Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 3 of 6 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 3 of 6 →
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g . lS ) , Ormskirk , to Bro . James Hamer , P . M ., ancl Prov . G-. Treas . AVest Lancashire , as a mark of gratitude to him for his zealous services to the lodge for many years , and as a token of esteem for ] iis uniform kindness to the brethren , his Masonic abilities , ancl real moral worth . Committee : Bros . A . L . Jackson , AA . M . ; John Baxendale , S . AA \; Richard Thomasse , J . W . ; Enoch FairhurstP . M . ; J . B . LambertP . M . ; Geo . ShawHamlet Terry
, , , , John Glover , Charles Dilworth . Ormskirk , August 6 , 1862 . " Bro . Hamer made a most suitable reply . GARSTOS . —Lodge of Harmony ( No . 267 ) . —Monday , August 4 th , being' the regular night of meeting , the lodge was opened at the AA ' ellington Hotel , by the AA . M . Bro . J . JE . Thompson , assisted by the officers of the lodge . Mr . John Jenkins was initiated into the mysteries of the Orderand Bro . Seymour was passed
, to the second degree hy P . M . James Hamer , Prov . Or . Treasurer ; Bvo . C . J . Banister , Prov . G . Dir . of Cers . acting as Deacon ; Bro . C . Leedham , S . AA " ., explaining the working tools . The business of the lodge over , it . was closed in ancient form . On July 29 th , an emergency meeting was called to ballot for and initiate Mr . John AVilmslmrst , who was going abroad for a time . The lodge was opened bthe AA . M . in clue form . P . M . Bro .
y James Hamer , Prov . G . Trea ., being called to the chair , initiated the candidate into the mysteries of the Order , P . M . JBro . John Pepper , Prov . G . A . Dir . of Cers ., acting as Deacon . The S . AV . delivered the charge . The lodge was closed in clue form , ancl with solemn prayer . At refreshments the social hour was spent with satisfaction and profit to each , and the brethren retired early .
NOBFOLK , PROVISOIAII GRAXD LODGE . ( From our own Reporter . ) The annual meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Norfolk was held on Thursday last , in Norwich , at the Assembly rooms , which are now exclusively a place of meeting for the fraternity ,
having hfeen purchased for that purpose more than a year ago , by the R . AA " . Provincial Grand Master , Bro . B . Bond Cabbell , F . P . Si The venerable brother was , to the great gratification of the brethren , enabled to be present on the occasion , and we are happy to state that he looked exceedingly well , considering his advanced age . There were not more than seventy brethren present at the meeting of Provincial Grand Lodgethough there are now 400
, subscribing members in the province , ancl of these more than 250 reside in Norwich , All the lodges were represented , except No . 124 , of Lynn , from which there was not a single brother present , though the retiring Senior Grand AVarden is Master of that lodge . The great distance is perhaps a reasonable excuse for the members of the Lynn Lodge , but the same justification could not be pleaded by lodge 60 , the oldest lodge in Norwich ,
of which only two or three members were present . Among the brethren present ivere Bros . Sir Henry Stracey , Bart ., M . P ., P . Prov . S . G . W . ; the Hon . F . AA ' alpole , S . AV . 60 ; A . M . F . Morgan , Prov . J . G . AV . ; R . S . Baker , P . Prov . S . G . AA . ;
Rev . F . H . S . Hodgson , Prov . G . C . ; Rev . S . Titlow , P . Prov . G . C . ;; Rev , G . Colebv , P . Prov . G . O ; W . Leedes Fox , Prov . G . Sec-Rev . C . J . Martyn . P . Prov . G . Sec , Oxfordshire ; Rev . P . S . Aldrick , 110 ; J . Masser , P . Prov . S . G . AA ., Cambridgeshire ; E . Haggis , P . Prov . J . G . W . , ditto ; J . Barwell , Prov . G . Treas .. H . Underwood , P . Prov . G . P . ; AA . Redgrave , Prov . G . D . C ; G . E . Simpson , W . M . 110 ; G . AV . Minns , P . M ., 1109 ; AV . Cox , P . M ., 258 , ancl Colsev 258 Smith
