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Ancl send , Great Architect , we pray , Soon to our earth , that happy day AA'hen every country shall have rulers , wise In furtherance of men's happy destinies—When every country shall have men to show The highest thoughts that in the people grow AVhen every town may have a Provostfit
, To use and put to use what men may get ; AA'hen every family has a ivorking Head To train , ancl guide , and win the daily bread : AA'hen o'er the world Thy law shall be abroad , And men shall summer in the heart of God .
And give us strength that happy day to build , AA'hen men may deem Thine ordinance fulfilled , AA'hen all shall live according to one Rule , AVith passion conquered ancl ivith courage cool , When all men shall discern with simple glance The lovely meaning of true Temperance ; AA'hen men shall cherish for a worthier end The bounteous blessings they on trifles spend , AA'hen every step they take shall aid Thy plan , And every man become Thy ivorking man .
And send , Great Architect , wc pray , Soon to our earth , that happy clay When every man shall "know tho Line io ticad , Ancl steer directly for the fountain-head ; AVhen in all trials which to him may conic , He makes his interest with his duty Plumb ; To live within the Compass of his mean ? , And envy no man what in life he gains ; When every step he takes shall aid Thy plan And every man become Thy ivorking man ,
And send , Great Architect , we pray , Soon to our earth that happy day , AVhen men shall do their deeds upon tho Square , And may affect not what they cannot bear ; AA'hen they shall know their JLevel in God's eye , And share the sufferings of humanity ; AA'hen they shall break the crust of sin that blots-This life ivith Mallet of true thoughts
, And trim with Chisel to a smoother edge The uneven knots upon the social ridge , And keep a Trowel in their hearts to knit Discordant creeds until in one they fit ; Till every step he takes shaR aid Thy plan , And every man become Thy ivorking man .
Men , who on yesterday bore part , And showed what man has clone in art , In all the many trades that build Earth up to one grand Labour-Guild . Let not your hearts . rcst satisfied AA'ith what your hands have wrought with pride ; But work upon your inmost soul To know what secrets in it roll ; Content , if but one answer back it gives , " That one man lives because his brother lives . "
Lower the stone and let it lie—May sun ancl wind , and sci and _> l _ y Through all the coming years go on , And yield their treasures up to man . Ancl if the day comes , when it shall Before Time ' s surges crush and fall—May men who live , beneath it sec
What manner of men on earth were wc _ Know how we taught , and how we wrought , Know to what uses wc put Thought , Ancl saj ' , " these men of old were men AA'ho woidd not shame the world again If they alive could help the plan , Which now unfolds its truth that man Has ever been God ' s ivorking man . "
Blow bappy winds from out the East ! Blow happy winds from out the AVest ! Till this our Harbour , not the least , . Among Earth's Harbour ' s stands confest .
Till men shall say its work it did Like our dead Albert , who was bid To leave Earth , when the Earth began To know he was a noble man . So may it ever share his fame AVhilo men shall call by his goocl name-, The Harbour which to-day first bore
The name of " Albert" — evermore . PORTOBELLO . LAYING THE FOUNDATION STONE OE THE NEAV TOAVN HALL , ( From our oivn Correspondent . )
Tiie metropolitan district was on Monday the 4 th , the scene of a grand Masonic demonstration , tbe municipal authorities of Portobello having- invited the Grand Master Mason of Scothind , to Lay with Masonic honours the corner stone of their new Town Hall . Grancl Lodge accompanied by about eleven hundred brethren belonging to daughter lodges in and around Edinburgh , assembled iu response to the call of their Grancl Master , to aid
him in the exercise of those functions of his office appertaining to the erection of public buildings within the ancient realm of Scotland . Grand Lodge having been opened in the Council Chambers shortly after two o'clock , the procession was formed and proceeded to the site of the new edifice , where the usual ceremonies were verv gracefully gone through , by His Grace the Dukeof Athole . The Dep . G . M ., Bro . AVhyte Melville ; Sir Arthur HalkettBart . acting S . G . AV . Dr . McGowanacting J . G . AV .,
