Article METROPOLITAN. ← Page 2 of 2 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 1 of 2 →
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was delighted that the four gentlemen just initiated should have selected the Doric Lodge for their initiation into the mysteries and privileges of our ancient and honourable Order . He felt assured that the more they saw of Freemasonry the more they would appreciate it . Of this he was certain—that Freemasonry would never make them worse men , though it might make them better . The initiates cordially returned thanks—Bro . Prime , Quartermaster-Sergeant 1 st Tower Hamlets Engineers , adding that whilst he and his brother initiates had to thank the brethren for the kind maimer in which their healths
had been drunk , he regretted that he should be such a short time with them , as he had received a Government appointment in Ceylon for which he would be leaving this country in a fendays . He assured the brethren , however , that though he would shortly be far removed from his mother lodge , he should ever fondly rememherit , and it ivould be his constant aim to act up to the letter of the obligations he had taken , and prove himself worthy of the honour done him in having baen received into our
ancient and honourable honour through tho Doric Lodge . The LP . Master , Bro . Scurr , iu proposing the " Health of the Worshipful Master , " said the brethren had this evening , from the heavy work done , seen ample proof of what Bro . Gilchrist really could do . He ( Bro . Scurr ) had alluded at the last meeting to Bro . Gilchrist ' s experience as a hard-working Mason ; it must therefore be very gratifing to the brethren | to see the very
y able manner in whicli Bro . Gilchrist performed the duties of his office , proving that he had thoroughly qualified himself before taking office . The W . M . Bro . Gilchrist in returning thanks for the kihd manner in which his health had been drunk , said he did so with greater pleasure as his health had been proposed by one who was so highly and dearly respected as their I . P . M . Bro . Scurr . He ( Bro . Gilchrist ) could assure the brethren that
he felt he was but discharging a duty which he owed to those from whom he had received his instruction ; in now fiulfilling to the best of his abilities those duties which he had , through the kindness and attention of his preceptors become competent to perform ; he was especially indebted to Bro . Scurr
for the many kindnesses aud instruction received at his hands , and it would be his endeavour to leave the chair with the same respect as that paid to his predecessor , ivhose example he was following . He felt it a great honour as W . M . to preside over the Doric Lodge , as he had seldom seen a lodge in which tho working was so efficiently conducted . The toast of "The health of the Brethren . " Bros . Austin , Lee , and Stevenson
was responded to on their behalf by Bro . Stevenson , of the FP . EEIIASOJ . 3 ' MAGAZINE . Tlie W . Master , in proposing "The Health of the Past Masters of the Doric Lodge , " paid a very graceful and well-earned tribute of respect to Bros . Hawkins and Scurr , alluding more especially to the services rendered to the lodge by the latter brother . Bro . Scurr , in returning thanks for the honour they liad himsaid he
just paid , was satisfied , inasmuch as he felt assured that , having striven to do his duty tho brethren were satisfied he had done so ; and though he had now quitted the chair it would be his constant aim as during his term of office , of W . M . to attend regularly every lodge meeting . He hoped the Doric Lodgo would long continue to flourish and go on increasing in . prosperity and-efficiencyThc toast of " 'The
^ . Officers of the Doric Lodge " having been given and responded to hy Bro . Barnes , senr ., J . W ., was followed b y " The Tyler ' s Toast , " which brought the proceedings of a very delightful evening to a timel y close . The happiness of tho brethren was considerably enhanced by the excellent singing of Bros . Scurr , Bean , Leo , and other volunteering- brethren , assisted by the veteran Bro . Saqui , P . M ., presiding at tho pianoforte .