P . Prov . G . A . D . C ; F . , AV . M . ; J . C , W . M . 392 ; S . Smith , AA ' . M ., 100 ; * H . B . Woolsoy , W . M ., 1109 ; C L . Nursey , S . W ., 110 ; J . I ,. Hanly , S . AV .. 258 ; T . Ballord , S . AV ., 1109 ; E . Kent , P . M ., 110 ; J . D . Ellis , P . M ., 110 ; — Slags , J . W ., 1109 ; J . AV . Taylor , J . D ., 1109 ; Donald Steward , F . Keith , S . D ., 110 ; A . G . Stannard , R , T . Culley , J . D ., 110 ; O . L . Cohnan , J . Parker , P . M ., 813 ; Capt . T . E . Day , H . Barwell , "W . Hood , E . Smith , Robt . Back , 365 ; G . Knox , J . AV ., 117 ;
E . J . Mason , P . Prov . G . S . B ., J . Darken , J . Suggett , J . Skippon , -A . R . Miller , S . Carman , S . AV ., 100 ; T . Bailey , 100 ; R . AVortley , W . M . . 119 ; J . Marshall , P . Prov . G . D . C , and Sec . 110 , & c . In the absence of Bro . AVm . Wilkin , of Lvnn , Bro . J . C . Smith , "W . MJ ., 392 , officiated as S . G . AV . ; Bro . A . M . F . Morgan , was in his post of J G . AA . _ 'Ihe R . AV . Prov . G . M . having ascended the throne , was saluted m ancient form , ancl the minutes of the last lodge having been read and confirmed , Bro . AA . LODES FOX , the Prov . G . Sec , read the report of the
finance board , which stated that the contributions of the lodges in the provinces to the Provincial Grand Lodge during the past year hacl amounted to £ 1-2 10 s ., and that the balance in the Treasurer ' s hands amounted to £ 1 . 34 6 s . Id . The board recommended that a donation of £ 10 10 s ., should be given to the Royal Freemasons' Girls' School . The report was adopted on the motion of Bro . the Hon . F .
AValpole . The retiring officers of the Provincial Grand Lodge having given up their collars , & e . the R-. W . Prov . G . M . invested the following brethren as his officers for the ensuing two years , the period for which these appointments are held : —S . AV . Bro . J . Capurn Smith , AV . M ., 392 ; J . AV ., G . Edward Simpson , AV . M ., 110 : Chan . the Rev . F . H . S . Hodeson . 110 : Re < r .. AV . AV .
, Baring , P . M . 119 ; See ., AV . Leedes Fox , P . M . 100 ; S . D ., Hon . F . Walpole , S . W . 60 ; J . D ., R . AVortley , W . M . 119 ; Supt . of AVorks , G . W . Minns , P . M . 1109 ; Dir . of Cers ., Samuel Smith , W . M . 100 ; Assist . D . C , R . Kent , P . M . 110 ; S . B ., Robt . Gidney , P . M . and Sec . 258 ; Org ., W . Norman , 100 ; Purst ., C . L . Chipperfield ; Tyler , T . Adams , 100 ; Stewards , S . Carman , S . AV . 100 , F . Colsey , AV . M . 251 , J . Hart , jun ., and O . L . NurseyS . AV . 110
, , Bro . J . Barwell was unanimously re-elected Prov . G . Treas ., on the motion of Bro . the Hon . F . AValpole , seconded by Bro . the Rev . S . Titlow . The R . AV . Bro . Rev . F . AV . FREEMAN , P . M . of 100 , and D . Prov . G . M . of Suffolk , drew attention to the fact that the donation of £ 10 10 s . made to the Girls' School would not give the Provincial Grand Lodge any extra votes , a donation of twenty guineas being required to constitute a life governorship . He moved ,
therefore , that a further sum of £ 10 10 s . be granted to the charity , which would confer on the lodge an additional vote in perpetuity . The motion was seconded by Bro . the Rev . S . Titlow , and agreed to , the Prov . G . M . explaining that twenty guineas was required for a life governorship for the Girls' School , but only ten guineas for the Boys' School . ' : The R . AV . Rev . W . F . FIIEEMAN then proposed , in order thatjthe lodge might stand in an equally good position with regard to the Bovs' School , that a donation of £ 10 10 s . should be given
to that Institution to secure a vote m perpetuity . Bro . G . E . SIMPSON , Prov . . r . G . AV . seconded the motion , which was carried . The lodge was then adjourned , and at two o'clock the brethren proceeded in proper order and in their Masonic badges and collars to St . Peter's Mancroft Church , ivhere the Rev . F . H . S . Hodgson , Prov . Grand Chaplain , ancl the Rev . S . Titlow , P . Prov . Grand Chaplain , performed divine service ; Bro . AV .