, , , , W . A . Laurie , G . Sec , A . J . Stewart , G . Clerk , & c . By the kindness of Bro . Colonel Griffith , C . B ., and the officers of the Scots Greys , the excellent band of that celebrated regiment of Dragoon Guards , attended and performed several pieces of music suitable to the occasion . An immense crowd of people witnessed the ceremony—conspicuous among whom were a brace of " hizzies , " ivell known to all who have read Burns ' s Holy
Fair" The tw-a appear'd like sisters twin Iu feature , form , au' claes ! Their visage wither'd , king , an' thin , An' sour as ony shies : & ^ # ss * 4-This is superstition here , An' that's hypocrisy . "
In the exuberance of their pliarasaical zeal , the " Rigidly Righteous" threw a stink-pot among the spectators with an effect the opposite to that intended by the courageous act . All along the route of the procession , and , indeed , on every available wall betwixt Edinburgh and Portobello , were posted large bills , headed " Masonry against Christianity ! " and bearing a few quotations from the word of God . AVe did not read
the placard ; but have heard it remarked by those who did , that the production would have disgraced tho most lunatic of the lunatics at present detained within tho walls of Morningskle Asylum . AVhiie the war whoop of fanaticism is being raised against Masonry by a set of soft-headed saints u-lio know nothing of Christian charity , and as little of the principles of the Order they assail , it is gratifying to be
able to report that every day brings with it fresh accession of strength to the mystic confederation , drawn from the liberal-minded , the virtuous , and the noble of the land , and who must of necessity exert an inihience for good or for evil upon the nations and kindreds among whom their lot may be cast ; ancl should they prove true to the sacred teachings of Freemasonry , society will reap largely of the benefits accruing from so many members of the
community being Craftsmen . Masonry , as well as Christianity , suffers to some extent , in name , from the inconsistency of some of its votaries , but the foibles , or crimes if you will , of nominal Masons can never affect the soundness of the principles upon which speculative Masonry is built . The following stanzas from the works of one of outnumber who could rightly administer the castigation due to the
holier-than-thou spirit which no doubt suggested the raid upon Masonry , which we have perhaps erred in noticing , are worthy of a place in this our report , and may suffice for a lecture ou charity : —
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Ancl send , Great Architect , we pray , Soon to our earth , that happy day AA'hen every country shall have rulers , wise In furtherance of men's happy destinies—When every country shall have men to show The highest thoughts that in the people grow AVhen every town may have a Provostfit
, To use and put to use what men may get ; AA'hen every family has a ivorking Head To train , ancl guide , and win the daily bread : AA'hen o'er the world Thy law shall be abroad , And men shall summer in the heart of God .
And give us strength that happy day to build , AA'hen men may deem Thine ordinance fulfilled , AA'hen all shall live according to one Rule , AVith passion conquered ancl ivith courage cool , When all men shall discern with simple glance The lovely meaning of true Temperance ; AA'hen men shall cherish for a worthier end The bounteous blessings they on trifles spend , AA'hen every step they take shall aid Thy plan , And every man become Thy ivorking man .
And send , Great Architect , wc pray , Soon to our earth , that happy clay When every man shall "know tho Line io ticad , Ancl steer directly for the fountain-head ; AVhen in all trials which to him may conic , He makes his interest with his duty Plumb ; To live within the Compass of his mean ? , And envy no man what in life he gains ; When every step he takes shall aid Thy plan And every man become Thy ivorking man ,
And send , Great Architect , we pray , Soon to our earth that happy day , AVhen men shall do their deeds upon tho Square , And may affect not what they cannot bear ; AA'hen they shall know their JLevel in God's eye , And share the sufferings of humanity ; AA'hen they shall break the crust of sin that blots-This life ivith Mallet of true thoughts
, And trim with Chisel to a smoother edge The uneven knots upon the social ridge , And keep a Trowel in their hearts to knit Discordant creeds until in one they fit ; Till every step he takes shaR aid Thy plan , And every man become Thy ivorking man .
