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Masons Of England And Their Works.
question arises in the erection of King ' s College Ohapel , Cambridge , where John Wulrieh , master mason , 1476 , was succeeded b y John Wasteil , about 1513 , who , AA'ith Henry Seinerk , one of the Avardens of the work , contracted , 1513 , for some of the vaulting . John Bell Avas a warden mason there . Henry VI .,
besides proA-iding in his will for a clerk of the works , master matron , & c , carefull y defines the dimensions and all the essential arrangements of his noble undertaking . William Este , fremason , of Oxford , 1494 , was engaged on works at Wodestock Hall ; and at Oxford , 1512 , with William Vertue . ( To be continued . )
The Masonic Dispute In The Western District Of Scotland.
"We have been requested , in a spirit of justice , to insert the following , relative to tho unfortunate dispute which has arisen among the Eoyal Arch Masons of Scotland : — TO THE EDITOR OP THE EREEMASOXS' ilAGAZINE AltD MASONIC 3 IIRKOE , JDEAK SIB Axn ConrAxiox , —Enclosed you have a true statement of the facts relating to the dispute between
the Prov . Grand Chapter of the Western District and Supreme Grand Chapter of Scotland . Your Oivn Correspondent has in your pages at several times given his version of the matter , ivhieh until now has been alloived to remain uncontradicted , chiefly because the source from which these reports emanated is well known in the West ; but the Companions of the
Province of the "Western District wish now to shoiv you and through you to the Eoyal Arch Masons throughout the Avorld , that they do not Avant the " spirit" or " pluck , " of which he represents them to be void ; that they are not influenced by feelings of animosity—as he more than insinuates—to any Chapter or Companion ; but are aware of their position , and are
resolved to make it felt by the Supreme Grand Chapter ; and whenever a Supreme Committee or Supreme Chapter acts irrespective of and contrary to the laws by which all have agreed to be gov-erned , they not only dare , but will contradict or disallow the findings of such bodies . Aye , even though your Own Correspondent should threaten some of them ivith pains and
penalties from haut grades . They have no intention of rushing into a paper Avar Avith him or any one else , but leave their true statement to speak for itself , allowing all Eoyal Arch Masons to judge for themselves , as to the merits of the case , believing that they will be convinced by it , that the Companions of the West have not been justly treated .
JThe Committee of the Eoyal Arch Masons of the Western District have to-request , that in justice to them , in the course they have pursued , you would give the same publicity to their statement that you have already given to the statements and views of your Oivn Correspondent . Yours respectfully and fraternally ,
( For Boyal Arch Committee ) , EOBBET WALLACE . Glasgoiv , August 6 , 1862 .
Peport of the Committee appointed by the Boyal Arch Masons ° f the West of Scotland , at a meeting held iu the Crow Hotel , George-square , Glasgow , on Tuesday Foening , Sth July , 1862 . Your Committee are duly sensible of the duty you have imposed upon them ; and the responsibility which , by your desire , "ley have undertaken . AVhile they regret the circumstances ivhieh rendered such appointment necessary , they would , in discharge of their office , respectfully lay before the " companions -. —
The Masonic Dispute In The Western District Of Scotland.
1 st . A statement of facts bearing on and connected with our present position . 2 nd . The decisions of Supremo Committee and Supreme Chapter relative thereto . 3 rd . The reasons why the Eoyal Arch Masons , present at the meeting on Sth July , dissented from , ancl now earnestly invite the opinion of the several chapters connected therewith , as to
what course ought to be followed . These different topics your Committee will endeavour to ex « plain as clearly as possible . Your Committee , on examining the various documents which bear on the dispute , have found that a petition was presented to the Supreme Chapter of Scotland by several members of the Ayr Chapter ( JNo . 18 ) , against the then First Principal of said chapter . This petition was remitted to Comp . JDr . "Walker Xrnott , that he might examine all books and documents , & c , in
connection with the said chapter , ancl also , to pronounce such , sentence as lie might deem proper . In consequence of said remit , Comp . Dr . AValker Arnott went to Ayr , and the result of his investigation was , that the previous election of office-bearers was declared void , a new election ordered , and the then First Principal of JNo . 18 suspended by him for three months . On Comp . Dr . AValker Arnott presenting his report to the Supreme Chapterit not onlthanked him for his exertions in behalf of
, y Eoyal Arch Masonry , but suspended the then First Principal of Chapter JNo . 18 for au additional period of nine months . Your Committee notice the above for two z-easons , viz .: —1 st , The understanding then held by Supreme Chapter and Supreme Committee , as to the poivers of a remit , ancl—2 nd , Because some of the then chief supporters of the First Principal of Chapter JNo . IS in his irregularities , are now principal parties in
bringing about the present state of aflairs . In the beginning of the current year , a petition from certain Royal Arch companions in Ayrshire , was presented for the erection of Ayrshtre into a Prov . Grand Chapter , which petition the Supreme Committee , on the 3 rd March , without either informing the Prov . Grand Chapter of the AVest of its presentation or consulting it , recommended to Supreme Chapter— "That the ¦ prayer of the petition should be granted . " The existence of such petition your Committee are of opinion ought , in common courtesy to have been intimated to the Prov . Grand Chapter of