Norman , Prov . G . Organist , presided at the organ . The sermon was preached by Bro . the Rev . F . H . S . Hodgson , from the following text , Hebrews , chap . 13 , verse 1 : — " Let brotherly love continue . " The very worshipful preacher enforced in eloquent language the Christian and pre-eminently Masonic duty of fraternal consideration for one another . He observed that at the erection of all stately and superb edifices , as well as those of a more ordinary description , the first care of
a wise master builder was to » aecure a firm ancl sound foundation for the superstructure he desired to raise , well knowing that no skill in workmanship , no be ' aitty of design , no apt and fitting unity of each component part , could in any wise compensate or
atone for want of , security in the basis on which it depended . It ivas the wisdom of Christians ancl Masons to take a lesson from the prudent forethought of the wise builder , ancl to apply theoretically to their morals ancl their faith , that same care and diligence which he displayed in the execution of his work by carefully securing a correct plan by which they might direct their course in the discharge of their daily duties towards one another—a firm and sure foundation on which they might rest
their faith towards the Great Architect of the Universe . That foundation on which they were to build—that correct plan h y which they were to work—was , to Christians ancl Masons alike , the volume of the sacred law . After illustrating various applications of the apostolic precept conveyed in the text , the rev . brother expatiated on its connection with the principles of Freemasonry . " As Masons , " he said , " we have recognised our lltitiesancl we are bound to act up to our princiles . As men
, p , Ave blight have been ignorant as to the course we ought to pursine '; as nominal Christians , ive might have been very careless , very thoughtless , sinfully negligent of our holy profession ; but as Masons , we have of our own free will and accord , being of mature years and sound judgment , come forward ancl taken upon
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
g . lS ) , Ormskirk , to Bro . James Hamer , P . M ., ancl Prov . G-. Treas . AVest Lancashire , as a mark of gratitude to him for his zealous services to the lodge for many years , and as a token of esteem for ] iis uniform kindness to the brethren , his Masonic abilities , ancl real moral worth . Committee : Bros . A . L . Jackson , AA . M . ; John Baxendale , S . AA \; Richard Thomasse , J . W . ; Enoch FairhurstP . M . ; J . B . LambertP . M . ; Geo . ShawHamlet Terry
, , , , John Glover , Charles Dilworth . Ormskirk , August 6 , 1862 . " Bro . Hamer made a most suitable reply . GARSTOS . —Lodge of Harmony ( No . 267 ) . —Monday , August 4 th , being' the regular night of meeting , the lodge was opened at the AA ' ellington Hotel , by the AA . M . Bro . J . JE . Thompson , assisted by the officers of the lodge . Mr . John Jenkins was initiated into the mysteries of the Orderand Bro . Seymour was passed
, to the second degree hy P . M . James Hamer , Prov . Or . Treasurer ; Bvo . C . J . Banister , Prov . G . Dir . of Cers . acting as Deacon ; Bro . C . Leedham , S . AA " ., explaining the working tools . The business of the lodge over , it . was closed in ancient form . On July 29 th , an emergency meeting was called to ballot for and initiate Mr . John AVilmslmrst , who was going abroad for a time . The lodge was opened bthe AA . M . in clue form . P . M . Bro .
y James Hamer , Prov . G . Trea ., being called to the chair , initiated the candidate into the mysteries of the Order , P . M . JBro . John Pepper , Prov . G . A . Dir . of Cers ., acting as Deacon . The S . AV . delivered the charge . The lodge was closed in clue form , ancl with solemn prayer . At refreshments the social hour was spent with satisfaction and profit to each , and the brethren retired early .