CHESIIIEE . AlTEK-cnAM . —Stamford Lodge ( No . 1015 ) . —The first anniversary meeting was hold on Mondav , the 5 th inst ., when the above lodge installed their second Master , Bro . W . Birch , at the drill room , when about thirty visitors were present , amongst whom was Bros . Captain Cope , G . S . B . ; Terry , Prov . G . Chap ., J . Twiss , Prov . G . O . ; J . L . Hine , Prov . G . T . East Lancashire ; and Capt . Mott , Prov . G . S . West Lancashire . The lodge opened at three o ' clock ; the minutes were read and found correct The W . M . Elect was dul y presented to Bro . H . T . Baldwin
the retiring W . M . installed in ancient form and placed in the chair of K . S . Having been saluted according to ancient usage , the newly-installed W . M . invested the following brethren officers for the ensuing- year , viz .: Bros . E . Weston , S . W . ; W . T . Ehoades , J . W . ; E . Heathcott , Treas . ; E . Newhouse , See . . J . A . Birch , S . D . ; J . Sudren , J . D . ; and H . Balshaw , I . G . The ballott was taken for two joining brethren and one candidate , and was in their favour—Mr . Eobert Pixton was then admitted ,
. and received the benefit of initiation from the newly-installed W . M ., who performed the ceremony in a very able and efficient manner . The balance sheet was read . The Immediate P . M . called attention to the fact that during the past year ( the first of tlie lodge ) , twenty-four brethren hud joined , twenty-two had been initiated , twenty had passed , and twenty raised . He further said that during the year three lectures had been given
for the instruction of the brethren , and several soirees for the amusement of the ladies . He also thanked his late officers for their regular attendance and able assistance , and expressed hisconviction that under the government of Bro . Birch , the newly-installed Master , the lodge ivould still futher prosper . The lodge closed about half-past five o ' clock , when about fortyfive brethren sat down to a lendid banquet prepared bBro .
sp y Breton . The healths of the Queen , the Prince and Princess of . Wales , and the rest of the Eoyal Family _ also , the Eight Hon . the Earl of Zetland , the M . W . G . M ., " were given by Bro . W . Birch , W . M . Bro . Ralph Weston , S . W ., proposed the health of the E . W . D . G-M ., the Earl de Grey and Ripon , and the rest of the grand officers . Bro . Captain Cope , G . S . B ., ably responded . The W . M . proposed the health of Lord de Tabley , the Prov .
G . M . of Cheshire , and read a letter from him , expressing great A regret that unavoidable business in London ivould prevent his ^ being present ; at the same time expressing his best wishes f « H the prosperty ot the Stamford Lodge . Bro . W . T . RhoadesJ ^ i J . W ., proposed tho healths of the D . Prov . G . Master , Viscount ~ Combermere , and the rest of the Provincial Grand Officers . Bro . Terry , Prov . G . Chap ., and Bro . John Twiss , Prov . G . Org . responded . Bro .-John HartP . M . proposed the health of the
, , newly installed W . M ., congratulating the members of the lodge upon the able and couiteous brother they had selected to preside over them . Bro . W . Birch , the W . M ., in replying , thanked Bro . Hart for proposing , and the members of the lodge for the hearty manner in which they had responded to the toast , and promised that he ivould always be in his place in the lodgeand with their assistance ivould heep up the high
, character of working that their late Master had given them as a standard . The health of the Immediate P . M . ( Bro . Baldwin ) , was proposed by -Bro . Captain Cope , G . S . B ., in a warm and hearty manner , and drunk hy both members and visitors in a most enthusiastic and complimentary way . Bro . Baldwin replied , and promised to support the lodge and its officers on all convenient occasions . Bro . J . L . Hine and Captain Cope spolie
on behalf of the Masonic charities , specially calling attention to the forthcoming festival of the Boys' School . Several other toasts were given , the last being to "All poor and distressed Masons . " The brethren separated at ten o ' clock , after having spent a very pleasant evening . During the course of the evening Bros . Kirk , Dumville , Captain Lathbury , J . A . Birch , Warhurst , and E . Pixton contributed several beautiful songs and glees . The musical arrangements were under the direction of Bro . Kirk , organist of the Stamford Lodge .
CUMBERLAND . CABHSEE . — "Union Lodge ( No . 310 . )—This flourishing lodge held an emergency meeting on Tuesday , the 6 th inst ., when the chair of K . S . Was occupied by Bro . William Murray , LP . HI . ( in the absence of Bro . William Cocket , W . M . and Chaplain ) , ancl opened tho lodge with prayer , after which the ballot was taken for Mr . Calvert Marnier , and was ably initiated by Bro . John Slack , J . W ., in a truly Masonic and impressive manner ,
supported by Bros . George G . Hayward , S . W . ; F . W . Hayward , P . M ., as S . D . ; Matthew Fisher , as J . D . ; Thomas Dean , Sec . ; Arthur Woodhouse , I . G . ; Thomas Stony , Tyler . ; and Bros . J . A . Wheatly , George Somerville , George Armstrong , Thomas Gibson , William James 129 , and others . The lodge was then duly closed hy Bro . William Murray , I . P . M ., and the brethren retired to the refreshment room , to spend an hour with song , toast , and speeches , and parted at a convenient hour .