Men , who on yesterday bore part , And showed what man has clone in art , In all the many trades that build Earth up to one grand Labour-Guild . Let not your hearts . rcst satisfied AA'ith what your hands have wrought with pride ; But work upon your inmost soul To know what secrets in it roll ; Content , if but one answer back it gives , " That one man lives because his brother lives . "
Lower the stone and let it lie—May sun ancl wind , and sci and _> l _ y Through all the coming years go on , And yield their treasures up to man . Ancl if the day comes , when it shall Before Time ' s surges crush and fall—May men who live , beneath it sec
What manner of men on earth were wc _ Know how we taught , and how we wrought , Know to what uses wc put Thought , Ancl saj ' , " these men of old were men AA'ho woidd not shame the world again If they alive could help the plan , Which now unfolds its truth that man Has ever been God ' s ivorking man . "
Blow bappy winds from out the East ! Blow happy winds from out the AVest ! Till this our Harbour , not the least , . Among Earth's Harbour ' s stands confest .
Till men shall say its work it did Like our dead Albert , who was bid To leave Earth , when the Earth began To know he was a noble man . So may it ever share his fame AVhilo men shall call by his goocl name-, The Harbour which to-day first bore
The name of " Albert" — evermore . PORTOBELLO . LAYING THE FOUNDATION STONE OE THE NEAV TOAVN HALL , ( From our oivn Correspondent . )
Tiie metropolitan district was on Monday the 4 th , the scene of a grand Masonic demonstration , tbe municipal authorities of Portobello having- invited the Grand Master Mason of Scothind , to Lay with Masonic honours the corner stone of their new Town Hall . Grancl Lodge accompanied by about eleven hundred brethren belonging to daughter lodges in and around Edinburgh , assembled iu response to the call of their Grancl Master , to aid
him in the exercise of those functions of his office appertaining to the erection of public buildings within the ancient realm of Scotland . Grand Lodge having been opened in the Council Chambers shortly after two o'clock , the procession was formed and proceeded to the site of the new edifice , where the usual ceremonies were verv gracefully gone through , by His Grace the Dukeof Athole . The Dep . G . M ., Bro . AVhyte Melville ; Sir Arthur HalkettBart . acting S . G . AV . Dr . McGowanacting J . G . AV .,
, , , , W . A . Laurie , G . Sec , A . J . Stewart , G . Clerk , & c . By the kindness of Bro . Colonel Griffith , C . B ., and the officers of the Scots Greys , the excellent band of that celebrated regiment of Dragoon Guards , attended and performed several pieces of music suitable to the occasion . An immense crowd of people witnessed the ceremony—conspicuous among whom were a brace of " hizzies , " ivell known to all who have read Burns ' s Holy
Fair" The tw-a appear'd like sisters twin Iu feature , form , au' claes ! Their visage wither'd , king , an' thin , An' sour as ony shies : & ^ # ss * 4-This is superstition here , An' that's hypocrisy . "
In the exuberance of their pliarasaical zeal , the " Rigidly Righteous" threw a stink-pot among the spectators with an effect the opposite to that intended by the courageous act . All along the route of the procession , and , indeed , on every available wall betwixt Edinburgh and Portobello , were posted large bills , headed " Masonry against Christianity ! " and bearing a few quotations from the word of God . AVe did not read
the placard ; but have heard it remarked by those who did , that the production would have disgraced tho most lunatic of the lunatics at present detained within tho walls of Morningskle Asylum . AVhiie the war whoop of fanaticism is being raised against Masonry by a set of soft-headed saints u-lio know nothing of Christian charity , and as little of the principles of the Order they assail , it is gratifying to be
able to report that every day brings with it fresh accession of strength to the mystic confederation , drawn from the liberal-minded , the virtuous , and the noble of the land , and who must of necessity exert an inihience for good or for evil upon the nations and kindreds among whom their lot may be cast ; ancl should they prove true to the sacred teachings of Freemasonry , society will reap largely of the benefits accruing from so many members of the
community being Craftsmen . Masonry , as well as Christianity , suffers to some extent , in name , from the inconsistency of some of its votaries , but the foibles , or crimes if you will , of nominal Masons can never affect the soundness of the principles upon which speculative Masonry is built . The following stanzas from the works of one of outnumber who could rightly administer the castigation due to the
holier-than-thou spirit which no doubt suggested the raid upon Masonry , which we have perhaps erred in noticing , are worthy of a place in this our report , and may suffice for a lecture ou charity : —