NOBFOLK , PROVISOIAII GRAXD LODGE . ( From our own Reporter . ) The annual meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Norfolk was held on Thursday last , in Norwich , at the Assembly rooms , which are now exclusively a place of meeting for the fraternity ,
having hfeen purchased for that purpose more than a year ago , by the R . AA " . Provincial Grand Master , Bro . B . Bond Cabbell , F . P . Si The venerable brother was , to the great gratification of the brethren , enabled to be present on the occasion , and we are happy to state that he looked exceedingly well , considering his advanced age . There were not more than seventy brethren present at the meeting of Provincial Grand Lodgethough there are now 400
, subscribing members in the province , ancl of these more than 250 reside in Norwich , All the lodges were represented , except No . 124 , of Lynn , from which there was not a single brother present , though the retiring Senior Grand AVarden is Master of that lodge . The great distance is perhaps a reasonable excuse for the members of the Lynn Lodge , but the same justification could not be pleaded by lodge 60 , the oldest lodge in Norwich ,
of which only two or three members were present . Among the brethren present ivere Bros . Sir Henry Stracey , Bart ., M . P ., P . Prov . S . G . W . ; the Hon . F . AA ' alpole , S . AV . 60 ; A . M . F . Morgan , Prov . J . G . AV . ; R . S . Baker , P . Prov . S . G . AA . ;
Rev . F . H . S . Hodgson , Prov . G . C . ; Rev . S . Titlow , P . Prov . G . C . ;; Rev , G . Colebv , P . Prov . G . O ; W . Leedes Fox , Prov . G . Sec-Rev . C . J . Martyn . P . Prov . G . Sec , Oxfordshire ; Rev . P . S . Aldrick , 110 ; J . Masser , P . Prov . S . G . AA ., Cambridgeshire ; E . Haggis , P . Prov . J . G . W . , ditto ; J . Barwell , Prov . G . Treas .. H . Underwood , P . Prov . G . P . ; AA . Redgrave , Prov . G . D . C ; G . E . Simpson , W . M . 110 ; G . AV . Minns , P . M ., 1109 ; AV . Cox , P . M ., 258 , ancl Colsev 258 Smith
P . Prov . G . A . D . C ; F . , AV . M . ; J . C , W . M . 392 ; S . Smith , AA ' . M ., 100 ; * H . B . Woolsoy , W . M ., 1109 ; C L . Nursey , S . W ., 110 ; J . I ,. Hanly , S . AV .. 258 ; T . Ballord , S . AV ., 1109 ; E . Kent , P . M ., 110 ; J . D . Ellis , P . M ., 110 ; — Slags , J . W ., 1109 ; J . AV . Taylor , J . D ., 1109 ; Donald Steward , F . Keith , S . D ., 110 ; A . G . Stannard , R , T . Culley , J . D ., 110 ; O . L . Cohnan , J . Parker , P . M ., 813 ; Capt . T . E . Day , H . Barwell , "W . Hood , E . Smith , Robt . Back , 365 ; G . Knox , J . AV ., 117 ;
E . J . Mason , P . Prov . G . S . B ., J . Darken , J . Suggett , J . Skippon , -A . R . Miller , S . Carman , S . AV ., 100 ; T . Bailey , 100 ; R . AVortley , W . M . . 119 ; J . Marshall , P . Prov . G . D . C , and Sec . 110 , & c . In the absence of Bro . AVm . Wilkin , of Lvnn , Bro . J . C . Smith , "W . MJ ., 392 , officiated as S . G . AV . ; Bro . A . M . F . Morgan , was in his post of J G . AA . _ 'Ihe R . AV . Prov . G . M . having ascended the throne , was saluted m ancient form , ancl the minutes of the last lodge having been read and confirmed , Bro . AA . LODES FOX , the Prov . G . Sec , read the report of the
finance board , which stated that the contributions of the lodges in the provinces to the Provincial Grand Lodge during the past year hacl amounted to £ 1-2 10 s ., and that the balance in the Treasurer ' s hands amounted to £ 1 . 34 6 s . Id . The board recommended that a donation of £ 10 10 s ., should be given to the Royal Freemasons' Girls' School . The report was adopted on the motion of Bro . the Hon . F .