LEICESTERSHIRE . LEICESTEE . —St . John's Lodge ( No . 279 . )—The usual monthly meotfng of this lodge took placo on Wednesday , the 7 th inst .,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
was delighted that the four gentlemen just initiated should have selected the Doric Lodge for their initiation into the mysteries and privileges of our ancient and honourable Order . He felt assured that the more they saw of Freemasonry the more they would appreciate it . Of this he was certain—that Freemasonry would never make them worse men , though it might make them better . The initiates cordially returned thanks—Bro . Prime , Quartermaster-Sergeant 1 st Tower Hamlets Engineers , adding that whilst he and his brother initiates had to thank the brethren for the kind maimer in which their healths
had been drunk , he regretted that he should be such a short time with them , as he had received a Government appointment in Ceylon for which he would be leaving this country in a fendays . He assured the brethren , however , that though he would shortly be far removed from his mother lodge , he should ever fondly rememherit , and it ivould be his constant aim to act up to the letter of the obligations he had taken , and prove himself worthy of the honour done him in having baen received into our
ancient and honourable honour through tho Doric Lodge . The LP . Master , Bro . Scurr , iu proposing the " Health of the Worshipful Master , " said the brethren had this evening , from the heavy work done , seen ample proof of what Bro . Gilchrist really could do . He ( Bro . Scurr ) had alluded at the last meeting to Bro . Gilchrist ' s experience as a hard-working Mason ; it must therefore be very gratifing to the brethren | to see the very
y able manner in whicli Bro . Gilchrist performed the duties of his office , proving that he had thoroughly qualified himself before taking office . The W . M . Bro . Gilchrist in returning thanks for the kihd manner in which his health had been drunk , said he did so with greater pleasure as his health had been proposed by one who was so highly and dearly respected as their I . P . M . Bro . Scurr . He ( Bro . Gilchrist ) could assure the brethren that
he felt he was but discharging a duty which he owed to those from whom he had received his instruction ; in now fiulfilling to the best of his abilities those duties which he had , through the kindness and attention of his preceptors become competent to perform ; he was especially indebted to Bro . Scurr
for the many kindnesses aud instruction received at his hands , and it would be his endeavour to leave the chair with the same respect as that paid to his predecessor , ivhose example he was following . He felt it a great honour as W . M . to preside over the Doric Lodge , as he had seldom seen a lodge in which tho working was so efficiently conducted . The toast of "The health of the Brethren . " Bros . Austin , Lee , and Stevenson
was responded to on their behalf by Bro . Stevenson , of the FP . EEIIASOJ . 3 ' MAGAZINE . Tlie W . Master , in proposing "The Health of the Past Masters of the Doric Lodge , " paid a very graceful and well-earned tribute of respect to Bros . Hawkins and Scurr , alluding more especially to the services rendered to the lodge by the latter brother . Bro . Scurr , in returning thanks for the honour they liad himsaid he
just paid , was satisfied , inasmuch as he felt assured that , having striven to do his duty tho brethren were satisfied he had done so ; and though he had now quitted the chair it would be his constant aim as during his term of office , of W . M . to attend regularly every lodge meeting . He hoped the Doric Lodgo would long continue to flourish and go on increasing in . prosperity and-efficiencyThc toast of " 'The
^ . Officers of the Doric Lodge " having been given and responded to hy Bro . Barnes , senr ., J . W ., was followed b y " The Tyler ' s Toast , " which brought the proceedings of a very delightful evening to a timel y close . The happiness of tho brethren was considerably enhanced by the excellent singing of Bros . Scurr , Bean , Leo , and other volunteering- brethren , assisted by the veteran Bro . Saqui , P . M ., presiding at tho pianoforte .
