at the King ' s Arms Hotel , Great Berkhampstead , aud tbe Master Wardens and other members of the Berkhainpstead Lodge were assembled to welcome the Grand
Master . The Grand Lodge was opened at two p . m ., present the R . AV . Bro . William Stuart , of Aldenham Abbey , Prov . G . M . ; the V . AV . Bros . George Francis , D . Prov . G . M . ; Burchell Heme , C . H , Law , C . Humbert , P . Prov . G . AV . s ; Thomas Rogers , Prov . G . Treas . ; John Sedgwick , Prov . G . Sec ; C . H . Finch , J . Burton , H . G . Lane , W . Tootel , J . How , J . Goodyear , AA . Rogers , and others . The minutes of the Prov . Graud Lodge
held at Hitchin , were read and confirmed . The Treasurer's report of the financial aflairs was received and adopted . The Prov . Grand Master then appointed and invested his officers for the year ensuing , viz . : — Bro . George Francis D . Prov . G . M . „ J . Burton Prov . S . G . AA arden „ J . Braithwaite „ J . G . AA arden „ Rev . J . Branson ,, „ G . Chap .
„ Thomas Rogers re-elected „ G . Treas . „ John Sedgewick , „ G . Sec . „ Henry Richards „ S . G . Deacon ., Nicholson , J . G . Deacon
„ Thompson „ G . S . of AA " . „ C . J . How „ G . Org . „ Hatch „ G . Purst . „ lies and Swan „ G . Stewards After the dispatch of other local business , the Prov . Grand Lodge was closed in due form , and the brethren adjourned to the assembly room of the Hotel , where the banquet was prepared . The Prov . G . M . presided , and besides those ive have named ,
there was also present Bro . Frederick Binckes , Sec . of the Boys ' School , Dr . Barringer , George Lambert , Capt . C . M . Layton , John Lane , John Mott Thearle , ancl others . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given , the and Deputy Prov . G . M . in proposing the health of the Prov . G . M ., referred to the high estimation in which he was held by the brethren under his control , and the great interest he took in all Masonic affiairs . He congratulated the province on the health of their chief ,
who by his courteous demeanour and impartial conduct , diffused happiness throughout the circle he governed . The D . Prov . G . M . and other officers , Jwere honoured by notice , ancl the meeting broke up at an early hour .
LANCASHIRE ( AVEST ) . ORAtsiciRic—Lodge of Harmony ( No . 845 ) . —The brethren of this lodge held their usual monthly meeting on Wednesday , the 6 th day of August , on which occasion the W . M ., Bro . Jackson , presented to Bro . James Hamer , P . M ., and Prov . G . Treas . of West Lancashire , an elegant silver tobacco case , which bore the following inscription : — " This tobacco case , together with a silver-mounted meerschaum pipe , was presented by the AA -M AVardens , Officers , and brethren of the Lodge of Harmony ( No .