the AVest , as at that time , Ayrshire was under its superintendence . Farther , this recommendation was given ivithout any proper enquiry whether the chapters in Ayrshire ivished such disjunction . This mode of proceedure your Committee cannot characterise otherwise than most extraordinary , they had almost said unprecedented ; they are aware that the Grand Sribe ___ . transmitted , on the 25 th February , a copy of the petition to Comp . Dr . AValker Arnottbut accompanied with or enclosed in
, a letter marked private , thus preventing him from making known to or consulting with the Prov . Grand Chapter regarding said petition . Amember of the Prov . Grand Chapter ofthe AVest , then a member of Supreme Chapter , was present ivhen the recommendation of Supreme Committee was brought before the Supreme Chapter at its meeting on the 5 th March , and but for his opposition to
said disjunction , the recommendation of Supreme Committee might have been adopted , and the Prov . Grand Chapter of tho AVest only been made aware of the disjunction after the proposed new province had been fully erected by Supreme Chapter . On learning Avhat had taken place in Supreme Chapter , a special meeting of the Prov . Grand Chapter of the West was convened ( Comp . Dr . Walker Arnott was absent from indisposition ) , at which meeting it was agreed : 1 st—To obtain from Grand Scribe E . a copy of the petition for disjunction . 2 nd—To ascertain the opinion of the Principals of the Ayrshire chapters
regarding the disjunction . In compliance with the above resolution , the Prov . Grand Scribe E . wrote to Comp . Mackersy , Grand Scribe E ., who declined giving a copy of the petition without permission of Grand Committee ; lie also communicated with the First Principals of the Chapters in Ayrshire . From the replies , it appeared that two out of the three Ayrshire Chapters were decidedly averse to disjunction , and that Chapter JNo . 80 aloneivas in its favourthe Third Principal of that chapter
, , giving , however , no reason , but referring to the petition itself which petition the Prov . Grand Chapter had not yet seen . The Supreme Chapter at their meeting on 5 th March had remitted to " Companion Dr . AA alker-Arnott to report on said Petition , PS also what would recommend to be done in the circumstances . " Comp . Dr . AA alker-Arnott consulted with Prov . G . Chapter and from the opinions ivhieh had been obtained
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masons Of England And Their Works.
question arises in the erection of King ' s College Ohapel , Cambridge , where John Wulrieh , master mason , 1476 , was succeeded b y John Wasteil , about 1513 , who , AA'ith Henry Seinerk , one of the Avardens of the work , contracted , 1513 , for some of the vaulting . John Bell Avas a warden mason there . Henry VI .,
besides proA-iding in his will for a clerk of the works , master matron , & c , carefull y defines the dimensions and all the essential arrangements of his noble undertaking . William Este , fremason , of Oxford , 1494 , was engaged on works at Wodestock Hall ; and at Oxford , 1512 , with William Vertue . ( To be continued . )
The Masonic Dispute In The Western District Of Scotland.
"We have been requested , in a spirit of justice , to insert the following , relative to tho unfortunate dispute which has arisen among the Eoyal Arch Masons of Scotland : — TO THE EDITOR OP THE EREEMASOXS' ilAGAZINE AltD MASONIC 3 IIRKOE , JDEAK SIB Axn ConrAxiox , —Enclosed you have a true statement of the facts relating to the dispute between
the Prov . Grand Chapter of the Western District and Supreme Grand Chapter of Scotland . Your Oivn Correspondent has in your pages at several times given his version of the matter , ivhieh until now has been alloived to remain uncontradicted , chiefly because the source from which these reports emanated is well known in the West ; but the Companions of the
Province of the "Western District wish now to shoiv you and through you to the Eoyal Arch Masons throughout the Avorld , that they do not Avant the " spirit" or " pluck , " of which he represents them to be void ; that they are not influenced by feelings of animosity—as he more than insinuates—to any Chapter or Companion ; but are aware of their position , and are
resolved to make it felt by the Supreme Grand Chapter ; and whenever a Supreme Committee or Supreme Chapter acts irrespective of and contrary to the laws by which all have agreed to be gov-erned , they not only dare , but will contradict or disallow the findings of such bodies . Aye , even though your Own Correspondent should threaten some of them ivith pains and
penalties from haut grades . They have no intention of rushing into a paper Avar Avith him or any one else , but leave their true statement to speak for itself , allowing all Eoyal Arch Masons to judge for themselves , as to the merits of the case , believing that they will be convinced by it , that the Companions of the West have not been justly treated .
JThe Committee of the Eoyal Arch Masons of the Western District have to-request , that in justice to them , in the course they have pursued , you would give the same publicity to their statement that you have already given to the statements and views of your Oivn Correspondent . Yours respectfully and fraternally ,
( For Boyal Arch Committee ) , EOBBET WALLACE . Glasgoiv , August 6 , 1862 .