CHESIIIEE . AlTEK-cnAM . —Stamford Lodge ( No . 1015 ) . —The first anniversary meeting was hold on Mondav , the 5 th inst ., when the above lodge installed their second Master , Bro . W . Birch , at the drill room , when about thirty visitors were present , amongst whom was Bros . Captain Cope , G . S . B . ; Terry , Prov . G . Chap ., J . Twiss , Prov . G . O . ; J . L . Hine , Prov . G . T . East Lancashire ; and Capt . Mott , Prov . G . S . West Lancashire . The lodge opened at three o ' clock ; the minutes were read and found correct The W . M . Elect was dul y presented to Bro . H . T . Baldwin
the retiring W . M . installed in ancient form and placed in the chair of K . S . Having been saluted according to ancient usage , the newly-installed W . M . invested the following brethren officers for the ensuing- year , viz .: Bros . E . Weston , S . W . ; W . T . Ehoades , J . W . ; E . Heathcott , Treas . ; E . Newhouse , See . . J . A . Birch , S . D . ; J . Sudren , J . D . ; and H . Balshaw , I . G . The ballott was taken for two joining brethren and one candidate , and was in their favour—Mr . Eobert Pixton was then admitted ,
. and received the benefit of initiation from the newly-installed W . M ., who performed the ceremony in a very able and efficient manner . The balance sheet was read . The Immediate P . M . called attention to the fact that during the past year ( the first of tlie lodge ) , twenty-four brethren hud joined , twenty-two had been initiated , twenty had passed , and twenty raised . He further said that during the year three lectures had been given
for the instruction of the brethren , and several soirees for the amusement of the ladies . He also thanked his late officers for their regular attendance and able assistance , and expressed hisconviction that under the government of Bro . Birch , the newly-installed Master , the lodge ivould still futher prosper . The lodge closed about half-past five o ' clock , when about fortyfive brethren sat down to a lendid banquet prepared bBro .
sp y Breton . The healths of the Queen , the Prince and Princess of . Wales , and the rest of the Eoyal Family _ also , the Eight Hon . the Earl of Zetland , the M . W . G . M ., " were given by Bro . W . Birch , W . M . Bro . Ralph Weston , S . W ., proposed the health of the E . W . D . G-M ., the Earl de Grey and Ripon , and the rest of the grand officers . Bro . Captain Cope , G . S . B ., ably responded . The W . M . proposed the health of Lord de Tabley , the Prov .
G . M . of Cheshire , and read a letter from him , expressing great A regret that unavoidable business in London ivould prevent his ^ being present ; at the same time expressing his best wishes f « H the prosperty ot the Stamford Lodge . Bro . W . T . RhoadesJ ^ i J . W ., proposed tho healths of the D . Prov . G . Master , Viscount ~ Combermere , and the rest of the Provincial Grand Officers . Bro . Terry , Prov . G . Chap ., and Bro . John Twiss , Prov . G . Org . responded . Bro .-John HartP . M . proposed the health of the
, , newly installed W . M ., congratulating the members of the lodge upon the able and couiteous brother they had selected to preside over them . Bro . W . Birch , the W . M ., in replying , thanked Bro . Hart for proposing , and the members of the lodge for the hearty manner in which they had responded to the toast , and promised that he ivould always be in his place in the lodgeand with their assistance ivould heep up the high
, character of working that their late Master had given them as a standard . The health of the Immediate P . M . ( Bro . Baldwin ) , was proposed by -Bro . Captain Cope , G . S . B ., in a warm and hearty manner , and drunk hy both members and visitors in a most enthusiastic and complimentary way . Bro . Baldwin replied , and promised to support the lodge and its officers on all convenient occasions . Bro . J . L . Hine and Captain Cope spolie
on behalf of the Masonic charities , specially calling attention to the forthcoming festival of the Boys' School . Several other toasts were given , the last being to "All poor and distressed Masons . " The brethren separated at ten o ' clock , after having spent a very pleasant evening . During the course of the evening Bros . Kirk , Dumville , Captain Lathbury , J . A . Birch , Warhurst , and E . Pixton contributed several beautiful songs and glees . The musical arrangements were under the direction of Bro . Kirk , organist of the Stamford Lodge .
CUMBERLAND . CABHSEE . — "Union Lodge ( No . 310 . )—This flourishing lodge held an emergency meeting on Tuesday , the 6 th inst ., when the chair of K . S . Was occupied by Bro . William Murray , LP . HI . ( in the absence of Bro . William Cocket , W . M . and Chaplain ) , ancl opened tho lodge with prayer , after which the ballot was taken for Mr . Calvert Marnier , and was ably initiated by Bro . John Slack , J . W ., in a truly Masonic and impressive manner ,
supported by Bros . George G . Hayward , S . W . ; F . W . Hayward , P . M ., as S . D . ; Matthew Fisher , as J . D . ; Thomas Dean , Sec . ; Arthur Woodhouse , I . G . ; Thomas Stony , Tyler . ; and Bros . J . A . Wheatly , George Somerville , George Armstrong , Thomas Gibson , William James 129 , and others . The lodge was then duly closed hy Bro . William Murray , I . P . M ., and the brethren retired to the refreshment room , to spend an hour with song , toast , and speeches , and parted at a convenient hour .
LEICESTERSHIRE . LEICESTEE . —St . John's Lodge ( No . 279 . )—The usual monthly meotfng of this lodge took placo on Wednesday , the 7 th inst .,