AValpole . The retiring officers of the Provincial Grand Lodge having given up their collars , & e . the R-. W . Prov . G . M . invested the following brethren as his officers for the ensuing two years , the period for which these appointments are held : —S . AV . Bro . J . Capurn Smith , AV . M ., 392 ; J . AV ., G . Edward Simpson , AV . M ., 110 : Chan . the Rev . F . H . S . Hodeson . 110 : Re < r .. AV . AV .
, Baring , P . M . 119 ; See ., AV . Leedes Fox , P . M . 100 ; S . D ., Hon . F . Walpole , S . W . 60 ; J . D ., R . AVortley , W . M . 119 ; Supt . of AVorks , G . W . Minns , P . M . 1109 ; Dir . of Cers ., Samuel Smith , W . M . 100 ; Assist . D . C , R . Kent , P . M . 110 ; S . B ., Robt . Gidney , P . M . and Sec . 258 ; Org ., W . Norman , 100 ; Purst ., C . L . Chipperfield ; Tyler , T . Adams , 100 ; Stewards , S . Carman , S . AV . 100 , F . Colsey , AV . M . 251 , J . Hart , jun ., and O . L . NurseyS . AV . 110
, , Bro . J . Barwell was unanimously re-elected Prov . G . Treas ., on the motion of Bro . the Hon . F . AValpole , seconded by Bro . the Rev . S . Titlow . The R . AV . Bro . Rev . F . AV . FREEMAN , P . M . of 100 , and D . Prov . G . M . of Suffolk , drew attention to the fact that the donation of £ 10 10 s . made to the Girls' School would not give the Provincial Grand Lodge any extra votes , a donation of twenty guineas being required to constitute a life governorship . He moved ,
therefore , that a further sum of £ 10 10 s . be granted to the charity , which would confer on the lodge an additional vote in perpetuity . The motion was seconded by Bro . the Rev . S . Titlow , and agreed to , the Prov . G . M . explaining that twenty guineas was required for a life governorship for the Girls' School , but only ten guineas for the Boys' School . ' : The R . AV . Rev . W . F . FIIEEMAN then proposed , in order thatjthe lodge might stand in an equally good position with regard to the Bovs' School , that a donation of £ 10 10 s . should be given
to that Institution to secure a vote m perpetuity . Bro . G . E . SIMPSON , Prov . . r . G . AV . seconded the motion , which was carried . The lodge was then adjourned , and at two o'clock the brethren proceeded in proper order and in their Masonic badges and collars to St . Peter's Mancroft Church , ivhere the Rev . F . H . S . Hodgson , Prov . Grand Chaplain , ancl the Rev . S . Titlow , P . Prov . Grand Chaplain , performed divine service ; Bro . AV .
Norman , Prov . G . Organist , presided at the organ . The sermon was preached by Bro . the Rev . F . H . S . Hodgson , from the following text , Hebrews , chap . 13 , verse 1 : — " Let brotherly love continue . " The very worshipful preacher enforced in eloquent language the Christian and pre-eminently Masonic duty of fraternal consideration for one another . He observed that at the erection of all stately and superb edifices , as well as those of a more ordinary description , the first care of
a wise master builder was to » aecure a firm ancl sound foundation for the superstructure he desired to raise , well knowing that no skill in workmanship , no be ' aitty of design , no apt and fitting unity of each component part , could in any wise compensate or
atone for want of , security in the basis on which it depended . It ivas the wisdom of Christians ancl Masons to take a lesson from the prudent forethought of the wise builder , ancl to apply theoretically to their morals ancl their faith , that same care and diligence which he displayed in the execution of his work by carefully securing a correct plan by which they might direct their course in the discharge of their daily duties towards one another—a firm and sure foundation on which they might rest
their faith towards the Great Architect of the Universe . That foundation on which they were to build—that correct plan h y which they were to work—was , to Christians ancl Masons alike , the volume of the sacred law . After illustrating various applications of the apostolic precept conveyed in the text , the rev . brother expatiated on its connection with the principles of Freemasonry . " As Masons , " he said , " we have recognised our lltitiesancl we are bound to act up to our princiles . As men
, p , Ave blight have been ignorant as to the course we ought to pursine '; as nominal Christians , ive might have been very careless , very thoughtless , sinfully negligent of our holy profession ; but as Masons , we have of our own free will and accord , being of mature years and sound judgment , come forward ancl taken upon