Peport of the Committee appointed by the Boyal Arch Masons ° f the West of Scotland , at a meeting held iu the Crow Hotel , George-square , Glasgow , on Tuesday Foening , Sth July , 1862 . Your Committee are duly sensible of the duty you have imposed upon them ; and the responsibility which , by your desire , "ley have undertaken . AVhile they regret the circumstances ivhieh rendered such appointment necessary , they would , in discharge of their office , respectfully lay before the " companions -. —
The Masonic Dispute In The Western District Of Scotland.
1 st . A statement of facts bearing on and connected with our present position . 2 nd . The decisions of Supremo Committee and Supreme Chapter relative thereto . 3 rd . The reasons why the Eoyal Arch Masons , present at the meeting on Sth July , dissented from , ancl now earnestly invite the opinion of the several chapters connected therewith , as to
what course ought to be followed . These different topics your Committee will endeavour to ex « plain as clearly as possible . Your Committee , on examining the various documents which bear on the dispute , have found that a petition was presented to the Supreme Chapter of Scotland by several members of the Ayr Chapter ( JNo . 18 ) , against the then First Principal of said chapter . This petition was remitted to Comp . JDr . "Walker Xrnott , that he might examine all books and documents , & c , in
connection with the said chapter , ancl also , to pronounce such , sentence as lie might deem proper . In consequence of said remit , Comp . Dr . AValker Arnott went to Ayr , and the result of his investigation was , that the previous election of office-bearers was declared void , a new election ordered , and the then First Principal of JNo . 18 suspended by him for three months . On Comp . Dr . AValker Arnott presenting his report to the Supreme Chapterit not onlthanked him for his exertions in behalf of
, y Eoyal Arch Masonry , but suspended the then First Principal of Chapter JNo . 18 for au additional period of nine months . Your Committee notice the above for two z-easons , viz .: —1 st , The understanding then held by Supreme Chapter and Supreme Committee , as to the poivers of a remit , ancl—2 nd , Because some of the then chief supporters of the First Principal of Chapter JNo . IS in his irregularities , are now principal parties in
bringing about the present state of aflairs . In the beginning of the current year , a petition from certain Royal Arch companions in Ayrshire , was presented for the erection of Ayrshtre into a Prov . Grand Chapter , which petition the Supreme Committee , on the 3 rd March , without either informing the Prov . Grand Chapter of the AVest of its presentation or consulting it , recommended to Supreme Chapter— "That the ¦ prayer of the petition should be granted . " The existence of such petition your Committee are of opinion ought , in common courtesy to have been intimated to the Prov . Grand Chapter of
the AVest , as at that time , Ayrshire was under its superintendence . Farther , this recommendation was given ivithout any proper enquiry whether the chapters in Ayrshire ivished such disjunction . This mode of proceedure your Committee cannot characterise otherwise than most extraordinary , they had almost said unprecedented ; they are aware that the Grand Sribe ___ . transmitted , on the 25 th February , a copy of the petition to Comp . Dr . AValker Arnottbut accompanied with or enclosed in
, a letter marked private , thus preventing him from making known to or consulting with the Prov . Grand Chapter regarding said petition . Amember of the Prov . Grand Chapter ofthe AVest , then a member of Supreme Chapter , was present ivhen the recommendation of Supreme Committee was brought before the Supreme Chapter at its meeting on the 5 th March , and but for his opposition to
said disjunction , the recommendation of Supreme Committee might have been adopted , and the Prov . Grand Chapter of tho AVest only been made aware of the disjunction after the proposed new province had been fully erected by Supreme Chapter . On learning Avhat had taken place in Supreme Chapter , a special meeting of the Prov . Grand Chapter of the West was convened ( Comp . Dr . Walker Arnott was absent from indisposition ) , at which meeting it was agreed : 1 st—To obtain from Grand Scribe E . a copy of the petition for disjunction . 2 nd—To ascertain the opinion of the Principals of the Ayrshire chapters
regarding the disjunction . In compliance with the above resolution , the Prov . Grand Scribe E . wrote to Comp . Mackersy , Grand Scribe E ., who declined giving a copy of the petition without permission of Grand Committee ; lie also communicated with the First Principals of the Chapters in Ayrshire . From the replies , it appeared that two out of the three Ayrshire Chapters were decidedly averse to disjunction , and that Chapter JNo . 80 aloneivas in its favourthe Third Principal of that chapter
, , giving , however , no reason , but referring to the petition itself which petition the Prov . Grand Chapter had not yet seen . The Supreme Chapter at their meeting on 5 th March had remitted to " Companion Dr . AA alker-Arnott to report on said Petition , PS also what would recommend to be done in the circumstances . " Comp . Dr . AA alker-Arnott consulted with Prov . G . Chapter and from the opinions ivhieh had been obtained